Damaged Goods (3 page)

Read Damaged Goods Online

Authors: Lauren Gallagher

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Literary, #Romance, #Erotic Contemporary

BOOK: Damaged Goods
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Lauren Gallagher

When he stepped out of the black silk pooled at his feet, and I stepped out of

the white cotton around mine, he guided me to the side, keeping an arm behind me

as he used his body weight to ease me down to the bed. Together, we sank onto the

mattress. The sheets were cool against my skin, emphasizing the heat of his body

over mine.

He overwhelmed me, and I was thankful he kept right on kissing me. Some

clients may not have liked kissing their escorts. I loved kissing anyway, and with as

nervous as I was now, at least it kept my mouth busy and kept me from saying

anything stupid or awkward.

He broke the kiss just enough to speak. “You"re calling the shots,” he

murmured against my lips. “Just tell me what to do, and I will. We can do this as

fast or as slow as you"re comfortable. Anything you want.”

“I"m not…” I took a breath. “I"m not very good at, um, at asking for what I


He raised his head. “Then why don"t I do what I think you"ll like, and if you

don"t, you can redirect me?”

Sabian, you’re worth your weight in gold
. I just nodded.

He kissed me gently, then worked his way to my neck. He rested his weight on

his forearms and, one gentle kiss at a time, moved down my neck, over my

collarbone, to my chest.

He ran the tip of his tongue around my nipple, then blew on it, and the cool air

on moist skin made my breath catch. I combed my fingers through his hair as he

pulled my nipple between his lips and teased it with his tongue, and I had to bite

back a helpless moan when his talented mouth sent shivers down my spine. My toes

curled, my back tried to arch beneath us, and I had to know what else his mouth

could do. Now, Jesus Christ, now, I needed to feel those lips and that tongue on my


But Sabian was in absolutely no hurry. Even after he"d finished teasing each

nipple in turn, he took his time, letting me savor every soft kiss on the way down

my chest and belly. It was heavenly, sending little shivers and lightning bolts all

the way to my feet, but I wanted his tongue on my clit. I desperately wanted him to

go down on me, and hell if I could figure out how to say it, so I had no choice but to

surrender to his slow downward migration of light kisses.

By the time his lips touched my inner thigh, my entire body quivered with

anticipation. When his tongue met my pussy, my back arched. He put an arm over

my hips, holding them steady while his tongue"s gentle explorations made me

squirm. He hadn"t even touched my clit yet, and I was already losing it. With every

passing second, I fell apart a little more, wondering if he"d ever stop teasing me and


“Oh, my
…” The arm across my hips was all that kept me from flying up

off the bed when his tongue fluttered across my clit. If his kiss had made my knees

shake, the gentle, sweeping circles he made with his tongue shook me right to the

Damaged Goods


core. Two fingers slipped inside me, and a soft half moan vibrated against my clit,

and my entire body trembled in response to his voice and his touch.

A helpless sound escaped my lips, and I clawed the sheets. I didn"t think it was

possible to be this aroused, and in no time at all, he effortlessly brought me to a

shuddering climax. I couldn"t have held back if I tried, nor could I have stopped the

throaty, passionate cry that was probably heard for miles around.

Even when I came back down, while my eyes tried to focus through the blur of

tears and my fingers released their grasp on the bed, Sabian didn"t stop. His tongue

made gentle circles, backing off just enough to keep me from getting too sensitive,

and his fingers continued teasing my G-spot.

“Sabian, I—” I stopped, biting my lip.
What? Keep doing that? Stop and fuck

me? Don’t stop? It’s too much? It’s not enough
? The only thing I knew was that my

need to have him inside me became more urgent with every touch of his tongue. I

needed him like I needed the air I couldn"t quite remember how to breathe.

Finally, I managed to choke out two words: “Fuck me.”

He didn"t stop immediately, but the slower, gentler strokes told me he"d

understood and was obeying. His fingers withdrew, and his tongue eased off my clit

one circle at a time, letting me return to earth without an abrupt, jarring halt.

He pushed himself up on his arms and came back up to me. He might have

intended to kiss me, or maybe speak, or, hell, I didn"t know what. I didn"t give him a


Grabbing the back of his neck, I dragged him down into a deep kiss. He didn"t

even flinch. His tongue slipped past my lips, and the sweetness of my pussy drove

me wild, reminding me of the still-tingling remnants of my orgasm.

We were both breathless when he broke the kiss and looked down at me. “How

do you like it?” He trailed a finger down the side of my neck. “Rough? Gentle?”

I licked my lips. “Rough.”

He grinned. “Rough I can do.” He reached for the bedside table.

It occurred to me while he went through the foil-tearing condom-rolling

motions that this man who was about to fuck me was a total stranger. We didn"t

know each other"s e-mail addresses or wine preferences. We didn"t know all the

boring things we might have feigned interest in over dinner and drinks on a normal

date. We didn"t even know each other"s real names. The only things I knew about

him were what he did for a living, how gorgeous he was naked, and the fact that he

was about to fuck me.

And I couldn"t have been happier.

With the condom in place, he got on top again, but he didn"t fuck me yet. His

lips closed around my nipple. He held it with his teeth and teased with his tongue,

finding that perfect balance between pain and pleasure, and though I wanted his

right now
, I loved what he was doing too much to ask him to stop.

He must have spent a good minute or two there before he moved to my other

nipple, and all the while, my pussy tingled with anticipation, knowing he could be


Lauren Gallagher

inside me at any second. The condom was on. I was wet and turned on. Any.

Fucking. Second.

But he hadn"t been in a hurry all evening, and he didn"t start now. Even when

his lips left my nipple and started up toward my neck, he took his time, letting each

soft kiss raise its own goose bumps before inching higher, higher, still higher.

Electricity crackled along my spine and under my skin.

Sabian, if you kiss my neck right now, I swear I will…




His lips on my skin. Collarbone to my ear. Back down. Other side. Soft goatee,

hint of stubble, warm lips, oh…God…

There must have been some mantra repeating in his head, something like

think about what she wants, think about what she wants, think about what she

. Maybe there was. This was, after all, his profession.

Now if I could just find this without having to pay for it…

That train of thought was abruptly derailed when he pressed his cock against

me. A momentary flutter of panic—
Am I really about to have sex with a complete

stranger, and a prostitute at that
?—went through my mind, but it only took the

head of his cock sliding into my pussy to erase any thoughts of…well, anything.

As he"d done with everything since he"d walked through the door, he took his

sweet, sweet time. Withdrawing, moving a little deeper, withdrawing again. It was

an absolute age before he was all the way inside me, and by the time he was, my

head spun, and every breath I pulled in was made of his cologne.

He bent to kiss me. As his tongue parted my lips, he withdrew slowly, and I

grabbed on to his shoulders just to anchor myself in the here and now. Christ, I

didn"t know if I was just that turned on, or if he really felt that good, or if he was

really that good of a kisser, or—

He thrust into me so hard the darkness behind my eyelids turned white for a

split second, and he didn"t give me time to recover. I moaned beneath him, digging

my fingers into his biceps and holding on for dear life while he fucked me like I had

in my life been fucked. The headboard banged against the wall. The bedframe

creaked and groaned. I probably cried out, probably whimpered.

Through clenched teeth, he said, “Tell me if I"m doing it too hard.”

“No, no, this is perfect.” Dear God, was it ever. No one had ever hit every spot

inside me like that. Any guy who was big enough to fuck me so hard it hurt usually

didn"t bother getting me wet enough first. Sabian, though, holy hell. He"d made sure

I was more than wet enough to accommodate him.

He was perfect like this, but I wondered if a different position wouldn"t make

this even hotter.

“I want you to—” I paused.

Damaged Goods


Sabian slowed down, lifting his eyebrows inquisitively and bidding me to


I licked my lips. Asking for what I wanted in bed was unusual. Demanding it

was downright alien. This was bought, paid for, and on my terms, though, so I took

a breath. “I want you to get behind me.”

He nodded, and when he pulled out, I whimpered. He"d be inside me again in a

second. Just had to change positions. I pushed myself up and turned around,

ignoring the precarious shaking in both arms and legs.

Sabian didn"t waste any time. His hand had barely made contact with my hip

before his cock—oh, God, his thick, perfect cock—was deep inside me again.

He started out slower this time. With the heel of his hand, he put gentle

pressure between my shoulder blades, encouraging me to lower myself from my

hands to my forearms. Thankfully he couldn"t see my face at that point. I must have

been beet red, cringing inwardly at the embarrassment of being like this with my

butt up in the air.

All it took was one deep, hard thrust at that angle, and I didn"t give a damn

how ridiculous I looked. I know I cried out that time. My pussy could barely

accommodate him anyway, and in this position, he hit every perfect place like my

body had been designed with his cock in mind.

“Like that?” he asked, panting as he kept right on fucking me.

I tried to speak. Managed a nod. Then I forced myself to remember how to

inhale just enough air to get three words out: “Pull my hair.”

His rhythm didn"t falter for a second when one hand left my hip and went into

my hair, twisting it around his hand and making my scalp tingle. Tears blurred my

vision. My fingers clawed at the sheets and pillow, finally hooking over the edge of

the mattress so I could find some leverage and rock back against him.

“Harder,” I moaned. “Harder, please…” I didn"t know if I meant for him to pull

my hair harder or fuck me harder, but he did both.

I was so close—so damned close, so frustratingly, painfully close. I couldn"t

come from this alone, and I was always too embarrassed to touch myself in front of

someone, but—

Oh, fuck it. What did I care? Wasn"t like we"d ever see each other again.

I shifted my weight onto one arm and reached for my clit with my free hand. In

seconds, the first deep tremor rippled through me, and I couldn"t even draw a

breath before another tremor, then another knocked the air right out of my lungs. I

couldn"t breathe, couldn"t think, knew nothing but the heart-stopping sensation of

Sabian driving his cock into me.

Then, when I didn"t think it could possibly get any more intense, some unseen

dam broke inside me, and as my lips parted in a soundless cry, I came.

I was usually a moaner, a screamer—the kind of lover whose worst fear was

thin apartment walls, but Sabian rendered me completely silent. The only sounds

were his sharp, rapid breaths and the banging of the headboard and the beating of


Lauren Gallagher

my own heart. I was simply too overwhelmed to muster anything more than a sigh

and too intoxicated to care. It was only when the world stopped spinning and I could

see through the tears in my eyes that I finally whispered, “Oh my God.”

When I opened my eyes, the sheets were bunched in my trembling hands. I

couldn"t remember when my fingers had left my clit to grab the edge of the bed, but

there they were. Hell, I could barely remember how to breathe. And he didn"t stop.

He just. Didn"t. Stop. Right through my orgasm, long after I was sure I"d

collapse from the inside out, he kept fucking me. I couldn"t tell my own heartbeat

from the headboard hitting the wall, couldn"t tell where his panting ended and mine


For the first time, his rhythm faltered. He slowed down, and over my own

heavy, irregular breathing, I heard his breath catch. His hands tightened on my

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