Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3)
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Missy nodded. “That's the conclusion I
reached too.”

“But?” He could see there was some
obstacle to it in her mind, but he didn't understand what it might

She smiled at him. “But nothing, hero. I'm
getting there. Now. Would you pass me another of those chocolate
thingies? They are wonderful.”

Dan passed the pastry, knowing she'd deliberately
avoided answering, but not wanting to push for an explanation she
didn't want to give. Was it the money?


Missy let go of Dan's hand once the wheels touched
down on the runway at Summer Lake. His eyes twinkled, even as he
rubbed his fingers to encourage the circulation to return. “Sorry.”
She gave him a shamefaced smile.

“No problem. That's what heroes are for.”
He cupped his hand around the back of her neck and drew her face
towards him. “I know you don't like flying, but I'm glad you
braved it to come with me.” He rubbed his nose against hers.
“I'm hoping you'll get used to it over time.”

Missy hoped the same. She'd had such a wonderful
time with him last night, and this morning. She hoped they'd be
spending more time together. She didn't really care where and if it
meant she had to fly in this scary plane to see him, then she'd do
it. It was a small price to pay. “I don't know that I'll get
used to it, but I'll keep braving it. I know I can't expect you to
come here all of the time.”

There was a definite twinkle in his eyes now, and
she could only describe his smile as mysterious. She didn't get
chance to question him though as Smoke's voice came over the

“Here we are folks. The FBO guys tell me the
others are waiting. So, it'll be a quick refuel and then we'll turn
around and get you ladies to the city.”

Dan grinned. “Are you looking forward to

She nodded. “It'll be fun. I need to see
Scotty before we leave though.” She gave him a quick kiss. “And
I wish I'd still have your hand to hold on the way.” She really
never had seen such a beautiful smile.

“Well, I can't hold your hand on the way,
but I can be here waiting when you get back, okay?”

She nodded, “I'd like that.”

“Me too. And you know Scot will be fine with
me. We've got big plans of our own for today.”

Missy's heart filled up. She still couldn't
believe how lucky they were. Dan was wonderful for Scot, and she was
starting to realize how wonderful he was for her too.


Dan followed Missy down the steps onto the tarmac.
Despite the fact that they hadn't gone out for dinner, or gone
dancing, or done any of the things he'd planned, it had been a great
night. He grinned, the best night. Having Missy over to his place had
reinforced everything he was starting to believe. All those things
that were supposed to make him feel good about himself really didn't.
The success, the company, the apartment, the car.... Hmm, maybe the
car, but all the rest, none of it made him feel good. Missy did.
Being here did.

Scot burst out of the building and came running
towards them as they got off the golf cart. Missy smiled and held her
arms out, but he ran straight past her, barreling into Dan and
wrapping his arms around his waist.

“Dan, Dan, Dan, I beat your high score! I
did it!”

Dan laughed and ruffled Scot's hair. “Way to
go, champ!” He looked at Missy, afraid she'd be hurt at being
bypassed, but she smiled happily at the two of them. “I guess
we're going to have to battle it out now, then?”

Scot grinned up at him. “Nah. We don't need
to play today. I want you to help me with code, remember?” He
stuck his tongue out. “Let me stay champion for a while, ’til
you knock me off the top spot again?”

“Hmm, I suppose.” Dan grinned. He
loved spending time with Scot, and although all this hugging was a
new development, he was liking it, too.”

“Erm, hello?” said Missy. “Any
chance I could get one of those?”

“Oh. Sorry.” Scot gave his mom a quick
hug. “So.” He looked from her to Dan and back. “Did
you guys have a good time? Are you going to start seeing each other,
for real?”

Dan caught Missy's eye. “We did and we are.
As long as that's okay with you?”

“Okay?” Scot's eyes were wide. “I've
been keeping my fingers crossed all night!” He gave Missy a
playful grin. “She can be a bit annoying sometimes, but she's
pretty cool, for a girl.”

Missy laughed indignantly. “Thanks! I

“She's very cool for a girl,” said
Dan. “Most of them don't make much sense to me, but your mom's
different. I like her.”

As they walked into the building he placed a hand
on the back of Missy's neck and squeezed gently. “I like her a
lot,” he said, as she leaned against him.


Dan and Scot stood with Jack and Pete after they
had waved the girls off on their shopping trip. Dan wished Missy
could buy herself a whole bunch of new clothes instead of just an
angel costume. He had no idea how to broach that subject though, so
hadn't gone anywhere near it. Maybe over time she'd let him buy her
things, as gifts? It was nearly her birthday. She was beautiful, no
matter what she wore, but it had made him feel sad to see her with
Emma and Holly. They both wore logos of expensive brands even he
recognized, while she was in her worn and patched jeans. She deserved
so much more, and he wanted to give it to her.

Jack snapped his fingers in front of Dan's face.
“You coming, little bro?”

Dan shook his head, attempting to catch up with
the present. He turned to Scot. “What do you say, champ? Want
to get some brunch with the guys before we get to it?”

Scot grinned. “Pancakes?”

“Sure, pancakes.”

“Okay then, yes please.”

Dan smiled to himself. Missy always reminded Scot
about his manners, yet as soon as she was out of earshot, the kid's
manners were impeccable.”

“Come on. We can take your mom's van so we
can come get her tonight.”

Dan looked around the table. Ben had joined them
at what he'd come to think of as
table on the back deck
over the lake. He'd never felt at home in a group of men, but he did
here. Had for months now. Of course, it helped that these were all
men he liked and respected.

“I have to ask.” Jack grinned at him.
“Do I need to add you and Missy to our table at the dinner next

Dan pursed his lips. Jack and Pete hosted a huge
fundraiser every year. Jack always tried to talk him into going, but
Dan squirmed out of it by making a large donation instead. For the
last couple of years he'd also paid for his attorney, Leanne to
attend. She loved those kinds of events whereas he just felt
uncomfortable and avoided them whenever possible. But this might be
different. He looked around the table. “Do you think she'd
enjoy it?”

“She'd love it!” Pete and Ben both
spoke at the same time.

“Believe me,” said Ben. “Miss
absolutely loves any chance to get all dressed up and go out. It's
not like she gets many opportunities, but when she!”

Dan looked at Jack. “In that case, I guess
we're in.”

Jack grinned. “Excellent! You'll enjoy it,
little bro. You really will.”

“As long as Missy does. That's what
matters.” He looked at Ben. “Do you usually go?”

“It depends. I probably won't this time.
It's no fun at a table full of couples and I don't have a pretty lady
tucked away anywhere.”

“Well, if you'd be interested in escorting a
stunning lady, that could be arranged.”

He had Ben's full attention now. “Describe

Dan laughed.

“Leanne?” asked Jack.

“Yep,” replied Dan.

Jack looked at Ben. “She'd eat you for
breakfast, bud.”

“Yeah, but you'd die a happy man.”
Pete laughed.

“I say again, describe stunning,” said

“Okay. Long blonde hair, big blue eyes,
she's curvy in all the right places, beautiful face, beautiful

Ben looked puzzled. “And you're not

“God, no!” Dan pulled a face. “I
can see that she's technically beautiful, but I don't feel it. To me
she's a study buddy. We met in college. Two misfits together. We
weren't cool enough for the cool kids or geeky enough for the geeks,
so we stuck together. She's the company attorney.” He stopped
himself. “Well, I guess she's my attorney now. She'll no doubt
be up here over the next few weeks. I'll introduce you.”

Ben nodded. “I'll look forward to it.”

Dan's train of thought went back to Missy, though.
“Is it black tie?”

Jack laughed. “Yeah. Same as every year.

“What does that mean for women?”

He was surprised that, of all of them, Pete was
the one who understood what he was thinking.

“Don't worry about it, we'll talk to Holly.
Clothes are her thing.” He grinned ruefully. “Especially
expensive dresses!”

Dan laughed. “Great, thanks. I'll talk to

Ben's phone rang. He checked the screen and
sighed. “Sorry, guys. I need to take this, I’ll be back.”
He walked away to take the call.

“Have we got any plans for tonight?”
asked Jack.

Dan didn't know what Missy thought, but he hoped
they'd be spending it together.

“Holly had suggested that we all eat here
when they get back,” said Pete. “They're usually worn out
after shopping in the city.” He grinned. “I'm seeing
dinner here, a hot tub and an early night on my horizon.”

Jack laughed. “I promise I won't disturb you
this time, partner. How about you?” he asked Dan. “Do you
two tech guys have any plans to come up for air?”

“I'm going to Ethan's tonight,” Scot
piped up. “If you don't mind taking me?”

Dan frowned. “Does your mom know?”

“Err, I thought you could tell her?”

“How about you call and
her? If
she says it's okay I'll take you.”

Scot grinned. “Okay, but you know if I go,
you have to keep her company, right?”

“I think I can manage that.” He'd look
forward to it.

Ben returned to the table looking agitated.

“S'up, buddy?” asked Pete.

“Ah, nothing. You know the old DeWinter
place at the end of Main?”

“That's the one at the very end, with the
big dock?” asked Pete.

“Yeah, that's the one. When Mrs. DeWinter
passed on last year, her kids sold the place. The people who bought
it thought it was a straight, by the numbers investment. They put it
in the rental program with the resort. I did tell them it's not a
guaranteed program, but they're disappointed with the return they
made over the summer. They want to sell it on before the quiet
season. I've told them they're asking too much, especially if they
want a quick sale at this time of year. But of course they don't want
to hear it. They call every couple of days. Drive me nuts!”

Dan pictured the beautiful, big house he'd spotted
on his breakfast run last weekend. “Does it have a For Sale
sign?” he asked.

“Yep,” said Ben. “The only place
on Main with a sign in the yard.”

that house then. “How much are
they asking?”

“Way too much,” said Ben.

“How much is too much?” asked Jack
with a gleam in his eye. He was looking at Dan and apparently seeing
every thought in his head. He'd always been able to do that. “House
prices are a little different here than they are in San Jose.”

Dan smiled.

“Six-fifty,” said Ben.

Dan's smile spread into a huge grin. “Is
that all?”

“I know that's peanuts in your world, but up
here it just won't sell for that,” said Ben.

“I'm guessing it might,” said Jack
with a grin.

“Can I give you a call this afternoon?”
Dan asked.

“Sure.” Ben's phone rang again. “I'll
catch you later,” he said as he stood up.

“So what are you thinking, little bro? Want
to talk about it?” asked Jack.

“You know me,” replied Dan. “Think
first, talk later. How about I call l you and we'll meet up before
the girls get back?” He looked at Scot, who had finished his
pancakes and was starting to get fidgety. “I think we need to
be getting to work, huh, champ?”

“Yep. Let's go. Laters Uncle Jack, Uncle
Pete.” Scot scampered off while Dan reached for his wallet.

“I've got this,” said Jack. “But
make sure you call me later?” He raised an eyebrow. “We
need to talk.”

Dan smiled and nodded. He did want to talk to his
brother. He thought Jack would be pretty happy about what he was

Chapter Thirteen

Emma emerged from the dressing room rolling her
eyes. Missy had to laugh.

“Err, I don't think so, Em!”

“Tell me about it! I'd be okay in a school
nativity, but it's not quite the look I was after for your birthday
party.” Emma had tried on an angel costume that would indeed be
more appropriate in a school play.

“You could be the fairy godmother?”
suggested Holly.

“Shut up!” laughed Emma. “You're
just too smug cos you already found the perfect costume. It's easy
with your figure though.”

Holly did look amazing in the short silvery shift
she'd found to go with glittery little wings. Missy was enjoying
herself immensely. She'd tried on a quite a few costumes, but she and
Emma were finding the same problem. They were both shorter and
curvier than Holly. Most of the costumes Missy had tried made her
feel like she belonged on top of a Christmas tree. What she hoped to
find was a costume that made her feel like she belonged in the arms
of a tall, dark, handsome cowboy. She smiled to herself, knowing
Dan's arms fit the bill perfectly.

“I'm going to try this one,” she said.

Holly looked skeptically at the dress she held up.
“If you say so, but I think it's another dud.”

“We'll see,” said Missy and drew the
curtain behind her. This outfit didn't look like much on the hanger,
but she had a feeling it might just work. It was sheer netting,
covered in tiny golden sparkles. As she wiggled into it, she thought
she might need something in a larger size. It was figure hugging, for
sure. And short.
It barely covered her ass. She looked
in the mirror.
It clung to her.
Well, double damn!
She grinned as she took in the halo, it was completely lopsided—that
seemed appropriate considering the effect she hoped it would have on
Dan. She twirled in front of the mirror. This was it! She felt like a
million dollars and sexy as all get out. Not something she was used
to, but she liked it.

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