Dangerous Lovers (160 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee,A. M. Hargrove,Becca Vincenza

Tags: #Anthologies, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Collections & Anthologies, #Anthologies & Short Stories, #Romance, #Vampires, #Paranormal, #sexy, #Aliens, #lovers, #shifters, #dangerous

BOOK: Dangerous Lovers
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“I’ve already told you. First, I want you to trust me enough to listen to my orders when I give them. Second, you must attend the soiree with me.”

She thought for a second and nodded her head in agreement.

“I need to go and take care of a few things before we do this and then we need to eat. There is a robe on the back of the bathroom door. You’ll need to remove all of your clothing and undergarments. You can wear the robe.”

“What? Why do I have to do that?” She was shocked because she never thought she would have to bare herself to him.

He approached her, placed his hands on her shoulders and softly said, “I realize this will be uncomfortable for you, but in order for me to heal you, I have to touch your skin. I’m sorry but that’s the only way. You witnessed what I did with your arm. That’s exactly what I must do to the rest of you. You need to trust me Liasare.”

His voice was soft and deep and she felt her head nodding. She knew she would agree to anything at this moment here with him. She inhaled deeply as his fragrance infused her, washing over her. She closed her eyes, wanting this moment to go on forever. She was calm and relaxed, but she had no earthly idea why. When she opened her eyes, she was standing in the room, all alone.

She walked into the bathroom and, true to his word, hanging on the door, was a luxurious black satin robe. She quickly stripped off her clothing, including her leg wrap and wrapped herself in its soft folds. His scent was all around her now.

Liasare limped back to the couch and curled her legs beneath her. As she huddled in one corner, she thought of Jurek and how much sexuality the man oozed. He was a walking, talking desire magnet. Every time she was near him, her temperature spiked, she felt a current of electricity zoom through her and that place between her legs heated up like a sultry August day in the South. She was completely inexperienced where men were concerned. Hell, she’d never even been kissed for Christ’s sake. Liasare compared the way she felt around Jurek to the way Shandro made her feel and it was like comparing being stunned by an Annihilator versus getting hit with a wet noodle. She was certain of one thing though--she could tell the difference between “You light my fire” and “There ain’t a damn thing there bud.” What was it about him that did that to her, she wondered? Yes, he was attractive, but so was Shandro. In fact, Shandro may even have been better looking. They both had damn fine bodies ... chiseled, cut, six-packs and the V to heaven. Not that she knew what
heaven was since she was a damn virgin for Christ’s sake. Who in their right mind would have ever wanted to see her naked with all her scars? She would’ve sent them running faster than any form of Vesturion supernatural Power of Speed could ever do.

As her mind took her down that road, she began to wonder what Jurek’s reaction was going to be when he saw what her body looked like when she was naked. She was positive she would disgust him. Hell, she disgusted herself. That was one reason why she never pursued any kind of a social life. It was easier to stay away from it altogether than to avoid those kinds of awkward situations.

The door swung open and Jurek strode in carrying a tray laden with an assortment of food.


“Yes, thanks.”

“Here,” he said setting the tray down. “Help yourself. I’m going to shower and change. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Liasare’s eyes followed him as he made his way to the bathroom. He moved like a panther, gliding and stalking. He didn’t simply walk and he barely made a sound when he moved. She loved to watch his ass move as he walked. It was quite a sight to behold, since he was always seemed to be wearing snug fitting pants.

“I take it you like the view,” he said as he shut the door. Liasare felt her face flame as it turned ten shades of red.




Thirty minutes later, they’d finished eating and Jurek left the room with the tray. He returned with a pitcher of iced lemon water, a bucket of ice and several glasses.

He poured Liasare and himself a glass of lemon water.

“Are you ready?”

“Will it hurt?”

“About the same as last time, but keep in mind we’ll be doing your entire body, so you’ll feel a bit more uncomfortable. If necessary, I can calm you with my touch. It will ease your pain as well.”

“Okay. Thank you. I know you don’t have to do this. I want you to know how much I appreciate it.”

He cocked his head to the side and looked at her. His eyes penetrated hers and he mumbled, “There’s something...”


“I didn’t say anything.”

“Yes, I heard you say the word ‘something.’”

“You’re mistaken. Come, let’s get started.” He took her hand and pulled her to her feet.

“Jurek, I’m so ashamed of the way I look. It makes me really uncomfortable.” She stared at the floor, unable to look at him. She squeezed her hands in a fist to prevent them from shaking.

“I understand you’re uncomfortable, but you should never be ashamed Liasare.” Her words tugged at his heart. This confused him because women normally didn’t affect him this way. She was different though. He’d felt something unusual from the first moment he was near her ... and he knew she felt it too.

He took her chin in his hand and lifted her head.

“Look at me please.”

She opened her eyes to him.

“I will do my best to make this as comfortable for you as I can, but
be ashamed of something that you had no control over. Do you understand me? Now

A soothing feeling washed over her. It removed her inhibitions and made her forget that she was ever anxious at all.

He slid his hands to the tie of the robe and carefully undid it and then he slipped the robe off her shoulders. Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. He hissed when he got his first glimpse of the multitude of scars that covered all of her body.

He pulled his shirt over his head and said, “Come into me,” as he held his arms open. Their bodies pressed closely together as his arms wrapped around her. She placed her arms around his waist and could feel his energy humming beneath her hands.

“I’ll start with your back,” he murmured. She felt the warmth of his hands as they made circular motions across her skin. The heat became intense as his hands moved faster and faster, spanning the entirety of her back.

When his hands came to a rest, he asked, “How do you feel?”

“I’m okay,” she mumbled.

“I’m going to turn you around now.”


“It will be easier for you if I heal the front of your body without looking at you since my hands will be touching your...”

“Oh, I see. Okay then,” she stammered as she quickly turned around, covering herself with her hands.

Jurek placed his cheek next to hers and whispered, “Liasare, there is no need to cover yourself. Even with your scars, you are lovely.”

“Don’t say that please.”

“I only speak the truth.”

He brushed her hands out of the way, replacing them with his. He began to touch her everywhere, moving slowly at first and then picking up speed, the heat increasing with the intensity of his touch. Liasare found she did not feel ashamed or uncomfortable in the least. In fact, though she couldn’t remember doing it, somehow she turned during the whole process and was facing him when he finished, her arms resting on his shoulders.

“No, not just lovely, gorgeous,” Jurek whispered under his breath.

Looking into his eyes, she saw breathtaking swirling orbs of silver. She leaned into him with parted lips and touched hers to his. She heard him suck in his breath right before he returned her kiss. It began soft and sweet, but something fierce erupted between them and he lifted her up, taking possession of her mouth. He burned, as he tasted every inch of her mouth, coaxing her with his lips and tongue. Hesitating in her movements, she felt clumsy as she ran her tongue along his lip, exploring his mouth in much the same way he was hers. Wanting to taste more of him, she awkwardly mimicked him. This was her first true kiss and she didn’t know what she was supposed to do. Having been the object of ridicule for the scars she bore, she felt like she wore her inexperience like a neon sign.

“Mmmm, you taste so sweet. Just keep doing what you’re doing, and don’t worry about anything else,” he whispered into her mouth.

She ran her fingers through his hair and loved its silkiness as it slid through her fingers. That fire between her legs had erupted and was now roaring and turning into a full-fledged five alarm number. Either they were going to move this thing over to the bed, or she was going to combust in his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and that little movement brought a bit of sanity back to both of them.

“Liasare, we still have some work to do,” he said as he set her back on the floor and stepped back.

Now she
embarrassed. Jurek immediately began to move his hands over her hips and buttocks, continuing the healing process. It was about this time when Liasare began to feel herself becoming very tired. It was also becoming more difficult to stand on her one good leg. Jurek had her lift her arms so he could heal her sides and midway through she felt herself falling.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling so weak?” he asked as he carried her to the bed.

She shook her head, unable to respond.

He continued to move his hands over her body, and she watched him now, amazed at how they moved. Though she was exhausted, and her skin was tingling and beginning to scream, Liasare was mesmerized by Jurek’s healing hands. They skimmed her skin, barely touching, yet holding her so firmly she was sure he touched her soul. Every cell vibrated with his energy. He cradled each of her legs like they were precious porcelain, easily broken by the merest of harsh touches. When he was finished, her skin glowed like she had been kissed by the sun.

“Your leg, would you like for me to make it complete again?”

“You are able to do that too?” she asked.

“It will be painful since your bones will be regenerating.”

She nodded. While he gripped her leg, it dawned on her that she had been lying there, stark naked, while he worked. Now her shyness nearly incapacitated her. She struggled to cover herself.

“Stop squirming Liasare. Is it painful already?”

“No, it’s just that I’m ...” her voice trailed off and she swallowed the rest of her words.

Her eyes found his and they were all but devouring her.

“I rather like you this way,” he said hoarsely. “Stop interrupting me.

Again, that soothing calm washed over her and her shyness vanished. He resumed his business of healing her leg, grasping it tightly. Suddenly, the pain gripped her, and she moaned. She stuck her fist in her mouth, hoping to stem any other noise she might make. She never wanted to appear weak in front of Jurek. He made it clear to her from the beginning that it was something he didn’t tolerate so it was the last thing she wanted to show him.

Her leg began to burn and then it felt like her bones were breaking.

“Awww,” she cried out.

Jurek took one of his hands and placed it on her forehead, and it immediately relieved some of her pain, making it tolerable. Her bones continued to make awful sounds but then, mercifully, the pain ebbed and then stopped altogether.

When Jurek looked at her, he noticed her forehead was damp with sweat. He wiped his hand across it and ran it through her hair. He lifted the sheet and gently dabbed the sweat from her face.

“I think perhaps we are finished. Do you think you can stand? I would like to make sure your legs are the same length,” he said examining her leg for any flaws.

Liasare slid off the bed and was thrilled to see the results of his powers. She expected to feel some pain, but was surprised to find none. She no longer was forced to limp and her skin was perfect. Every inch of her was completely scarless. She kept staring at her legs and her stomach and suddenly she broke down and cried. She dropped to the floor and sobbed.

Jurek lifted her and placed her back in the bed, wrapping her in the covers.

She tried to speak but she made no sense at all so she just let herself cry. Never in a million years did she think she would ever look like this. She always thought she’d go through life alone because of her scars. Now they were gone and she was amazed at how beautiful her skin looked. Thinking about how she had looked and what she was now made her emotions explode and that brought around another river of tears. She wanted Tommy to see her so he could stop blaming himself for that stupid accident. She wrapped her fists in the sheet and sobbed some more.

Jurek shook his head for he was at a loss. He thought she should be happy, but here she was, bawling. He’d always had a difficult time with women, but this one was beginning to wrap herself around his heart. There was something about her that seemed to stir him. She was different than the others he had been with. She was beautiful, to be sure, but it wasn't just about that or sex. There was more to it with her, some connection that he couldn’t quite name. Yes, he’d love nothing more than to sleep with her, but he knew deep down that with her even that wouldn’t be enough. He’d best push himself away from her. They had a big job to do and there was some bad shit going down. He didn’t have time to be getting involved with Brownie here.

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