Dance (13 page)

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Authors: Teodora Kostova

BOOK: Dance
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their talk that morning and the amazing sex last night, Fenix felt calmer, more
secure in their relationship, knowing that his feelings for Jared weren’t one

into the Capital FM building, they were greeted by a smiling receptionist who
informed them to go up to the fourth floor where the studio was.

Fenix, nice to meet you, man. So glad you could make it,” Dan Hoyt, the evening
talk show host, greeted them as they walked into the studio. “And you brought
Jared Hartley himself! That’s a nice bonus,” he grinned at Jared and extended
his hand. “My wife and I are huge fans of your show, Jared. We’ve seen it twice

you, glad to hear it,” Jared said politely and shook Dan’s hand.

are you guys doing the interview together?” Dan asked, going back behind his
desk and sitting in his chair.

Jared is here for moral support. I’m not used to this yet and I thought I could
use a friend here with me,” Fenix said, glancing at Jared nervously. They
hadn’t talked about what they would say if people asked if they were just
friends. Now it was too late to discuss it ten minutes before the interview
started. Dan met Fenix’s eyes and smirked.

cool,” he said and put on his headphones, clicking something on the computer in
front of him. “OK, let’s get started. Fenix, you sit here in front of me. Put
those headphones on and adjust the microphone so that it’s close to you, but
not too close,” Dan directed and Fenix did as he was told. He felt nervous
butterflies fluttering in his belly and his palms began to sweat.

was ridiculous! He’d been performing on stage in front of big, demanding
audiences. A simple, friendly radio interview where nobody could even see him
shouldn't be a big deal. He needed to calm down. Dan seemed like a cool guy,
he’d guide him through it.

looked up after he was done adjusting the equipment and met Jared’s eyes who
had taken the chair next to Dan. He was watching him calmly and smiled when
Fenix looked at him. ‘You’re
be fine’ that
smile said. Fenix knew it because he’d seen it a lot this afternoon when Jared
tried to convince him that it would be OK and Fenix would do great. Right now,
he sure as hell hoped that was true.

start in about forty
right after the ad
segment is over. I’m
ask you some questions and
we’re going to take some calls from listeners. Are you OK with that?” Dan

Fenix said, his voice shaking.

be yourself, Fenix. People like that,” Dan advised with an encouraging nod, and
turned his attention back to the laptop screen.

show started and Dan introduced Fenix as his guest for the next hour. He
started asking Fenix questions about
and Fenix instantly relaxed, feeling competent and comfortable when he talked
about his show.

is about a rock band called ‘City
of Shadows’ – it follows them from the beginning, when the idea was born and
they used to practise in a garage, through their early days, playing in clubs
and small venues, all the way to making it big. It focuses on the relationship
between the band members, their ups and downs, and offers a glimpse behind the
scenes of what is really going on in a rock band,” Fenix said when Dan asked
what the musical was about.

“Sex, drugs, and rock and roll?”
Dan offered playfully.

much, yes,” Fenix replied with a chuckle.

was told the show is getting a huge makeover to make it suitable for Queen
Victoria’s stage. Is that true?”

The story will stay the same, but we’ll be adding a couple of new songs and
lots of special effects. We start rehearsals tomorrow.”

just three weeks before opening night. Will you be able to perfect it in time?”
Dan asked curiously.

confident that we will. The team working on the show is amazing, there’s
nothing those guys can’t do. The cast has been doing the show for almost a year
now so we pretty much know it in our sleep, we just need to rehearse the new
songs and dance routines. Oh, and learn how to avoid the
Fenix said, grinning.

Dan echoed.

There will be fire on
stage. Lots of it,” Fenix winked as Dan’s lips turned up. He knew he had to
catch the
interest without revealing too
much, and he could see Dan appreciated that.

next song and ad break was on and Fenix exhaled loudly.

That wasn’t so bad,” Dan laughed.

nodded and met Jared’s eyes for confirmation. He was staring at him with such
open pride and adoration that Fenix wanted to throw the damn headphones off and
jump into his arms. Jared must have read that on his face because he smirked
and winked at him, taking a sip of his herbal tea.

caught Dan’s gaze travelling between them just before he asked,

would you mind if I introduced you, too? You’re here anyway and we have a lot
of time. Besides, you perform in the same theatre...” Dan trailed off.

shook his head.

don't want to shift the focus away from
I’m here to support Fenix, not advertise my own show,” Jared said.

don’t have to talk about
Of Kids and
. We can still talk about
People would pay attention if Jared Hartley told them to go see a show,” Dan
coaxed. “It would be in everyone’s interest if you took part in this
conversation, Jared.”

yours,” Jared said and smiled sweetly.

mine,” Dan confirmed without shame.

met Fenix’s eyes across the table, silently asking if he was OK with that.
Fenix nodded. Why wouldn't he be? He wouldn't even care if Jared wanted to plug
his own show, he’d be happy to do it himself. But the fact that Jared wanted to
remain in the sidelines and let Fenix take the whole limelight meant a lot to
him. Fenix knew how cut throat this business was. He personally knew people who
would sell their friends, families and lovers to get ahead. Jared wasn't like
that at all, and that was one of the many reasons Fenix’s heart expanded with
love for this man.

news, people,” Dan began when the break was over and they were back on air.
“Fenix brought a little friend with him today, and I managed to convince him to
crawl out of the shadows and talk to us.” Dan paused for dramatic effect. “It’s
Jared Hartley, everybody!” he pronounced and the sound engineer played the
applause effect.

laughed and said hello, and Dan’s eyes sparkled with satisfaction. He was very
pleased with the way the show was going and it showed.

Jared, tell us the inside scoop on
since Fenix here is so tight lipped,” Dan began and winked at Fenix.

nothing to tell. It’s all top secret. Even I don't know anything yet. But I’m
very excited to see the show myself. I’ve seen Fenix dance and I’d pay to watch
just that. The whole production is going to be mind-blowing.”

chatted a bit more about the show

tried to coax Fenix into revealing
more about it, but he resisted. It was made very clear by the producers that,
as much as they wanted to generate interest, they didn't want anything specific
being revealed. Fenix had to use quite a lot of charm and witty responses so
that he didn't seem rude. It must have worked, because both Dan and Jared were
smiling and in a very good mood. They took some calls from listeners and the
reaction to the musical was very positive. Before he knew it, Fenix felt
relaxed and at ease as if he’d done that a million times before.

guys seem like good friends,” Dan said after the last caller disconnected.
Fenix didn’t like the mischief in his eyes and momentarily stiffened again. “Is
that all? Are you just friends?”

looked at Fenix, calm and collected, and Fenix knew what the next thing that
came out of his mouth would be.

very perceptive, Dan,” Jared drawled as he held Fenix’s eyes. “We’re not just
friends. I’m in love with Fenix, and I’m pretty sure he loves me too.” Jared
couldn't help the slight blush and the smile that spread across his mouth, even
though he bit his lip and tried to contain it. Fenix beamed back at him and
suddenly wished they were alone.

are you so sure?” Dan teased.

he told me this morning,” Jared replied without missing a beat. Fenix’s heart
was pounding. It was one thing to say that to each other in private, in
, and completely another to declare
it on the radio. He wanted to jump off the chair, throw his fist in the air and
. Jared had just announced
publicly he loved him and that made him incredibly proud and happy.

I knew by the looks you guys were giving each other that there was something there,
but I never thought you were in love! Didn’t you meet last week?” Dan asked.

we did. And we haven’t spent a night apart ever since,” Jared replied easily,
leaning back in his chair.

we’re going to talk more about this in the last part of the show. Stay tuned,”
Dan said and cut to an ad break.

grinned, looking between Jared and Fenix who were still staring at each other,
processing what had just happened. His smile faded a bit.

hope I didn’t cause any trouble for you... You could have denied it, I didn’t
mean...” Dan began.

it’s fine. We’re not hiding or anything. We just hadn’t discussed when and how
we were going to go public. But the cat’s out of the bag now so...” Jared said.
Fenix still hadn’t spoken. He didn't know what to say. He wanted to talk to
Jared in private, but that was not possible right now.
Are you OK with this?” Jared asked with concern.

heart skipped a beat and he flushed all over whenever Jared called him Fen.
He’d only done that when they were alone, usually in the middle of fucking. Using
that nickname now made Fenix’s gut clench as visions of last night pulsed in
his brain.

Of course I am,” he
said, trying to get his body’s reaction under control.
“I’m hoping Elijah Goodwin won’t have a hissy
fit over it. He was very specific how it was all about the show for the next
few months and we should be on our best behaviour, not filling the gossip
columns with our antics. That was a direct quote. He was looking at Ned when he
said it, but I guess it goes for all of us.”

phone vibrated in his pocket and he fished it out.

he muttered. “Speak of the devil. I have to take this, I won't be long,” he
said and threw an apologetic look at Dan, who waved him off. Fenix stalked out
of the room to take the executive producer’s call.

he said cautiously, putting the phone to his ear.

What the hell is
going on?” Elijah Goodwin began in his booming voice. Fenix took a breath to
for the inevitable fight. He was not
going to act remorseful for something he was definitely not sorry for. “We
didn't discuss this today when we talked about the promotional campaign! Did
you come up with it on the spot?”

“Um, what?”
Fenix asked in

“The ‘I’m in love with Jared Hartley’ plot!
I must say I’m impressed. That will attract the media’s attention in all the
right ways. Jared is a
respected part of the
community, they’re eating from his hand as it is. If he says people should see
then they will,” the producer
rambled with glee.

is not some kind of a publicity stunt, Mr Goodwin. We’re in fact dating.
For real.”
Fenix had to raise his voice to be able to
interrupt the producer’s rant.

Really?” he asked doubtfully.

“Yeah, really.
Why are you so
surprised all of a sudden?”

because you met for the first time last week, didn't you?”

we did,” Fenix said with a sigh. He was so tired of having to explain his
relationship with Jared to everyone.

Well, it’s none of my business. But, I have to say, that’s even better! You
don't even have to pretend...”

Goodwin, with all due respect, my relationship with Jared is not going to turn
into some media circus. It has nothing to do with the show or with the
promotional tour we discussed. Announcing it live on air was an impulsive
decision, but I’m not sorry we did it. It would have come out sooner or later

“Of course.
I agree. I’m
just saying that it could affect the show’s publicity in a positive light,
Fenix. You should be happy about that. A lot of people’s careers depend on
’s success, including yours,” said
Goodwin flatly.

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