Damaged (Planet Alpha) (12 page)

Read Damaged (Planet Alpha) Online

Authors: Erin M. Leaf

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #romantic erotica, #Science Fiction, #Suspense

BOOK: Damaged (Planet Alpha)
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When it was all done, the three of them lay there, just breathing. Cori stared up at the stars.

“I lied, you know,” she said.

Reiyn lifted his head. “About what?”

“I told Friktor that I was sterile.” She eyed her Xyrans warily. “I’m not. And we didn’t use any protection.”

“Be at ease,” Kyuk reassured her. “We would be honored if you bear our children.”

“I don’t know what that poison may have done to me,” she said, worrying.

Reiyn hugged her. “Our blood and yours is stronger than any malevolent chemical. Do not fret.”

“You males always think that things are so easy,” she said, trying to put it out of her mind.

“There is no sense worrying over spilt milk,” Reiyn said.

Cori laughed. “For a Xyran, you have a remarkable grasp of human slang.”

He shrugged. She smiled at him, thinking of home. “I want you to meet Sky. And her mates, Zoen and Jaxt.”

“Jaxt? He lives?” Kyuk asked, surprise in his voice.

“Yes. He is half-Alphan, you know.” She wondered how he’d take that.

“That is interesting,” Reiyn said. “I wonder if that is why the warriors on Xyran decimated his tribe so thoroughly.”

“It is likely,” Kyuk murmured. “It is not our problem to solve, though I would like to continue my work to free more captives.”

Reiyn nodded. “As would I.”

“Will you come to Earth with me, first?” she asked, idly. She didn’t really expect them to say no, but she wanted to hear the words aloud.

“Of course. That is your home. And mine, now, too,” Kyuk replied, playing with her hair. Her fierce warrior had braided the ends in some complicated pattern she knew she’d never get out without help.

“Of course we shall come. Why would you even ask?” Reiyn smoothed his hand down her arm.

Cori smiled. “Of course,” she murmured, teasing them.

“You are our mate.” Kyuk nuzzled into the side of her neck.

“I love you,” she said quietly a moment later. She was sure of it. Even though it had only been a few days since they’d met, they’d gone through violence and separation. Nothing else life threw at them would change her certainty. She might be damaged, but she knew how she felt would never change.

Reiyn smiled against her skin. “Our hearts beat as one.”

“The stars know you and Reiyn hold my soul,” Kyuk added, pointing to one particularly bright point of light above them.

Cori took his hand and kissed it. “That is all I ever wanted.”


The End







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