Dangerous trio 1 (9 page)

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Authors: Jana Leigh

BOOK: Dangerous trio 1
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Damn it!

Pushing the thoughts out of her head, thinking she would wait until he called later and tell him she changed her mind. She really did not have a choice; she couldn"t leave her heart behind.

Bailey shocked herself with the impracticality of actually loving these two men. She had never been impractical and she loved it. Forgetting about the call that spurned her thoughts in the first place, she smiled and jumped from her bed. Well, she had fucked up today, but she was sure she could make it up to the guys. If they wanted her like, they said they did, her temper tantrum in the bathroom may have hurt their feelings, but they should still want her. She refused to think of the consequences and wanted to live her life for once, to the hell with the consequences.

Bailey walked out into the living area and looked around; there was still no one here.

Where the heck could they be, she thought and went to the other end of the loft, the side she had yet to explore. She went down another hallway and found two doors. From one she could hear music blasting from under the door, she hesitated before slowly turning the knob, but refused to back down now that she had finally made up her mind.

She saw a weight room filled with top of the line equipment and mirrors on every wall.

She pushed the door open a little more, her eyes widened when she saw the two men she had been seeking in the far corner where there was a massage table was set up. Dallas lay on the table, as Noah worked his hands over Dallas"s naked body. They had obviously been working out in frustration, because she could see a thin layer of sweat on both of their bodies. Neither of them noticed she had entered the room, so she sank onto the chair that was next to the door, watched, and waited.

Bailey struggled to hear what they were saying over the music that was turned on so loud and after a few minutes, she was able to block out the music and hear them talking quietly.

“We just have to be patient love, she wants us, she just doesn"t understand it all yet.” Noah said to Dallas.

“I know Noah, that"s not the problem. She refuses to even consider the possibility that we could be together.” Dallas said and Bailey realized the bigger man was actually crying, over her. She closed her eyes, wanting to get up and take his pain away.

“Let me help you Dal, I love you and want you always.” Noah said, bent, and kissed Dallas on the neck.

Dallas moaned and said, “I just want to get on with our lives, you know what we talked about. Forever, me, you, and now, Bailey. We could be so good, go to the house, and just bury ourselves there until she is safe.” Noah continued kissing down his back and massaging him as he went. Noah turned around, grabbed a bottle of lube, and smiled gently. “Soon.” He whispered and pushed Dallas onto his back. Bailey felt cream drip from her pussy watching the men. She should have left, but she was rooted into place, waiting to see what they were going to do. She never thought seeing two men together would excite her as much as it was, but the evidence was seeping through her silk panties.

Dallas pulled Noah"s head down and kissed the man, she could see the tongues of both men fighting to claim each other"s mouth. Noah pulled back and growled, “Lay back and let me ease your pain, Dal.” She saw the man on the table nod and Noah kissed him again, grabbing his erection and pumping a few times while they continued to kiss.

Bailey thought she was going to cum watching them, wow they were so hot. She pushed a hand down her shorts and felt herself through the silk. First time for everything, she thought, and dipped her hand under the edge of the panties. She had never masturbated because she never knew what to do. She closed her eyes for a minute and thought about what the boys had done to her last night. When she opened them, Noah had taken Dallas in his mouth and was working up and down the man"s cock with determination. She smiled and used her fingers, keeping the same stroke as Noah was using on Dallas.

The music continued to play around them, which hid the fact that she was sitting in the same room as they were, watching them. Dallas grabbed the back of Noah"s head and forced the other man to increase the speed. Then he began lifting his hips off the table, making sure that Noah was taking his full length. She groaned and pushed two fingers inside of her pussy as far as they could go. She used the same pace as Dallas and pushed her thumb against her clit to make sure she was pushing herself to an orgasm. Dallas yelled and arched off of the table as he climaxed into Noah"s mouth. The other man continued to suck until Dallas finally stopped bucking against him. With no effort, he flipped Dallas on his stomach and pushed him to his knees on the table. Noah smiled and climbed up on the table behind him and Bailey watched as Dallas started to get hard again.

Noah grabbed the lube, squeezed some into Dallas"s opening, and then put some on his straining dick. Bailey continued her strokes slowing until Noah started his pace.

Finally, Noah slapped Dallas on the ass and plunged into the man's ass so fast and hard, Dallas screamed in pleasure and gripped the edges of the table. Bailey increased her motion to match Noah, who was moving fast, and Bailey knew it would not be that long before they would all be coming together. She saw Noah lean over, grab Dallas"s cock, and pump him with the same rhythm. Bailey groaned and pushed her thumb to her clit, hoping for the same feeling they had given her last night. It only took a few times rubbing, before she felt the tingles of an orgasm coming. She leaned back to give herself better access and continued to match the men"s speed. She saw Noah grasp Dallas"s hips and fuck him harder and faster.

“Oh my God!” He screamed, pounded into Dallas"s ass as Dallas released his load onto the table. Bailey was just on the edge when the men noticed the movement by the door and looked at her as she pleasured herself. She was wiggling and whimpering, not being able to take herself over.

“Please, I need help,” she cried and stood up and took off her clothes while she said, “I will stay and try. Only if you fuck me now.” She demanded and smiled when she saw the heat in the men"s eyes. They wanted her; she thought and grinned bigger because they had yet to move. She figured she shocked them a little, but enough to make them statues? “I kinda was hoping you would do it now.” She said and walked out the door, intending to make it to the living room before they caught her. She shrieked as she heard them scrambling after her and started to run through the kitchen. She made it to the black marble island in the middle of the kitchen before an arm snaked around her and lifted her up on the cool top.

She squeaked loud and Noah laughed in delight that she had made the noise again and laid her over the counter top and began kissing her. She felt hands all over her body and heard both of them saying they were going to punish her for scaring them earlier. She giggled and tried to sit up.

“Nope, we skipped breakfast so you are going to have to make it up to us.” Dallas said and nodded to Noah who opened the door to the refrigerator. She saw him pull several bowls out and a can of whipped topping.

She frowned and said, “Uh, Noah, what are you doing?”

“Making our own little Bailey snack to tide us over till lunch.” He said smugly and opened all of the containers. She saw strawberries, blueberries, and fresh pineapple, as well as the whipped cream. He turned around and said to Dallas, “What would you like first? I am a little partial to the blueberries, but I know how you love pineapple.”

“Blueberries on the nipples, strawberries in her ass and pineapple in her pussy. All topped with whipped cream.” Dallas smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.

“Okay, your call.” Noah said and brought the bowl with blueberries over to the island first. They both grabbed the plump little fruit and squeezed them over her breasts, making sure to cover her nipples liberally with the juice. Noah squirted a small dollop of whipped topping on each of her nipples and they both took a breast and began to eat the sweet fruit from her body.

“Oh my!” She groaned and pulled both of their heads as close to her as she could. She wiggled and writhed beneath them as they ate her nipples until they were clean. Before she knew it, she was flipped over onto her stomach gently and they brought the bowl of strawberries and put them in from of her. Holy shit, they were giant strawberries. Her eyes widened with the thought of where they were going to put them.

Before she could protest, she felt a pair of hands pulling her ass cheeks apart. She heard them hum and pick up one of the berries. They covered it in whipped topping and she felt them press it to her anus. It was a strange feeling, but not entirely unpleasant. She felt one of them lean over her and nuzzle her butt cheek before sucking the strawberry out with their mouth. She knew it had not gone in real far but still could feel it move against her rim. She bucked a little against the marble counter, feeling the need to cum.

She heard another strawberry being covered in the same manner and placed just inside her rim again. On and on they went, until the bowl was empty and Bailey was barely hanging on by a thread.

They flipped her again and both smiled and kissed her lips, letting her taste the sweet fruit they had just eaten. Dallas pushed up her legs and nodded to Noah, who brought the last bowl to the counter. Inside were a dozen or so thick triangle sticks of pineapple.

Dallas picked up the first one and grinned at her. He grabbed the whipped topping and covered the entire stick with the sticky white foam. Then he bent and watched her face as he slid the length inside her. He pumped a few times, causing her pussy to try and grab hold of it. He chuckled before pulling her legs over his shoulder and bending to eat the pineapple stick a bite at a time, drawing it slowly out of her opening. When he was done, he sucked her clit in his mouth, rubbing it slowly across his tongue, releasing it before she could get her orgasm. He turned her over to Noah who repeated the same thing, and each time they sucked and ate, bringing her to edge of a climax but pulling back before she could push herself over the edge. When the bowl was empty, she was screaming curses at them in frustration.

Bailey had never demanded anything in her life, but she was now. “If you do not fuck me now, I will never suck either of your cocks again, you bastards.” They both chuckled at her, which only caused her to be more impatient. “Fine!” She screamed and pushed them out of the way so she could give herself what she needed.

Both of them fought to keep her hands from getting to their goal, but she was a determined woman. Finally, it took Dallas holding her hands above her head, while Noah grabbed her hips to keep her still. He sunk into her pussy hard and quick so she stopped moving. Dallas took her mouth and kissed her deeply. She moaned and moved like she was a crazed woman. All of her nerve endings were on fire. Noah increased his speed; pounding into her while, Dallas protected her shoulder. Not like she noticed her wound when she was in the state she was in. Shit, she could barely remember her name, let alone be worried about her bullet wound.

Finally, she felt the tingling mount and she exploded into the biggest orgasm she had ever had. It was all consuming, making her eyes squeeze shut and she held her breath, trying to draw out the feelings. Then she collapsed on the counter in exhaustion, wanting to curl in a ball and take a nap. She felt someone pick her up and carry her to her room, they laid her on the bed and covered her with a light sheet.

Bailey heard water running and the two men murmuring to each other. She smelled a wonderful vanilla scent and opened her eyes when Dallas leaned over her and pulled into his arms again to carry her to the tub surrounded by the garden. Bailey had refused to look at it until now, because she was afraid she would love it too much and she was right. They had filled it with warm water and pulled flowers from a few of the plants, throwing them into the water, creating a wonderfully sinful looking bath. She sank into it and leaned her head back against the pillow on the edge and sighed.

“This is my favorite thing in the world.” She whispered and she heard them laugh.

“Wait, look, baby.” Noah said and pushed a button on the wall. From the ceiling, a huge television came down and when Noah pushed another button, it turned on and gave her a list of movies she could watch while lying in the bath. She laughed with delight, chose a favorite from the list, sighed, and laid back into the water. Noah and Dallas stayed on either side of the tub, washing her silently. They gently rubbed the sticky juices from her body and when they were done, they kissed her and told her to relax.

Bailey heard the shower come on after a few minutes. She stayed in the bath as long as she could without turning into a prune, it was heaven. She thought about what transpired this morning and was satisfied that she had made the right decision staying with the guys. She needed to see where it would take them.

Before she could dress, Dallas came back in and changed her dressing again, teasing her relentlessly about the morning. He kissed and hugged her while she got dressed in front of him, to make sure she was able to pull another tank top over her head. Dallas grinned when he saw his mom had brought Bailey a Denver Broncos tank. They played today, Dallas and Noah were supposed to be hosting a party, however because of the circumstances, it had been cancelled. Dallas suggested they get Noah to cook them good football snacks for the game and they could watch it on the big screen together. The remainder of the day was spent cooking together and yelling at the television.

Both of the men were happy that Bailey understood the game and seemed to be as rabid of a fan as they were. She also admitted the only time she had a potty mouth was when she watched the games, they had thought she was joking a little, considering she was so reserved, but when a ref made a bad call, the string of curses that came from her mouth had the guys rolling on the floor. She stood with her hands on her waist in indignation yelling at the television, Noah fell in love with her when she squeaked and stomped her foot. Dallas fell soon after when she called a penalty that went unnoticed and she began her rant again, using the proper football terminology. By the end of the game, they were worked up from watching her.

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