Danny (2 page)

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Authors: Margo Anne Rhea

Tags: #ffm, #entranced publishing, #margo anne rhea

BOOK: Danny
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So, when Stacey called me at work that afternoon,
demanding in her oh-so-adorable way that I get my butt to her place
the minute I got off work, I gave in without argument. She must
suspect I was staying away on purpose. If I didn’t go, she would
know for sure. There was no way in hell I would put myself in a
position to have to tell her Danny was the reason.

At exactly 5:02 p.m., I shut my computer down,
grabbed my purse, and made for the elevator. The ten-minute drive
through rush hour traffic felt like it took an hour. But for all my
impatience, when I finally parked just steps from Stacey’s front
door, it took me several minutes to propel myself from my SUV and
into the condo.

They were both waiting by the fire in the living
room when I got there. Stacey, in a tantalizing black negligee that
showed everything except what her matching thong covered, looked
like pure lust. She had her auburn hair pulled up in a bun, flyaway
strands framing her baby-doll face. Big baby blues peered up at me,
perfecting the look of innocence.

Danny, on the other hand, seemed more than
uncomfortable in nothing but a pair of red boxer-briefs that molded
to his body. I couldn’t blame him. We’d certainly seen each other
in less clothing than that, but even I felt exposed in jeans and a
sweater right then.

“Good, you’re finally here.” Stacey purred the words
and patted the space next to her on the down comforter they’d
placed in front of the fireplace. I pulled my boots and socks off
and joined them on the blanket. Danny had a glass of wine waiting
for me and pressed it into my hands as soon as I was settled.

Stacey’s hand slipped under the hem of my sweater to
fiddle with the button of my slacks. I knew what was going to
happen next. We’d done this so many times, I could have done it in
my sleep. And almost did the other morning, I reminded myself. I
avoided looking at Danny.

Stacey’s fingernails grazed my thighs as she tugged
my pants down and off my legs. My sweater was the next to go. She
threw that behind her. I watched as it landed unceremoniously on
the floor, a puddle of black mohair.

If I’d felt exposed before, now I felt downright
naked in my lavender bra and matching bikini panties. Maybe naked
was good, I realized as Stacey pushed my bra aside and swept her
tongue over my nipple. Before I even registered the movement, she’d
unhooked it and pulled the straps down my arms.

Danny removed the glass of wine I’d all but
forgotten about from my hand, and I heard the clink of him setting
it on the coffee table. Taking advantage of having both hands free,
I placed them on Stacey’s hips. She pushed me back, then crawled
over me and leaned in to kiss me. I tugged at her thong and she
took her time slipping first one leg and then the other free, in
slow, languid movements designed to tease.

As her lips touched mine, my mind blanked. She had
the sweetest kisses I’d ever experienced, soft and sensuous, and
she always tasted like strawberries. Gentle lips played over mine,
and then parted as she dipped her tongue just barely into my mouth.
I moaned, and was about to moan again when I realized Danny’s hand
was running up my thigh. Up. Up. He didn’t stop until his palm
pressed between my legs, the crotch of my panties the only barrier
between us.

He pressed that hand hard against me in a move he
never would have dared try a year ago, sending tingles of pleasure
up my spine. Arousal washed over me, clouding my brain. I fought to
pay attention to Stacey’s kisses, worried she would notice how
Danny’s touch was affecting me.

In an effort to distract myself from the strong
hands now inching my panties from my body, I caressed my way under
Stacey’s negligee and up to her breasts. They were full and peaked
with arousal, the skin soft and warm. My mouth watered as I
imagined dipping my head to lick and suck at her rosy nipples.

As I moved to do just that, Danny pressed a finger
inside me and began moving it in and out. All the while, he circled
my clit with his thumb. This was new territory for us, something he
would have been too timid to do without my direction when we were
together. He was obviously trying to make me cum. Oh God, it was
going to work, too.

Suddenly worried again that Stacey would notice
something, I clenched my legs tight around his hand. When I felt
his fingers stop their torturous movement, I shifted away from him,
removing my lips and my hands from Stacey as well. In a move far
more graceful than I would have thought myself capable of right
then, I flipped our bodies, landing splayed over her, straddling
her thigh.

Her eyes lit and she began moving her leg,
ever-so-slightly rubbing it against me, teasing me. I dropped my
head, resting my cheek against her chest and took a slow, deep
breath to steady myself. Then, as much as I didn’t want to do it, I
lifted my body away, sitting up to ensure she wouldn’t be able to
tease me like that anymore.

Her face fell into the sweetest pout, and she made a
soft mewl of disappointment. That was one of the things I loved
most about Stacey: she cared just as much about my needs as she did
her own, maybe more so.

While I had her attention, I grabbed a handful of
black lace and slid it over her head, making sure she watched me
while I took in the naked sight of her. She was perfection, all
curves and creamy softness. Her breasts were taught and flushed and
bloomed into perfect, blush-colored nipples. I couldn’t help but
touch them, mold them.

Danny moved behind me, but I tried hard to ignore
him. Maybe if I just pretended he wasn’t there, Danny would focus
on Stacey instead. I waited, running my hands over Stacey’s body,
praying my soon-to-be ex-husband wouldn’t do anything stupid--like
try to touch me again.

No such luck. I’d just about convinced myself he’d
gotten the hint when he straddled Stacey’s body right behind me.
His chest was tight to my back, his cock between the cheeks of my
ass. Strong thighs wrapped around mine, and his hands slid around
me to play over my stomach. When one of his hands made a move
lower, my stomach quivered, and I unconsciously rocked back against
him. He released a sigh of approval against my ear.

I was trapped. And damn, but it felt good.

Stacey breathed a lustful sound and relaxed, seeming
content to just watch us. I should have stopped him right then, but
I was so caught up in the moment, so swept away by my own desire
for the one man who’d broken my heart, I could do nothing but feel.
I was lost the minute his fingers delved between my legs, enslaved
the second he slipped them inside me. I shattered a moment later,
barely a heartbeat after he began circling those fingers over my

Ecstasy overtook me in waves, and I jerked against
him. Danny held me close, breathing heavily in my ear as I
came--and as I came down. When it was over, he loosened his grip,
letting me collapse against Stacey’s chest.

She enveloped me in a hug, tracing lazy
figure-eights over my spine. “Mmm. I love it when you cum,” she
whispered into my hair.

“Not as much as I do.” I smiled once I had
recovered. “Now it’s your turn.”


Chapter Two


bring her to orgasm. In fact, she barely let me
play with her at all, despite my many attempts. It was almost as if
she knew I wanted to assuage my guilty conscience and was trying to
punish me. After my fourth attempt to kiss my way down her stomach,
she set a hand on each of my shoulders and pushed me away from

She left me confused as she climbed over and then
away from me. In the blink of an eye, she was crawling up Danny’s
body, slinking over him like a lioness toying with her prey. Maybe
she was jealous that he’d only been paying attention to me.

Whatever the reason, she clearly wanted him, not me.
A pang of something unrecognizable made my heart skip a beat. Would
either of them notice if I gathered my clothes and slipped out? I
pictured myself shamefully trying to put on my pants within the
exposed privacy of the front porch. Having some neighbor out for an
evening walk catch me dressing outside almost seemed preferable to
feeling like an interloper right then.

I’d never just watched Danny and Stacey make love
before. I mean, I know they did it when I wasn’t there, but when I
was, they always made an effort to include me. Was Stacey trying to
teach me a lesson? The thought landed in my brain at the same time
Stacey landed on Danny’s cock, mimicking the action of riding him,
though his underwear were still between them. He gripped her hips
and shut his eyes with a groan. I must have been hypnotized by the
back-and-forth motion of Stacey’s perfect, perky ass, because I
couldn’t look away.

After grinding against him for what felt like
forever, she climbed up his body, not stopping until her knees were
on either side of his head. He looked like a starving man, staring
at the juiciest filet mignon.

I remembered that look well; I used to be the one to
cause it.

Just before Stacey lowered herself, she turned to
beckon me over. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do when I reached
her, but I could do nothing but obey. I crawled across the floor,
as gracefully as a grown woman can crawl, and stopped at Stacey’s
side like an expectant puppy waiting for her to pet me.

“Not me, silly.” She grabbed my arm and reached
behind her to set my hand on Danny’s cock. It twitched at the
touch, but the movement was hampered by his boxer-briefs. And here
I’d thought she was inviting me over to play with her. What the
hell was I supposed to do now?

I didn’t move, barely breathed for a long time. Did
I dare try to get Danny off? What if I got too into it and Stacey
realized how I felt about him? Danny must have grown impatient,
because he bucked his hips, rubbing the ridge of his erection
against my palm. I inhaled sharply, and Stacey stopped grinding
against his face to turn to look at me. Great, now I was
distracting her from her own orgasm.

One minute she peered curiously over her shoulder at
me, and the next, she faced me, once again lowering herself onto
Danny’s mouth. “Come on, Paige. Don’t leave him high and dry,” she
teased. Or maybe she was serious. I couldn’t tell.

Danny showed his agreement, with a muffled, “Yeah,
come on, Paige,” and another thrust against my hand. I didn’t waste
a moment wrapping my fingers around him and giving a light squeeze
through the thick material covering him. He moaned from between
Stacey’s legs, and she echoed the sound.

Dedicated now to getting Danny off, I got up and
straddled his thighs. Again, he moaned, and again Stacey followed
suit. I hadn’t even put my hands back on him yet and he was already
bucking his hips toward me. Knowing how badly he wanted me to touch
him made me hot. Part of me wanted to draw out the suspense, but my
fingers itched to trace the hard lines of his body.

I gave in, tickling the skin just above the
waistband of his underwear. Before I could dip my fingers under the
elastic, Stacey reached for me, grabbing the back of my head and
pulling me in for a kiss. I slid up Danny’s body and met her
halfway, trying to ignore the fact that I could now feel the tip of
his erection pressing in just the right place. It was clear from
the erratic movement of her tongue in my mouth, and her choppy
breathing, that she was close to coming.

Stacey coming was an incredible thing to witness.
She was pure beauty laced with a sexiness that would tempt a monk.
Skin glowing with arousal, her body writhed as she teetered on the
edge of release. She broke the kiss, burying her face in my neck,
and tried to speak. “I’m oh...I’m g-gonna...oh gon-na...” She
couldn’t put the sentence together, but she didn’t have to. We all
knew what was happening. I’d seen it a hundred times, but it always
took my breath away.

“Come for me, baby,” I whispered the words against
her cheek and slid my hands down over the smooth skin of her
stomach to rest on her hips. Her head fell back, and her mouth
opened on a groan of pleasure that audibly caught in her throat.
She froze, muscles tense. For several seconds, the only movement in
the room was the working of Danny’s jaw at the juncture of Stacey’s

And then it happened. Her eyes closed. Her fingers
dug hard into my shoulders. She gasped and undulated in jerky
motions. Even though her mouth was still open, no sound escaped.
Then her body shook and she collapsed against me, resting her head
against my chest.

“Damn.” Her curse was breathy and loaded with sexual

“Mmm-hmm,” I answered, stroking her silky hair. I
would never get tired of watching her orgasm.

After a few moments, she slid off Danny and landed
in a lazy heap at his side. He put one arm behind his head and used
the other to tuck her against him.

Just like he used to do with me.

That undefinable pang was back, constricting my
chest and making it hard to breathe. I pawed at the area over my
heart, trying to rub the tightness away. Danny must have thought I
was fondling myself or something, because his expression brightened
with excitement, and he lifted his hips against mine. Warmth
flooded my pussy. I was sure when I moved there would be a wet spot
on the red cotton material beneath me and prayed no one would
notice. There would be no denying how much I wanted Danny inside me
if either of them noticed that.

Before I could lose my nerve, I backed up until I
was once again sitting over his thighs. No more interruptions--it
was Danny’s turn for sure, now. Rather than tempting him like I had
planned before Stacey’s big moment, I got straight down to
business, practically yanking Danny’s boxer-briefs down and freeing
his cock. It slapped against his stomach, thick and pulsing.

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