Darcy's Temptation (58 page)

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Authors: Regina Jeffers

BOOK: Darcy's Temptation
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Their return to Pemberley seemed so natural; it was where
they both belonged. They walked the grounds; they shared their passions; they rode out in the warm sunshine; they picnicked in the field of wildflowers. Life for Darcy could not seem more complete than it did in those days. He knew he should not leave Georgiana alone in London, but for the life of him, all he could think about was being with Elizabeth. He reasoned his sister could still attend some of the concerts with Mrs.Annesley, and his lack of presence would keep callers from making offers to her. Georgiana, he persuaded himself, would welcome not having the social obligations, and for him, he never felt such contentment.
One day, he rode out with Mr. Howard to inspect the crops, but because of his renewal of husbandly privileges with Elizabeth, he spent the whole time daydreaming of taking her to his bed. She was over seven months with child, but Darcy felt like a lovesick newlywed.
When he entered their bedchamber that evening, he expected to find Elizabeth there, but an empty room disappointed him. When she did not appear right away, he sought her out in the upper rooms.A flickering candlelight led him to the nursery. There she sat in the chair next to the child's crib, softly singing a lullaby. Darcy remembered an image of Elizabeth singing at a pianoforte, and the clarity of her voice mesmerized him as it did now.
He waited in the shadows until she finished.“Our child will be blessed, Elizabeth, to be lulled to sleep with such melodies.” Darcy's voice took his wife by surprise, but she turned to him with a smile on her face.
“I should chastise you, Sir, for eavesdropping. This is my time with our child.” Elizabeth's smile told Darcy her reprimand was in jest.
“I missed you, Mrs. Darcy; it seems I cannot make it through the day without your embrace.” Darcy stepped into the room and offered Elizabeth his hand.
She stood and moved willingly into Darcy's arms. “Kiss me,” he whispered into Elizabeth's ear.
Before she could answer, Darcy's body backed her up against the windowsill as he covered Elizabeth's mouth with his. She threw her arms around Darcy's neck and returned his kiss.The passion coursed through both of them. Elizabeth relaxed against his powerful body; it felt so good to be in Darcy's arms after all the months of uncertainty. Pressing her back against the window frame, his tongue parted her lips and passionately sought out the willingness she offered. All his thoughts dwelt in the delight of having Elizabeth in his arms and feeling her desire grow with his. Darcy's hand slid down Elizabeth's arm and then moved up to cup her breast as she arched into his touch, her own hands caressing his muscular back.
When Darcy finally broke the kiss, his chest rose and fell, rapidly breathing, as he stared deep into Elizabeth's passion-filled eyes. “How have I survived eight and twenty years without loving you? Now, I want you, my Lizzy, with me every second of every day.”
Elizabeth murmured,“It is part of my plan, Fitzwilliam.”
“What plan would that be, fair lady?” He kissed along her neck.
Elizabeth slid her hands up under his shirt. “My purposeful plan to possess you body and soul.”
Darcy moaned with her touch. “You are bewitching, my Love, and your plan is complete.”
Georgiana Darcy enjoyed London since her brother left her to her own devices. Fitzwilliam rushed away to find Elizabeth; it pleased Georgiana her brother finally realized how important Elizabeth was in his life. It pleased her more Fitzwilliam delayed his return to London because he wanted to be with Elizabeth.
When she met Darcy's friends in the park or at the concert, she explained how he and Elizabeth went to Bath with their cousins to serve as chaperones for the engaged couple and to share a holiday before Elizabeth's lying in. It pleased Georgiana to innocently add a comment about how now Darcy was home with his wife, he did not want to leave her alone at Pemberley. She would finish with how they decided for an abbreviated season, and Georgiana would return home soon.
She knew some people believed her; some took a wait-and-see attitude, and some preferred the gossip to the truth; yet, Georgiana cared not. Unlike her brother, Georgiana Darcy never cared for what others thought. She preferred a simple life full of music and helping others.
Darcy would return to London mid-June to take her back to Pemberley.They would call at Longbourn to secure Kitty as help for Elizabeth and the child. Darcy's letter indicated he did not wish to be long from his wife's side. Georgiana had a fortnight left to be home again.
Darcy and Elizabeth walked leisurely in the garden, enjoying the early summer warmth. Elizabeth leaned on him, allowing his muscular frame to support her weight. Her head rested on Darcy's shoulder when they sat together on a stone bench. “The sun feels wonderful after the overcast skies of the last few days,” Darcy said absent-mindedly.
“I suppose,” Elizabeth responded.
Darcy, recognizing his wife's propensity for being outside in all elements, turned to her immediately. “Do you feel poorly, my Love?”
Elizabeth shifted uncomfortably on the bench. “I cannot speak of feeling more than a bit uncomfortable. If I were not with child,” she said with a blush to her cheeks, “I would suspect my courses were upon me.” Something she would never
discuss with her sisters, Elizabeth now explained to Darcy.The irony of how her life changed played across her mind.
Darcy asked in all concern,“Should we return to the house?”
“Would you mind if I chose to return to my chambers? I feel so tired today.”
Darcy stood and offered Elizabeth his hand. “Come, Mrs. Darcy, I will not have you overextending yourself on my account.”
Elizabeth stood, but a pain surged through her, and she could no longer ignore the situation. “Fitzwilliam,” she gasped and clutched desperately at his arm.
Instinctively, Darcy scooped her into his arms. “I have you, my Love,” a bit of panic laced through his voice. He took long strides as he approached the side entrance to the estate. He ordered one of the footmen to bring Mr. Spencer immediately. Upon entering the house, Darcy yelled for Mrs. Reynolds's help, carrying his wife toward her bedchamber.
“I am sorry, Fitzwilliam,” Elizabeth sobbed, her head buried into the side of his neck.
Her words brought the fear he felt to the forefront. Could she lose the baby, or, even worse, could he lose her? “Mr. Spencer is on his way, Lizzy; I will protect you; I will let nothing happen to you.” His words seemed useless under the circumstances for Darcy could do little to change what might happen.
As he laid her back against the pillows of her bed, the fear in Elizabeth's eyes shot through him. He never saw her this way—this was the same woman who never backed down from him—from Mr. Wickham—and even from Lady Catherine; now Elizabeth looked like a frightened fawn. He felt so inadequate, unable to help her.
Mrs. Reynolds rushed into the room. “I am here, Mrs. Darcy,” she said as she literally pushed Darcy to the side.
Elizabeth thought out loud.“It is too early.”
Mrs. Reynolds began to loosen the lacing on Elizabeth's
dress and corset.“Let us take some pressure off your body,” the woman said thoughtfully.“I suppose I cannot convince you to wait outside, can I, Master Fitzwilliam?” She gave him a look of disapproval.
“I will not leave Elizabeth.” His eyes searched his wife's face for some sign of her well-being.
“Then help me get your wife into one of her dressing gowns,” Mrs. Reynolds demanded as Hannah rushed through the door with the gown.
Darcy lifted Elizabeth as the women administered to her needs. He kissed her softly and whispered endearments as the world around them bustled about furiously.
Noting how ashen white his face was, Elizabeth managed a slight smile.“I will be fine, Fitzwilliam.” Her words were meant to convince both of them. Another pain gripped her, and Darcy pulled her to him until she relaxed once again. In his mind he began to calculate how far she was from her expected delivery—not quite six weeks told him Elizabeth could easily lose their baby.
As he had before his accident, Darcy took a close look at Elizabeth. Her personality filled a room, and he often forgot how small—very fragile—Elizabeth actually was. It never occurred to him Elizabeth's carrying his child could be dangerous for her. Darcy did not want to lose her; he would forego having an heir rather than to lose the joy he felt the last few weeks.
As each sharp pain increased Elizabeth's discomfort, Darcy watched helplessly as tears filled her brilliant eyes. “Look at me, Elizabeth,” he commanded as he took her hands in his. “I will help you through this.” His words soothed her anxiety, and despite her exhaustion, Elizabeth reached out to caress his jaw line.
Finally, Mr. Spencer rushed into the room, obviously flushed from his ride to Pemberley. He thought about sending
everyone from the room, but the trio gathered in Mrs. Darcy's bedchamber quickly let him know they would not budge.
“Mrs. Darcy,” Mr. Spencer said as he began to examine her, “we will take care of you. It is early, but not unmanageable.” He wanted to give her some sort of surety.
Neither Darcy nor Hannah nor Mrs. Reynolds wanted to ask the obvious question so Elizabeth finally found her voice. “Will I lose this child?” Elizabeth's voice broke in fear. Tears trailed down Hannah's face, and Darcy looked away, unable to see the turmoil on his wife's face.
“I am hoping to postpone that possibility.” Mr. Spencer reacted to the fear emanating from everyone in the room.
“How do we do that?” It was Darcy's voice, but the resonance was dulled by confusion and remorse.
“Listen carefully, all of you,” Mr. Spencer demanded their attention. “I am going to propose something a bit controversial, but, believe me, I observed this to work before.”
Darcy left Elizabeth's side.“Well, tell us, man.”
“Mrs. Darcy has not shown she is in full labor. In fact, I suspect we can stop her pains and delay her delivery. If we do, Mrs. Darcy, you are on complete bed rest from this day until you deliver your child.” He turned to give Elizabeth his orders.
“Anything, Mr. Spencer,” Elizabeth wiped her tears away.
Darcy nearly pleaded,“What do we do, Mr. Spencer?”
“You, Mr. Darcy, are going to find your smoothest brandy because we are going to get your wife drunk.” Mr. Spencer looked pleased with himself.
This ridiculous idea struck Elizabeth as funny, and she actually laughed out loud. Darcy looked stunned, but he managed to say,“Are you sure?”
Mr. Spencer turned his eyes on Darcy. Convincing him would convince everyone. “Please understand; Mrs. Darcy's current pains are not a sign she is ready to deliver this child, but if we do not stop them, she will soon be in full childbirth. My
proposal is to let the alcohol relax Mrs. Darcy and her pains. If we can stop these pains now, we can delay her delivery.Whether we can postpone Mrs. Darcy's ultimate delivery for six weeks is unlikely, but each day we do gives your wife and your child a better chance.”
Darcy noted Mr. Spencer did not say “a chance of survival,” but they all knew what the man insinuated.
“Hannah, go get the brandy out of my study.” Darcy gave the order without taking his eyes from Mr. Spencer's face. Finally, he turned and went to sit on the edge of Elizabeth's bed. Taking her hand in his, Darcy tried to tease her, “Well, Mrs. Darcy, it appears I will learn all your deepest secrets this evening; I promise to ply you with my finest brandy. Are you game?”
“You will not leave me?” she asked innocently, her fear in full view.
“The chance to see you with your guard down? How could I resist such charms?” Darcy tried to sound light, but he worried whether Mr. Spencer's idea had a chance.

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