Dangerous Secrets (15 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

BOOK: Dangerous Secrets
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When he shouted, Izzy’s hopes fell. He was closing in fast. They slowly stood and when more rustling sounded, they moved until they were on the other side of the tree. If they ran, he’d hear them. Izzy pointed toward another cluster of thick trees. “Walk quietly.” She said the words low. The only acknowledgement she had that Andrea heard her was when she did as Izzy said.

As soon as Andrea was hidden by the camouflage of the woods, Izzy made her move. The night air had grown quiet. Too quiet. The longer she stayed, the higher the chance of being discovered.

She risked one glance behind the tree to see if their attacker had shown himself yet. Her heart jumped in her throat.

He stood two feet away from her.

By the expression on his face, she wasn’t sure who was more shocked. Her or him. She had nowhere to go so she screamed for Andrea. “Run!”

The loud shout jerked him out of his surprise. Stick in hand, she advanced and swung at him. He ducked out of the way and she stumbled on a tree root. Still clutching her makeshift weapon, she sprawled on her back.

He lunged at her, but she rolled over and barely missed being tackled by him.

“Why couldn’t you just mind your own business?” he growled, and stumbled backward, nearly falling.

Obviously when she’d hit him with that chair, she’d done some damage. Not enough though. The psycho was still standing. She didn’t respond to him, fearing it would deplete her energy and piss him off even more.

A bit unsteadily, they circled each other. He’d lost his gun at least, but he had a wicked-looking knife in his hand. She hadn’t really seen him up close until now, but the dead look in his eyes told her he’d enjoy using it on her. And he wouldn’t be quick.

A blurred movement from out of the corner of her eyes caused her to turn.

“Don’t move.” Adam appeared as if out of nowhere, and he was aiming a gun right at the man’s chest.

The man looked at Adam, who was about twenty yards away. Then he looked back at her. She was only five feet away.

He shifted so that Izzy blocked him from Adam’s weapon.

Raising the knife, he lunged at her. She tried to dodge him and tripped on another root. Something sharp dug into her foot, piercing her already raw skin. She didn’t bother to stifle a cry of pain as she rolled onto the hard earth. Her shoulder took the brunt of the impact but it was better than being stabbed.

Behind her she heard Adam shouting something, but she couldn’t make out his words over the sound of blood rushing in her ears. Knife still in hand, her attacker was closing in on her.

He was almost on top of her. Using all her strength, she kicked out at him and aimed low. When her foot connected with his inner knee, he grunted and crumbled next to her.

She tried to scramble away but he caught the edge of her shirt and held fast. With his other hand he raised the knife. She lifted her arms, trying to deflect the blow but braced herself for the pain.

Loud shots rang out.

With wide eyes, he stopped midair as if he’d hit an invisible wall. The knife in his hand fell to the ground and he slumped back with a sickening thud. Something wet hit her face. She touched her fingers to her cheek, but it took a second to realize it was blood.

Crimson poured from the four holes in the middle of his chest. Izzy stared at the limp body, unsure what to feel. Relief? Horror? Uncontrollable shudders racked her body so she wrapped her arms around herself.

Unable to move, she watched as Adam checked his pulse, then a moment later Adam’s strong arms encircled her. She buried her face in his chest, unable to express anything other than tears. He murmured something too low for her to understand against her hair. Whatever it was, it didn’t matter. His presence made her feel better. Safe.

“You came for me” was all she could manage. Her throat was so tight it hurt.

His arms tightened further. Enveloping her in warmth. “Baby, of course I did.” He leaned back and wiped a few stray hairs out of her face. “Are you…okay? Did he hurt you?” His eyes were tormented, his face a mask of concern.

“He didn’t touch me.” But he could have. Her skin crawled at the thought of that sharp blade cutting into her. She could still see it. The jagged length gleaming as it swung toward her. She fought off a shiver but it was no use.

Adam cursed under his breath and tucked her face into his shoulder, his hands stroking over the length of her spine. Protective and soothing all at the same time. She tried to get closer to him, wanting to take all his strength. “You’re okay, Izzy. I’m never letting you go again.”

His words caused something inside her to burst. She didn’t bother to hide her response. Her grip on him tightened. She absolutely loved this man. Had known it but had been too afraid to tell him. “Adam, I…”

The sound of crunching leaves caused them both to turn.

It was Andrea. “Is he dead?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

“Yes,” Izzy answered, clenching her jaw to keep her teeth from chattering and because she was afraid she’d start crying at any moment.

“He had both of you?” Adam looked back and forth between them.

Izzy nodded. “Yes.”

He scrubbed a hand over his face. “Come on. We’re not too far from the road. I’ve already called Jack. They can come back for the body.”

She wasn’t inclined to argue. As they started to walk, her knees buckled as she stepped on a stick.

“Damn it, Izzy, I’m sorry. I should have—” He shook his head in disgust as he swept her up in his arms.

Wrapping her arm around his neck, she laid her head against his shoulder and soaked up his warmth and strength.

Andrea looked over at her as they trudged over the leaves and branches. “Thank you doesn’t seem adequate, but it’s all I’ve got. I wouldn’t have made it without you.” She swallowed and wiped a few tears away before averting her gaze.

Fighting back tears, Izzy nodded at her and closed her eyes. A few minutes later, the sound of sirens and people talking forced her to raise her head. “What’s going on?” she whispered in Adam’s ear.

When he turned, his hair tickled her nose. “Jack probably called in the National Guard.”

“That’s fine with me.”

As soon as they emerged from the woods, men and women in uniform rushed at them. And they were all asking questions at once. “I can walk,” she said quietly.

Adam’s grip tightened around her. “You’re sure?”

She nodded and when he let her down she put a reassuring arm around Andrea’s shoulder. The pretty brunette’s eyes were filled with unshed tears and Izzy was afraid she’d pass out at any moment.

She threw what she hoped was a pleading look at Adam. He turned to the two officers trying to talk to them and placed himself in front of her and Andrea. “Before they answer any questions, they both need to see a medic. And they’re not talking to anyone but Jack Dennis.”

One of the men hustled off in the other direction and Adam led them to the back of one of the ambulances. “I’m going to find Jack. Don’t move.”

When she was alone with Andrea sitting on the back of the ambulance she looked at her. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“He didn’t rape me if that’s what you’re asking.” She sniffed and wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “But he made it clear he was going to.”

“Did he say anything else to you?”

“Not anything that made sense. He called me a whore and a lot of other racial slurs. And he said he wanted you to watch what he was going to do to me. Do you think…do you think I could call my parents?”

“As soon as Detective Dennis gets here, I’m sure he’ll let you call whoever you want. Just hang tight. The worst part is over.” She hoped her smile was reassuring, but didn’t have the strength to do much more.

One of the EMTs walked over and immediately started firing questions at them. The man’s demeanor was gentle as he examined them but it didn’t make the situation any easier. Despite her desire to curl up in a ball and hide under a rock somewhere, she found the energy to talk. In a few hours, she’d be at home in bed with Adam. Something told her Toby wouldn’t make either of them go into work tomorrow.

Chapter Thirteen

Adam traced his finger down Izzy’s bare arm. Shallow scratches nicked her soft skin and a few bruises dotted her arms. She shifted against the sheets, but didn’t open her eyes. He could tell she was awake so he pulled the sheet down, exposing her naked breasts. When he rubbed a thumb over her nipple, the corners of her lips curled up.

“Does the fact that I was almost killed yesterday mean anything to you?” she asked, eyes still closed.

“You’re alive, aren’t you?” He tried to laugh, but the vise around his chest tightened, and his laugh came out more like a bark. He’d almost lost her last night. The thought made him break out in a cold sweat. It also made him want to lock her up and never let her out into the real world again.

He didn’t know that he’d ever get over witnessing her almost die. If he could, he’d go back and kill the guy all over again. “Open your eyes.”

“Depends. You plan on making me breakfast?” She opened one eye and he rolled his eyes.

“I’ll make you anything you want, woman.” He leaned down and nipped her jaw. “Come on. I want to talk. Don’t make me beg,” he growled in her ear when she still didn’t move.

Sighing, she propped up on one elbow to face him. “Somehow I don’t see you begging for

He draped a hand over her naked waist as they stared at each other. “Listen darlin’, I’ve got to go out of town for a day.”

Hurt and confusion played across her face for a moment. “Today?” The question came out raspy and he forced himself to continue. Before he could move on with her, he needed to take care of some things.

“Now that I know you’re safe, there’s something I need to do and it can’t wait.”

She frowned at him and bit her bottom lip in that sexy way he was coming to love. “Is there something wrong?”

“Not anymore.” He reached out and cupped her cheek. The burning need to touch her was so great it scared the shit out of him.

For the first time in his life he knew what was important and he wasn’t going to let anything get in his way. But before he came clean with Izzy, he had to clear things up with her father and with his brother. He owed his brother an explanation for why he was turning down the deal in person. They’d worked their assess off to get where they were today and he knew he was turning down a shit load of money. He just couldn’t do this over the phone. Savannah was about two hours away. If he left in an hour, he could talk to his brother first, then meet Edward before lunchtime. And it would give him enough time to make it back to Izzy tonight.

“When you will be back?” She tried to scoot away from him, but he clamped down on her hip.

“Don’t be angry, Izzy. I’ll be back by tonight. If you don’t want me to go, I won’t.” While he wanted to get this over today so he could come clean with Izzy and start things fresh, he wouldn’t leave her if she asked him to stay.

“It’s important to you?”


“Well what is it?”

“I can’t tell you and I’d rather not lie. You’re going to have to trust me.”

She sighed and fell against the pillow. “Fine. I guess.”

“When you say fine do you really mean it or is this something you’re going to hold against me when we’re old and gray?”

At his words she turned to look at him with wide eyes. “What did you just say?”

He swallowed under her intense scrutiny. Izzy was different from any woman he’d ever known. He not only loved her, he was impressed with the way she handled herself under pressure. She’d been frightened but she’d still gone out of her way to comfort the other girl last night. “You didn’t misunderstand me.”

didn’t I misunderstand?” Her words came out hoarse.

“I love you, Izzy. You have to know that.”

A wide grin spread across her face, and before he could guess what she planned she sat up, pushed against his chest and straddled him. “I love you too.” She grabbed him by the wrists and held them above his head as she leaned forward and kissed him.

An invisible force loosened around his chest. He’d never opened up about himself to anyone the way he had to Izzy. He hadn’t realized how nervous he’d been she wouldn’t respond when he admitted how he felt.

As her tongue rasped against his, his cock surged forward. Reaching between them, he cupped one of her breasts and strummed one of her nipples until it turned rock hard under his touch. She moaned into his mouth and when she rubbed over his erection, he stilled.

He wanted to take her fast and hard but after the night she’d had, he couldn’t. Gently, he cupped her cheek. “Hey, do we need to change your bandages?”

Frowning, she turned her wrists over to look at them and nodded. “Unfortunately yes.”

She had superficial burns around the edges of her wrists. The doctors said she’d heal completely, but if left unchecked they could get infected. He hooked her by the waist and lifted her off. “Come on before I forget to be a gentleman.”

She slipped out of bed and started to follow him to the bathroom, but he stopped and picked up a T-shirt.

“What are you doing?” she asked, when he handed it to her. “Aren’t you going to change my bandages?”

“Yes, but after you put some clothes on.”

She glanced down at the erection his boxers couldn’t hide and grinned. “You’re like a machine.”

“Only around you,” he muttered before heading to the bathroom. She didn’t have much in the way of first aid stuff, but the staff at the hospital had given her plenty of backup supplies.

A few seconds later she walked in wearing a shirt that barely skimmed the top of her long legs. Not the shirt he’d handed her. “Damn, Izzy. That’s not clothes.”

She sat on the edge of the sink and held out both arms. When she moved like that, he got a flash of the skimpy hot pink scrap of material she considered underwear. “I don’t want you to forget me while you’re gone.”

“Not possible,” he chuckled as he pulled out a roll of gauze. At the intent expression on her face he stopped what he was doing.

He encircled her wrists with his hands a little higher than the burns so he wouldn’t agitate her skin and pulled her close. “I’ve got to take care of something today, but it has nothing to do with us.” Technically it did, but he couldn’t give her more to worry about. Not when she had so much on her plate right now. When she didn’t respond he continued. “It’s family stuff, Izzy.” He bit back the lie. Once he took care of things, he’d tell her everything.

“Okay. You’re still making me breakfast before you leave.” It wasn’t a question.

He shook his head and suppressed a grin as he started to take off her bandages. His princess was going to be just fine.


Izzy shut the front door behind Adam and sagged against it. She couldn’t believe he’d left today of all days, but for once, she was actually going to trust someone. It sucked he was leaving, but she’d promised Detective Dennis she’d drop by the station this morning as a follow-up. If she was honest with herself, she didn’t mind Adam leaving too much mainly because she needed a few hours alone to decompress. Everything hadn’t truly hit her, but she was sure it would soon enough.

She heard her phone ringing from the other room and rushed to get it. When she saw Carolyn’s name, she debated whether to answer. She didn’t feel like talking to anyone, but if she didn’t answer her friend would worry.

“Hey, Carolyn.”

“Izzy, how’re you feeling? Do you need me to come over? What can I bring?” Her friend shot questions at her like a machine gun.

“I’m still a little shaken up, but I’m totally fine. I promise. If I need anything I’ll call.”

“Okay, I guess.” Carolyn didn’t sound completely convinced.

“Will you please stop worrying? Except for a few scrapes and bruises I’m alive and healthy.”

“Have you called your father?” Carolyn was the only person in Coconut Bay who knew about Izzy’s strained relationship with her father.

She hadn’t told her dad about anything that had happened because she knew he’d insist she come home immediately, or worse, send her a ten-man bodyguard team. “No.”

“Are you going to?” she demanded.

“Yes, I’ll call him…Actually, after I drop by the station, I’ll take a mini day trip to see him.” It was only two hours away and after all she’d been through, she really did want to see her dad. He’d be pissed she’d kept him in the dark about everything, but he’d get over it.

“Are you sure you’re okay to drive?”

“Jeez Carolyn, you’re already sounding like a mom. I’m fine.”

After five minutes of convincing her friend she was capable of driving, she changed into a blue knee-length wrap dress and kitten heels. As she swiped on mascara in the mirror, she still couldn’t believe everything that had happened in the span of five days. She’d fallen in love and almost been killed by a raging psycho. Savannah was suddenly looking pretty good.

She grabbed her purse and headed down to the police station. The sooner she got this over, the sooner she’d be on her way to see her dad.


Adam braced himself for his brother’s reaction as he stepped into the waiting elevator of their building downtown. They’d rented out the bottom two floors to other tenants but the entire third floor was theirs. When he stepped out Marian glanced up from behind her desk.

Her eyebrows raised. “You back already?”

“Sort of. Is Ben in?”

She nodded but didn’t say anything else. He opened the door to his brother’s office to find him frowning at his computer screen.

“Problems little brother?”

Ben looked up and grinned. “Not anymore. Good to see you, man. I take it you’ve finally come to your senses and are back to stay?”

“I’ve still got to pack up some stuff, but I’ll be moving back in a couple days.”

“Good because we’ve got our work cut out for us. In about seven days, we’re going to have more work than we know what to do with.”

“What are you talking about?” He took a seat on the uncomfortable metal chair.

“Have you had a chance to review Ballantine’s contract? We need to have a team ready immediately. I’ve already called and emailed the guys I know you’ll want for this gig.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I’m not accepting the contract.” Adam hated doing this to him, but he hoped his brother understood. It was why he’d come in person. He owed his brother enough respect not to have this conversation over the phone.

“It’s a little too late for that.” Ben crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his chair.

Blood rushed in Adam’s ears. “What the hell are you talking about?”

His brother shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “I signed it.”

“What do you mean you signed it?”

Ben shrugged. “We’re partners, bro. I thought we both wanted this deal. What’s going on? We’ve got the numbers and the guys. If you’re freaked out about taking on such a big contract, don’t. This is what we’ve been working toward.”

“It’s not that. I…I want to start a life with Izzy. I didn’t mean to fall for her but it just happened. Taking this deal with Ballantine seems wrong.”

Ben’s head snapped back in shock. “You love her or something?”

Adam nodded. “As in till death do us part.”

His brother let out a low whistle. “Shit.”

“I’m going to see Ballantine. I can’t go through with this deal.”

Ben shook his head. “I hope she’s worth it.”

“She is.” Worth more than any deal or any contract.

“If we hadn’t landed the Devlin job I might be ready to kick your ass over this.” Ben’s voice lightened, letting Adam know his brother was fine with it.

“So we’re good?”

“We’re fine, man. Just make sure you tell her the truth.”

Adam frowned at his brother. “What?”

“Tell her the truth. Once you’ve talked to Ballantine, you still need to come clean with her. You might have to do some groveling, but don’t start anything with a lie.”

“I know.” And he did. He was going to tell her everything. She might be pissed but she loved him. She’d have to forgive him.

Fifteen minutes later, he’d made it to the other side of town. Of course he’d hit all the green lights. Normally it took him a solid half an hour to find parking and get to the Ballantine building.

Ms. Priddy looked up as he exited the elevator and greeted him with a warm smile. “Mr. Marcellus. Wonderful to see you again. He’s expecting you so go right on in.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

Edward looked up as he entered and motioned toward one of the chairs. “Adam, good to see you. Please take a seat.”

He sat, but couldn’t help but wonder if the older man would be so happy to see him in a few minutes.

Before he could say anything, Edward spoke. “I assume you’ve been by to see your brother so congratulations are in order. Are you a scotch or whiskey man?”

He cleared his throat. “Nothing for me now, sir. Listen, I need to talk about the Forester deal. I spoke to my brother and we want out.”

Edward’s eyebrows rose, but for some reason, Adam was under the impression that he wasn’t all that surprised by the statement. “Why?”

“I love your daughter, sir.”

The other man was silent for a long beat. Finally he spoke. “So why don’t you want the Forester deal? We can keep our arrangement between us if you’re serious about her.”

“No. I’m not starting my life with her based on lies.”

“Your life?”

“Yes sir. I’m marrying Izzy.” Technically he hadn’t asked, and the southern part of his upbringing knew he should be asking the other man out of respect, not telling. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. It wouldn’t be real. Whether Edward approved or not, Izzy was Adam’s.

“I see. And have you told her about our arrangement?”

“No, sir. But I’m coming clean tonight.” Maybe he should have told her before he’d gone but he’d wanted everything taken care of so they could start fresh.

“And there’s nothing I can do or say to change your mind?”

“No.” He knew he wasn’t the kind of man Izzy normally dated or even close to being in her league, but he would love her like no one else could.

The other man’s lips tugged up slightly at the corners. Adam didn’t know him well enough to know what that meant, but he braced himself for whatever was to come. Edward started to speak when the door opened up.

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