Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3) (24 page)

BOOK: Dance Like Nobody's Watching (Summer Lake 3)
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“Maybe I will take a shot at it.” She
could go and sit and stare out at the lake while the computer went
through its drawn out boot up. Hopefully they'd be back before she
needed to attempt to log on to it.

“Go on,” said Dan. He seemed to know
what she was thinking. “Enjoy the sunset up there. We'll see to
the dishes and set up the movie.”

She got up from the table. He curled an arm around
her waist and pulled her to him for a kiss.

“Hey, where's mine?” asked Scot when
Dan let her go. He hugged her waist and pecked her cheek. “Love
you, Mom.”

Missy grinned. “Love you, son.” Not
only was he hugging on Dan every chance he got, he was showing her
much more affection too. “Give me a shout when you get back,”
she said and headed upstairs.


“What's the big surprise?” asked Scot
as they set out on the short walk to the resort.

Dan smiled at him. “We're taking your mom to
Vegas, to see a show!”

Scot pulled a face. “
? As in,

“Yeah. Is that a problem?”

Scot's face was a picture of disgust. “Have
you ever been to the kind of shows she likes? I have. They're dumb.
People singing and dancing and they go on forever. It's soooo

Dan had to laugh. He understood how Scot felt and
his face was so expressive it was quite comical. “I know what
you mean, champ, but this one is awesome. It's more like the circus,
with people flying around and doing acrobatics and such. You'll love

Scot did not look convinced.

“We get to fly up there too.”

That sparked a tiny flicker of interest, though it
faded quickly. “When is it?”

“Tomorrow night. We'll pick you up from
school and head out.”

“Oh. Do I
to go?”

Dan thought about it. He'd wanted the three of
them to go together, but he didn't want to force the kid if he hated
the idea. “Why, what are you thinking?”

Scot grinned. “I'm teaching Ethan how to use
Linux. I'll bet his dad would let me stay there again.”

“Maybe. We probably need to ask your mom
first though.”

“But that'll ruin your surprise!” Scot
looked crestfallen. “I don't want to do that.”

“It won't. All she needs to know is that
you're staying at Ethan's. Not that it's so you don't have to go to

Scot brightened. “Oh, yeah. Cool.”

Dan took out his phone. “I'll text Michael
and check with him.”

When they got back to the house, Scot grinned at
Dan. “I'll set up the movie while you go hide the dress.”

“Thanks, champ.”

“No problem. You got me out of seeing one of
Mom's shows
got me a night at Ethan's. I owe you one.”

Dan laughed to himself as he ran up the stairs to
hang the dress Holly had given him in his closet. It was a beautiful
blue color. He knew Missy would look stunning in it. Holly had told
him that Missy had loved it when she'd seen it in the store. He'd
been stunned when she'd told him how much it cost. Pete had grinned
at him, “I did warn you that expensive dresses are Holly's

Holly had seemed worried. “Is that okay?”
she'd asked.

Dan had smiled and nodded while Pete had reassured
her. “Don't worry about it, sweetheart. Dan's not only a tech
genius, he's a financial one too. He could buy and sell the rest of
us without ever touching his savings.”

That had felt uncomfortable—because it was
true. Yet even with all his money that was supposed to make such a
big difference, the woman he loved was still going out scrubbing
other people's toilets every day. He needed to find a way to make her
see sense.

He knocked on the door to her office before he
went in. She smiled at him, looking a little guilty from her spot in
the armchair looking out at the lake. Her computer blinked at the
login screen, just as he'd expected.

“You don't need to knock.”

“I like to.”

He pulled her up from her chair and slid in
underneath her. She nestled in his lap and he closed his hand around
the back of her neck and kissed her deeply. She did go limp when he
did that.

When his lips left hers she smiled. “You
know you can do whatever you want with me any time you get me by the
scruff of the neck like that.”

He laughed. “Not this time, I can't. Scot's
waiting for us to go watch the movie. What I want to do with you will
have to wait ’til he's gone to bed.”

She put her hands on his shoulders and rubbed her
nose against his. “I hope it's a short movie.”

Dan did too.

Chapter Seventeen

Missy looked at Scot across the breakfast table.
She was still amazed at the way he'd gotten up every morning this
week without her having to call him. She looked at Dan sitting next
to him, the two of them working their way through the bacon and eggs
she'd made. She'd been concerned at first that she might be spending
her nights sleeping alone in that big bed, while Dan worked on his
computer. So far though they'd gone to bed together every night. She
smiled at the memories. They'd woken up together too. Though she
thought of Dan as a night owl, one part of him was definitely a
morning person! She hoped that this was the pattern they were
setting, not just a honeymoon period that would slip away.

“Scot, honey. I’m thinking maybe you
should come home after school and get your homework done. Uncle
Chance is coming this weekend and we both know you won't get anything
done while he's here. We can take you over to Ethan's once you're

Instead of the argument she'd feared, Scot grinned
at her, then looked at Dan. She saw Dan wink at him.

“Okay, what's going on?” she asked.

“What do you think, champ? Should we tell
her now?”

Scot nodded eagerly. “Go on, tell her. I
want to see her face.”

Missy laughed. “Hello? I'm sitting right
here! Will someone tell me something?”

Dan smiled his beautiful smile and she knew that,
like Scot, she would have no argument to offer.

“Scotty can't come home after school, cos we
won't be here.”

“Why? Where will we be?”

“Vegas!” said Scot. “He's taking
you to see one of your shows and I don't have to go!”

Missy looked from Scot to Dan. “Vegas? How
can we do that?”

Dan reached across the table and took her hand.
“We're flying up this afternoon.” There was concern in
his eyes as he squeezed her hand. “If you want to? I got us
tickets for Cirque du Soleil.”

“Really? I've always wanted to see that!”

He looked relieved. “So you want to?”

Her heart sank. “Only if you got us the
cheap seats, I don't have anything I could wear otherwise.”

Scot jumped up, grinning at Dan. “Can I go
get it?”

Dan grinned back at him. “Please, champ.”

As Scot shot upstairs, Missy looked at Dan. She
was a little concerned. “We could have taken him you know. I've
taken him to see shows before.”

Dan smiled. “Don't think I'd leave him out.
That was my original plan, but apparently he'd rather have a tooth
pulled than see another one. He asked me to help him get out of it.
Do you mind? We don't have to go if you don't want to, but he was so
keen to get another night at Ethan's that I thought this might be

He looked so uncertain. The poor man was trying to
do something nice, both for her and for Scotty. She squeezed his hand
back. “Oh, Danny. I do want to. I'm just surprised. And Scotty
will be fine. It's a treat for him not to have to go, I'm sure.”

“It is. A real treat,” said Scot as he
reappeared carrying a dress. “I wish I'd get to see you in this
though, Mom. You're gonna look so good. You haven't worn a pretty
dress since Auntie Em's wedding.”

He held up a beautiful midnight blue colored
evening dress. Missy caught her breath. It was the one she'd seen in
Holly's store last weekend. It was gorgeous. And she knew it cost
more than she made in a month! She looked at Dan.

“I hope it's alright?” he asked.

“Alright? It's fabulous! But Dan, it....”

He held up a hand with a stern look. “I know
what you're going to say, but please, Miss, leave it?”

He spoke with such finality that she said nothing.

He looked at her, eyebrows raised. “Please?
How about you go try it on so Scotty can see you in it?”

“Yeah,” said Scot. “Go put it
on, Mom.”

She took the dress into the guest bathroom. It fit
perfectly. It was absolutely beautiful. She hurried back to the
kitchen and saw two jaws drop open.

Dan's face as he said, “Damn!” was a
picture she'd never forget. It sent the tingles racing through her to
know she could have that effect on him.”

“Wow, Mom! Just, wow.” Scot grinned.
“You should wear pretty dresses all the time.”

Dan nodded. “We'll have to work on that,
huh, champ?”

Missy smiled at them, delighted. Delighted with
the dress and with both of their reactions. “Thank you, Danny.
It's beautiful.”

“No, Miss.
are beautiful. The
dress just shows you off, right Scotty?”


“Well, thank you both.” She checked
the clock. “But for now I need to get out of this, and we need
to get moving if you're going to make the bus. Have you got
everything you need for tonight?”

“Oh, no! I need to....” Scot ran off
back up the stairs.

Dan came and put his arms around her. “So
beautiful,” he murmured. “Are you sure you want to go? If
you're worried about him, we could stay here?” He ran his
fingertip along her collarbone. “I'm sure we could find
something to do?” He touched his lips to hers. “Maybe
dance in the bedroom? Or you can let me take you to the Bellagio, see
your show, and dance in a different bedroom?”

She pressed herself against him. “Take me to
Vegas, Dan.”

He grinned and kissed her again. “I was
hoping you'd say that.”

“Dan, Dan, Dan! The bus just left!”
Scot came bounding down the stairs.”

“No worries. It was my fault.” He
looked at Missy. “Can I borrow the van?”

She nodded. He'd just bought her a dress that was
worth more than her old minivan. She looked at Scot. “Are you
sure you've got everything now?”

He nodded. “Yep. Don't worry, Mom. You have
a great time.” He gave her a hug. “Love you. See you

Missy swallowed around the lump that had formed in
her throat. “Love you, sunbeam. You make sure
have a
great time, okay?”

He grinned back at her as he headed for the door.
“I will. See ya!”


Missy stepped out of the limo in front of the
Bellagio. She felt like Cinderella. Her Prince Charming came to take
her arm. She looked around, thinking he'd forgotten their bags, but
of course the bell-boy was taking care of them.

She smiled up at Dan. “Looks like you've
done this before, hero?”

“Yeah. We used to come up here most weekends
last winter.”

Missy's heart sank. She shouldn't be jealous of
his past, she knew that, but she was.

He stopped to look at her, head cocked, that
serious expression on his face. “Miss, when I say 'we', I mean
me and Steven. Corey sometimes. I never brought Olivia to Vegas. Or
any other woman for that matter.”

It was silly of her, but she was pleased to hear
it. “It's none of my business, Danny, but I'm glad.”

His eyes twinkled. “Me too. This feels like
coming for the first time.”

“Oh look!” Missy had caught sight of
the fountains springing to life. “They're so beautiful!”

Dan smiled. “Wait ’til you see them
after dark. We can come out after the show. You'll love it.”

Missy couldn't wait.

“Mr. Benson. Welcome.”

The man behind the desk greeted Dan warmly and
nodded at Missy.

“Good to see you, George. How've you been?”

“I'm just fine thanks, and you?”

Dan put an arm around Missy's shoulders. “Better
than ever, thanks, George. I'd like you to meet my girlfriend,

George came out from behind the desk to shake
Dan's hand, then Missy's. He held on to her hand as he said, “I'm
so pleased to meet you, Missy. Dan here is one of the kindest, most
decent men I've ever met.”

Missy smiled. “It's nice to meet you too,
George. And I have to say, I feel the same way.” She looked up
at Dan. “He is a very special guy.”

“He is that, and you must be a special lady
yourself. I've only ever known him head straight for the tables.”
He grinned at Dan, “But tonight I've got you down for a table
at Picasso and VIPs at Cirque? I thought it must be another Dan
Benson when I saw that, but requesting your suite, it had to be you.
Are you waiting on your other guest, or will they be joining you

Missy looked at Dan, wondering what other guest.

“No, it's just us in the end. Scot couldn't

“Should I make that a table for two at
Picasso then?”

“Yes, please. And, George, would you see if
there's any chance we can get a table outside, after the show, too,
for dessert?”

“I'll make sure you get one, Dan.”

Missy was surprised, and at the same time not
surprised, to see how the concierge treated Dan. Just like Herb, at
Dan's apartment, this guy obviously liked and respected him. That
didn't surprise her at all. What did was Dan's confidence and relaxed
manner. He seemed more at home here than he did even at the Boathouse
with the gang. This side of him she was getting to see more of could
never be described as shy, definitely not clueless as he sometimes
described himself. No, he was very much the wealthy young
man-about-town. She smiled to herself—and he was all hers!

“Here's your key card,” said George.
“Your bags are on the way up. Your butler will take care of
anything you need, but please give me a call if I can be of service.”

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