Darcy's Temptation (9 page)

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Authors: Regina Jeffers

BOOK: Darcy's Temptation
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“What do we know of Captain Rutherford?” Darcy asked his wife, seeing his sister join the man in the estate's gardens once again.
“He is in his mid-twenties, I believe.” Elizabeth came to stand beside Darcy at the window. “Like Edward, he is the second son of an earl, out of Leeds or thereabout. He earned a
substantial fortune in the Navy, having taken several enemy ships. His older brother, according to Lady Pennington, is the sickly sort so it is likely the captain will eventually inherit the family estate. Her Ladyship says the property is smaller than most of the estates in the Derbyshire area, but it has been run well and is profitable.”
“It amazes me,” Darcy said as he came behind Elizabeth and encircled her in his arms, “how you women can evaluate a man's worth just by looking at him.”
“I thought you wanted me to share what I knew.” Elizabeth feigned being offended; therefore, Darcy distracted her by kissing along her shoulder blade while undoing the upper buttons and ties of her dress.
“I did want to know,” Darcy said, kissing her neck and behind Elizabeth's ear, “but the depth of your knowledge,” he returned to her shoulder blade as he eased her dress down her arms,“never ceases to amaze me.”
Elizabeth turned in his arms to face him; she captured Darcy's mouth with hers. By now, he loosened her gown nearly to her waist, and Elizabeth allowed it to drape down over her arms, exposing her corset and chemise.
“It amazes me, my Husband, how quickly you can do this to my gown,” she laughed, but Elizabeth barely withdrew from his mouth.
“You inspire me.” Darcy captured her face in his hands as he deepened the kiss Elizabeth offered.
When he released her mouth, Elizabeth gasped,“If you call me Lizzy, then I am yours, Sir.”
“I love you, Lizzy,” Darcy kissed her again before carrying her to their bed. “You are my imagination—my every dream come to life.”
“I do not want people to be agreeable,
as it saves me the trouble of liking them.”
Jane Austen in a letter to her sister Cassandra
No one in the Darcy party nor the Penningtons wanted to leave for Matlock, but the time for the anniversary celebration drew near. Bringing tidings for the Matlocks' anniversary and to openly acknowledge Edward and Anne's engagement offered pleasant possibilities, but the shadow of Lady Catherine's censure for Darcy's choice of a wife and Anne's choice of a husband loomed greater than life.
“I am not anticipating this gathering,” Darcy told his wife as they dressed for the journey.
“Surely, your aunt will not spoil her daughter's engagement party and her brother's anniversary party.” Elizabeth hoped for small civilities, although she was all too familiar with Lady Catherine's meddlesome ways.
“Elizabeth, we both know predicting either your mother's or my aunt's actions is impossible.”
Much to their chagrin, Lady Catherine already resided at Matlock when they arrived, but Darcy and Elizabeth avoided her through much of the afternoon.
Late in the day, Elizabeth descended the staircase of Lord and Lady Matlock's mansion, looking for her husband. As she reached the bottom and turned toward the sitting room, Lady
Catherine de Bourgh exited into the foyer, and Elizabeth found herself face to face with Darcy's disapproving aunt.
“Lady Catherine.” Elizabeth started and quickly added a curtsy.
“Miss Bennet.” Lady Catherine's disdain radiated in her voice.
Elizabeth did not want a confrontation, but she would not back away from one. “It is Mrs. Darcy now your Ladyship.” Elizabeth returned Lady Catherine's glare.
With an indignant sniff, Lady Catherine snorted, “Others may address you as such, but I will never recognize such an unholy union.”
“Your recognition was not sought, your Ladyship,” Elizabeth made her own displeasure known. “My husband would surely welcome it, but our union will survive your censure. Now if you will excuse me, I will speak to Fitzwilliam.” Elizabeth started past the woman, but Lady Catherine's voice stopped her.
“Your presence at Pemberley taints my sister's memory, Madam.”
Unfortunately for his aunt, Darcy stepped into the hallway at that moment.“Lady Catherine, if you have something to say to me or to my wife, please step into the study.” He offered Elizabeth his arm as he led her to a nearby settee. Elizabeth felt his anger in the stiffness of his arm.
Lady Catherine did not appreciate being so dismissed; her anger and her folly increased as she followed Darcy and Elizabeth into the study. Darcy closed the door behind his aunt and joined Elizabeth in the seating. He did not acknowledge the fact Lady Catherine still stood in the middle of the room. Finally, Lady Catherine seated herself across from them.
Darcy's eyes left Elizabeth's face, and he leveled an intense stare on his aunt. It was the kind of stare he used in difficult business dealings. Even Elizabeth feared approaching him when he looked as such, but Lady Catherine did not flinch. Elizabeth nearly admired the woman for it. “Your mother, my
sister, would not be satisfied with your matrimonial situation, Fitzwilliam; you chose against your duty to your family. You dishonor your mother's memory in both your choice of a wife and your denial of Anne.” Undaunted, Lady Catherine squared her shoulders and waited for Darcy's response.
Darcy took Elizabeth's hand, and she realized he stroked her wrist with his fingertips. How Darcy maintained his composure, Elizabeth did not know; her own stomach twisted and turned, and she knew she paled.
“My mother always wished for Georgiana and me to be happy. She married for love, and I believe my marriage to Elizabeth would please her for I am truly happy. As for Anne, I would think you would wish the same for her. Edward truly cares for Anne.”
Lady Catherine rolled her eyes in disgust. “Your mother would never accept the dishonor you brought to Pemberley. It will suffer with Miss Bennet as its mistress.”
Darcy knew if he allowed himself to react to Lady Catherine's accusations as he wished to do, she would win, and he would never give his aunt the pleasure of such a victory.Therefore, Elizabeth felt his grip on her hand tighten as she, too, struggled not to let her countenance change. “Again, you misspeak, Aunt. Elizabeth won the hearts of the tenants with her compassion and her charity. I fear if I spoke out against her, I would have a riot on my hands. The future of Pemberley is more secure than ever; Elizabeth carries my child, an heir for Pemberley. Mrs. Darcy makes Pemberley a home rather than just a fine country estate.”
“So you do not intend to at least acknowledge your lack of caution put the Darcy name in jeopardy?” Lady Catherine fixed her gaze on Darcy, while totally ignoring Elizabeth.
Darcy fought to keep his voice even in his response. “I will not acknowledge that remark with a reply. I am the Darcy family now.” He purposely lifted Elizabeth's hand to his lips for a kiss.
“Well, I see, Miss Bennet, you succeeded in capturing my nephew with your arts and allurements.” Lady Catherine shifted her attention to Elizabeth in hopes of breaking at least one of them. “You attained a position far above what you deserve, but your lack of breeding will betray you to society. Society will not be easily fooled by your
Elizabeth's slight pressure on Darcy's hand let him know she intended to respond on her own. She spoke quietly, but her voice held a strength Darcy recognized. “Lady Catherine, you are correct; I lack the breeding to purposely insult my loved ones and call it civilities. I also lack the breeding it takes to meddle in another person's life to the point of putting my own happiness above his. If others choose to act as you do in such situations, I will be pleased to be excluded from their company. Yet, if my husband chooses to forgive your interference in his life, I will once again offer you my respect and begin our relationship anew.”
Lady Catherine's distaste for such a situation became evident as a sneer formed upon her mouth. “I will never seek your respect, Miss Bennet.”
Darcy's contempt played through his response. “Miss Bennet is Elizabeth's sister Mary. My wife's name is Mrs. Darcy, and you will address her as such, or you will not speak to her.”Then he turned to his wife before standing and offering his hand, palm up.“Are you ready, Elizabeth?”
As they started to exit, Lady Catherine's demanding voice called out. “Wait, I am not finished with you, Fitzwilliam.”
Darcy paused only briefly to look at Elizabeth before they exited together, her hand on his proffered arm. “I thought I heard something, Mrs. Darcy, but I must be mistaken.” He gave her an amused look as his eyebrow shot up. Elizabeth pursed her lips and gifted him one of her enigmatic smiles.They were on the staircase before either of them took a breath.
As the extended party all sat down to dinner that evening, all went well. Lady Catherine completely ignored Darcy, Elizabeth, and Kitty. She did direct a few simple comments toward Georgiana, but more out of curiosity over Captain Rutherford rather than to offer her niece any form of civility. When the men retired to the study, Lady Matlock and Anne kept Lady Catherine company while Elizabeth, Kitty, Georgiana, and Lady Pennington moved to the far end of the drawing room to talk about gowns for tomorrow's ball.The time passed quickly in quiet splendor. As the men rejoined the ladies in the drawing room, both Darcy and Elizabeth assumed the impasse of the last few hours would be the order of the evening, especially considering their earlier confrontation with Lady Catherine.
Darcy moved to sit with Elizabeth, taking her hand in an intimate grasp. Edward retrieved Anne from her mother's side and brought Anne to sit across from Darcy and Elizabeth.The conversation began anew with the colonel sharing a story of their youth. “Darcy pulled Anne's hair, causing her bonnet to slip to the side. Anne turned to grab the bonnet and ended up stepping ankle deep in the mud.” They all laughed at the colonel's retelling.“Anne was so angry she chased after Darcy, tearing the hem of her dress. My aunt was furious.”
“My mother pretended to be angry,” Darcy added. “She took me to task with her words, but under the surface she fought back the laughter.”
“My sister would never laugh at Anne's mistreatment by her son.” Lady Catherine's words brought an icy silence to the room as she came forward to tower over them. “Lady Anne would be appalled then by Fitzwilliam's treatment of Anne; she would be horrified at how he continues to mistreat my daughter by denying my sister's wish they marry. Instead, he takes up with a woman of little or no consequence and brings shame to this entire family by bringing a child by her into this world.” By now Lady Catherine's words reverberated in the silence of the room.
Darcy and Edward both jumped to their feet. Anne protested, “Mother!” while Elizabeth buried her face in her hands.
“Be quiet, Anne!” Lady Catherine snapped.“You should, at least, Sir, send the child away and not mark this family with the corruption of the ancestral name of Darcy.”
“That is enough, Madam!” Darcy's voice boomed through the room, and even Lady Catherine retreated a few steps.“You will not speak of my wife in those terms.”
“Lady Catherine,” Edward tried to intervene, “Anne and I love each other. Please be happy for us and let Darcy's choice be just that—his choice. My cousin has never been so happy.”
“Anne,” Lady Catherine looked past Edward, “you are not well; you should return to your room to rest.”
Automatically, Anne rose to follow her mother's orders, but Edward's hand gripped her arm, holding her in place. He never took his eyes from Lady Catherine as the control for Anne came to a head. “Anne is feeling perfectly fine, are you not, Anne?” Edward's words demanded a like response from his intended.
Anne's voice came out shaky, but there was a sense of resolve in her manner.“I will remain with Edward.”
“You will not control my daughter at your whim, Sir.You prove you care nothing for Anne for you jeopardize her health with your actions!” Lady Catherine's challenge echoed through the room.
“It is you, Aunt, who made Anne an invalid.” Edward's words pierced the air, and Anne steeled herself, knowing the confrontation loomed.“You browbeat her into submission, but I will not tolerate your doing so any longer!”
“This is your fault!” Lady Catherine turned back to Darcy. “Your denying your mother's wishes means I must give my daughter to this—this—!”
“This what?” Lady Pennington took a step forward to join those surrounding Lady Catherine.
Lady Catherine's anger now consumed her, and she no
longer guarded her words. “Anne deserves a fine estate of her own. Instead, all she receives out of this marriage is Edward's title as a son of an Earl. Anne brings her wealth and bloodline to the marriage.What do you bring, Colonel?”

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