DangerbyDalliance (7 page)

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Authors: Tina Christopher

BOOK: DangerbyDalliance
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Archer strode into the studio, his gaze immediately drawn to

She stood more naturally. He knew Warren probably wouldn’t
use any sketches from the first two or three sessions, waiting until she was
comfortable enough with the process to show the real her.

He set down the tray and moved to the small bathroom
attached to the studio. He filled a bowl with hot water and collected a cloth
and towel. He added those to the table holding the tray and sat on one of the
stools. Her eyes met his. For a moment hers were filled with passion, confusion
and worry. Archer wanted to hold her close and assure her that they would
protect her, to tell her everything would be all right.

But that would be a lie.

Pulling her into their world of secrets and the need to hide
parts of themselves was selfish. They still had the option to change their

And Archer could not do so.

Whatever it took, Sarah was the one for them. She had
settled in his soul and in his heart.

For the next twenty minutes he observed. The longer she
stood, the more her walls crumbled. The firm chin, held high in defiance and
fear, gradually lowered to a more natural position. When he saw the muscles in
her legs shake, he rose. “Warren, time.”

His lover growled, but waved at Sarah.

Archer took the robe and held it ready for her to slip into

“Thank you.”

He nodded, wet the cloth and held it out to her. “It will
help ease some of the kinks.”

For a moment she just looked at the cloth as if not quite
sure what to do with it. Finally she took it and turned her back to him as she
rubbed the cloth over her body.

He gritted his teeth. He wanted to do it for her.


Sarah handed back the cloth, a moist shimmer making her body
glisten. He handed her the towel and she repeated the process.

She returned the towel, drew the robe closed and tied the
belt. He took her hand and led her to the tray. Her hand twitched once, but
remained in his clasp. He poured her a glass of water.

Sarah took it with a grateful smile.

“Have a seat.” He pointed at the stool.

Her brows shot up, but she tucked the edges of the robe
between her legs and sat.

“Would you like some fruit?”

“Yes, please.” Her voice held a husky sensuality. She looked
away, pink staining her cheeks.

Archer ignored it and cut an apple into bite-sized pieces.

She took the plate with a grateful smile and nodded when he
raised the jug in question.

“There is a bathroom attached to the studio.” He pointed to
a narrow door just as Warren pulled it open and washed his hands in the small

Sarah nodded but looked slightly to the left of his face.

He poured another glass for Warren, stepped behind Sarah and
put his hands on her upper back. She tensed. “Shh, don’t worry, this will help
with the aching muscles.”

Sarah didn’t relax immediately, but she allowed him to
massage her tense shoulders and neck. Slowly she leaned into his touch.

Warren joined them and gulped down his glass of water. He
met Archer’s gaze and knelt before Sarah. “How are you holding up?”

“I am fine.”

Archer couldn’t see her expression, but tension invaded her
body. He increased the pressure and she moaned. The sound blazed through him.
The need burning in Warren’s eyes matched the explosion building inside him.

, he mouthed at Warren. They didn’t want to
scare her away now that she’d finally relaxed enough to allow their attentions.

Warren quirked his lips, took Sarah’s feet and rested them
on his thigh. She made a sound as if to protest. Warren smiled at her. “I can’t
let him be the only knight in shining armor.” With careful moves he gently
massaged the soles of her feet.

Archer rubbed his thumbs along the slender line of her neck
and dug into the knots across her back. Her head dropped forward and Warren
caught the empty glass before it fell to the floor.

Archer continued his massage while going to his knees behind
her stool. He slid his hands down her spine and dug his fingers into her lower
back. She moaned again and arched her spine.

He continued, mixing touches to alleviate the aches of
standing still for that length of time and caresses intended to arouse. When he
curved his palms around her waist and rubbed his thumbs across the top of her
bum she flinched, pulled her feet out of Warren’s grasp and rose. “I believe it
is time for the next round, is it not?”

Warren looked at him, but Archer didn’t know what had caused
her withdrawal.

“Certainly, Sarah. We are making great progress today.”
Warren took her hand and guided her back to her spot. He clasped his hands and
rested them on the back of his head, arching his body. “Can you assume this

Her eyes widened and color pinkened her cheeks. She

Archer was just about to stop him when she nodded. Her hands
shook when she untied the robe’s belt. Archer strode over and took it from her.

Sarah dug her teeth into her lower lip, nearly making him
groan with the need to do that himself. Then she clasped her hands and took the
provocative position.

Warren nodded and grabbed his paper.

Archer bit the inside of his cheek and sank back onto the
stool. He had to adjust himself discreetly as his hard cock didn’t make sitting
very easy.

How could Warren just stand there and paint?

Chapter Six


Every line, every smudged shadow was a battle. No matter how
beautiful, erotic or tempting a model might be, Warren had no issue with
pushing that aside and focusing on the art.

Not so with Sarah.

Where the artist wanted to capture the arch of her back, the
curve of her breast, the tight peaks on paper, the man wanted to explore every
inch of her glorious body with his hands and his lips.

He drew a couple of lines and smudged them with his finger.

Running his tongue along the same lines would be amazing.

He took a step and a half to the side until he had Sarah in
more of a profile. Warren gripped the charcoal too tightly. It broke. With a
growl he dropped the smaller piece and continued. He captured the slope of her back,
curving into her round behind. Sarah had an arse that was just about perfect in
every way.

He imagined her before him on her hands and knees, sucking
Archer’s cock while Warren caressed her bottom, teasing her wet slit. He would
nip her firm flesh with his teeth and introduce her to his palm, showing her
how arousing a touch of pain could be.

The charcoal broke again. He threw the pieces on the floor
and stomped over to his desk where more supplies waited. Warren picked up three
more pieces and walked back to Sarah.

Confusion and a touch of apprehension clouded her eyes. He
tried to send her a reassuring smile, but going by her and Archer’s response he
was unsuccessful.

Warren exhaled and tried to push the part of him battling
the artist out of his mind.

For now they needed the artist, the part of his personality
that could reassure and entice Sarah as opposed to the Neanderthal who
constantly wanted to drag her beneath him and drown in her sensuality.

No matter how hard, he would do it. Suppressing part of him
would hurt in the beginning, but garner them more success in the long run.

He flipped to a fresh piece of paper and drew, for the first
time since she’d dropped the robe, sinking into his artistic zone. His lines
smoothed out, became more comprehensive and exact. The curve of her stomach,
the sumptuous roundness of her arse and hips. The dark secret between her soft
thighs. Her legs, full and lush, ending in her small feet.


No matter from what angle, from what direction he attacked
the drawing, Sarah had no bad side. She was perfect just the way she was.

Warren tore off the sheet and started a new one.

Her stubborn chin she always raised when she was pushed
outside her area of comfort. Her slightly uptilted nose that was a little too
short to match her high cheekbones. Her big blue eyes that hid so much. Her
forehead, for once relaxed and without the slight frown she so often exhibited,
and her luscious hair, so light it was nearly white in the infuriating bun. As
soon as he could he would get her to release those strands.

Warren noticed her arms shake and her body beginning to
sway. He wanted to continue his dive into her beauty, but she was reaching her
breaking point.

He put his materials down just as Archer called, “Time.”

Sarah lowered her arms slowly and with a grimace.

Archer picked up the robe, but Warren held up a hand to stop
him from covering her. A slight sheen of sweat covered her torso.

Archer had refreshed the bowl of water and Warren moistened
a cloth. She froze when he made a move to wipe down her chest. He captured her
hands and kissed them. “Let us take care of you. You have worked hard. This is
the least we can do.”

He wasn’t sure if it was his words or her exhaustion, but
she complied.

Archer set the robe on the back of the sofa and picked up
the towel he’d brought out earlier, coming to a standstill behind Sarah.

Warren stepped up and gently wiped the warm cloth across her
décolleté and neck. Much to his surprise she leaned into Archer and closed her

Warren gently continued his task by rubbing across her
breasts—her nipples tightening—and her stomach. With each touch she leaned more
heavily into Archer, who handed him the dry towel and gently massaged her

Warren took the towel and dried her. Then he sank to his
knees and wiped down her thighs. She instinctively widened her stance and he
had to bite his tongue not to groan when he caught a glimpse of her swollen

He ignored the need charging through him and focused on her
feet, lifting them one at a time, rolled down her stockings and wiped down her
legs. Once he’d finished he set down cloth and towel. Archer’s blazing gaze met
his. Warren nodded.

Archer slowly stroked his hand from her shoulder down her
spine until his hand curved around her waist. He gently moved back up and
caressed the outside of her breast.

Sarah tensed.

Both of them paused.

But her eyes remained closed.

Warren set one of her feet onto his thigh and kissed her
knee. Her breathing grew uneven, but other than that she did not respond. He
continued putting his lips against her skin, kissing his way up to her waist.
He wanted nothing more than to dive between her thighs, cup her moist pussy in
his hand, but he restrained himself.

Instead he kissed and nipped the tender flesh of her inner
thigh and gently set the foot back down. A quick glance up showed him Archer
had moved his other hand until his arm wrapped around her waist and his hand
rested above her patch of curls. He was in the process of kissing his way up
and down her neck.

Warren repeated his caresses on her other leg, leaving no
inch untouched. His desire grew harder and harder to control as with each
breath the scent of her arousal saturated his senses. He leaned back, his
fingers stroking the backs of her knees, and watched as Archer carefully cupped
the heavy weight of her breasts.

Both of them held their breath, expecting her to put an end
to their exploration.

But she didn’t.

Instead she moaned softly and her head dropped back against
Archer’s chest. Archer teased her tight nipples with his fingertips, hardening
them even further.

Warren couldn’t stand it any longer and lifted one leg over
his shoulder. He tried to be gentle and slow, but his need to taste the
succulent flesh before him drove him to the edge. Her body softened into the
new position.

He kissed her inner thighs, worked his way closer and closer
to his goal. Finally his fingers brushed her beautiful pussy.

Sarah tensed.

He paused.

Archer murmured reassuring words against her neck and
tweaked her hard nipples.

Another moan escaped her. Warren stroked his fingertips
across the moist entrance. With care he rubbed his thumb over her clitoris,
gently raising it to its full potential.

Her hands, up until now just hanging at her sides, balled
into fists.

Warren repeated the caress, torn between delight and
excitement that she allowed their touch and bone-deep fear that something was
wrong. Not once had she looked at either of them. It was as if she’d removed
herself from the situation, as if by not seeing them she could pretend nothing
really happened.

He would not allow that.

If the three of them were to have a future, every one of
them needed to make a conscious decision to be part of it.

He leaned forward and put his mouth on her, licking along
her moist opening and curling around her tight clit.

Her eyes sprang open and the fire flaring inside them nearly
burned him to a crisp. Contrary to his belief, she had been with them every
step of the way.

Now he had to see how far she wanted to go.


Sarah had never felt like this before.

Archer’s warmth behind her, his strength holding her up.
Warren’s gentle, yet so titillating touch before her.

When they’d stopped the session she had been mentally and
physically exhausted. Far more than she had ever imagined from standing still.
She’d been sweaty and sticky. When Warren had started to clean her she’d been
relieved she didn’t have to do it herself.

Each touch was a caress, and the support and tantalizing
feel of Archer at her back pushed her further and further down a path she had
tried so hard to avoid.

Sarah looked down at Warren. Her leg inelegantly sprawled
over his shoulder, her quim on display. Archer’s hands cupping her breasts and
teasing her oh-so-sensitive nipples.

She knew one word from her and they would stop. As much as
they threw her off balance, as much as they dominated her thoughts and
feelings, she trusted them.

Both of them.

The three of them together formed a tableau, frozen in time.
Since she’d opened her eyes they hadn’t moved. She realized they waited for her
consent. Sarah swallowed.

This was a road she had not wanted to go down. The risks
were enormous on more than one level. She could grow attached to the two
men—she already felt connected to both of them. Would she be able to cope once
this liaison came to an end? And if anyone discovered what she was doing, her
ruined reputation would dissolve any teaching, and therefore earning,
opportunities for her father.

White-hot anger roared through her.

She wouldn’t be in this situation without the carelessness
of her father. She had sacrificed more than expected from any good daughter.
Now, for once, she would live her own life with no thoughts or worries to the

Damn society and its expectations. Damn the stuck-up pricks
who had told her all her life that she wasn’t pretty enough to catch a man’s

Damn them all.

Sarah cupped Warren’s cheeks. His rakish beard stubble
caressed her fingers. She smiled, giving him permission. Words had no place in
this moment. She leaned more heavily against Archer and arched her back so her
breasts pushed deeper into his hands.

Neither man needed further encouragement.

Archer rained kisses along her nape. She shivered.

He circled his fingers around her nipples, never quite
touching the sensitive pearls and pushing her closer and closer to the peak
that so long had eluded her. Then he tweaked one nipple between two fingers.
The pressure pushed her to her toes and to lean harder against his chest.

Warren cupped her bottom, stabilizing her as Archer gave the
other nipple the same treatment. Sensations raced through her. A blaze gathered
inside her and she felt dampness between her thighs.

In the back of her mind she knew she should be embarrassed
at her complete disregard for propriety. But she didn’t care. It was as if a
part of her she had never known before had taken over.

And she enjoyed it.

Warren leaned forward and gently blew on her moist quim.

Her knee grew weak and she slumped against Archer. He
tightened his arm around her waist. The same hand also raked its fingers
through her curls, pulling just the slightest bit, while Warren kissed and
tongued her entrance.

Sarah had no idea how to respond. Feelings and sensations
tore through her, flaring out into every corner of her body. Archer supported
her weight without hesitation.

Warren’s tongue stroked across the little button at the top
of her sex, the one Beatrice’s father’s books had called the clitoris. The one
that had given her tingles, but nothing like this inferno of sensations.

Breathing became an issue. She panted, desperate to pull in
enough oxygen to stay aware and experience the next moment.

Now they worked in tandem. One lick followed by teasing rubs
across her nipples. Another lick, more rubs. Warren’s tongue moved side to side
and up and down, leaving nothing untouched. Archer’s fingers captured and
played with her sensitive peaks.

Her hands dug into the soft silk of Warren’s hair. How could
she have known that a man’s hair was so sensual to touch?

Whimpers, moans, soft cries. All escaping

Part of her wanted to keep them inside while at the same
time another part wanted to scream.

When Warren tapped his tongue slightly against the top of
that button the pressure built and built inside her. Sarah didn’t know how to
escape the tidal force launching her higher and higher, didn’t know if she even
wanted to escape.

Archer captured one hard nipple between thumb and finger,
rubbing back and forth with more and more intensity. At the same time Warren
circled her clitoris—round and round.

Then—as if by mental command—Archer nipped the side of her
neck and Warren sucked on her clitoris, throwing her into an overwhelming
maelstrom of sensations. The pressure inside her grew and grew with no way out.

Until Archer cupped her cheek, tilted her head up and pressed
his lips against hers.

This kiss—her first—should have been awkward and tense.
Instead it was the fulfillment of all her fantasies. His firm lips pressed
against her slightly open ones. His tongue thrust inside her mouth.

One hand dug into Warren’s light-brown mane, one hand
clasped Archer’s dark hair. Her tongue rubbed against Archer’s. Warren tapped
her clitoris. The pressure inside her exploded into unbelievable madness.
Unable to process the individual sensations, she gave herself over to the two

And they caught her, held her safe in the storm raging
around and inside her, straightened her tilting world until all she could feel
was the two of them.

Sarah had no idea what would happen next or if she was ready
for it.

But in that singular moment she didn’t care because Archer
and Warren were there. And when Warren gently set down her leg and rose from
his kneeling position to take over the kiss it was as if a final missing puzzle
piece had been added. She rested her head against Warren’s chest, his clean
scent of paint and man flowing through her. At her back the blazing brand of
Archer, his strength and power a reminder she wasn’t alone.

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