Dangerous Lady (20 page)

Read Dangerous Lady Online

Authors: Martina Cole

Tags: #General, #Fiction, #Suspense, #Thrillers, #Social Science, #Murder, #Criminology, #True Crime, #Serial Killers

BOOK: Dangerous Lady
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He went back into the small living room and opened the bottle of Teacher’s he had bought on the way home from work. What he needed was a stiff drink. He poured himself a large Scotch. He needed something to numb his mind for what he was thinking of doing. He checked himself. What he was going to do. He had decided then, and not even realised it. ;..—’

He took a large gulp of his Scotch, grateful for the burning sensation it created in his throat. All his life he had had one ambition: to be a policeman. He had studied long and hard with that one thought in mind. Now he had to choose between the job he loved and the woman he loved, and the woman had lost. He had to admit that to himself… Oh God!

If she had been anyone’s sister but Michael Ryan’s! The thought of Michael brought his heart leaping into his mouth. He took another long pull of his whisky and sat back in the armchair. Everyone knew about Michael Ryan and his brothers - they were notorious. There was talk of their being involved not just with drugs and whores, but arms too. Not just the odd sawn-off either, but high velocity rifles, rocket launchers, and anything else that the British Army wouldn’t miss. Jesus Christ, how did he ever get personally involved with all this! He was starting to sweat. He had before him the awesome task of giving Michael Ryan’s baby sister the Big E. He put the glass he was holding to his forehead. The enormity of it all was breaking into his consciousness.

All day he had been worried about Maura … Her reaction. How to let her down gently. In his worried state he had concentrated wholly on Maura. Now the thought of her brother invaded his mind. He rolled the glass along his skin, savouring the coldness as he became unbearably hot.

He sat back in the chair. Everything in the room seemed to be mocking him. Even the TV set in the corner. Once again the dreadful feeling of foreboding pervaded his being. Michael Ryan would not like his sister being with a policeman, he would lay money on that.

He closed his eyes again. In his mind he could see Michael standing over him, threatening him with bodily




harm. Suddenly he tensed. He could hear the scraping noise of a key going into a lock. His whole body was taut. In his mind’s eye he could see Michael Ryan letting himself into his flat. He sat in the chair paralysed with fright, the knuckles of his hand white as he clutched the glass. He heard the door swing open with its familiar creaking groan. Every nerve in his body was jangling. For the first time he knew the smell of fear. It seemed to rise up into his nostrils, an overpowering aroma of hot sticky stale sweat. Supposing Ryan had taken the key off Maura? They could have been seen out together. A hundred different thoughts whirled around in his head, leaving him breathless and dizzy …

Instead of Michael’s heavy footfall, he heard the familiar clatter of Maura’s heels as she stepped into the hall on to the worn linoleum. He collapsed into the chair like a rag doll. A thin trickle of sweat slipped down his forehead, over his eyebrow and down on to his cheek. A feeling of euphoria swept over him. It was Maura … Maura … Her name bounced around inside his head like a crazy pattern in a child’s kaleidoscope. She walked into the lounge and smiled at him.

‘You all right? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.’

He stood up awkwardly. Placing his glass on the small coffee table he went to her. Maura was in the process of putting her key back into her bag. Reaching out, he took it from her gently and slipped it into his trouser pocket. Maura looked at him.

‘What did you do that for?’ Her big luminous eyes held a hint of fear. He tried to smile and succeeded only in grimacing.

As he looked at her he didn’t see her lovely trusting face. Terry saw only Michael Ryan. A very angry Michael Ryan.



fib ‘I think that we’re getting a bit too serious, love.’ It sounded lame even to his own ears. ‘I think we should cool it for a while. We’re both young …’ His voice trailed off. He felt so bad he could not meet her eyes. Maura just stood there thunderstruck.

‘I beg your pardon?’ Her voice sounded small and hurt.

Terry still could not bring himself to look at her so he walked back over to the window.

‘It’s quite simple really, Maura … I don’t want to get involved right now. I want to be free. Go out with other women. I don’t want to get tied down just yet.’

‘I see.’ Her voice was flat. Pride had taken over. ‘And just when did you come to this earth-shattering conclusion, may I ask? Only I was under the impression that you was my bloke … My chap, if you like that expression better. Now I find that I was just a screw.’ She stormed across the room to him, pulling him around to face her with considerable strength. ‘Let me tell you something, Terry bloody “I want to see other women” Petherick! I’m…’

She stopped herself there and then. How could she tell him about the baby? Her eyes darted around the room, looking for a chance of escape. It was all going wrong. All the words she had practised on her way over here dried up inside her head. The picture she had built up in her mind of Terry taking her in his arms and whispering that they would always be together, no matter what, faded in front of her eyes like chalk paintings in the rain. He was dumping her. He had had his bit of fun and now she was ancient history.

The fight left her as quickly as it had come. The urge to rip his face open with her nails dissolved along with all her dreams and hopes. She felt the hot salty tears come and forced them away. If she had to go, she would go with




dignity. She glanced around the room. She had experienced so much pleasure in this little flat, the result of which was inside her at this very moment. Should she tell him? Should she scream it out into his face? Make him take the responsibility? Even as the words formed in her mind she knew that she would never say them to him. She would never tell him about the child. Having him on sufferance would be far worse than not having him at all. She bent down wearily and picked her bag up off the floor. She had not even realised that she had dropped it. She turned to leave and his voice stayed her.

‘Believe me, Maws, I am really sorry about this.’

His voice sounded so sincere. She laughed bitterly. He had the knack of sounding sincere. Last night in bed he had told her that he loved her, and had sounded sincere. The lying, two-faced bastard!

Without facing him, she said: ‘Terry.’

‘Yes?’ His heart was breaking.

Gathering up every ounce of strength and hatred she could muster she turned to face him, launching herself at him with arms flying. She felt his skin tear beneath her nails. Felt the pure rush of pleasure as she made him hurt, as she was hurting. As quickly as the attack began, it stopped. The sudden urge of energy left her drained.

‘You can fuck off, Petherick!’ She saw his hand go up to his face. Four deep grooves on his cheek were bleeding simultaneously. She smiled at him, a nasty evil smile, and pointed her finger at him. Her long scarlet-painted nails made him flinch.

‘I never thought I would ever say this to you. You’re a dirty rotten swine. You took me and you used me. I trusted you, Terry.’ Her voice broke. ‘But I tell you something now, boy. The day will come when you will want me … when you will need me. You’ll live to regret;

this day, because if you live to one hundred years old you’ll never find anyone to love you like I do.’

With that she turned away from him and left the flat, slamming the door behind her.

Terry watched her leave. In his heart he knew that what she said was true. She deserved much better than the treatment he had given her. She was his first love, the first woman to meet him on an equal plane, and he had destroyed her with a few simple words. He was not surprised to feel that he was crying. The tears were running into the scratches on his face, making them sting. He had a terrible feeling that although he had destroyed Maura, somewhere along the line he had also destroyed himself. He saw droplets of blood falling on to his shirt, their deep crimson colour spreading over the material.

Suddenly he couldn’t let her go. He ran to the window. Pulling back the net curtain, he looked out on to the street. She was on the other side of the road, her head tucked into her coat. He knew that she too was crying. Fumbling with the ancient catch on the window he finally opened it and leant out, calling her at the top of his voice.

‘Maura … Maura … come back!’

His voice carried to her on the wind.

He knew that she could hear him, saw her hesitate before walking away faster, her white-blonde head tucked even further into the collar of her coat. He watched her until she turned the corner, the hum of the traffic grating on his ears.

Pulling his head back inside, he closed the window. The once friendly little room looked alien now, and hostile. Everywhere he looked was Maura Ryan … He could see her flitting about, putting up the curtains, making sandwiches or curled up with him on their special armchair. He could breathe in her perfume and taste her musky body.




She was everywhere around him. He sat in the chair.

He was still sitting there thinking about her when he passed out much later in the evening. He had drunk the whole bottle of Scotch. Maura was devastated. If someone had told her that Terry would dump her like that she would have laughed at them. ‘I want to see other women.’ Those words kept echoing in her head. They would stay with her for the rest of her life. Anything he could have said, even that he hated her would not have had the profound effect that those few words had. Well, let him see other women! She hoped to God that he caught a terrible disease from them.

She passed the Angel and made her way along the Pentonville Road. The fact remained that she was still pregnant. She had an urge to go and drown herself but dismissed it. It was getting dark and she wandered aimlessly, trying to figure out what on earth to do. All around her were couples, holding hands, laughing, kissing. She pushed her hands further into her pockets and carried on walking, letting her legs carry her wherever they wanted to go. Terry’s face was fresh in her mind, his softness and his tenderness welcome memories to her in the cold evening wind.

She found herself at Kings Cross Station and was surprised at how far she had walked. A black cab came along the road and she hailed it, telling the driver to take her to Notting Hill. She sat in the back, huddled into a corner of the seat, staring listlessly out of the window at the rapidly moving landscape. A lone tear rolled down her face and she wiped it away impatiently. She was done with crying, she had more important things to think about.

The cab driver looked over his shoulder at her and asked cheerfully, ‘Whereabouts in Notting Hill, love?’

‘Lancaster Road, please.’ She wouldn’t go home just yet. She would go to Margaret’s. Margaret would know what to do. She rested her head on the window, her breath coming in little gasps that barely managed to create steam on the glass surface. She felt so lonely, so frightened. Her bottom lip quivered as she tried to stop the tears of frustration and rage. She loved him so much!

‘You all right, love?’ The driver’s voice was concerned.

She sat up in her seat and saw him watching her in the mirror above his windscreen.

She gave him a small childish smile. ‘No, actually, I’m not.’

He had a broad good-natured face. ‘You listen to me, girl. If it’s boyfriend trouble that’s put that frown on your boat, remember this. Us blokes ain’t worth it!’ He laughed at his own wit.

Maura looked back out of the window, then forced a large smile on to her face. ‘Don’t I bloody know it!’



Chapter Eleven

Michael Ryan was in the Valbonne nightclub in Kingly Street having a quick drink with his boyfriend, Jonny Fenwick. It was a well-known fact that Michael Ryan was a ‘brown hatter’. Not that anyone would call him that to his face. Far from taking anything away from his street credibility it enhanced it, because queers were known to be nasty bastards. They had a cruel twist to their nature and the best thing to do was to keep on the good side of them. There was no queer bashing when Michael Ryan hit the streets. He also took a woman now and again which further puzzled his friends and adversaries alike. It was proof of his ever changing habits. He treated his friends like he treated his lovers. He could go one way or the other.

At the moment Michael was besotted by Jonny Fen wick’s youth. He was a beautiful boy with thick blond curly hair and large, wide-spaced grey eyes. Mickey had put him up in a flat and paid him an allowance. He was Jonny Ryan now. Michael owned him, lock, stock and barrel. Jonny loved it, and loved being seen with Michael. Tonight, though, he was in a dilemma. He had heard a bit of gossip today concerning Michael’s sister and was not sure whether to tell him or not. He certainly didn’t want any comebacks off Michael if what he said turned out to

be false. But Michael was in fine fettle tonight, full of laughter and jokes, and Jonny decided to risk it. Not only that, but that bitch Tommy was looking at him all gooey-eyed and Michael was loving it, so Jonny would use it as an excuse to get him away from the bar and Tommy! He tapped Michael’s arm.

‘What, mate?’ Michael’s voice was warm.

‘It’s a bit private, Mickey. I heard a bit of news today… I don’t want to talk about it here.’ He looked meaningfully at Tommy and pursed his lips. Michael nodded.

‘Come and sit down then.’

He picked up their drinks and led Jonny over to an empty table away from listening ears. Jonny sat down and crossed his legs, placing his hands one on top of the other on his knee. He leant towards Michael theatrically.

‘It’s about a member of your family. But first I want your solemn promise that you won’t go ape shit in here.’

Michael’s eyes narrowed. ‘I won’t lose my temper. Now tell me what you heard.’

Jonny flicked his hair out of his eyes with a girlish gesture and said, ‘I asked you to promise me, Michael.’

He gritted his teeth. ‘For fuck’s sake, Jonny, spit it out. I ain’t got all night.’

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