Dangerous Craving (10 page)

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Authors: Savannah Stuart

BOOK: Dangerous Craving
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with tensed muscles. Flames licked into the sky behind a sand dune but it was obvious

someone had torched a few of his Adirondack chairs. If someone had done it to scare

him, they’d only succeeded in pissing him off
announcing their presence. Yes, this

would likely be the fae female after Nissa. Any sane shifter would have crept up on

them using more stealth.


Dangerous Craving

Breathing deeply, he scented the air. In addition to the smoldering fire, he scented

something or someone foreign. Piney, earthy, with a slight mix of patchouli.

He quickly scanned the area. He didn’t see any of his pack nearby but that didn’t

mean shit. If one of the younger members was out jogging or just playing they could

become an unintended target.

Slowly, he took a step back only to run into Nissa.

She sidled up directly next to him, which only infuriated him more. “She’s here,”

Nissa whispered.

His logical side knew she was capable of taking care of herself but his most primal

side didn’t care. It just wanted her safe. “How do you know?”

“It’s got to be her,” Nissa murmured as she clutched his arm. “We should go


He ignored her. Running and hiding wasn’t in his nature. “Does she smell like


“Yeah, why?”

“She’s here then.” Stepping in front of Nissa, he began moving back toward the

sliding glass door. Their feet were silent against the stone patio but they were in plain

view of anyone. He needed to get Nissa to safety then he was going to take care of this

problem. “Go inside and call my brothers using my cell.”


A burst of light flew past them. It crashed through the glass door, sending an

explosion of shards flying everywhere. Without pause he grabbed Nissa and practically

tackled her. He used his body as a shield and his arms to soften the impact as they

slammed against the concrete. They rolled behind one of the stone columns on his

porch, blocking them from view.

On instinct, he changed. His inner wolf took over in an instant, ripping his clothes

to shreds. With the breaking and shifting of his bones, inescapable pain swelled through


Savannah Stuart

him. His muscles and tendons strained under the pressure. Just as quickly, it subsided

as his body realigned.

In his animal state, everything was intensified. The salty ocean was potent but more

than that, the danger nearby invaded his senses with perfect clarity. His wolf now

associated that patchouli scent with the unknown threat and he knew exactly where it

was coming from.

Growling low in his throat, he pawed the stone ground as he looked at Nissa. To his

undying relief, she nodded and stayed crouched low.

If she followed him he couldn’t focus on what he had to do. Whoever this bitch

was, she was going to pay for putting his mate in danger. He and Nissa might not be

technically bonded but she was his. Someone was going to suffer for this attack. Not to

mention a faerie attacking them on a werewolf’s turf so close to the treaty signing was

insane. This was the kind of shit that could start another war. That all ended here and


With lightning speed he darted behind the next column. Just like vampires, his kind

had impressive speed and agility. Since he was a born alpha, he was faster than most.

Peering from around the column, he saw a flash of movement behind one of the

lounge chairs lining his Olympic-sized pool. At that moment, he wished it was a little

darker. As it was, he didn’t have many angles of approach.

Their would-be attacker could obviously harness energy as a weapon but she

wasn’t very good at controlling it. If she had been, she’d have hit them earlier.

“You stupid whore! I can’t believe you’re here with a shifter!” The loud voice was

definitely female.

Thomas looked toward the other column where Nissa still crouched behind. In his

shifted form he could see her wings clearly. She had them pulled in tight against her

back. By the tense lines of her body it looked like she might be contemplating doing

something stupid.


Dangerous Craving

This non-communication thing sucked. He howled loudly and her gaze snapped in

his direction.

“It’s Venetia,” she whispered.

He knew what she was doing. Her cousin wouldn’t be able to hear Nissa and any

human wouldn’t be able to at the distance they stood, but Thomas’ extrasensory

abilities were even stronger as a wolf.

“You’re both trapped but if you give my whore cousin up, I’ll let you live, lycan!”

If he’d been in his human form, he’d have laughed. Drawing on his strength, he

darted to the next column. The patio wrapped around the pool in a giant L shape. All he

had to do was get to the other side.

Then he’d be able to attack her. Sure he might get zapped, but he was strong

enough to withstand more than a few blows.

“Have you lost your mind, Venetia? Trying to kill me and my mother?” Nissa’s

voice was loud and strong.

Good, keep the bitch talking
. Thomas lunged toward the other column. Only two more

to go.

Then he’d have the crazy faerie in his sights.

“Your mother is too weak to lead and you’re just as pathetic. If I’d known you liked

to slum it with these animals, I’d have killed you decades ago.”

“Even if you kill me, Kassia is next in line, not you.”

“She’s easily disposable. Your entire family has gotten weak these past few years.

You’re hurting the Gentry… God, how can you stand the stench of these animals? After

what they did to our people?”

Thomas guessed someone she loved had been killed during the Great War.

Undeniable pain laced her voice. Even though she was obviously unhinged, Thomas

could sympathize with anyone who’d lost family during that time. Hell, if the enforcer


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could mate with a half fae, everyone else should be able to get over their own bullshit.

The war had ended centuries ago and no one from this generation had started it.

“That was a long time ago,” Nissa called out.

Thomas made it to the next column. He was fast and sometimes indiscernible to the

human eye when he moved, but another supernatural being should be able to see him.

Not to mention the column didn’t exactly hide all of him in his wolf form and he was a

giant black animal. Hard to miss if someone was looking. But so far she hadn’t tried to

fire at him again.

Even if she did, her fire wasn’t laced with silver. He’d burn but he’d heal. As he

inhaled again, he noticed she was a lot closer than he realized. Peering around the

column, he froze for a moment.

She wasn’t hiding behind anything anymore. Standing boldly out in the open, all

her attention was solely focused on the column Nissa stood behind. The faerie was tall

like Nissa. Maybe a little taller, probably six feet one.

Her long blonde hair was pulled back into two tight braids and she wore a pair of

cargo pants and a tight tank top. She looked like a fierce Amazon warrior. In her left

hand a flaming red ball of fire hovered. Her entire body was tense, ready to spring.

Thomas crouched back on his haunches. Using all his lower body strength, he

darted out from behind the column and lunged.

Gasping, she turned and threw the ball of fire at him. Flames singed the back of his

coat as he sailed through the air but it didn’t stop him.

She dodged out of the way as he landed on a solid wood lounge chair. It cracked

under the impact but he used it as a springboard.

His front paws slammed square in the middle of her chest, knocking her on her

back. A scream tore from her throat and she raised her hand to strike him but he

snapped down on her wrist. He tasted blood and felt tiny bones break beneath his



Dangerous Craving

She screamed again, this time louder and more shrill. When she did, he raised back,

ready to tear her head off.

As he went in for the kill, an incredibly powerful gust of wind knocked him off her.

He rolled to the side, ready to strike again but stopped when he saw Nissa.

She was the one who’d pushed him off.

With her hands held out in front of her, a bright green flame—the same color as her

eyes—burned in both her hands. It was like fire but somehow different. Like pure


Venetia scooted back against the concrete. “No, please don’t—”

But Nissa didn’t listen. Her eyes were glassy as she concentrated on Venetia. Before

her cousin finished her plea, the powerful stream of energy burst from Nissa’s hands.

Thomas stared in shock as Venetia turned to stone. She held up her arms as if to

protect herself but it was too late. Her body transformed rapidly, posed with an

expression of utter anguish.

He snapped his attention to Nissa only to see her collapse into a rumpled heap.

Without pause he shifted back to his human form. His muscles and bones strained

under the pressure until he found himself on all fours trying to catch his breath.

Shoving his discomfort aside, he hurried to Nissa’s side.

Her eyes were closed and her skin unnaturally pale. Lifting her into his arms, he

held her tight against him and checked for a pulse. At least her heartbeat was strong. It

was a miracle because she looked like death.

“Nissa. Please wake up.” He shook her lightly as he hurried inside, desperate for

her to open her eyes. Mindful of the glass shards, he didn’t stop until he’d stretched her

out on the center island. Seeing her this way was like déjà vu. Barely half a year ago his

friend Paz had been injured and laid out just like this.

But she’d survived.


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And Nissa would too. “Nissa, God, please wake up.” He cupped her head and held

one of her hands.

When she lightly squeezed, some of his panic subsided. But not much.
Wake up,

wake up, wake up.
He chanted the words over and over in his head.

Her eyes flew open so suddenly he had to stop from stepping back. “What the hell

was that?” The words came out harsher and louder than he intended. He cringed but a

ghost of a smile played across her face.

“I didn’t have time to warn you. I’m fine, I promise. Just really tired. I’ll need to rest

for a few hours.” She sounded strained as she spoke.

Scooping her up, he headed for the stairs. “What was that?”

“I can only turn other fae to stone. It won’t kill her but she’ll be stuck like that until

I change her back. I’m going to let my mother judge her.”

He’d known she was gifted but he’d had no clue what the extent of her powers was.

“Why did you collapse? And are sure you’re okay?”

There she went with that smile again. Soft and loving, as if she hadn’t just turned

someone to stone then passed out looking like she had a date with death. “It takes a lot

of energy to wield that kind of power. I’ve only done it once before and I was knocked

out for a day. It’s not something I can do on a whim.”

His throat seized at the thought. If she’d been unconscious for a day he’d have gone

absolutely mad. “Then why did you wake up now?”

She frowned for a moment and he saw the moment the answer registered with her.

But she shook her head. “I-I don’t know.”

She was lying. He didn’t know why, but he could read it clearly on her face.

“Nissa…” He trailed off when her eyes drifted shut again.

Sighing, he laid her on his bed then slid in next to her and pulled her back tight

against his chest. He needed to call his Alpha and clean up the aftermath of Venetia’s

destruction, but right now all he cared about was holding her close.


Dangerous Craving

Chapter Seven

Nissa stirred as she felt the soft brush of something—lips—tease against her neck.

With her eyes closed, she smiled. Thomas’ spicy, masculine scent was unmistakable.

“What are you doing?” she murmured.

“If you have to ask, I must be doing it wrong.” His voice was directly next to her

ear. He was so close she felt his hot breath caress her skin like a soft breeze. When his

teeth tugged her earlobe gently, she didn’t bother to bite back a moan. The nip of his

teeth made her inner walls clench with need. She desperately wanted to feel him inside


The bed dipped and Thomas’ hard body stretched out next to hers. When his

muscular chest rubbed against her bare arm and the side of her breast, it registered she

was naked. She opened her eyes and looked down. “When did you undress me?”

“While you were sleeping.” That deep voice should be illegal it was so hypnotic.

She stretched her arms above her head and turned slightly to face him. Lying on his

side, one elbow was bent as he propped up and looked down at her.

“Pervert,” she said, trying not to smile.

“I never claimed to be otherwise.” Pulling the duvet back farther, he placed his big

hand on her bare stomach in a proprietary manner. “How do you feel?”

Testing her motor functions, she wiggled her toes and rolled her ankles for a

moment. “Fine. Still a little tired though. How long have I been out?” Drapes covered

the windows, keeping the room plunged in a muted dimness. She could see it was still

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