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Authors: Jean Hart Stewart

Damien's Destiny (23 page)

BOOK: Damien's Destiny
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He swung onto Araby and then unexpectedly jumped off and started taking the saddle off.

“I want to hold Toria in front of me. The edge of the saddle might rub against her.”

He laid the saddle on the sand. “I’ll send a groom back for it, later. Now let’s go home.”

He vaulted onto Araby’s bare back as Rafe grinned wisely and handed Toria up to him. Damien clutched her closely against his body. It might be more comfortable for her to ride this way, although it would be hell for him to have his erection pushing against her the entire ride. Hopefully she’d feel the frustration also.

She turned and kissed him sweetly.

“Yes, let’s go home, Damien.”

Damien had one more thing to ask Rafe. He didn’t want Toria to see that horribly slashed throat again.

“Did someone find the guard, Rafe?”

“Oh yes and I blew his warning whistle. The adjacent guard was almost there as it was. When his friend missed his rendezvous point he’d already started out to see what happened. The poor devil’s been taken away.”

“Of course I’ll see to his burial and to his family. No man deserves a death like that.”

They all started out for Tregaron. For his beloved home.

With deep gratitude in his heart that the cause for all Toria’s fears was eliminated once and for all.


Toria tried to lean back against Damien and he shifted forward so their bodies were even closer. Not the most comfortable position for him as he’d known but he’d do much more than suffer a little discomfort in order to feel her lithe body against his. His burgeoning erection poked against her and she laughed.

She reached back to try to stroke him but he slapped her hand away.

“Behave yourself, my love,” he whispered in a growl. “It’s hard enough for me without you making it worse.”

She jiggled against him once and he gasped.

“It seems to me you’re already hard, my lord,” she chuckled.

As he parted her hair and pressed a kiss on her neck he thought the time had come to ask her the question haunting him. He knew he could invade her mind and discover the truth but he had no temptation to do so. He wanted to hear her explanation in her own words.

“Toria, can you tell me what made you change so radically in the hut? You went from being a scared mouse and turned into an avenging angel. And one who was ready for my love. Was it prompted by the fact I killed the baron? Which I’m not at all sorry for, incidentally. If I’m supposed to feel remorse I just don’t. Although I hope it wasn’t merely that.”

Toria rode silently for a moment. Her musical voice was low when she answered.

“Well, killing him did help me feel more free but I’d already changed. I’d been changing for quite a while. For days, in fact, Damien. I just couldn’t find the courage to tell you. But when they bound your hands I suddenly realized the baron was nothing but a cowardly bully and not worth my letting him influence me in any way. I myself gave undeserved power to him by allowing him to frighten me. I knew I could never be true to myself as long as I granted him that power. When I thought about how he’d needed to hire two men to bring me to him as a decoy for you I was simply furious. I knew once and for all I’d never let him manipulate me again. What a miserable excuse for a man! But I recognized it was up to me to refuse to allow his horrible presence in my mind. Does that make sense, Damien?”

His arms tightened around her.

“Yes, my darling, it does. You’re exactly right. Some people don’t deserve to have any influence over us at all. We give them too much dominance when we even let bad thoughts about them into our minds.”

They rode in silence for a while, with Toria snuggling as close as she could to the man she loved.

He finally whispered in her ear. “Shall we have a double wedding, Toria? I’d guess Rafe has proposed to Debora by now or will as soon as we return.”

“Yes, oh yes, Damien. Although I suppose it will take three weeks for the banns to be called.” She spoke with such regret Damien smiled. “That’s such a long time to wait, Damien.”

Her disappointed tone delighted Damien.

Damien threw back his head and laughed so loudly Rafe turned to look at them with a grin on his face.

“We can be married in three days, not three weeks, my love. Certainly I can arrange for a special license for both Rafe and me.”

Her sigh of relief told him how much she liked the idea.

“How stupid of me. Of course you can. The poor archbishop can never resist your mage’s powers. You’re so wonderful, Damien.”

His voice rumbled softly in her ear.

“And I warn you I’m not going to put off loving you until the actual ceremony, which is meaningless to me. Although for the sake of your reputation as Lady Sinclair the rites must be observed. I’ll not wait three days, though, to enjoy your body again. You’ll be in my bed tonight, as you will every night for the rest of our lives.”

She gave another relieved sigh as she tried to edge closer.

“Every night. Just what I hoped you’d say. You have so much to teach me.”

This time the sigh was slight and edged with anticipation.

“It will be a distinct pleasure, my dearest love.”

He whispered more words of love in her ear and then pushed himself a little away from her. They were getting closer to Tregaron and he could hardly dismount with an erection such as he sported. He doubted if Debora had never seen such an arousal, although Rafe would educate her three nights from now. In the meantime, he must concentrate on not disgracing himself in the eyes of his sister and the servants.

He used all his powers of concentration to make himself at least presentable.

But tonight. Oh yes tonight, he’d show her again and again. If they went to bed early, which certainly they were entitled to do after such a hard day, there would be many hours between dusk and dawn. With an eager Toria he could achieve another miracle or two.

Although the truest magic was their love. Certainly no greater miracle existed than for them to have discovered their true destiny with each other.

* * * * *


He found her waiting for him when he knocked softly on her door that night. She wore only a diaphanous night rail. He briefly wondered where she’d gotten such a scrap of see-through material. Her rosy nipples and her woman’s curls were clearly visible.

Had she sent to Dover for it? Not that it mattered where she’d found that bit of gauze, he’d have it off her in a flash. But he loved the thought that she’d purchased such a signal of her amorous intentions.

He shut the door behind him and kissed first her lips and then her peaked breasts.

“My love,” he whispered. “My forever and only love.”

He longed to plunge his body into hers, although another part of him wanted to take time to savor their passion.

He started to strip the gown from her and then hesitated.

Halted by one of his prescient visions, he nearly laughed aloud.

Should he tell her about the twins? A boy and a girl?

He plainly saw them both, the boy with dark hair and the girl with blonde curls. Conceived on the beach and already implanted firmly in her womb. He felt quite ridiculously pleased with himself. Just one time and he’d impregnated her.

And what a lovely vision the twins made. No, he’d wait a month or so before telling Toria. It was too soon to mention. She believed in his visions but he didn’t want to distract her tonight. He wanted her to concentrate solely on him for a little longer. Perhaps he was more selfish than he’d suspected. Although he thought she’d welcome the news. Still sometime they must start considering appropriate names for the soon-to-be born mage and enchantress. Gareth maybe for the name of the boy? After one of King Arthur’s favorite knights? They’d definitely have to consult.

Two babes were about to be born with power their parents must teach them to use wisely. For just a moment he groaned. The twins would be a delight even as they drove their fond mama and papa insane with their mischief.

And then came another flash of prescience and he lowered his forehead against her fragrant hair so she couldn’t see his face. Just two years later another set of twins? Dear Merlin, four babies in three years—although he didn’t yet foresee the sex of the last two.

Certainly too much information to give Toria right now. He did pause his amorous assault and asked in what he hoped was a casual tone.

“You do want children, don’t you my love?”

“Of course. Lots. Now don’t waste time with stupid questions, Damien.”

He grinned as he thought what busy parents they’d be. Exceptionally devoted parents and their love for each other was so strong it would grow more intense and even larger, more than enough to encompass each child as it arrived. But that all lay in their delightful future. Tonight, a wonderful tonight, was here and now. He turned his lips and his skilled hands to the pleasure awaiting them both. This night and all the nights to come.

She moaned on a breath of anticipation and sensuously lifted her gown over her head and let it drop to the floor. She wriggled her nude body against him like a born siren. He held her off for a moment to admire her naked beauty. She was almost too perfectly formed to be real and his arousal grew even harder. He wondered hazily how he’d take the time to undress and speedily wished his own clothes from him.

Toria looked at his naked and very male form, grinning at his speedy disrobing. She sighed with voluptuous appreciation as she ran her hands over his powerful, trembling body.

He almost backed her against the wall and took her there but managed to control himself enough to lead her to the bed.

They were both as impatient as if they’d never enjoyed each other. This time he knew would be different from the last and even more meaningful. Their first time in a bed where he could show her the passion they’d revel in through the years.

His Toria was magic.

The truest magic of all and he was one fortunate mage. Not so much in his abilities as in the love of this wonderful woman.

Although he must definitely teach her to slow down a little. Well, maybe eventually. As they began their ascent to ecstasy he knew tonight’s speed didn’t matter. They had years and years to teach each other every mode of passion and every conceivable pace.

He set about showing her this soaring night was special. The first night of their forever.

He relished the joy bubbling within him, an elation he’d never savored so strongly. Surely another sign of the magic of their love. Then he forgot everything but Toria as her eager fingers again found his ready body.

About the Author


Jean was born in Ohio but has lived most of her life in southern California. Her insatiable love of reading started at age seven, when her widowed mother accepted a teaching job. For many of her formative years, Jean was housebound in the afternoons until her mother returned from work. She happily spent untold hours reading everything and anything. This joy of reading has influenced her whole life, and is still one of her chief pleasures. Writing is equally enjoyable, and now takes top place in her favorite activities.

Her journalism degree was used only infrequently until recently. Marriage, two children and two grandchildren took priority. After some twenty years of being a real estate broker and having her own firm, Jean returned to her always beloved writing. Through the years she and her husband have enjoyed collecting art and minerals. Her husband now is of great assistance as an enthusiastic editor and a valuable critic.

She’s a dedicated member of RWA and has won several awards in national contests. The Druid series is presently her main focus of literary interest, although she’s also written four other historical romances. Romance has proven most satisfying to write, since her hero and heroine always manage to struggle through to a happy ending. Sometimes a secondary character takes over though and demands his own book!

And then we literally have another story!


Jean welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and e-mail address on her author bio page at





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Also by Jean Hart Stewart


Garland of Druids 1: Druid’s Daughter

Garland of Druids 2: My Darling Druid

Garland of Druids 3: Song of a Druid Princess

Garland of Druids 4: Kiss of a Druid Bard

Garland of Druids 5: Druid Redeemed

Garland of Druids 6: Druid Triumphant

Garland of Druids 7: Druid Disdained

Garland of Druids 8: Druid in Flight

Garland of Druids: Message for Minerva



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BOOK: Damien's Destiny
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