DangerousLust (9 page)

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Authors: Lila Dubois

BOOK: DangerousLust
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He took my hand as we slogged through the sand. There
weren’t many people on this section of the beach. Most people preferred to sun
themselves on the sand of Santa Monica beach a mile north of here.

Brad dropped down into the sand and tugged on my hand, but I
pulled my fingers free. I smiled softly at him and walked for the water. I didn’t
stop as the waves washed my feet. I kept walking, the water now at my knees.
The sand dropped down sharply and with the next step I was up to my waist, the
cold water against my beaten ass a relief so sharp that I tipped my head up and
let out a happy little laugh.

Bending my knees, I dropped, sinking under the water. It was
cold and dark behind my closed eyes. I stayed there, letting the cold ocean
leach all the emotion from my body.

Hands grabbed me under the arms and jerked me up. I gasped
for breath.

“Leona.” Brad was there, his gold-green eyes examining me.
“Leona, say something.” I could see how worried he was, and wondered how long
I’d been under the water. He guided me toward the shore until we were knee-deep
in the water.

“I’m sorry.” Tears filled my eyes.

He’d come out into the ocean to rescue me—a beachside Prince
Charming. As I’d hung by my wrists in Master Clay’s playroom I’d realized
something. What I really wanted was someone like Brad, but what I deserved was
Master Clay. I wasn’t the princess in the story, I was, as Master Clay had
said, the courtesan, the handsome prince’s mistress. There to serve him
sexually, but not the girl who got taken to the ball.

“I’m so sorry, Brad. I’m an awful person.”

He didn’t say anything but his face hardened. Without saying
anything he reached for the hem of my wet sundress. I should have stopped him
as he pulled it up and off, but I didn’t. I wasn’t sure why he did it, but I
knew that the fastest way to drive him away would be for him to see what I really

I took the soggy fabric from him, hugging it to my chest,
and turned my back to him.

He touched my upper thigh, just below where it hurt.

I waited for him to say something, but he was silent.

The need to cry made my throat tight. I walked out of the water.
Uncaring of who else saw me, I grabbed my towel from the tote and stuffed my
wet dress in. With the towel wrapped around me, tote bag in hand, I started
walking. I didn’t look back to see if Brad had followed me. I kept walking
until sand turned into concrete. I stopped at the first bus stop I saw and got
on, ignoring the bus driver’s stare.

As we pulled away from the beach I let myself cry. This time
it wasn’t from fear or pain. I was mourning the loss of my Prince Charming. By
the time I’d made my way back to campus I’d accepted what I was and what my
life would be. Two weeks ago I’d been so sure that BDSM would make me happy,
would give me what I wanted.

I’d been wrong—it turns out what I’d always wanted was the
boyfriend and romance—but I couldn’t have that. I couldn’t have him.

* * * * *

The car was barely in park before
Brad Marshall was out. He pounded on the mansion’s white front door, his anger
barely restrained.

Wayne Clayton opened the door. “Brad? This is unexpected.”

Brad pushed his way into the elegant foyer. He was familiar
with the house from the six months he’d spent working for Wayne. Brad had
developed a real estate app for Wayne’s firm, which was one of the biggest and
most powerful in Los Angeles. The app had put them on the cutting edge of real
estate marketing and sales. Brad and Wayne had both made a mint on the project
and become friends of a sort.

Friends enough that Brad knew Wayne wasn’t always Wayne.
There were times when he went by a shortened version of his last name—Clay.

“How could you do that to her?” Brad demanded.

Wayne calmly closed the front door. “Do what to whom?”

“Leona. Leona Thies.”

Wayne raised a brow. “I thought I saw you dancing with her
last night.”

“Dancing with her? She was my
.I met her
working on the app for LACMA. The job you recommended me for.”

Wayne shook his head and headed for his office. “Were you
aware that she was a submissive?”

Brad followed him. “I suspected something like that. She
reacted when I grabbed her and gave her an order.” Brad’s anger was fading in
the face of Wayne’s utter calm. “But I knew for sure when I saw her ass.”

“This afternoon?”

“Yes. How could you do that to her? She’s back and blue and
there are welts.”

“She spoke to me at the gala last night. Called me Clay.”

Brad winced. “Okay, that wasn’t great, but you hurt her,
really hurt her.”

“Brad, I assume you remember enough about my practices to
know that I do not take punishment lightly.”

“She didn’t deserve that.”

“She did.”

“No, she didn’t, because she’s not really submissive.”

Wayne smiled slightly. “I assure you she is.”

The vision of Wayne using Leona rose in Brad’s mind and he
had to fight the urge to beat the other man bloody.

“What she is, is scared. She’s scared of getting her heart
broken again, so she went looking for a relationship with rules.”

“A woman who was not submissive would not have responded the
way she did. While she needs to be trained to see her submission as more than
an opportunity to be pleasured—I could tell she was frustrated when I did not
pay attention to her—she will be an elegant submissive.”

“Goddamn it, no. She won’t. You’re not going to touch her

Wayne paused in the middle of pouring himself a glass of
Scotch and looked over his shoulder. “Brad, I’m sorry, but Leona is a rare
find, and one I won’t give up easily.”

Brad gritted his teeth. “I won’t give up on her either,
Wayne. I love her. I’m falling in love with her.”

“That is unfortunate.” Wayne took a small sip.

“I can make her happy. Really happy.”

“Submission will also make her happy.”

“Not the way I can make her happy.”

“Brad, I would hate to see you get your heart broken.” Wayne
tapped his fingers on the top of his desk. “Why don’t you join me when I next
use her? I think that when you see how submissive she is you’ll understand that
she’s not the right girl for you. That is, unless you’ve decided to explore
your dominant side? I said before, I think as you age you’ll come to appreciate
a submissive.”

Wayne had invited him to a small garden cocktail party that
featured submissives posed throughout the garden in elaborate bondage. It had
opened Brad’s eyes to a world of kink that he hadn’t seen outside of porn, and
he’d spent one memorable weekend with two submissive women in Wayne’s playroom.

As much fun as that had been, Brad couldn’t imagine having a
relationship with a woman who never spoke unless she was spoken to. Boring.

Brad wanted to beat the other man until he swore he’d never
touch Leona again, but that wouldn’t solve the problem. There’d been a darkness
in Leona’s eyes that worried him.

“Wayne, I need her.”

“Hold on just a moment.” Wayne went to his computer. After a
moment he looked up. “What’s your phone number?”

Confused, Brad rattled off his cell phone number.

Wayne checked something on his monitor and nodded once. “Join
us tomorrow.”


Chapter Seven


I popped four painkillers in my
mouth and swallowed them, tucking the pills and bottle of water into my drawer
in the dressing room. My ass still hurt, the redness from yesterday having
morphed to long black-and-blue bruises. Sitting was a study in agony, yet here
I was again.

The white and gold corset was back. Instead of panties there
was a white thong, which left my abused ass cheeks completely exposed. I could
only assume the lingerie was a sign that he wasn’t angry anymore.

As I got dressed I tried to feel something. Ever since the
beach yesterday I’d been unable to shake the emotional numbness that gripped
me. It was almost as if I were in shock, my heart going numb rather than
letting me feel the pain my choices had caused.

I told myself to be grateful that Master Clay wanted to see
me again so soon, considering how angry he’d been with me. He was right, it had
been stupid of me to talk to him at the gala. If I’d just kept my mouth shut
maybe right now I’d be with Brad, curled up watching a movie, or eating
pizza—something normal. If I’d woken up to Brad coming to take me out to lunch
would I have abandoned my foray into submission in favor of the cute boy and
normal things?

I stepped into the Marquis’ Quarters, my head bowed
submissively. The door opened and I heard footsteps.

“Hello, Leona. Please turn and let me see your ass.”

I turned my back to the room. Master Clay’s fingers ran over
my abused cheeks and I couldn’t stop a moan of pain.

“I’m very pleased with the way you accepted your punishment.
I can tell that it helped you understand your place.”

No, it made me realize that I’m too fucked up to be with
someone like Brad.

I didn’t respond.

Something slid over my face, pulling tight around my head.

“Today you’ll remain blindfolded. After yesterday’s
punishment I have a treat for you.”

I wanted to find his words arousing but there was nothing. I
only hoped that he did or said something that aroused me before he touched my
pussy and realized I was dry.

With a hand on my back, Master Clay guided me across the
floor. The blindfold was molded and stiff. Because it curved along my nose and
cheeks I couldn’t see anything.

“Step up.”

I tentatively took a step, realizing when he helped position
me that I was standing on the platform surrounded by couches. I sighed in

“Arms up and behind your head.”

Though Master Clay’s voice had come from beside me I heard a
door open and footsteps coming toward me. My heartbeat started going
double-time and I felt the first flutters of nervous excitement.

“We have a guest. In your checklist you indicated you were
willing to try multiple partners. Our visitor today is an excellent top, though
he is not a participant in the lifestyle.”

I held myself perfectly still as I absorbed the words,
forcing myself to understand that I was about to be shared. Here was another
fucked-up thing that a normal girl wouldn’t do, yet I was standing here,
waiting for it to happen not with horror but with muted interest.

Master Clay’s hand stroked my leg from hip to knee and back
to my waist. His fingers slipped under my thong. I heard the other Dom start to
say something, then stop.

“Hmm,” Master Clay’s fingers left my dry pussy. “It’s
understandable that you’re not yet aroused today. Until you learn to associate
a punishment with being a good submissive it’s natural for you to react this

“Yes, Master Clay.”

A warm hand circled my ankle. My skin tingled. I sucked in a
breath as the hand slid up my leg. This Dom’s touch was totally different than
Master Clay’s. It was like fire melting the ice that coated me.

“Leona, can you tell the difference between my touch and

“Y-yes, Master Clay.” My words trembled, but not from fear.
I was shivering, reacting to this new man’s touch in a wholly unexpected way.
Maybe it was because I didn’t associate him with pain the way I now associated
Master Clay with yesterday’s beating.

When this Dom’s fingers stroked the fabric of the thong I
couldn’t help myself from thrusting my hips against his hand.

“Well, well,” Master Clay said.

The new Dom’s hands guided me down off the platform. I could
feel the heat from his body and I swayed toward him, wanting to lean into his

“Here,” Master Clay said.

A collar slid around my neck. Once it was in place, fingers
traced my collarbones down to the swells of my breasts. I lifted up onto
tiptoe, wanting more.

“Leona, tell him what I’ve done to you.”

Leather creaked, and from the angle of his voice it sounded
like Master Clay had taken a seat. The other Dom’s hands settled on my hips,
holding me still. Though the touch was hardly sexual my pussy was throbbing.

“I’m not sure what you mean, Master Clay.” I didn’t want to
talk, I wanted this other man to rip off my corset and touch me.

“Tell my friend what I’ve done to you.”

“Oh, um, Master Clay put me on the cross, the St. Andrew’s
Cross. And he put me in the stocks and spanked me.”

“And I’ve used plugs on you, haven’t I?”

“Yes, Master. And I used one on myself while you watched.”

The other Dom’s hands fell away, leaving me cold and alone.
I wished he would say something.

“I want to talk about that.” Master Clay was back, guiding
me to kneel on the platform. There was the rattle of chain as he attached a
leash to the front of the collar before I heard him take a seat again. I
imagined them sitting there watching me, Master Clay cool and elegant, the
other man warm and enticing. In my imagination he had gold hair and sparkling
green eyes. Shit, I needed to stop thinking like that.

“Remove the corset, Leona.”

I reached for the hidden front closures.

“Don’t.” The other Dom growled the word, surprising me. I
froze, caught between their orders.

“Leona.” Master Clay barked my name, a hint of anger in his

I whimpered. I didn’t want to make him angry or give him a reason
to punish me. I fumbled to unfasten the corset, then carefully set it aside
before lifting my arms once more.

I heard the other Dom take a deep breath.

“You see why I’m reluctant to let her go.” Master Clay
tugged casually on the leash. “Leona, tell my friend about how you used the
toys I gave you on yourself.”

I cleared my throat. “Master Clay gave me a bag with a
webcam, nipple clamps and a plug. I used the webcam to show him when I put the
plug in and put on the nipple clamps.”

“And how long did you have to keep the plug in?”

“One hour, Master Clay.”

“And what else were you doing?”

I swallowed, suddenly nervous. “I was working on a paper.”


I licked my lips. I’d been texting Brad, but he couldn’t
know that.

I heard Master Clay shift and then something struck my
breast. I yelped and ducked my head. It must have been the crop because it
didn’t hurt too much, the sound more alarming than anything.

I caught snippets of voices as the Doms whispered to each
other. Whatever the other man said must have made Master Clay angry, because he
replied, “Do not forget who she belongs to. If I wish I can make sure that you
never put your hands on her.”

That was the second strange thing he’d said. Earlier he’d
mentioned being reluctant to let me go. What was going on?

“She needs assistance remembering her place,” Master Clay
continued. “If it disturbs you to see me crop her then I can use other means.
I’ll leave the choice up to you.”

I didn’t hear the other man reply, but someone got up. A
moment later Master Clay’s hands cupped my bare breasts. His fingers plucked
and pinched my nipples. I wasn’t surprised when clamps bit down on the tender

“Lovely, isn’t she? I’ve considered what she’d look like
with piercings, both in her nipples and in her cunt.”

The other Dom’s hand cupped my breast, his thumb caressing
the clamped nipple. I leaned into his hand as a wave of pleasure washed over

“Now, Leona. Tell my friend what else you were doing that
night. You were working on your paper and…?”

“Texting.” Maybe Master Clay had heard the noise my phone
made when I sent a message.

“Texting whom?”

“My friend.”

“Tell me his name.”


“Excuse me?” Master Clay’s voice dripped warning.

I didn’t care. Brad was mine. I wouldn’t share him here.
“I’m sorry, Master, but he has nothing to do with this.”

“I beg to differ. I was looking at your pussy, and I could
tell you were getting wetter. When you showed me your face I could see your
phone, see the number you were texting.”

I felt sick. “You…saw his number? Please don’t do anything,

“You don’t want him to know you’re submissive?”

“I don’t want him to think…” I didn’t want him to think
badly of me, but after he’d seen my ass yesterday he had to assume that I was
in some messed-up abusive relationship. Maybe that was actually better than
admitting I had these screwed-up sexual urges. “It doesn’t matter. He hates me

“So you won’t care if I contact him to ask what you were
talking about?”

“Please, no, Master.”

“There’s a price for that.”

I bowed my head, tears stinging my eyes behind the
blindfold. “Yes, Master Clay.”

“And would you pay that price to protect this boy?”

“Yes, Master.”

“I haven’t told you the price.”

“I’ll pay it.”

“First, you’ll tell me what you were texting about that made
you wet.”

“We were just flirting, Master Clay.”

“And flirting with him made you wet, wetter than being on
camera submitting to me?”

I’d fallen into Master Clay’s trap. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t
have been texting him.”

“I’m disappointed, Leona.” The leash jerked and I was pulled
forward. I caught my balance, swallowing hard against my fear. “I think that
I’m not the Master for you.”

He couldn’t do this. I’d run away from the boy I
was falling in love with for him, for the life he represented.

“Master, please, I gave up everything for this.” If he
decided I wasn’t worth it, then I would have nothing.

“Yesterday a man came to see me.” Master Clay’s tone was
casual, as if he were chatting over brunch rather than holding my life in his
hands. “He is interested in taking you.”

“Taking me?” I was both horrified and disgustingly aroused
by the idea. Maybe he was talking about the Dom with the warm hands, the one
whose touch did things to me I couldn’t explain. But how had this “friend”
known about me?

“While you are not my slave, and therefore not truly mine to
give away, I think that this other Master is a better fit for you. You’ve
responded elegantly to his touch alone.”

talking about the other Dom. Warmth spread
through my belly and chest, making me aware of my nakedness, aware of how on
display I was. I liked it.

Master Clay came around behind me and grabbed both of my
wrists in one of his hands, holding them in place at the back of my neck.

“Leona, I’d like you to meet my friend.” With his other hand
he removed the blindfold.

Brad was sitting on the couch before me.

He wore a simple button-down shirt and jeans and was leaning
forward, his forearms resting on his spread knees. The other end of the leash
attached to my collar dangled from one hand.

He was both familiar and different. There was a stillness, a
seriousness about him that I’d never seen, and his eyes, his pretty green-gold
eyes, were fixed on me.

Surely this wasn’t real.

“Hey, Princess.”

I let out a little sob and scrambled away, trying to slide
off the platform and pull my hands away from Master Clay’s grip.

Master Clay tightened his hold on my wrists, then reached
for my throat. He held me under the jaw, forcing my head up so I couldn’t avoid
looking at Brad. He placed his knee on the platform between my calves and forced
my legs open.

“No, please,” I begged. “I don’t want him to see me like
this.” I struggled to free my hands so I could cover my face, hide my
nakedness. Master Clay’s thigh pressing against my ass, I whimpered and gave
in. Between his hands holding my wrists and neck and the leg between mine I
couldn’t get away, couldn’t hide.

“Let her go, Wayne,” Brad said.

“Please use Clay while we’re in the Marquis’ Quarters,

“Fine. Let her go, Clay.”

Master Clay ignored him. I couldn’t turn my head away, so I
closed my eyes. My heart was pounding so loud I thought they’d hear it. Brad
was here, Brad knew Master Clay. There were from two completely different parts
of my life. The coincidence was too much. Was this all part of some big plan?
Had they been playing me since the beginning?

Master Clay released my neck long enough to grab the chain
of the nipple clamps. With the chain caught in his fingers he stroked my face,
each movement causing the clamps to pull. As confused as I was, I was no longer
numb, no longer unaffected. My body was responding to Master Clay’s control…and
the sight of Brad watching it all.

“You see, Leona, Brad is a friend of mine. I hired him to
develop an app for me, and it made my firm one of the premier real estate
companies in the nation. Because we worked together so closely Brad had the
opportunity to see me as Master Clay, not Wayne Clayton.”

Master Clay was Wayne Clayton. One of the biggest donors to
the museum. God, what a fool I was.

“Leo, baby, it’s okay.”

“No, it’s not okay,” I whispered. “You…you knew all along?
Is that why you…” I couldn’t even bear to say it. I wanted to get out of here.
“Please, Master Clay, let me go.”

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