Dark Attraction: The Corde Noire Series (20 page)

BOOK: Dark Attraction: The Corde Noire Series
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She tensed, and he patted her behind. “I’m not going to hurt you. Relax for me.”

Sam tried to do as he asked, but the way he kept working circles in her ass was far from relaxing. He slipped his other hand into her wetness and began moving in and out.

“Just go with it, Sam. Let me show you how to come hard.”

She clenched the comforter. He was making her groin explode. Not what she had expected. Sam raised her hips, hoping he would go deeper. When he slid another finger into her butt, she winced, but the pressure of his fingers seemed to electrify her pleasure.

“Good girl,” he praised, moving deeper.

She was up on all fours, rocking in time with his motion, swept up in what she was experiencing. This was so much better, so much more intense. Sam mewed as her climax began. She was grasping the comforter so hard her hands hurt, but she didn’t care. All Sam wanted was to the feel that rush. The quivering began in her thighs, rose upward to her back, and then she threw her head back and uttered a deep, throaty groan. The release was unrelenting and seemed to go on and on.               

Drenched, she fell back on the comforter. Sam felt him on her back, and she thought he was going to hold her until he flipped her over to face him.

Taking her hand, he guided it to his cock. He was hard, rock hard.

Sebastian slapped a condom package into her hand. “Here, put this on me.”  

Sam had to struggle a bit with the package to get it open, but once she did, she dropped the condom on the bed.

“I lost it.”

The frustration in Sebastian’s eyes was palpable. He searched around until he found the condom under her leg. Sitting back on his heels, he held the condom out to her. “I want you to do this.”

Sitting up, Sam studied his penis. This was no banana, like in her sex ed class. Her teacher, Dr. Crestin, had made it look so easy. To Sam, scuba diving might have been easier.

She gently reached for his cock, and she did not know why, but the words of her sex ed teacher came back to her, and she slowly rolled the condom down his shaft. Thankfully, something that she had been taught in high school finally came in handy.

“Very good.” Sebastian moved toward her, making her recline on the bed. “I’m impressed.”

“I got an A in sex ed.”

The laugh that he gave her was so genuine that she giggled with him. “Why do you surprise me at every turn, Sam Woods?”

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“It’s just something I’ve never had before.”

She ran her fingers down his chest, liking the feel of his muscles. “That sounds kind of boring.”

“It was a little.” He bit her earlobe as he lifted her right leg over his shoulder. “But then I found you.” He rammed into her.

Sam closed her eyes as he pushed to her depths. She held on to him, waiting for him to begin thrusting.

“Open your eyes, Sam. I want you to look at me.”

When her eyes opened, Sebastian gently eased out and shoved back into her. His eyes stayed on hers, and the intimacy Sam experienced was unexpected. In that instant, she knew she was his, and Sam wanted to go on being his for as long as fate would allow.






Sam was awakened by a gentle nudge. Inspecting her new surroundings, she bolted upright in the bed.

“Hey, you all right?”

Sebastian was sitting on the edge of the bed. There was a dark shadow of stubble across his chin and jaw, and his deep brown wavy hair was disheveled.

She touched a wayward lock poking up from his temple. “I just woke up in a strange place and got scared for a second.”

“This is your home now, Sam.” He stood from the bed. “Time to take a shower.”

He walked to the bathroom, and she admired his firm ass.

I will never get tired of looking at that.

Standing from the bed, she caught a glimpse of the city through his bedroom windows. The sun was just creeping over the horizon, and the river was already crammed with large ships carrying their cargo to far off lands. Sam marveled at the coming day. All thoughts of getting to work, stressing over bills, and planning her life were gone from her mind. She could just enjoy the view without worrying.


Shuffling into the bathroom, another lazy yawn escaped her lips. The crack of his hand slapping her butt jolted her awake.

“None of that. You must be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in the morning.”

“Who are you? The Marquis De Sade? I’m not coherent until I’ve had my coffee.” 

He flipped on the water. “If this attitude persists, I will have to have a nice long spanking session with you.”

She bit back her grumpy groan.

Before entering the shower, Sebastian shoved a washcloth in her face. “You will wash me.”

Lathering the cloth with soap, Sam washed his shoulders and down his back, admiring the thick muscles. Cupping the washcloth around his hard ass, she took a little extra time to play with his butt.

He turned around, grinning. “I hope you are just as enthused about my cock.”

Meeting his grin with a smirk, she dropped her hands to his growing erection. She covered it with a thick film of soapy lather and was about to lower the washcloth to his balls when he held her hand. Taking away the washcloth, he demanded, “Use your hands.”

Covering his cock with her hands, she began stroking him. Instead of closing his eyes—like Phil always did—Sebastian watched her, noting her technique. He was making her nervous, and once her hands slipped.

“Pay attention to what you’re doing. You need to please me, Sam.”

Nodding her head, she pumped her hand up and down his shaft. She could feel the blood throbbing beneath the surface of his bright pink skin. He began grunting, moving his hips in time with her hand. He gripped her shoulders, squeezing hard, and then let out a soft moan as his cum spewed out of him.

Leaning back against the white tile, he wiped his wet hair away from his face. He didn’t say anything and lifted a bottle of shampoo from the shelf. Instead of washing his hair, he washed hers.

She giggled as the shampoo bubbled and drizzled down her neck and cheeks. His hands were so gentle. That amazed her most about him. He was so strong, so capable of inflicting torment, and yet, he could be so tender.

Their shower done, Sebastian toweled her off and, stepping up to the vanity, he reached for his electric razor.

“Go downstairs, turn on the coffeemaker, and make breakfast.”  

“Shouldn’t you have a timer on that fancy machine?”

“I do, but why use it when I have you?” He pointed to the doorway.

Mumbling as she went, Sam exited the bathroom. From the bench by the door she retrieved her clothes from the night before.

“What are you doing?” he questioned from the bathroom.

“Getting dressed. Why?”

“No clothes, Sam. You’re to walk around my home wearing only your collar and nothing else.”

“What if someone comes over … like your maid, or gardener, or a delivery guy? Still want me naked?”

“I will alert you when anyone is coming up to the penthouse. Then you can dress.”

She stood up, placing an impertinent hand on her hip. “If I’m to walk around naked all day, I hope that means I get to control the thermostat … unless of course, you want me to catch pneumonia.”

He shook his head. “Fine. Just get my coffee started.” She went to the bedroom door. “And don’t burn down my house. Just make me some toast and scrambled eggs … if you can manage that.”

“I hope you like your eggs chewy,” she called, right before she darted out the bedroom door.

It took her ten minutes to remember how to turn on the fancy German coffeemaker. Once she was convinced the coffee was actually brewing, she opened his refrigerator and searched for eggs.

When Sebastian strolled into the kitchen—smartly dressed in a blue pinstripe suit and silver tie—Sam was knee-deep in disaster. She had burned the toast—twice—because she couldn’t figure out how to work his fancy German toaster—the directions were in German. His eggs were slightly charred—she had forgotten to turn down the flame on his gas cooktop. A selection of jams and jellies were spread out on his kitchen countertop, because she wasn’t sure which one he wanted. Damn man had ten of them in his refrigerator.

Who has boysenberry jelly?

“What have you done?” He gaped around his kitchen.

“I told you I can’t cook.” She set a plate of scrambled eggs on the kitchen counter in front of him. “You might want to put ketchup on these. It will help hide the taste.”

“Sam, how can you screw up eggs?”

“I don’t know. I thought they didn’t look done.”

He eyed the pile of toast on another plate. “The toast is burnt.”

“Buy American next time. What is it with you and German appliances?”
     His shock grew as he spied the pile of pots in his usually pristine sink, the wisps of smoke in the air, and the assortment of bowls and spoons cluttering his cooktop. “You’ve trashed my kitchen.”

“I thought I wasn’t here for my cooking skills.”

Sebastian went to the coffeemaker. “Just make sure you clean it all up before I get home.”

“Yes, boss.”

He snatched up a mug from the counter next to the coffee maker. “Don’t call me that. It’s Sir.” He poured the coffee into his mug. “At least you got the coffee right.”

Sipping his coffee, he looked over the brim of the mug at her. “We’d better give you something to do that doesn’t involve fire or power tools.” He took another long sip as Sam waited. “Today, I want you to go through a list of sexual acts I have prepared. Things I want to do to you. You are to read up on each one, learn about them.”

“But what—?”

“This is important, Sam. You need to be an active, consenting member of this arrangement. I want you to be well aware of what I have planned for you.”

“I’m starting to get a pretty good picture.”

He put his coffee down. “I need things to be very clear between us.” He wiped his hands together. “Come with me.”

She followed him out of the kitchen and up the stairs. He strutted past their bedroom and to another door across the hall. Placing his hand on the shiny nickel doorknob, he faced her.

“My office.”

The walls were covered with bookcases, stuffed with books. Short of a school library, Sam had never seen so many books gathered in one place. She went to the first bookshelf and fingered the texts.

“Have you read all of these?”

“Most, not all. Some I use as references.”

She perused the titles. There were books on engineering, ships, shipbuilding, metal, and a few on the different oceans around the world. “I’m impressed.”

“Don’t be. I need them for my business.” He moved to his walnut desk in the center of the room. “I want you to spend the day in here, learning about all the things I want to do to you.” He opened his laptop and typed something. “Tonight, when I get home, we will discuss which ones you want to try, and the ones you prefer to avoid.” He pulled out the desk chair and waved for her to take a seat.  

“Are you sure you don’t want me to look up cooking tips instead?”

He opened a drawer on the side of the desk and retrieved a yellow legal pad. “You’re not here to cook for me, Sam. You’re here to please me.” He placed the pad down next to the computer.

“What happens if I can’t do that? Will you get rid of me?”

He stood back from her chair. “We are a work in progress. We have four weeks to smooth out the kinks.”

Sebastian stopped at his office door. “Don’t forget to put the clothes I bought you away in your closet, and keep your phone with you throughout the day. I like to check in.”

Sighing, Sam eyed the pad and found a long list of sexual acts. Turning to the computer, she stared at the blinking curser with a feeling of dread. Maybe ignorance was bliss. If she learned too much, she feared she might pack her bag and return to her boring life. Then again ….

“Here goes nothin’.”

*     *     *

As the elevator climbed to his penthouse, Sebastian felt his cock stirring. She would be there, naked and waiting for him. The idea of seeing her body, touching her again, made him hard. He had it bad with this one. All she had to do was look at him with those blue eyes and he was a goner.

“Discipline, Dane, discipline.”

When the elevator doors opened, he rushed to his front door and hastily punched in the code on his keypad. What would he do to her tonight? He wanted to fuck her again. A long, hard, deep fuck that would take away all of his longing for her … well, take it away for about ten minutes. No, he had to be tough. It was the stage in her training where he had to be resolute, make her want him, make her ache to please him.  

The door to his home popped open, and he hurried inside.

Just at the base of the steps, she was waiting; the black collar around her neck and nothing else. He slowly descended the steps.

“Good evening, Sam.”

Her smile was earth-shattering. “Welcome home, Sir.”

A sudden twitch of suspicion seized him; she looked too comfortable, too placid. “Did you destroy anything while I was away?”

She came up to him. Her arms went around his neck and he remembered his duty. After untangling himself from her embrace, the look of recrimination she gave him stung, but he had to stay strong.

Sebastian removed his jacket and nodded to the stairs. “What did you learn today?”

“Well, that would depend on whether or not I am your sub, or the daughter of a Methodist minister.”

Uh oh, that wasn’t a good start.
“You were the daughter of a Methodist minister. You’re mine now.” 

“In that case, I won’t call you depraved and sadistic. What I found was enlightening, titillating, and some of it … disturbing.”

He set his jacket on the arm of the sofa. “What did you find disturbing?”

“The videos I watched on YouTube.”

“Yes, I guess that would be disturbing.” He sat down on the sofa, spreading his arms behind him. “What acts were distasteful to you?”

“Anal fisting. I don’t want to try it … ever.”

“That would be scary to someone with your limited experience.”

“Have you done that to a woman before?”

Sebastian gave a curt nod. “Yes.”

Her brow crinkled. “And they liked it?”

Her innocence was so seductive. “Yes.” He stood from the sofa, his cock getting tight in his briefs. Walking up to her, he fought not to smile. “What about the other things on the list: fellatio, vaginal fisting, anal sex, rimming, and the Venus Butterfly?”

She twisted her hands together. “Um … yes, they’re fine.”

He inched up to her. “Fine?” He sighed. “I need to hear, ‘Yes I want to do them, Sir.’”

She dropped her eyes to her hands. “Yes, I want to do them, Sir.”

“Are you embarrassed?”

She nodded.

“Don’t be. These are things I want to do to you. If I’m not embarrassed, you shouldn’t be either.”  

The breath that left her lips sounded relieved. He pulled her to the sofa. “Let’s get started on that list.” He unzipped his pants and sat down. Pointing to the floor in front of the sofa, he told her, “Kneel.” He took her hand and slipped it into his briefs. “Pull out my cock and put it in your mouth.”

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