Dangerous Curves Ahead (Watchers Crew) (13 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Curves Ahead (Watchers Crew)
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Chapter Seventeen

I said yes. I can’t believe I said yes. But I did and now Christopher was inserting a water bottle up my ass. It was a boundary I never thought anyone would cross. But he was there. Breaching this new frontier.

 It was a squeeze bottle with a long neck that held some type of lubricant. The process reminded me of an enema. I tried not to think that, but I couldn’t wrap my mind around this being in any way, shape, or form sexy.

“MK? Have you changed your mind?”

“Why would you think that?”

“Because you’re tense.”

“You have me in an awkward position.”

I lay on my side on his bed with one knee drawn up so he could get to my ass.

Christopher was behind me, one hand rested on my hip. “This will be uncomfortable just for a second, and then I promise you’ll see stars.”

With just those words, my body responded. It relaxed and my sphincter let go of its grip. Warm water flooded into my ass. Instead of discomfort or embarrassment, I felt a warm flush spread through me.

“I need you to hold it for me, princess.”

Christopher scooped me into his arms and carried me into the bathroom. My mind was suspended between holding the liquid inside of me and marveling that he didn’t even break a sweat carrying my weight.

Once inside, he stood me back on my own two feet. When I turned to close the door, he moved past me, towards the sink.

“I’m sure you don’t want to see this,” I said.

“There’s nothing you can do to turn me off. I find everything about you sexy.” He leaned his perfect, naked body against the sink and waited patiently.

I looked between him and the toilet. This had to be the least sexy thing I could think of. In fact, I never would have imagined it.

“Sit down, Mary Katherine.”

I sat down on the toilet obediently. I kept my knees pressed together. I stared down at the fleshy parts of my inner thighs and covered the fatty evidence with my hands.

Christopher knelt before me. He leaned my body forward. I felt the warm liquid jostling inside me. I clenched to keep it inside, mortified at the thought of letting it go with him in the room.
Christopher grinned and captured my lips. Once I was distracted, he spread my thighs. I lost the battle with the warm fluid when he reached down to play with my clit.

It was Christopher who cleaned me up afterwards. He washed his hands and then bent my torso over the sink. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was flushed, partly from embarrassment, mostly from arousal. The internal bath heightened my need to be filled.

Christopher pulled out an oblong tube from beneath the sink. “It’s a butt plug. It will help get you ready for me. It’s also another chance to see whether you think you’ll like anal.”

He lubed the plug. Then ran his fingers over my anus. I inhaled slowly at the pleasurable sensations. Then he aimed the plug up my sphincter.

“Just relax. Bear down.”

I did, and it went in. I was surprised it didn’t hurt. It also didn’t feel pleasurable, just an overwhelming sense of fullness. He washed his hands again and then led me back to the bed. I waddled more than I walked with the obstruction in my back door.

He laid me down on my back. I felt the plug shift angles, and I winced. It didn’t hurt. It was just not the most comfortable thing in the world.

Christopher opened another bottle and poured the oil on my belly. The liquid was cold, but when his fingers mixed with the oil, my skin heated. I forgot about the thing up my butt and focused on Christopher’s hands roaming over my body.

He focused on my stomach for long moments, making me forget every self-conscious thought I’d ever had about my flab. He grazed my breasts, teasing me, before landing on my face. He massaged my face, running his fingertips over my eyelids. He massaged my temples. He leaned in and kissed my lips. Lightly, at first, but then more fervently.

Still kissing my lips, his hands traveled to my breasts. He circled my nipples in opposite directions as he sucked on my tongue. Once he had me whimpering, he took his lips to my breasts.
I was squirming before his tongue took its first swipe of my nipples. The pressure rose. I pressed my thighs together but could only go so far with the plug stopping me from within. I pressed my ass into the sheets and my back arched up as my nipples hardened to painful points. The heaviness of my breasts weighted my chest down into the mattress.

I felt like I was pulled in different directions as the pressure rose. The orgasm slammed into my chest and swept through me. When it came to my core, the contractions met with the resistance of the plug in my butt, which made me clench harder.

“I will never get tired of that,” Christopher said around a mouthful of my breast.

He flipped me over as the tremors subsided. He poured more oil on my back and massaged me there. I was near comatose with relaxation when I felt him part my ass cheeks.

He gave the plug a tug. My anus reflexively clenched as he pulled. It had felt uncomfortable when he’d placed it in there. It had multiplied the sensations when I reached my climax. Now that it was moving out of me, I found that there was something interesting in the feeling of the extraction.

With the plug gone, Christopher left me lying there. I heard him moving about but I felt too languid to take a peek at what he was doing. I heard the sound of foil. I heard the lapping sound of more oil being used. Then I felt him between my legs.

I gulped, my throat vibrating with uncertainty. The plug hadn’t been all that pleasurable except when I came and then again when it was on its way out. I felt the head of Christopher’s penis between my thighs.

“Just relax, princess.”

He breached the skin of my anus and I gasped.

“I promise you, Mary Katherine. Trust me.”

Christopher’s penis was thicker than the plug. As he pushed in, there was a burning sensation.

“Bear down, princess. We’re almost there.”

He withdrew a bit. I took a shuddery breath. Again, the retraction of something coming out of my ass felt interesting. He thrust forward again and I grit my teeth.

He withdrew. I felt more oil drip on my skin. He massaged around my anus, keeping the tip of his cock in. I liked the massage. I didn’t mind the tip of his cock at my back door.

When he thrust forward again, I tensed, grimacing before he’d moved a millimeter. But it didn’t hurt this time. The burn was gone. There still was no pleasure. But there wasn’t any pain.

He withdrew and there was that stimulating feeling. I tried to wrap my brain around it. I didn’t enjoy his thrusts. But with each retreat, I ached for his return.

He didn’t withdraw as much this time. He thrust deeper, still slow, still in small increments. He made each withdrawal even slower than his forward thrusts. I focused on those delightful retreats.

Before I knew it he was fully seated inside my ass. I only knew it because I felt his balls brush against my swollen labia. I heard him struggle with his breathing. His fingers trembled as they rested against my belly. He rested his forehead against the back of my head and held still for a moment.

“Is everything okay?” I asked.

“You feel amazing,” he whispered. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’m okay. It doesn’t hurt any more.”

He inhaled. On his exhale, I felt him straighten. The hand on my belly went to my breasts. “I promised you stars.”

He withdrew.

I moaned.

I felt myself clenching in my anus, as well as my empty channel, to hold onto him. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I was having sex. And not any kind of sex I imagined myself having. It didn’t matter where he’d entered. This man was inside my body, just as he was inside my heart.

Christopher methodically increased his speed. Before long the thrusts felt as good as the retreats. Better even, as he rolled his hips each time he filled me completely. That rolling of the hips was aimed at something deep within me. It hadn’t quite reached the X yet, but each thrust put him closer and closer to the eye of the storm raging within. Until, with one wayward plunge inside of me, he hit the spot.

My eyes widened in alarm. I reached behind me to grab a handful of his skin to alert him. Something wasn’t right. This wasn’t that slow build of pleasure from all the other orgasms I’d had. This felt like a boulder, barreling straight for me, preparing to knock me over.

I was scared. Rationally, I knew it would feel good. But something told me it would be too much to handle. My ears picked up sounds from birds chirping outside the closed window. My eyes spotted a tiny lint ball in the far corner of the room. I felt the sweat underneath my fingernails. I tasted blood from biting my lip. It was too much. I couldn’t take it.

And I was right.

The orgasm knocked the air out of me. It knocked the stiffness out of my bones. I collapsed onto the bed. It forced my eyes shut. I saw pinpricks of light that reminded me of the night’s sky.

I lay in darkness as my body tried to work out the process of living again. Feeling came to my extremities first. I wiggled my toes and un-balled my fists. I took in slow, shallow breaths. Light danced on my eyelids. Soft, wet light that whispered a breeze.

Christopher pressed another kiss to my eyelids before I opened them. “No, princess. Go to sleep. I’ve got you.”

He wrapped me in his arms. He entangled his legs with mine. He pressed his firm belly into my soft one. I felt a mess between my thighs; a mess of oils and sweat and cum, but I didn’t care. I was ruined, and it was all for this man.

Chapter Eighteen

It was early in the morning by the time the pleasure settled to a hum. I lay on my side and watched Christopher sleep peacefully. In his sleep, he reached for me and I came to him. It was automatic, an instinct. I was a piece in the puzzle of him. When I came into his arms, I heard the satisfying sound of all the groves and lines snapping me into place.

I watched his eyes open. When he saw my face he smiled. His lips found mine immediately. It was a light, lingering kiss. He was in no hurry to deepen it, or to end it. He simply sipped at me like I was his morning cup of coffee before a hard day’s work.

“Can I see you tonight?” he asked. “Just to hold you. You’ll probably be too sore for anything else. Now that I’ve held you the past few nights, I can’t imagine you not being there when I wake up.”

I couldn’t speak. My heart did an intricate swan dive and landed low in my belly with a sensational splash.

When I opened my mouth to verbally answer. But his phone rang., beating me to a response.

He rose up on an elbow to peek at it. “It’s the twins from last night,” he said. “Let me text them that I’ll see them later this afternoon.”

My stomach grumbled audibly as he typed. “You’re going to go see them? To service their cars or something?”

“No,” he chuckled. “To service them. I’ll see if Eagle wants to go too. I doubt I’ll be able to handle the both of them after last night.” He put his phone down and nuzzled into my cheek.

I tried to make myself comfortable in the me-shaped hole of his chest, but there was too much room now. The grooves didn’t line up like before. The lines weren’t exactly flush.

I could twist and contort my whole being. I could break myself into a million pieces. But I would never be able to cover every inch of his needs. I shifted out of his embrace and he let me go.
He watched me as I dressed. He leaned his cheek against his arm and licked his lower lip as I pulled on my panties.

I was a prized piece to him, I knew that. I knew no other woman had the title he’d given me; girlfriend. I knew that no one else had a place in his bed. I knew that no one else felt his lips pressed against theirs.

I was special. I was unique. But I was still a piece in the puzzle of him. To me, he was the big picture.

“I love you,” I said.

Christopher scratched at his heart. He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

“I don’t think we should see each other anymore,” I said.

He blinked so hard the crust of sleep fell from his eyes. “Why not? Did I hurt you?” He was out of the bed lightening fast. His eyes and hands roamed my body looking for signs of damage. When he didn’t find any on the surface, he peered into my eyes and searched my soul.

“I’ve done something wrong,” he deduced, still peering into my eyes. He scanned them, searching hard to find the answers. “Is it because I didn’t say ‘I love you’ back?”

“I can’t live my life in pieces.”

“Mary Katherine, I don’t understand what that means? I don’t want you to be in pieces. I like you exactly the way you are. We didn’t know each other two weeks ago. Now, I can’t remember how I got by the days without talking to you. I can’t remember how I fell asleep at night without holding you. Is that love? I don’t know? I’ve never been in love. I’ve never felt anything like this before. Only with you.”

I tried to speak but my lips trembled. And then the tears fell.

“Oh no, no. Don’t cry, princess. Love’s not supposed to hurt. I know that much. I wouldn’t have said it if I knew it’d make you unhappy.”

“I’m not unhappy,” I sobbed. “I’m just falling to pieces.”

Christopher kissed the tears, my lips. “I don’t know what I’m doing here, Mary Katherine. I never thought I’d ever feel this way. I never thought I’d find a girl who accepted me for who I am. I look at Ellie and Hawk and Kira and Owl, and I never thought something like that would happen to me. I always thought I’d just play around with a string of women until I was walking with a cane. But here you are.”

I took a deep breath, burying my face in the space at his heart. “Yeah, here I am.”

“I know you want to get married.”

My entire being froze. Blood stopped pumping through my veins. My heart stopped beating. My lungs collapsed.

“Relax, princess,” he chuckled. “I know it’s way too soon to even think about something like that.”

I tried to nod and agree, but my head wouldn’t betray the truth. I’d already married this man in my head.

“I know our ideas of marriage, and relationships, and family are different. I grew up in an open family with a number of aunts and uncles who weren’t blood relations. They were my parents’ lovers. I’m sure your parents took vows to be with just each other and have stayed that way.”

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