Dara Joy - Matrix 04 (11 page)

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Instead of waiting for further instructions, Daxan Sahain
as he was meant to do; he sharply bit the back of her neck and thrust into her in one swift, powerful stroke that would have done any male Familiar proud.


"Mmmmmm-hmmmm." His hot mouth swept along her throat, kissing and nipping as he held her fast in the mating embrace.

There, he remained imbedded in her, standing firm and marking his time. His uneven, rough breaths cascaded over her back like warm sand clouds.

Behind them, the moon rose high in the evening sky. The rays of light silhouetted them against the rocks, locked in the age-old Familiar joining stance.

"N'taga," Soosha breathed.
You have placed your shadow on me.

Daxan whispered raggedly in her ear. "Look, Soosha, our shadows are blending on the rock face."

"Yes, I see them. We Familiar have a name for it; we call it Shadow Dance. It is. . . well, it is something special to us."


"What is it, Daxan?" She started to turn but he began sliding in her. Long strokes, deep.

Soosha groaned and purred at the same time. "Do
- do you need me to tell you what to do next?"

"Not unless you wish to." He grinned and nipped her shoulder.

Releasing her hands, he caught at the locks of her hair and unclasped one of the long strands of Aghni pearls. He tossed the long tresses over his own shoulders. The silken mass glided down his naked back, causing him to moan. It felt even better than he remembered.

His hips ground into her with a circular motion as he looped the pearl strand around both of their waists, and then threaded it through her legs.

"What do you do with the pearls in-"

"You will see."

And see, she did.

He lashed the ends of the cording around his wrists. With every thrust, he drew the pearls over the front of her mound, tugging them one by one across her nether lips.

Soosha threw back her head and cried out with the exquisite torture. She had no idea how inventive Spoltami males were!

Daxan continually changed the tempo of his strokes, from long measured thrusts to faster tugs of the pearls. When he suddenly
sharply inside her, Soosha tumbled over the edge yet again.

But this time he felt the contractions all along the length of his embedded member. They captured him in the most sensual embrace of all.

His voice became as raw as his passion. "As you are bound by these pearls, Soosha, so, too, am I."

She thought he referred to the manner in which he had wrapped them together. It was inspired; he had cleverly bound them in such a way as to wring the utmost pleasure out of the situation. Every time she moved, the strand did to him what he was doing to her.

Daxan groaned as she suddenly tightened her thighs on him. Still keeping hold of the pearls, he grabbed the vial of
Instead of drinking it, he poured it over her breasts. The thick, tangy juice flowed to the peaks of her breasts and dripped off the tips.

He massaged the elixir into the rosy skin with his

The rubbing action intermittently pulled the pearl strand taut against them both, adding to their mutual pleasure. All the while, he moved in her, never relinquishing his steady tempo.

Immediately, the
began to sizzle her nerve endings. Her breasts throbbed with unbearable pressure!

As if he knew how heightened her senses were becoming, Daxan looped the pearls around the tips of her breasts and gently drew the strand back and forth.

The pearls hit her in seven pleasure points at once.

Soosha's breath choked in her throat.

Daxan cupped her breasts in his palms and roughly flicked her nipples with his thumbs.

Again the man had her rearing up on her toes as he indulged her pleasure. The waves tumbled rapidly over one another as she peaked in his arms.

But Daxan Sahain was not finished yet.

Picking up the
once again, he splashed some into his cupped palms. Soosha had an idea what he planned to do.

She also had an idea that
was more than just a Spoltami liquor. Her mate had brought a pleasure potion along with their meal. Very intriguing. ..

Even though she had been expecting it, when he cupped his hand over her mound to let the rich elixir seep against her, she was not prepared for the devastating effect.
The Nightfall burned its way into her, setting off explosion after explosion!

It was as if she throbbed everywhere!

It was too much even for a Familiar woman. Soosha screamed and scratched at him as peak after peak came to
- and yet she wanted more of the feeling. More of him.

Daxan clasped her hips tightly, and began to thrust in earnest. Swiftly and powerfully. As he stroked, some of the burning
juices rode with him into her canal, instantly inflaming them both- almost unendurably.

Another spray of sea water crested the cliff, drenching them in a cool slap of water.

It was good that they were in a secluded spot for they both yelled out their ecstasy.

Daxan became wild as the
mixed with Soosha's own, distinctive moisture. The normal effect of the female Familiar's secretions seemed to treble and his released passion turned feral.

He could hold back no longer.

Daxan bit her shoulder and flipped them both around so he was slanting back against the stone wall and she faced forward while they stood. His palms at the sides of her waist moved her up and down. He guided her onto his shaft, then maneuvered her to ride him in this rather unusual way.

It was an inspired position.
Soosha was surprised by his clever resourcefulness. Her buttocks pressed against his groin and, in turn, he pressed into her in ways that allowed a surfeit of new sensations.

He was sexually creative.

Moreover, the Spotami male did not seem to be tiring in the least! In fact, Daxan came to his first peak, crossed over it with clenched teeth and a husky tremor of satisfaction, and kept on going.

Soosha could not have been happier.

The males of Spoltam gained much respect from her. Mayhap she would not have to hold herself back this eve?

Her Spoltami scholar was keeping up with her sigh for sigh.

And so he did for the entire night.

On the rocks. Off the rocks. As the sea crashed into the shore. As the stars flickered through the sea mist. They took each other in a turbulent exchange and their wild cries mixed with the Aghni night.

By the time Daxan carried Soosha back to his dwelling on the cliffside, most of his beaded hair coils had come undone and his armband had long since been ripped off in the throes of passion.

Marveling at their uninhibited encounter, he tossed the cuff into the Zot vine basket, and looped it over his wrist. Then he scooped a listless Soosha into his arms.

Albeit pleasing, dawn in Aghni was nowhere near as spectacular as the dusk. Yet to Daxan Sahain, a man who had just spent the night exploring Familiar sensuality, this daybreak was the most spectacular he had ever seen.

He brought Soosha to his chamber, securely deposited her in his enormous bed, climbed in beside her, and fell into an exhausted sleep.

Nestled with her safe in his arms- cozy between the krilli coverlet and the soft, fluffy bedding- Daxan's sated slumber was pure bliss.



Soosha awoke to the pleasant sensation of a male pressing solidly against her.

She smiled. So Daxan Sahain liked to cuddle?

Another surprise.

Last night, his lovemaking had been erotic and supremely fulfilling. For a man who was not Familiar, he was very, very inventive.

There was
in the way he touched her. ..

In the way he took her.

Something she could not identify.

Muted light streaked through the room from the open balcony doors. The sun already traveled low in the sky; it was well past midday. Soosha could tell by the cadence of Daxan's breathing that he was waking up.

With that realization came an unaccountable shyness.

Soosha was suddenly not sure what she would say to the man. Last night they had both become wild. Would the
scholar regret his uninhibited actions in the light of day?

Worse, what would he say when he found out she had actually mated him?
Good morrow, Soosha, you have such a witty sense of humor?
By Aiyah, she did not think he would say that.

The covers rustled and there he was- leaning over her with a lazy, sated smile on his handsome face.

Daxan's long hair had come completely undone. The mass spread across his naked shoulders in a glorious swath of amber.

The tousled strands flowed like liquid gold!

Freed now from the confines of the beaded coils, his hair revealed its true complexity- not one shade of color. . .
but thousands.

The myriad tones interwove every strand like gilded bands of molten sunlight.

Hair like that should never be confined, she immediately concluded. The style he normally wore, although attractive, concealed its radiant beauty.

Soosha could not stop staring at it.

Truly, his hair was extraordinary for a-

The oddest sensation seeped into her. Warily, she glanced up at his features.

Two different colored eyes glinted down at her.
Soosha's breathing stopped. One
eye was sea green, the other sun gold! She could not believe
- He was a Familiar!

And a stunningly beautiful one at that.

you tricked me, Daxan Sahain!"



He gave her with a very catlike smile.
{"Why do you
He mouthed the words silently as he sent the thought to her mind.

An alluring scent immediately covered her. It was the same enthralling fragrance she had mistaken earlier for Aghni spices in his clothing. Her nostrils flared as she remembered his words:
'I am told mine is a special blend..."

It was special; true enough. It was the seductive scent of a male Familiar!

Soosha pursed her lips in anger. Oh, he had not lied; there was simply another meaning to his words! Yes, he was one of their males, all right! Cunning. Artful.

He had hid himself so well. A true hunter, to be sure. Oh, but he had deceived her in every way!

Her heart sank. Who was he really? Did she even know his true name? And why was he on Spoltam, when all Familiar were recalled to M'yan? Was he a male who had gone feral?

Soosha swallowed. As a young girl she had heard terrifying stories of such males; they were a wild breed. Unconditionally wild. She had heard warnings: if she should have the misfortune to cross one she should never let her guard down. Never.

Soosha needed to get away from him before he truly sealed their fate! He
triggered her mating response!

At the moment, the only thing she could think of to do was bolt. She began to struggle in his embrace.

Daxan held her fast.

As he examined her features, she easily recognised the low, rumbling sounds he made- it
pleasure-purring! She swallowed. He was opening his sensual senses to her.

His eyes were already dilating!

Soosha pressed her palms against the broad chest in an attempt to push him away from her.

It had no effect whatsoever.

The dance was over and he was going to take his prize. Rolling on top, Daxan captured her face between his hands and seized her mouth.


His true feline persona was unmasked along with the untamed passion of her race. Of the males.

down her throat as he staked his mating rights.

Her struggles were in earnest now.

It was a natural feminine reaction to a strong male predator. In the mating ritual, some Familiars stalked and hunted their unwary mates. The male usually triggered the response in the female, and some males liked to control that trigger. A Familiar would pursue his woman as if she was the only prey that counted. And he would adore doing it. It was called a T'kan.
A love hunt.

As the saying goes, it was not for everyone.

Other races, such as the Spoltami, would never understand that aspect of Familiar mating.

Soosha did. But her understanding would not help her with Daxan. Her frantic exertions were nothing to his strength of will. Lips, velvety in texture, iron in determination, parted over her mouth.

Daxan was going to take what was his.

He captured her breath.

Inhaled completely to draw it down deep inside him. He seized everything.

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