Authors: Karen Nichols
“You’re beyond involved, Danea,” Wade assured her, shifting her to the side where he leaned on the desk and turning her in his arms. He pulled her back against him, his arms circling her from behind.
“I don’t know how…or what we have…I can’t claim you,” Danea felt him through her jeans. And the more she tried to move, the harder and more solid he became.
“Something integral about you has claimed us,” Wade explained quietly.
“I have a feeling the three of us will have a lot of changing inside ourselves, but I don’t doubt for a moment that we can’t make it work. It isn’t what I expected to find eventually, I promise you.”
“Did you believe it would be easy, Dani?” Noah slid to the edge of the chair, his knees parted and hands clasped as he leaned on them. “Wade and I have been friends a few years, but this wasn’t what either of
us ever thought possible.”
“Then it isn’t just me who’s a little…off balance…by this…us…”
“It’s a relationship, Danea,” Wade said with a low laugh, his lips moving next to her ear. “Do we know if it’ll work out? Statistics are good in that arena.”
“Statistics?” The word came out in a gurgle, followed by a soft sigh as her head tilted to the side to grant him access to her throat.
Hands that had been hanging at her sides moved behind her, stroking over the solid length of his thighs.
“I think we’re losing the thread of the conversation,” Wade murmured softly, nipping his way along her throat to her shoulder. He continued exploring with his mouth as Noah left the chair and came to stand in front of her.
The softly gulped breath made him raise his head slightly to watch Noah’s fingers working open the buttons down the front of her tunic.
Noah stopped opening the small buttons and put one finger beneath her chin. He tipped her head up and held it there until her eyes opened, a smoky, sexy daze settling in them that was more than addictive.
“I don’t know how to…” Danea dragged her tongue around her lips in between each little gasp. His hands continued roaming over her, occasionally touching flesh beneath the fabric, but not quite parting the sides of her tunic. “I’ve never really had a long relationship…
I get involved in my work…in the kids and…and…”
“We’re willing to learn together,” Noah spoke for them both, the fire burning in his eyes mirrored over Danea’s shoulder.
“Have you ever felt the fire and excitement we generate with any other lover, Danea?”
She closed her eyes against the very fire he spoke of. She swore she could see it spring to life in tiny flames that seared along all the points he and Wade touched.
“Look at me, Danea,” Noah waited until her lashes rose, a low groan leaving his lips when he met the wide, shining gaze. He opened the tunic she wore, spreading the sides to the edges of her shoulders. “Why did you allow us into your bed? Into your life?”
She laughed at this, soft and low. “I seem to recall I wasn’t given a real choice on the second one.” She lifted her hand from her side and stroked over his face. “As for
the other…it’s never felt more right. Even while I was…am…confused that I’m…I’m allowed to care about two men at once…it’s never felt more natural to me.”
“We can accept that answer, Danea,” Wade whispered against her throat. “That’s part of what has us all a little baffled…how natural it all feels.”
“She’s still blushing,” Noah chuckled and pushed the tunic over her shoulder caps. He took her hands and lowered them until the tunic fell at her feet.
“It’s like a massive sensory overload,” she murmured, trying not to sound too testy at the blushing comment.
“You’re beautiful,” Wade whispered against her throat, his hands sliding off her shoulders to the small snaps in the center of her back. He released them and watched as Noah used one finger on each shoulder, slowly nudging the slender ribbon of a strap to the edge of her shoulders and down her arms. When she tried raising her arms to catch it, her eyes wide and filled with trepidation, he bit down on the hollow of her neck. “No, Danea…we enjoy seeing you…we definitely enjoy undressing you…can’t you tell?”
His hands were holding her hips tightly and pulling them back against the bulge of his cock inside his pants.
“I…when we’re like this…it feels like a dream,” she whispered in response, a low moan breaking free when Wade’s hand
s surrounded her breasts while Noah’s worked the opening of her jeans. She felt a wisp of breath against her stomach and realized Noah was kissing his way along her stomach, following the hands that were easing the jeans down her legs.
Legs that were attached to knees that were threatening to buckle with each heated breath against her skin. She heard his low, sexy chuckle as the fingers of one
hand tangled in the midnight hair still bound at the nape of his neck. Her fingers pulled the band free and tossed it aside, the thick heavy strands sensual against her palm.
Overload, her mind babbled when Wade’s hand left one breast to cup her chin and tip her head to the side for his kiss. Soft and seeking; a light tentative touch that deepened as she melted into it with him, their tongues weaving and stroking along one another. She whimpered when he nipped her bottom lip while his hands returned to her breasts, capturing each nipple with a firm pinch. Not quite pain, not quite cotton, she thought in between pants. She could feel the faintest of scratches as Wade deepened their kiss, trailing his mouth over her jaw. Stubble excited the flesh along her throat seconds before his teeth found that tender spot that shot straight to her pussy.
“We’ll keep dreaming for a very long time, Danea,” Noah murmured against her stomach, the sweet scent of her wreaking havoc with his animal senses.
Was that the magic addiction that scientists spent decades trying to unravel?
He felt her quiver beneath his tongue as he dragged it along the thin lace line of her panties. His hands were rough against the soft flesh, pushing her jeans down her legs and easing her feet out, one at a time. He rose slowly to his feet, his cock hard and achingly trapped inside his own jeans.
“How’s she feel?” The husky sound seemed to scratch along his throat when he took a step back, crossed his arms and pulled the t-shirt over his head.
“Find out for yourself,” Wade told him, his hands sliding from her breasts, down the center of her body to her hips. He eased her forward, his hands tightening when she swayed slightly. “I think we should get her off her feet.”
“I think you’re both making me crazy,” Danea murmured, shaking her head and taking in the long, hard body in front of her. The midnight hair that was part of his heritage hung in an uneven mass around his shoulders. Unlike Wade, he had no stubble on his face and nothing over the naturally tanned broad chest. She stiffened her legs and moved forward when he remained in place, her hands up and stroking over his chest and down to the snap just below his naval.
“I’ll get the locks and set the alarms,” Wade said, striding past and adjusting is slacks. “The stairs on the other side of the patio doors lead to the master suite.”
“Good idea,” Noah moved swiftly, taking one of her hands in his and lowering his shoulder. He watched her mouth open and her head shake as she hastily backed out of his way.
Oh, no!” Danea swerved, ducked and made a little dodge that had her stumbling off to the side out of his grasp.
“Oh, yes.”
She heard him growl and laughed. She quickly righted herself and took off at a light run around the furniture. Eyes wide, she let her gaze sweep the area, dimly lighted by the glow from the kitchen. She saw the stairs and made a dash for them. And she almost made it.
“Sheriff, you can’t keep hold of one little girl?” Wade had quickly crossed the room, his hand out to snatch up her wrist and tug sharply. His hand came down sharply on the wiggling behind now arched and raised on his shoulder.
“Show off,” Noah chuckled.
“Oww! I can walk, you know!” She decided against squirming, the distance a little daunting from the height of six foot something.
“The view we have is so much more fun,” Wade told her with a laugh, striding up the stairs and tossing her gently to the over-sized neatly made up bed. He stepped back and watched her scramble to her knees, hands up and pushing her hair from her face.
Danea shoved against the surface of the very firm mattress and stood up, smiling down at the pair of really sexy men.
“Gonna do a strip tease for me?” She wriggled both eyebrows and watched the look from her to one another. And back to her. Their answer coming out in one, uniform word.
“Aww…spoilsports,” she pouted and continued to stare at them. “If there was a pole here, I’d show you some tricks that I learned one summer in a bar in Juneau.”
“A pole?”
“A bar?”
“Mother believed in a well-rounded education in the behaviors of people
and I love dancing.”
“Camelia is dangerous,” Noah murmured.
“Oh, well…I still think it would be nice,” Danea dropped to her knees and moved to the edge of the bed. She brought her hands up and opened buttons down the front of Wade’s shirt. She saw Noah come closer, her palms flat and spread over Wade’s chest, the soft tickling of hair against her flesh and making her look toward Noah. “You’re both so different…in so many ways…yet you find me…” she let her voice fall off as she leaned closer, her tongue swirling around the darkened, rippled ridges surrounding one male nipple. “So different,” she whispered a soft breath over the dampness she left in her trail and liked the quickly supped in air he dragged into his lungs.
“We find you irresistible,” Noah shoved his jeans down his legs and moved onto the bed, laying back and watching as she helped Wade out of his clothes. His hand wrapped around his cock, stroking slowly as he took in the erotic show before him. A bare hint of lace and nylon clung to Danea’s hips as her hands stroked and pushed fabric from Wade’s shoulders before moving onto the pants on his hips.
Light from the lower level cast a soft glow of gold around the couple standing beside the bed, the rounded globes of her behind; the long muscled legs and small, plump breasts pressing against Wade’s chest. The eroticism sent a shudder through him, his thumb stroking over the dab of pre-cum as he stroked his fist along his cock.
Noah shifted to the side, his hand opening the top drawer of the nightstand, relieved when he found the unopened box of condoms inside. And another new purchase that he took and set on the surface. He caught the smoky look in Wade’s eyes at the same time Danea was turned to face the bed.
“Noah needs some of your attention,” Wade suggested, kicking his pants aside and following her over the surface of the bed. His hands continued roaming, stroking along her flanks, down the outside of her thighs and back up along the very soft interior until his fingers found the hot center. Thick dampness flowed over his fingers. His palms moved to the insides of her thighs to keep her on her knees, ass high and kneeling over Noah.
Noah watched the fire in her eyes. The edge of her tongue was out, sweeping over her lower lip and leaving a moist trail before she crawled over the surface toward him. He released his cock, one hand going to fondle a soft, rounded breast, the pert nipple squeezed. A low, vibrating moan rippled along her throat as she licked out her tongue over the head of his cock and crawled closer, peeking up at him through her lashes.
Danea had given up trying to comprehend why this all felt so wonderful, so perfect. Locked here in this warm bedroom with two men willingly sharing and arousing her went beyond logical explanation.
And allowing her to be herself.
Seductive and sensual; playful and teasing. She’d spent every free minute trying to figure out how she had enough room inside her heart for them both. Was it the simplicity of their others that allowed them to surrender the selfish side of themselves for a broader, more sensual selfless side?
There were hands touching her as she let her tongue trace along the length of his cock. One of Noah’s palms rested on his abdomen while the other tweaked and aroused her nipple to the edge of pain that had her groaning and her pussy tightening.
Wade’s hands were on her hips. But they didn’t remain there long. Thumbs stroked down the crease between her cheeks, parting them and brushing lightly over her anus. A touch that made her suck in a breath with the cock in her mouth. His palms continued down the backs of her thighs, firmly urging them a little further apart.
She’d given up on focus. It simply wasn’t hers right now. Or anytime they had their hands on her, she admitted seconds before she felt one long finger sliding between the swollen lips of her pussy, stroking, collecting the dampness her body created in reaction to them. She felt him spreading the damp heat, drawing slow seductive figure eights around the swollen labia, up onto her clit and back. Each time he completed a loop, his fingers grazed over her anus until on one pass, a single digit slipped into the taut opening.
Noah’s free hand was suddenly tangled in her hair, holding her mouth against him while another set of fingers stroked the damp heat in her. Wade set up a slow, sensual movement, his body on its knees behind her.
She knew she was sweating. She felt the nerves in her lower body begin to fire from one to the other in mounting excitement.
Anticipation and curiosity at the nerve endings that burst to life, demanding more with each new foray beyond what she thought her normal.