Dangerous Secrets (6 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

BOOK: Dangerous Secrets
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It was early. Way too early for anyone to be up. Right before sunrise. He quickly removed the tarp from the young woman’s body. She shivered but didn’t open her eyes. Well, eye. One was swollen shut.

She’d been a fighter even when she’d been blindfolded. Lowering the drug dosage and adding the blindfold had been an experiment. It had been interesting. He’d immensely enjoyed pounding his fists against her soft flesh but he still preferred his women docile when he fucked them. Unlike the last whore he’d taken, he’d been able to finish with this one.

Grabbing her ankles, he dragged her toward the end of the bed of the truck. For a moment he cupped her cheek. She flinched but still didn’t open her eyes.

He tested her pulse. He could barely feel it. Wrapping his hands around her neck, he thought about what it would be like to squeeze the life from her. He increased the pressure but her eyes remained closed. Not even a flicker of awareness now.


He loosened his grip. When he finally took that next step, he wanted to see the life drain from his victim’s eyes. Sighing, he scooped her up and trekked toward the merry-go-round. It squeaked as he dumped her naked body on it.

Grabbing one of the bars, he spun it before walking away. It wouldn’t be long before someone found her. He was almost done in Coconut Bay. That little tease, Andrea, wouldn’t get away from him and neither would that interfering bitch Isabelle.

Andrea would be easy to take. He’d been watching her long enough. She might be hiding out at her place right now, but she’d let her guard down soon. Hell, she had to leave if she wanted to go to school. That left the tall bartender. Once he got her alone, it was over for her.

Chapter Five

Izzy opened her eyes and smiled against Adam’s muscular chest. She knew it was real, but she couldn’t believe last night had actually happened and that he was in her bed. Tall, sexy-as-sin Adam was stretched out beneath her in all his male glory looking good enough to eat.

The thin sheet covering their bodies didn’t cover much. If anything, it looked like he was…She lifted her head. Damn, he was hard.

“You finally awake?” he growled, his deep voice enveloping her.

She turned her head to meet his smoky gaze. “How long have you been awake?”

“Too long.” The words came out hoarse and uneven.

“Is that right?” She raked a teasing hand down his chest.

In response, his jaw twitched. Smiling, she reached under the sheet and grasped his cock. His neck muscles corded, and his entire body seemed to tense under her light touch.

“You’re a machine.”

“I don’t hear you complaining,” he said before his mouth hungrily captured hers. Their tongues danced and clashed with surprising need. She couldn’t ever remember feeling this intense physical pull toward anyone. Sex had always been just that.
Something she enjoyed but could live without. Now a raw, primal hunger burned in her belly as Adam caressed her body.

When his head dipped to one of her breasts, she kicked the sheet off so she could see what he was doing to her. He took his time, circling her areola until it puckered into a tight bud. From this angle she had a perfect view of one of the tattoos on his back. It was a skull with two rifles crossing behind it. She wasn’t sure, but if the USMC tattoo on his arm was any indication, she guessed that one was a Marine Corps tattoo, as well. Normally she didn’t like tattoos but on him, they were incredibly sexy. She wanted to run her fingers and mouth all over them.

Sunlight streamed into the room through the blinds, illuminating the bed in small ribbons of light. She hissed when he sucked hard on one of her nipples, taking it fully into his mouth.

Her breasts were fairly small, something she’d always been self-conscious about before. Not now. Adam made her feel special, treasured almost. When he stared at her naked body he practically worshipped her with his eyes.

Reaching between them, she fisted her hand around his hard length and squeezed. He moaned, and the small sound reverberated against her sensitive breast. She loved what he was doing to her, but she suddenly needed to taste him.

“Adam,” she murmured and pushed at his shoulder with her other hand.

He lifted his head after a few seconds.

“Get on your back.” Her words were a subtle order.

He paused, as if taking orders was a foreign thing. Which it probably was. Everything about Adam was dominant. He was definitely all man. But this morning, he was going to do what she said.

When she had him underneath her, she straddled his waist and rubbed the folds of her sex over his length, but didn’t let him penetrate her. He didn’t have a condom on yet anyway and she planned to tease him. She was so wet it was almost embarrassing.

She traced her fingers down his chest and abdomen, savoring the feel of his taut skin. His muscles tightened underneath her fingers.

“Are you trying to kill me?” he muttered.

Grinning, she shimmied down until she was kneeling between his legs. She ran her hands up his muscular thighs and dug her fingers into his skin. Not hard but she wanted to feel him strain against her. Undeniable energy hummed through him.

His cock bobbed in front of her, begging to be kissed. When she leaned over it, his hips jerked. Grinning, she met his gaze while she fisted the base of his cock. The length was impressive, but it was his width that had her feeling sore and stretched this morning.

Last night had been everything she’d fantasized about and more. He would be leaving soon and she wanted to get her fill of him.


Adam watched as Izzy grasped the base of his cock. He nearly came undone as her slim fingers wrapped around him and squeezed. When she bent to take him in her mouth, her dark hair fell around his waist, creating a curtain.

Her perfect pink tongue tentatively licked the head of his cock, circling the mushroom cap in teasing strokes. Normally he didn’t like to give up control in the bedroom but for Izzy and for
he had no problem letting her take the reins.

In a surprising move, she leaned down farther and sucked him all the way in her mouth. There was no way she could completely take his length, but she was damn close. As she started to stroke him, she lightly scraped her teeth over his head.

His entire body jolted at the unexpected contact. She continued using her hand to stroke him as she sucked and licked. He knew it wouldn’t be long before he came and he desperately wanted to be inside her.

Adam threaded his fingers through her hair and tugged her head up. As if she completely understood, she leaned over and grabbed a condom from the dresser.

With shaking hands, Adam plucked it from her hand and ripped it open. His cock felt like a club between his legs and it had only one thought. To be inside Izzy. After he sheathed himself, he grabbed her hips and flipped her on her back.

This wasn’t going to be sweet and gentle. Earlier when she’d been teasing him, he’d felt her damp pussy rub over him but he wanted to make sure she was ready for him. He slid one finger inside her. When he pulled his hand away, he was covered in her juices.

With a hard stroke, he pummeled into her as if it was his last day on earth.

Something deep inside him wanted to claim her. Wanted to let the entire world know she was his. He’d never experienced something so primal and he wasn’t sure what to do with those feelings.

He could feel her vagina drawing tighter around him. It wouldn’t be much longer. The woman was so receptive to his every touch, it amazed him. She was like a stick of dynamite. All he had to do was touch her and she practically exploded.

As she reached around him and dug her fingers into his backside, he bit back what little self-control he had to keep from coming. His balls pulled up painfully tight with need.

Bending down farther, he slanted his mouth over hers and tasted her. When she groaned into his mouth and sunk her fingers deep into his skin, he let go of his control.

She didn’t have to tell him she was coming. Her body spoke volumes. As her vagina began milking him in rapid contractions, he could actually feel her orgasm wash over him as they found their release together. It was the most unique thing he’d experienced.

With a few final thrusts, he emptied himself into the condom before collapsing onto the tangled sheets.

Wordlessly she sidled up next to him and laid her head on his chest. “We could have been doing this for weeks,” she murmured against his skin.

Grinning, he kissed the top of her head. “I’m going to take a shower. Want to join me?”

She shook her head and scooted over to lay her head on her pillow. “No way. I need a little time to recover.”

He shook his head and chuckled before walking into her bathroom.


Her stomach clenched at the sight of his sculpted naked backside. A man didn’t have the right to look so good. When she heard the running water, she forced herself into action and slipped a summer dress over her head. She might want to stay naked all day, but her stomach was demanding sustenance. Since she didn’t have anything in her refrigerator, she grabbed her purse and sunglasses. She needed a shower too, but was a little too tender to join him this morning. And something told her that if she got in there naked with him, he’d want to get busy again.

She rapped on the door and stuck her head in. “I’m going to grab us some coffee.”

His response was garbled, but it sounded like he said “okay.” It was barely seven, but if she didn’t hurry, the coffee shop down the road would be packed before she made it there.

As she predicted, the shop was starting to fill up, but after a short wait in line she was sitting in her car with two steaming cups of coffee and a small box of assorted pastries. Her stomach rumbled for the tenth time so she pulled out a blueberry mini-muffin. Her mouth was watering, but the second she started the ignition, her cell rang.

Her heart stuttered when she saw Adam’s number. She rolled her eyes at herself and took a calming breath before answering. She was in serious trouble if the sight of his name on her caller ID got her twisted up this much. “Hey.”

“Where are you?” His words were clipped.

She frowned. “I told you I was going to get coffee.”

“You said you were going to
coffee, not get it. Some maniac could be out there watching you right now. What the hell were you thinking?” he growled.

She hadn’t been thinking about anything other than him and the night they’d spent together and how much she was looking forward to doing it again. Thinking about potential stalkers wasn’t second nature to her. He was right though, and that annoyed her.

With the cups secure in the holders, she tossed the muffin back in the bag and glanced in her rearview mirror before kicking her car into reverse. “Can we talk about this later? I’ll be back in five minutes and I don’t want to talk on the phone while I’m driving.”

“Damn it, Izzy, what were you thinking.” This time it wasn’t a question, but an accusation.

“Uh, I was thinking that I’m hungry and if you’re not nicer to me I’m not going to share with you.” She knew she should apologize but his attitude put her defenses up.

He sighed but it sounded like he’d lost some of his earlier steam. “We
talk about this Izzy…Be safe.”

When they disconnected, she pushed down the twinge of guilt bubbling up. She tried to tell herself that the crazy stuff happening in town was only at night and the women being accosted had been taken from bars. Not quaint coffee shops in the middle of the day. But Adam was right.

Palm trees and closed shops flew by as she drove through the downtown area. She missed her historic hometown of Savannah, but Coconut Bay was fine for now. It wasn’t as if she wanted to settle down there, but it had seemed the perfect place to get away from her father and experience a nominal amount of freedom. If only for a few months.

If she was completely honest with herself, she’d chosen the town because it wasn’t too far from her home. Though she’d rather chew on glass than admit that to anyone. Especially her dad.

As she pulled up to a stoplight, her car jolted violently in sync with the sound of crunching metal. Her head snapped back against the headrest with the force of the impact. Groaning, she touched the back of her neck as she looked in the rearview mirror. She cringed and cursed under her breath.

A black truck had run into her. She hit the steering wheel with her palm. Just what she needed this morning. Flipping on her turn signal, she planned to pull into the empty parking lot of Yanna’s Jewelry Boutique, but before she had time to react, the truck reversed, then slammed into her again.

A bolt of terror surged through her. This was no accident.

Glancing around, she realized there were no other vehicles on the street. Her heart went into overdrive. “Think Izzy, think,” she muttered to herself.

The light was red, but no other cars were coming from either direction. Her Volkswagen Beetle was a V6, but probably couldn’t outrun the mammoth truck behind her. If she could manage to get back to her place, she’d be okay. Or at least she prayed she would.

She glanced up and down the street. Other than the coffee shop, every other place was closed. She had nowhere to run.

Gunning her engine, she shot out into the intersection. Sure enough, the truck followed a second later. Her throat clenched.
Oh shit!
This guy was serious. There was a tinted strip across the windshield, making it impossible to see anything inside the vehicle other than a big silhouette. She might not know what he looked like, but she knew exactly who it was.

She leaned over to grab her fallen purse, but another sickening jolt had her scrambling back for the wheel. She needed to call Adam, but her phone was in her purse on the passenger side floorboard.

Tightly clasping the wheel, she floored it. Unfortunately the truck did the same.

Panic like she’d never imagined settled deep in her bones. He was gaining on her fast. If she couldn’t get back to her place before—no, she couldn’t think like that.

Her tires squealed as she made a sharp right turn. She sped up even more as she pulled onto the four-lane road that led from downtown to her apartment. The drive was a mere three minutes, but it suddenly seemed like an eternity stretched out before her.

Keeping an eye on the rearview mirror while trying to watch the road in front of her, she once again made an attempt for her purse. This time she snatched it up.

As she righted herself, she looked in the rearview mirror again only to see a deserted stretch of road behind her.

“What the he—”

Another jolt jarred her entire body as she struggled for control of the wheel. She glanced over her left shoulder. The guy had hit her again and had now moved up next to her.

Unsure what to do, she gripped the wheel and yanked to the left. The impact against the other vehicle had the desired effect.

The truck swerved to the far side of the other lane, close to the grass median. The only thing that separated them from the opposite road. Luckily—or maybe unlucky for her—there was no one else on the road.

Her heart slammed against her ribs as her limited options flared through her mind. She’d only have one chance to gain the upper hand so she took it. She jerked the wheel and raced across both lanes, ramming into the truck once again. She wasn’t sure if she took him by surprise, or if she just hit his truck in the right spot, but that last push was all it took to shove him into the dipped median. Her gaze stayed riveted on the rearview mirror as she sped away. It didn’t flip, but the truck swerved into the grassy ditch.

Her neck and shoulders ached, but she ignored the pain. Without waiting to see what happened, she took the next exit. As she paused at the yield sign, some of her panic subsided. No one was behind her.

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