Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (7 page)

BOOK: Dalton (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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Even in the memory I loathe my mother for allowing me to take her punishments. To whore me out for pain so that she can keep her precious club- Kink. I would have done it to keep my family safe, but not a fucking building.
“I’m sorry to announce that Masters of Restraint volume two was released today.” The French accent snaps me out of my memory. My mother is standing at the head of the room with a large book in
her hands.
not a book- a tome. The
book is at least five inches thick.

“The reason you all were called here today was because I n
eed to give you each a copy. I’
m sorry to inform you that each and every one of you is included in the text. I do not believe that absolves you from being Adelaide Whittenhower’s informant. It’s quite the opposite actually. It’s a great cover to reveal a few of your own s
ecrets for the greater good. I’
m appalled to say that five minors were included in the book, my daughter being one of them. The three Zeitler children and young Master Whittenhower were also reported in the text.” She drops the offending book on the floor with a large thud. She glares at it as if she wishes her eyes could ignite the pie
ce of trash.
“There will be no
training today or tomorrow. Masters Devlin, Marcus, and Dexter will be unavailable for the duration of the evening.
I fear f
or your club. The fact that it’
s closed is just the first step. I wonder if it will ever open,” she muses with a wicked glint in her eye- one I don’t trust.

The look on her beauti
ful face turns my stomach. She’
s more worried about the standing of a club than the membership. Just as she worried for Kink until I took out the threat. In this moment my blood boils with my hatred for her. Her eyes seek mine and I see confirmation that she reads me clearly. Following on the heels of that is shame, deep-seeded shame. Good, I shouldn’t be the only one who shoulders the fucking shit. I stand
still glaring at her
channeling all my fury into the actions that I have to provide in service of my Master. The actions I perform for the good of Restraint.





































“Cassie,” I growl at the young
. “How’s the sobriety?”

Alex brought the submissive to us. She’s an addict that he councils at Transcend. I don’t want to be mean to her right now, especially since my best friend brought her here, but I’m furious and she’s an outlet. She can’t strike back.

“Ninety days so
,” she says with pride.
“That’s awesome,” I
say enthusiastically and
smile at her. “I love how we have to
give fuck ups a medal when they behave. I would think it should go to those who never fuck up. What’s the incentive to behave if all you have to do is get shit-faced and steal shit for years and then ninety days on the straight-and-narrow we have to pat you on the back for being a good girl,” I say in a saccharine voice.
She gazes at me with huge, glassy brown eyes. I can see the tear
forming. Cassie worries her full bottom lip between her teeth and tries not to blink.

“But hey, what do I know. It just seems like the system is flawed. The good little boys and girls just don’t get the recognition that a crack-whore thief gets,” I shrug.

Cassie blinks and the surface of her tears breaks and they finally slide down her cheek
s in shame

But go you!”
I shout sarcastically.
I give her
a thumbs
and walk down the hall

“Cold… that was just cold, dude,” Alex chuckles at me.

That was so bad that I have to laugh or I’d puke. I shake my head as my belly contracts from laughter.

“Score on my newest asshattery?” I ask my partner in crime. If I didn’t have him I’d scream. I’ll owe Master Marcus forever. He stripped me bare until Font was naked in the impact room at Brownstone I trained in. Alex walked in and shook my hand- instant best friend.

“Ah…” He taps his chin in thought and the bastard tucks his black hair behind his ear. I growl at him because he did it on purpose. He knows how much I miss the feel of my hair swinging at my jawline.
Alex arches a perfect brow above his aqua eye and smirk
. He runs his hands through his hair and groans in pleasure.

“8.5. It was a decent attempt, but you pulled your hit. You’re too soft. I bet you were scared you’d make her relapse.”
“Yeah,” I say bashfully.
“Not happening, bud. I’m just that fucking good. I better go do some damage control. Don’t hurt any more subs. Pick on the big bastards. They may bite back, but their egos are delicate.”

“Hey,” I pull him back. “I was serious. Why do we cheer for the damned and ignore those who are innocent?”
“I’d say it’s because they’re attention whores.
It’s because they wouldn’t have fallen down the rabbit hole if they didn’t need the extra attention. Those who are secure don’t need a pat on the back. I sold the shit for years, but it never passed my lips. I sold to the weak. I don’t work at Transcend for people like Cassie. I work there for those who come there and work their asses off. But there are always extenuating circumstances. Someday you should ask Cassie what pushed her over the brink. Dalton, I bet you’ve been close many a time. I know you’re curious. Just don’t ever judge. We never truly walk in another’s shoes.”
“Preacher man,” I tease.

He shrugs at me
, smiles, and walks off to help the girl I just tore apart. That’s teamwork.

I wander to the dungeon feeling lonely and sad. I miss the sounds of a full dungeon. I miss the craziness of the club. The lights, music, and the flow of alcohol reminded me of home. Vegas
into your bloodstream. This city is the largest in the country, but it doesn’t
l like home yet. Vegas
a dream and a nightmare. I could build a life here if I could just be myself.

I hear my mother’s voice trail down the hall and my stomach twists in knots. The majority of the time I lie to myself and pretend that she’s the perfect mother. It’s the only thing that keeps me from self-punishment. Then the memories sharpen into clarity and animosity scream inside my mind until all I am is hatred- self-hatred.
“Won’t you introduce me,” Whitt whispers in my ear. My emotions are stuck
on hatred and
even his smooth voice doesn’t flip my switch.

“To whom?”
I give him impassive eyes. The corner of his lips lifts into a dimple. His pale, blue eyes
sparkle with humor. Great- he’
s going to play with me
“Is he your boyfriend?” He bluntly asks. A look flashes over his face so quickly I can’t interpret it. 

Well, his question answers one of mine. He knows I’m gay. Asking a guy if they have a boyfriend is a huge NO, even if we’re standing in a BDSM dungeon.
“No, I haven’t seen
him since I moved here.” I don’
t offer any more information. Whitt pissed me off last night. I blush when I remember that I stroked one out this morning using him as a fantasy.
“What’s the blush for?” His lips skim the shell of my ear as he murmurs at me. I shiver from the sparks of electricity that shoot through
my body.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I lie as if my pasty skin isn’t flooded with rosy health. 
“Hmm…” He purrs in my ear. “Who is he,” he demands stronger this time catching my gaze. My body falls lax as he bends my will.
“My submissive,” I
immediately reply. I use Sebastian’s tac
tic. I only answer the question.
I don’t offer any other information on the subject even though it’s what he wants. He practically growls at my refusal.

“More,” he demands as he glares in Sebastian’s direction. I look at Whitt in con
fusion. Sebby is chatting with
Spy- who is in attendance since her father is otherwise engaged with our mother in Dexter’s classroom. Mini-shit-Whitt and Ava are with them as well.
“What’s your problem,” I defiantly hiss at Whitt.
In a move that shocks me, he pushes me up against the wall caging me with his body. My eyes go in
a frenzy making sure no one else saw. My cock fills diamond hard from the dominance he forces on my will
and the feel of his body grinding into
He makes a strangled sound in the back of his throat and moves our hips apart- distancing contact with my erection.

My blush returns with a vengeance and I struggle to get aw
ay from the commanding man. He’
s making my head spin. His personality is jovial and innocent. Then he pulls this domineering bullshit with me two days in a row. I thought I was fucking insane
for having both Dalton and Font taking
residence in my mind, b
ut they are self-created. He may actually have two personalities.
“What is your problem?” I repeat slowly hoping he will answer this time without turning me on any farther than I
already am
. I may not be able to stop myself from unleashing my freak.

“Who is he?” He says just as slowly.
“I grew up with him.” I force air out my nostrils in annoyance. It’s none of his damn business, but when he looks at me I want to spill my deepest, darkest secrets. “I’ve always been like this.
When we were twelve I took him as my submissive.”
“You were a Master at twelve,” he says in disbelief. He was at eighteen, mini-Whitt at sixteen. Twelve is a little young, but that is why I
sympathize with Ava.
“I was trained from bi
rth. I grew up in the lifestyle,

I admit.
“Is he just yours?” He presses his chest against mine. I
t should hurt from my broken rib
, but all it does is spread
a delicious
warmth through
my chest.
left him when I moved here. He’
s under Master Fontaine’s care.” I curse my fucking mother for bringing him here.
“So that is the
only reason he’
s here?” He coaxes out of me. His forehead is a hair’s breadth away from
“She brought him back for me- I think.” I scrunch my eyes in confusion. I don’t know why he’s here or why Whitt gives a shit.
“Is he your lover?” He stares at me intensely. He rotates his hip so that the outer curve of his thigh is cradled along my pelvis. My breathing deepens as I harden for him
. He presses harder into me and
neck relaxes until my head lolls against the wall.
“Why do you care,” I growl at him. My an
ger is returning because he’s manipulating me. He’
s toying with me. Teasing me with his hip is not very nice. I notice he turns his pelvis from me so that I have no idea if he is enjoying the contact. I bet
he isn’t. I’ve seen him and he’
s all about the females.

My breathing becomes ragged and
not from arousal. I push against his chest trying to
untangle myself from where he’
s pressing me to the wall. I look around again and I’m shocked no one has noticed us. He chose the perfect spot for his interrogation- a dark corner.

He grips my chin with his soft fingertips. It doesn’t hurt, but it draws my attention to his eyes. He holds my will with his commanding look.
“No, he’s not my lover, dammit. He isn’t like me.” He releases his hold on my will and his fingers glide down my neck.
His look of satisfaction boils my blood.
“What, I’m such an asshole that I don’t deserve a lover?” I hiss out between my clenched teeth.
Whitt looks momentarily stunned by my outburst. He quizzically looks my face over trying to gauge my emotions. Sometimes I hate dominants, especially when they use your own tactics against you. Why was I born a switch? Why do I respond to his call?

“Does it please you that you know my secrets, that you hold my leash?” I grind my erection into his hip and I hiss at the horrible pleasure that tries to pour out my throat. “Does knowing you turn me on get you off? I’ve never done anything to you, yet you try to humiliate me.” I try to keep the betrayal from my tone, but a tinge seeps into my voice.
His hand slides back up my throat and tightens into a noose. I hold his eyes as I still my breathing. His eyes cloud and a pained expression engulfs his face. He makes a loud, frustrated sound in the back of his throat.
His hand leaves my
and he swipes a thumb across my lower lip. I watch in shock as he angrily storms down the hallway. I hear surprised voices and then the slam of a door.








Chapter Six


I charge out of my private room as a man on a mission. I had to take a few minutes to relieve the horrible pressure Whitt put me under. I go three years without having a sustainable erection and that prick toys with me for two days and I harden with a stray thought. I’ve wacked off twice today- I think that may be a record. I have to do my duty, not play with myself all night. I will channel my energy into catching the mole instead of figuring out Whitt’s angle. I know the pretty boy isn’t the mole, just the bane of my existence.
I chastise myself because the second I enter the dungeon my eyes seek him out instead of my quarry. Depression ro
lls over me when I see what he’
s up to. Whitt’
s entangled with Kristal
, sucking on her breasts while one hand is hidden between her thighs. She pants in ecstasy.
Heidi’s bobbing her strawberry-blonde head up and down on his cock. Aaron and Kayla watch with smirks on their faces.
I freeze in place as I watch the scene unfold before me. The sounds of pleasure emanating from Whitt’s throat have me aching. It was only two minutes ago
I found my release. I should feel proud of my prowess, but it just leaves me feeling empty. I need to use my reaction to him to help when I whore myself out for my mother.

My eyes hunt for prey. I skip the usual suspects, especially my target for the night. I notice Queen is hiding out by the impact toys again. She longingly flutters her fingers along a flogger. I know how she feels- empty. Queen has been acting strange for the past few months. She hasn’t engaged with anyone. She doesn’t do scenes. She just lurks around the periphery- just as I do.
I get into her personal space. I ri
se on my toes and bring us face-to-
face. I hated it when Whitt did it to me, so I try it with her. It’
s annoyingly effective. Her green
eyes widen in surprise. Yes, Queen
m not weak.
“Regina, why do you stand all by yourself?” I bat my long eyelashes at her. Yes, you’d think that a gay man wouldn’t know how to turn on the charm
for a lady
. At Kink I was a whore. At Restraint I play
an asshole, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be pretty. I wish I wasn’
t in disguise. My androgynous appearance has been helpful over the years for my Master. Even my father used me as a whore.   
Her large eyes look to me with need- interesting.


She smirks back at me. She’s playing with me as I play with her.
Her hands flutter a
round not knowing where to light
. I grip her wrists in my hands.
“Regina Regal- The Queenly Queen,” I say smugly. I researched everyone here. There isn’t much you can hide when you have federal level clearance. 

Dalton Anthony Fontaine Marconi,” she whispers.

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