Dangerous Assignment (Aegis Group Book 4) (18 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Assignment (Aegis Group Book 4)
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“How about this?” He sat up and crawled toward her until she was under him, her mouth so close a tip of her chin would bring them together. “If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I'd have a galaxy in my hand.”

Abigail leaned hear head back and laughed. She swatted at his chest, splashing bubbles and water everywhere.

“You’re terrible,” she said.

“So you keep saying.” He kissed her neck.

She turned her head aside and he continued up, all the way to that spot just behind her ear. She sighed, and her eyes closed. Her hands slid down his chest, her nails pressing little tracks into him.

“Luke.” She whispered his name. Her knuckles bumped the head of his cock.

“Hm?” He dipped his head, kissing that tender spot again, waiting to see what she’d do.

Her hand wrapped around his erection, pumping him with firm, root-to-tip strokes. He groaned and leaned into her. Those hot little hands knew how to handle a man, a skill he could appreciate.

He found her mouth with his and thrust his tongue past her lips. Her knee rose, shifting him until her other hand could cup his balls.

Fuck, he’d only meant to tease her.

If he’d learned anything in the short time he’d come to know Abigail, it was that nothing stood in her way. Not even his intentions. And he wasn’t about to say no to a lady.

Luke shifted his weight, leaning against the tub so he could free up one hand. He cupped her mound, her legs already spread around him, and thrust his fingers into her. She lifted her hips, rocking into him. He let his forehead rest in the crook of her neck as he worked first two fingers and then three, while her hands stroked him in concert.

Christ, the little twist she gave his dick was going to send him over the edge.

She released his balls and pushed at his shoulders.

“Over,” she demanded.

He pulled his fingers from her pussy, wrapped his arm around her waist and turned. Water sloshed, bubbles went everywhere, but they managed to slide around until he was stretched out in the gargantuan tub with her straddling his thighs, suds clinging to her olive skin, nipples peeking out from the bubbles.

The way she stared at him robbed him of his ability to breathe.

Had a woman ever looked at him with such fierce, stark need?

It echoed the way he felt about her. How the hard edge of it pushed him toward her all the damn time. It was a pull he couldn’t fight.

She slid her sudsy hands up his chest and leaned down. There were shadows in her gaze, a darkness he wanted to wipe away, forever, if she’d just let him. She set her mouth against his, suckling his lip between hers until she could nip it. He cupped her breasts, rubbing his palms over the tight nubs. On a second pass he gripped her nipples between his fingers and tugged harder, just how she liked. She pressed her chest against him, a spark lighting in her eyes and wrapped her hand around his cock again.

He’d never wanted someone like he wanted her.

They were made from the same stuff, so she understood his drive. Who and what he was. Because they were the same. Maybe that was what he’d been missing all along.

She broke the kiss, rising up above him. Her hand guided his cock to her pussy, their gazes locked. He saw the way her lashes fluttered when their flesh met, how her lips parted just a bit when the head of his cock slipped into her.

It was different with her. And not just because there were no barriers, no condom. He knew her secrets, the things no one else knew, and she knew his.

He gripped her hips, guiding her, lending his strength to her as her body stretched, adjusting to his girth. She leaned down, one arm draped around his neck. This close—she was his world. The beginning and end. Nothing else mattered except this moment.

Their bodies fit perfectly together.

They breathed in time, neither looking away.

He pushed her hair out of her face.

Abigail leaned in, kissing him as her internal muscles squeezed him. He groaned and gripped her hip. If she didn’t move the ache in his balls was going to kill him.

She rose up, his flesh sliding against hers, the warm water, cooler than her, swirling around him. Her breasts grazed his chest as she sank back down with her spine arched. He hooked his forearm around her thighs, just under her ass, giving her better leverage.

This was when he’d say something, but the way she stared at him spoke more than words could. They were connected, and nothing could change that.

The water sloshed around them. The sun cast filigree wings onto the wall behind Abigail, making her into some sort of sensual angel.

He thrust up into her and she gasped, throwing her head back, looking down through her lashes at him. Again she rose, higher this time. Their bodies met in a spray of water and moans from each of them.

“Like that,” she said between breaths.

Abigail’s words broke whatever spell of silence had woven over them.

“Fuck, you feel good,” he said through clenched teeth.

“Yeah?” She grinned, one hand on the tub, the other on his chest as she lifted, rolling her hips at the same time.

“I’d do you all day.” He thrust, she fell, they groaned.

“Someday we’ll have to see how much stamina you’ve got.”

“All day, sugar, all day.”

“Oh!” Her eyes fluttered wide.

“Like that?” He let go of her breast and cupped her mound, finding the hard nub of her clit with his fingers.


Her head fell back on her shoulders. This time he practically lifted her all by himself, working her body up and down on his cock, letting gravity help deepen the thrusts.

“Luke.” She groaned his name, her nails digging into his shoulder.


Abigail grabbed the sides of the tub and worked with him, the muscles in her arms flexing with the strain of keeping the rhythm of their thrusts. She kissed his forehead, his temple, muttering words he didn’t understand.

Her groans changed pitch, the moans longer until her pussy clamped down on him and her eyes dilated. She tossed her head back, those shadow wings spread out behind her as her orgasm rocked her.

She was so damn beautiful it almost hurt to look at her.

He gritted his teeth and pumped into her, keeping the pace, stroking her through the wave of pleasure. She leaned forward, cupping his cheek and muttered more secret words.

Abigail kissed him, her hips rolling, their bodies joining.

He loved her, and maybe she loved him too, but it was new and scary and bigger than them. Her words spurred him on, until his body went taut and he came so hard his vision blurred. Her hands stroked his face, his chest until it was over.

Luke hugged her to him, his face buried in her now damp hair while the water cooled around them.

They’d make it work, one way or another. They could do this. They were determined, strong people. Together they could find a way.

“I think I’m turning into a raisin,” she mumbled against his neck.

“I’d lick your raisin.” He didn’t like the way she was breathing, a little too hard, a little too heavily. He had a mental countdown going until the Aegis staff doctor could look Abigail over.

“I bet you would.” She chuckled.

They sat up, and he climbed out of the tub first. He grabbed towels, wrapping them around her. Instead of letting her walk the dozen or so steps to the bed, he picked her up and carried her back to their nest of pillows and blankets, following her down onto the mattress.

The way she smiled at him… It was the kind of smile that made a man want to do anything to keep it in place.

He pulled her closer until they lay face to face, he stroked her hair, his other hand between hers.

Abigail had lived her life shrouded in secrets, full of double talk. He couldn’t begin to imagine what she’d had to survive.

“When all of this is over, what do you want to do?” he asked.

“I don’t know. It’s hard to imagine.”

“Whatever happens, I’ll be there.”

“That’s sweet, but—”

“Ethan died because of this guy Zach. I get needing to finish this, but we’ll do it together. I don’t want to lose you, too.” She was a woman worth fighting for.

“Luke…” Her face creased, as though she were in pain.

Neither of them had the luxury of grieving, yet—him for Ethan, her for her mother—but there would be time to do their memories justice.

“Look, I…” His throat constricted, holding the words he wanted to say deep inside of him. “I care about you. I can’t lose you, too. We can do this together. And then…we’ll figure it out. Whatever you need to do, I’ve got your back.”

Her lips pulled up into a tight smile. She gripped his hand tight between hers.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

He could imagine the loneliness of her life. Well, no more. She had him. They’d figure it out. Either with or without Aegis, they could do whatever needed to be done. And then she could relax. Hell, she’d probably never had a proper vacation in her life. At least one where she didn’t have to watch her back. Now, he could do that. He could shoulder some of the strain for her. Like a team.

Luke leaned in and kissed her.

They belonged together. He could feel it in his bones, the way they touched, how it felt being in her—everything about them clicked. It worked. Every woman before her it’d been about what
needed. He’d pulled their weight through the troubled times. Abigail though, she was next to him. They were a team. She supported him as much as he supported her.

He pulled back, those damn words still lodged in his throat.

It was too early for a confession like that. He wasn’t one to shy away from how things were, but he could see that she probably needed more time. To see he was serious, to let trust grow.

“How long until we leave?” she asked.

“Long enough for a nap.” He picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles.

“How many are going with us?”

“Just the six of us left here. You, me, Zain, Marco, Felix, and Ian. I don’t think you’ve really met Felix or Ian yet. They’re good guys.”

“I’m sure they are. Any chance there’s food still in the kitchen?”

“Yup. Hungry?”


“How about I run downstairs and get us something to eat and you…stay right here?” He tapped her nose, a spark of joy lighting up inside of him when she smiled. “Be back in a minute.”

Luke bounded out of bed, snatched up his shorts and a shirt, and pulled them on as he went. He spared one glance over his shoulder at Abigail, who’d rolled over to watch him.

His mother would love her, just like he did.

He slid out of the room and took the stairs two at a time down to the kitchen once more. This time it was empty. The whole building was silent and a little eerie with just the six of them plus two staff members. He spent a minute digging around for some of his favorite finger foods and something to drink. They’d have a long flight home tonight, and more than likely they wouldn’t have food service on whatever transport Zain had scrounged up for them.

Once he had enough food he carefully picked his way back up to the third floor.

They still had a few hours to kill. They could eat, nap, fuck, and repeat at least one more time for good measure. Or just sleep. He didn’t care so long as she was there.

Luke shouldered the door open.

“Hey, I was thinking…” He kicked the door closed and frowned at the empty bed. “Abigail?”

There was no splash from the bathroom, no rustling of clothing.

Instead, dread ate at him with no warning.

He set the platter and jug down on a tiny table near the door and circled around the bed into the bathroom.



The bathtub was empty.

The towels were piled in the hamper.

Her clothes were gone.

There was no sign that she’d ever been there.

“No, no, no!” He vaulted over the bed and yanked the door open. “Abigail?”

A door opened and both Marco and Ian leaned out.

“Problem?” Ian asked.

“Have you seen Abigail?”

“Not since…yesterday.” Marco stepped into the hall and pushed another door open.

Luke had feared her leaving them last night and even that morning, but when he’d seen her, when she’d still been there he’d taken it as a sign. That she was staying. That she’d chosen him.

They went room by room, pushing doors open, calling her name. They woke Felix up, but besides him there wasn’t another soul on their floor.

Luke flew down the stairs, Marco and the others on his heels. They pushed open every closed door on their way to the war room. Zain sat in a chair, his phone in hand and a headset on. If Luke had to guess, he was talking to his girlfriend back home.

“Abigail’s gone,” Luke said.

“Babe, going to have to call you back.” Zain sat up, his focus on them. “How long?”

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