Dance with the Billionaire (15 page)

BOOK: Dance with the Billionaire
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“Soon,” I whisper, my voice trembling. “
Soon ...




We’re all over each other the moment the doors to the elevator close. Dylan pushes me back against the wall, his hands cupping my ass, lifting me right off the floor, and I moan into his mouth, spreading my legs wide, my dress riding up around my waist as he drives his hips between my thighs, the hard bulge of his cock straining at his suit pants and brushing against my exposed clit. I wrap my arms and legs tight around him as he pushes his tongue deep into my mouth, and I push back with my own, my hands moving into his thick black hair, gripping on tight as my whole body trembles and shivers with excitement and anticipation.

I’m so lost in the moment, it takes me a second to wonder why he’s pulling away from me again before I see that behind him the elevator doors have slid open on my floor. I grab my purse which has fallen by our feet, fumbling my key card out of it with shaky fingers as we race towards my apartment, painfully frustrated by each
that we’re not kissing, not lost once more in each other.

He slams the door to my apartment closed behind us before turning to face me, his eyes ablaze. He doesn’t need to speak. It’s clear what he wants now, and I feel myself giving up to him – finally surrendering myself to him completely, physically and emotionally.

And even though I want nothing more than to throw myself into his arms right now, I force myself to turn and walk through to the bedroom. You see, in all my fantasies about what it would be like when it finally happened, I always imagined it being on a bed. I never imagined myself being driven so wild with lust that I’d want to do it right there in the limo, or the elevator, or in the damn corridor outside my apartment.

I can hear his footsteps behind me, closing up the distance between us, and just as I step through the doorway to the bedroom, he grabs my waist from behind, drawing me back towards him, his hands racing urgently up my body, his lips moving to my neck from behind, just as his hands gently tug the straps of my dress down over my shoulders.

I’m not wearing a bra, and in a moment he’s uncovered me, the cool air against my bare breasts, replaced a half second later by the rough warmth of his palms.

I moan, grinding my ass back against him, feeling the dress sliding down my thighs then pooling around my ankles. I push off my stockings, too, so that I’m fully naked now.

“I need you so badly, Julia,” he murmurs, his voice low and thick with desire. “I need to feel you come. I need to feel myself deep inside you.”

I gasp again as his hands move to my ass, but this time I pull away, turning to face him, my whole body feeling as if it’s on fire, flaming with heat and desire.

I take a few steps backwards, then let myself fall onto the sheets, spreading my legs wide, offering myself to him. “Come to me now,” I purr.

As I watch him get undressed, uncovering that beautiful, perfectly proportioned body, it occurs to me that he still doesn’t know how important this moment is to me. But I figure, he doesn’t need to. Because if I told him right now, it would only spoil the moment. All I need to know is that things are perfect – and they are, they really are. And that’s all Dylan needs to know, too.

As if to confirm this, he suddenly says, “You’re so damn beautiful, Julia. You’re the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen ...”

He moves towards me, climbing onto the bed, covering my naked body with his own. I feel so tiny and fragile beneath him, and I can feel the healthy glow of his skin, my senses filling with his heady musk.

“Do I ... need to use protection?” he murmurs.

I shake my head; I’ve always been so overly-cautious, I’ve been on birth control since I was sixteen. And I trust him. I trust him completely ...

I grab his head and pull him down towards me for another long, sensual kiss, our tongues once more flicking together, his hand moving between my legs, spreading my folds, working first one then two fingers deep inside me.

“I want you so fucking badly,” he whispers between kisses.

And in answer I spread my legs even wider for him, my whole body crying out to him, singing with that sweet familiar ache – an emptiness right at the center of me that for the first time in my life is about to be totally filled. My hands move to his sculpted buttocks, drawing him closer, needing him inside me now, just as much as he needs it, too.

He reaches between his legs, guiding the thick head of his cock until it’s right there between my legs. I try to relax, but I can feel my whole body tensing up. I’ve never felt so

“Hey, you okay?” he asks gently.

I nod, the breath shivering past my lips.

“Just relax,” he says, before moving his lips back to mine for another long, slow kiss, and as he does so, he reaches between my legs again, teasing my clit with the head of his cock, then guiding it back down again, tracing the wetness up and down, as his tongue pushes deeper into my mouth.

And finally I feel myself relaxing, melting at his kiss, as the heat and hardness of him presses just a little way inside me.

I gasp and stiffen again, as I feel the sharp sting of pain, too, just for a second. But it’s the kind of pain that’s also tied up with pleasure, and as he pushes even
inside me, that initial pain is already giving way, the sensation of being
so hot, so fucking delicious ...

I moan and whimper as he guides even more of himself inside me, stretching me wide, so wide I feel like I might split, and still there seems to be more of him.

“Jesus, Julia,” he gasps, his breath hot against my neck, his hand moving to my breast, thumbing my left nipple to a rock hard bud. “You’re so fucking

I tremble and shiver beneath him as he begins to take me, so slowly and gently, his body reading my own and responding, as if he knows instinctively that he can’t take this too hard or too quickly. He rocks his hips ever so gently, sliding his hot thickness in and out of me, each time pushing back inside me just a
deeper, and I find myself responding, moving my hips too, realizing that yes – this really
like dancing, finding that perfect rhythm, moving with your partner, your two bodies joining and becoming one ...

And once we’ve settled into a steady rhythm, he begins to increase the speed and power of his thrusts, his body pinning mine now, his muscular chest taut and lean, my hands grabbing his tight buttocks, urging him harder and deeper inside me.

I can feel my pleasure building, slowly and steadily but this is
much more intense than any orgasm I’ve ever felt before. Within moments, I’m moaning, crying and trembling beneath him, but still the feeling builds even more, each fresh shockwave of pleasure more intense than the last.

I look into his eyes, trying to read his face. He’s clearly holding off for me, knowing that he can push me to even greater heights before he comes. And with a final soft cry, I feel myself explode, the intense rush hitting me all at once. I grab him as tight as I can, as my body bucks and thrashes beneath him, wrapping my arms and legs around him, my sex clenching around his cock as he pushes inside me. And then a moment later I feel him let go too, buried so deep inside me, his whole body tense and shuddering, a low growl escaping his lips as he floods me with his warmth.

Okay, so this is what all the fuss is about,
I think afterwards, as we collapse onto the sheets, sweaty and panting, our limbs tangled together.




When I wake the next morning, I’m not alone in bed. The sunlight is streaming through the blinds, and Dylan’s strong, tanned, muscular arms are wrapped tightly around me. I’m kind of surprised he’s still here, but I don’t remember falling asleep last night, and I’m guessing he doesn’t either. I check the time – it’s 7am. Classes don’t start until 9. If I get up now, I’ll have enough time to get in the studio while it’s still empty and do some warming up on my own before class begins.

I gently slide out of Dylan’s grip, pull on jeans and a t-shirt, grab my dance bag and head for the door, telling myself I’ll shower at the studio. I don’t want to wake him. I get the suspicion that Dylan is not a ‘sleepover’ kind of guy, and I don’t want to scare him away

And besides, I want some time alone to really think over what happened last night ...




Our first class of the morning is with Madame Lyon. She’s an amazing woman. She’s in her sixties, but she’s just as supple and youthful as ever. She’s danced with all the best contemporary dance schools in the country, and she’s had a pretty wild past, too. Rumor has it she even dated
David Bowie
back in the seventies. There’s only a small group of us today, which means we’re all getting real one-on-one time with her, and she’s really putting us through our paces.

But even so, even with this amazing tutor pushing us to our absolute limits, my mind keeps straying elsewhere.

“Julia!” she calls sharply, as I stumble at the end of a pirouette. “Concentrate. You can do better than that!”

“Sorry, Madame Lyon,” I reply sheepishly.

And I know she’s right. I
. But it’s like this switch has flicked inside me, and now all I can think about is

I battle against the way my body seems to be craving and yearning for him, pushing him from my mind as much as I’m able, trying to devote myself fully to the new routine we’ve been learning. But it’s like every atom in my body is calling out to him now, wanting to feel him on top of me, wanting to feel him


This is like some kind of addiction. Because now that I’ve done it once, I just wanna do it again and again and again ...




“I need you,” I say into the phone, and I’m taken aback by the sound of my own voice: how urgent and full of desire it sounds. I wonder if he’s noticed the change in me, but I don’t really care, I need him so bad. “I need you to fuck me,” I say, “right here, right now.”

He sounds kind of startled by my forcefulness, too, but even so he quickly agrees. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I hang up the call, then prowl the apartment like a caged tiger, every second feeling like a goddamn eternity.

I’ve soaked in the tub and put on perfume and wrapped myself in a simple black silk robe, my naked body now aflame with desire beneath it. And then, finally, when I hear the sound I’ve been waiting for: three simple knocks on my apartment door, I pull it open, pouncing on him the very moment he gets through the door.

“What’s gotten into you?” he grins between kisses.

But he doesn’t put up a fight. I’m like a cat in heat – biting scratching, tearing at his clothes, wanting him naked as soon as humanly possible, both of us falling onto the hardwood floor of the apartment. I’m straddling him now, pulling at his belt like my life depends on it, the silk robe falling open, my tanned skin flushed with excitement. It’s crazy – like something has been unleashed in me, some wild primal desire I never even knew I had.

“I like you like this, Julia,” he murmurs. “You’re so ...

As I free him, unbuckling his belt and pulling at his zipper with trembling fingers, his hand moves to the center of me – his thumb slowly brushing the cropped fuzz of my pubic hair before finding my swollen clit, working it in deliciously slow motions, then tracing my own wetness up and down my swelling lips, each movement of his thumb sending tremors through me, making me gasp.

I finally free his cock, letting it spring from his boxers, slick and hard, stroking it in my fist for a moment before climbing up onto all fours over him then easing myself backwards, guiding him inside me like that, slowly but urgently.

I whimper as he stretches me wide again – this is still all so new to me – but this second time there’s no sharp pain, just pure pleasure: head-spinning, heart-racing

“I’ve been thinking about this all day,” I murmur through clenched teeth, rocking back even further on his cock, taking another hot thick inch of him inside me, steadying myself by placing my palms on his shoulders, pinning him to the floor beneath me as I begin to slide my hot tight cunt up and down his shaft. “I’ve been imagining you deep inside me like this ... I’ve been imagining feeling you come ...”

“Fuck, Julia,” he grimaces, eyes aflame, cock twitching, buried deep inside my wetness. “You feel
so fucking good ...

I can tell he’s still holding back; as if he can sense that this is all still so new to me that he’s decided to let me make all the moves. But I want to tell him that it’s okay to be rough with me, too – because that’s also what I’ve been dreaming of, what I’ve been craving all day ...

“I want you to really
me, Dylan,” I whimper, as his hands move to my breasts, cupping them in his hot rough palms. “Fuck me hard ...”

At this his eyes burn with intense desire, and I shiver as his fingers slide down to my ass, spreading me wide, holding me firmly in place as he begins to slam his hard cock even deeper inside me in fast powerful thrusts.

“Oh God, that’s it,” I gasp, as I feel the electricity building like a fireball inside my core, as Dylan’s cock hits a sweet spot, each fresh thrust seeming to double up my pleasure until before I know it, I’m coming hard on top of him, my hips bucking, my hair falling in my face, my sex clenching tightly around his shaft as my whole mind and body explode with intense, white-hot pleasure.

And a moment later, Dylan tenses, thrusting deep into me with a final gasp, pushing himself up so we’re sitting, my legs over his, our eyes locked as his cock pulses its fluid so fucking
inside me.

“You’re just so incredibly sexy. Do you know that?” he says, once we’ve caught our breath, still sitting there sweaty and naked on the floor of our apartment.

“I’m just me,” I laugh.

“But who even
you?” he says. “Every time I think I know you, you surprise me with something new ...”

BOOK: Dance with the Billionaire
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