Dangerous Defiance (13 page)

Read Dangerous Defiance Online

Authors: Natasha Knight

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

BOOK: Dangerous Defiance
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By now, her eyes had filled with tears from the sheer pain of the spanking. The ruler hurt and her entire body felt hot and hair stuck to her sweaty forehead.

He stopped after about a dozen strokes. “All right,” he said, setting it down on the desk and laying his hand to span both cheeks and rubbing. It felt good, that, and Jess didn’t move, didn’t want to.

From his position, he handed her a tissue. She took it and wiped her eyes and nose.

“Jackson?” she asked, handing the tissue back.

He took it. “Thanks…” he said in a tone that made her realize she had just handed back her used tissue.


“It’s fine. Did you want to say something?”

“I know you said you didn’t spank your wife but did you spank your girlfriends?”

He chuckled while she pushed hair behind her ears.

“You’re it, darlin’,” he said.

She looked back down at the floor and he shifted his legs so one of hers hung off his lap, the other still on it. His caresses continued and she became even more aware of the heat between her legs, of the hardness pressing against her belly.

“I don’t understand why I let you.”

“Let me spank you?”

“Yes. I mean I’m FBI and all. I’m not… I don’t know, I just never imagined I’d be bent over some man’s lap. I don’t know why I’m not trying to kick your ass right now, actually. Ow!”

“Language,” he said, although he chuckled. “I guess it’s just how it is between us. Maybe you’re just giving off a ‘spank me’ vibe,” he said, his hand spreading her bottom cheeks, two fingers just touching her wet folds while one hovered over her back hole.

“I don’t give off a ‘spank me’ vibe,” she said, swallowing as his touch deepened.

“We don’t have to analyze it to death. I will spank you when you do something stupid and risk getting yourself hurt…”


“You could have waited for me. I was wrapping up anyway.”

“It’s not like I knew. I mean, if you had answered your phone…”

“Do we need to start again?” he asked, all teasing aside. “It’s important for you to just lay low for a few days. It’s not forever. Imagine your face on the news. Imagine Hanson’s face when he
yours when he switches on his TV!”

“Ok. Ok, I get it. I was just excited…” she defended.

“And I appreciate that.”

“I should have waited for you.”

Upon her admission, his fingers moved over her swollen clit.


“And that’s another reason I’ll spank you.”

“I like this one,” she said, her eyes closing as she clawed her fingers over the hardwood floor.

After a few moments he shifted her position again, adjusting her so his cock pressed hard against her belly. “You know what I like?” he asked, his voice hoarse.

She turned to look over her shoulder at him.

“I like watching you stand in the corner with your nose touching the wall and your spanked bottom on display.”

He smiled, or more like grinned, dragging his wet fingers up between the folds of her sex and over her bottom hole. “Up,” he said.

Jess groaned and began to move but rather than rising, she slid to her knees between his legs. “Jackson,” she began, her hands on his belt, undoing the buckle. “Isn’t there something…” she continued, pulling the belt open and unbuttoning his pants. “I could do instead of standing in the corner? Something more…” She cast her eyes downward and freed his cock. “More satisfying for both of us?”

She didn’t wait for a reply. Instead, she closed her mouth over it and began to suck. He shifted his weight, sliding his pants down his thighs, giving her access to more of him. With one hand she stroked him while her mouth traveled the length of him. But in no time at all, he stood, pulling her head back, teasing her with his cock so close but just out of reach.

“You know what would satisfy me?” he asked.

He had a look in his eyes that told her what he was going to say might not be as satisfying to her.

“You, bent over the desk, that little ass of yours spread open for me to fuck,” he said.

Jess’s eyes widened even as her pussy absolutely dripped. He tugged on her hair, pulling her to her feet, that grin still on his face.

“Have you ever been fucked in the ass?” he asked, bringing his face close, kissing her still open mouth.

She shook her head no.

While he held onto the back of her head with one hand, his other snaked around her, gripping one bottom cheek tight, then moving to the split between, dipping his hands into her wet pussy and dragging the fingers up toward her back hole.

“I think,” he began, holding her while he circled that tight passage, his eyes on hers. She felt her face redden just a little. “I think you’ll like it. We’ll go slowly. Now bend over the desk for me, Jess.”

Without waiting for her response, he turned her, pushing whatever was on his desk to the floor. He bent her forward and opened a drawer. She watched as he retrieved a bottle of hand moisturizer. Vanilla. He opened it while she waited, bent just as he had left her, while he rubbed a generous amount onto his cock. That was when she realized it—that giant, thick
would be trying to penetrate a part of her never meant for penetration.

“Jackson?” she asked, straightening. Or almost so because his hand was on her back pushing her back down.

“Yes, Jess?” he asked.

“Maybe I’ll take that corner time,” she said, or more like squeaked.

He smiled. “I don’t think that’s an option anymore. Besides, it will be much more comfortable for you to take me in your ass when you’re bent over like this.”

“I’m not sure I can,” she said, her voice more panicked as she glanced at his cock which appeared to be throbbing.

He squeezed more moisturizer onto his hand.

“You can, I promise. It will be tight, I’m guessing, but we’ll make it fit.”

She swallowed, her eyes glued to his cock.

“Now reach back and spread your cheeks for me.”

Her pussy leaked down her thighs as she did something that both shamed her to no end while exciting her to heights she’d never experienced before. She reached back and pulled her bottom cheeks apart and turned to face the door, glad to have locked it but suddenly very aware of the window where the curtain was only partially closed.

“The window!” she said.

“Don’t worry about it,” he replied, his fingers touching her back hole, smearing the cold cream around it, onto it, slowly penetrating inside it.

“You’re right,” he said after a moment.

“About what?” she managed, her muscles tightening when he was just inside her, a momentary panic gripping her.

“This is much more satisfying than corner time.”

She might have found it funny any other time but not now. “Will it hurt?” she asked.

“We’ll go slowly, I promise.”

And he did. He worked the lotion in with a patience she didn’t possess, all the while her arousal rising so that she knew if she just touched her clit, just gave it the tiniest pinch, she would come.

As if he had read her mind, one hand was underneath her, two fingers working the swollen nub.

Jess moaned in response.

“Good girl,” he said, his finger penetrating deeper, holding there then withdrawing, calling from her a long, soft moan. “That’s it, just relax.”

A second finger joined the first and she tensed instantly. He slowed but didn’t pull out. Instead, he rubbed her back, speaking soft words, easing into her while his other hand worked her clit. He began to move again, this time a little faster, pushing a little deeper.

“I think we’re ready,” he said, slowly pulling out. “You can put your hands on the desk, spread them wide and just relax.”

She stiffened when the head of his cock pressed against her entrance.

“Push against me, Jess.”

She did, gripping the edges of the desk. His hands took hold of her bottom and spread her open. She gasped when the thick head penetrated but when he groaned, she glanced back. He didn’t move, just waited for her to relax, to stretch and become accustomed to his size. The pain passed slowly, turning into pure sensation.

“You’re tight and hot, Jess,” he said.

She swallowed. One of his hands went to work her clit again and she found herself lifting her hips to him. He pushed deeper, every inch hurting a little as he claimed it, but as she opened, adjusting to him, the small movements he made, the sensation of being taken there, being filled there, did something to her. She came when he hadn’t yet penetrated fully, gasping with the orgasm, her hips bucking against him even as she tried to be still, the sensation of his cock inside her now too sensitive bottom too much.

“Wait. Please wait,” she begged.

He groaned but did, his hand tightening on her hip. It was another moment when he began to move again and when he did, he fingered her clit. She brought a hand over his, wanting to tell him she wasn’t ready, but instead, stretched it back out. Sensation overwhelmed her but she pressed backward, lifting to him, almost meeting his movements.

“Harder,” she found herself gasping as the next wave neared. “Fuck me harder.”

Jackson didn’t hesitate but took the last virgin inch before pulling halfway out to begin fucking her. He worked slowly at first, even when she called out for more, but after her second orgasm left her sweaty and panting, he gripped both hips and began to fuck her ass hard, sensation upon sensation crashing like waves over her so she no longer knew where she was, who she was. She was just this body. This body being fucked with a passion she had not known before and when he throbbed inside her and she felt the first wave of release and the pumping of his seed inside her, she came one final time, this time her legs too weak to keep her upright so he pressed her to the desk, his cock buried to the hilt, throbbing, pumping, filling her, claiming her.

Chapter Eleven

Jackson glanced across his desk to find Jess still shifting in her seat. He wanted to make a comment but the look she gave him when she met his gaze told him it might be better to keep it to himself. It was a half hour later and the two of them were going over every detail, working out possible scenarios.

His mind drifted to what had happened and mostly to her given submission. She seemed to accept her role with him. It was interesting and he would spend more time analyzing that, but it would have to wait. That and the memory of how her tight little hole had clamped down around his cock when she’d come not once, not twice but three times.

His grin widened, but when she looked up to give him another shake of the head, he cleared his throat and turned his attention back to the file.

What he had said to her about spanking her daily, in a way, made the most sense. He knew that, at least until this investigation was over, she would be hard pressed to do anything he told her to if it wasn’t what she wanted to do. She was thick-headed, but smart and capable. Just overzealous and that zeal would get her into trouble if he didn’t watch her. Well, he could live with daily spankings. The idea quite appealed, actually.

The door opened then and they both turned to find both Bill and Carl coming inside, the heat of the afternoon blowing in behind them.

“More trouble,” Carl said. He looked worn out. “Can’t seem to catch a break here, can we?”

“What is it?” Jackson asked.

Carl went to roll the table that held the small TV to where he and Jess could see. He switched it on.

“Reports show the water at the New Hope site where Larimer Energy won the bid to excavate natural gases trapped in the rock beneath the water, a process called hydraulic fracturing—or more commonly fracking—is contaminated with a chemical that has been known to cause cancer over time.”

“Oh my God,” Jess said, standing to move closer to the TV.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Jackson too rose, collecting his keys.

“Bob Greely, CEO of Larimer, and his lawyer, are shown entering Larimer headquarters in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He has had no comment for us.”
The camera shot switched over to the reporter.
“The leak came late this afternoon when the water quality reports turned up anonymously at…”

“Switch it off,” Jackson said.

“They leaked the reports. They did it,” Jess said.

“Call in some backup from Granby,” Jackson told Carl. Granby was a nearby town. “Keep men up at the site. No one talks to the media but me, got it?”

“I’m on it, Jackson,” Carl said.

“Sheriff,” Bill called out. “Hospital’s on the line. He’s out of surgery, should be waking up in the next few hours.” He held the phone out to Jackson.

“All right, that’s where I’m heading.”

“With me,” Jess said, collecting their files.

“Yes, with you,” he said to her. “Anything come back on his prints? Any ID?”

Carl moved behind his computer. “Got it here,” he said. “Mark Donaldson. He’s got a record: arrested twice for petty theft, moved on to assault with a deadly weapon. Did some time in California.”

Jackson wasn’t surprised by it. “All right. Let’s be there when Mr. Donaldson wakes up from surgery. I have a feeling we won’t be the only ones anxious to talk with him.” The media were going to be all over this.

The heat of late afternoon was tapering off just a little as dark clouds rolled in, the sound of thunder still distant but surely coming.

“That’ll cool things off,” she said. “I don’t think it’s rained since I’ve been here.”

They descended the stairs and he turned in the direction of the cruiser.

“Let me just grab one more thing from the truck,” she said, running across the street.

A car’s tires squealed just as she was almost to the truck.

“Jess!” Jackson yelled, running after her.

The image of her face when she turned, frozen to the spot, would be burned into his memory forever. The car sped toward her just as he pushed her hard out of its path. He heard her scream when she fell but that sound was overridden by an absolute and sudden pain as his body hit the street hard, the car racing away, her voice the last thing he heard before he passed out.

* * *

“Jackson!” Jess yelled, tears falling on top of his still form. “Open your eyes. Jackson, open your fucking eyes!”

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