Dark Boundaries (9 page)

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Authors: Michelle Horst

Tags: #The Boundaries 1

BOOK: Dark Boundaries
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Chapter Nineteen



Her eyes become darker with determination. I’m going to have to be on my guard around her. I don’t doubt she will try and kill me the first chance she gets.

If I had any common sense left, I’d kill her now before something goes wrong. We can still go to the auction with the one girl.

The shutters come down on her eyes, hiding what she feels. She makes herself comfortable, pulling her knees to her chest. “So, what do we do now?” she asks, trying to come off as nonchalant as she can. It’s not working. I hear the slight tremor in her voice.

“You’re going to be the perfect slave.” She needs a shower. Her hair is sticking to her face and neck. I take hold of the leash. “Let’s get you clean.” I tug lightly on the leash, giving her time to move. I’m not a total ass. I know she’s in pain from where Warren kicked her.

She surprises me again by following close behind me. I never know when she’s going to lash out and fight. I take her out the back to where the hoses are. That’s as close to a shower we’ll get around here. I pick up the nozzle and first let the water run a bit. The first bit is always hot.

Once it’s cold I turn to her. “Take off the dress,” I say it harshly so she’ll know I’m not joking around.

She hesitates, looks around her and then drags the dress over her head. It’s bruising badly where Warren kicked her. I hope it fades in time for the auction.

“Throw the dress over here. We don’t want your only piece of clothing to get wet.” When she chucks it by my feet, she glances up. I don’t want to look in her eyes and see whatever she’s feeling. “Eyes always down!” I bark and then turn the hose on her.

She shrieks and at first tries to crawl away, but I just yank her back by her leash. Eventually she gets the message and sits still. Another minute passes and she must feel better, because she lifts her hair to get some of the cool water under her hair. I adjust the nozzle, making the flow of water weaker. I crouch by her and hold the nozzle in front of her face. “Drink while you can.” She grabs my hand and holding the nozzle closer, she gulps down mouthfuls.

I wait until she’s had her fill and then let the water wash over her breasts. The red lace has darkened and her nipples pucker hard under the wet fabric. I trace a finger along her breast, where the material ends and her creamy skin begins. She lowers her face, turning it slightly away from me.

She’s doing it again. She won’t acknowledge me or my touch. She’s showing me in her own way that she won’t let me in, and if she doesn’t let me in, I can’t break her.

I reach for the scrap of lace. For a moment I see the urge to fight burning in her eyes. I peel it off her, leaving her completely exposed. She immediately folds her arms over her chest, covering herself.

“Kris, you have to start learning now,” I make sure I sound bored with her. “You’re a slave. You’re only alive so someone can use your body for their own pleasure. We have to display what’s up for grabs on Monday. Call it advertising.” I can see the dark scowl on her face. Of course she’ll want to fight me.

I notice movement out of the corner of my eye. A quick glance and I know Bill is watching me with her.

I get up and yank her along, back to the container. I leave the doors open behind us on purpose and drag her over to the hook hanging from the roof. It’s usually used to hang the idiots up so they can be used as punching bags.

I unsnap the leash and turning Kristine around, I tie her hands with it. I lift her arms high so I can hook them. She struggles against me, and it only makes her body swing wildly.

I watch her hang, her body stretched out for me. Drops of water run down her skin, begging to be licked. But there will be none of that just yet. Bill is watching, I can feel his eyes on my back. It’s time for a show.



Chapter Twenty



No! No … No … No!
I’m on full display for the sadistic perverts watching.

I’m eye level with Garrett. No matter how much I stretch, my toes can’t find a footing. My body swings around until Garret takes hold of my hips, steadying me, then he lets go again. The zipping sound of leather on material makes me look down. He’s taking off his belt! No! He’s going to hit me. It’s going to be worse than earlier when he spanked me. It’s a freaking belt! And there are men watching!

I try to kick at him, and the movement sends my body into a wild twirl. I get a glimpse of Garrett raising his arm. “Please,” I whimper but it’s too late to beg. The belt lashes across the side of my thigh. I don’t have time to absorb the stinging sensation, because the next lash is across my lower back.

I hear someone chuckle darkly. “We want to see her skin turn pink like her pussy.” There’s more laughter from the others.

I squeeze my legs together, thinking it will help. That way they can’t see me. Garrett steps behind me and leaves me facing the men. His hand brushes softly over my stomach, causing it to flutter with nerves and fear.

“Yeah, spread her open,” the same voice taunts again.

“Ten bucks says she’s a tight fit,” another one adds his disgusting bit.

Garrett wraps one arm over my breasts and his other hand slips between my legs. He doesn’t do what the men so tauntingly demands. I look down and even though Garrett is touching me, I feel a tiny bit better. They can’t see my breasts, his arm blocks their view. They can’t see me down there because his hand is cupping me. I sag back into him. I hope I’m doing the right thing. If I show Garrett I’m okay with him, then just maybe he’ll keep these animals away from me. I don’t want them taking bids to rape me.

“Good girl,” he whispers so only I can hear. “Ignore them. It’s just the two of us.”

I nod slightly and close my eyes. If I can’t see them it will make all this easier.

I feel his finger slip down and then he enters me. “You’re so tight, Kris,” he whispers hot in my ear.

He slowly starts to move his finger out, then back in. At the same time his tongue skims over my shoulder. I turn my face and watch as he licks the drops from my skin.

He slowly lifts his eyes to mine and where I would’ve looked away to not acknowledge him earlier, I now keep my eyes on him. I don’t want to see the other men.

For the first time since I’ve met him, there is heat flaming in his eyes. He moves in slowly, and then he kisses me. He doesn’t devour my mouth like earlier, but takes his time, as if he’s exploring my tongue.

  I hear men howling, making disgusting remarks. It only makes me focus harder on Garrett’s touch, his taste, his smell. He nips at my bottom lip and then pulls back. The heat in his eyes is now full blown desire. It makes his eyes dark, almost black, and it’s a darkness I allow myself to fall into.

I tell myself to hang in there, to fight back. But I know it’s useless fighting him. I’ll only get hurt worse. For six days I’ll do what he wants and then I’ll be free.



Chapter Twenty One



I feel her body melting against me. I see the moment she lets go. Her eyes soften, her features smooth out. She’s so beautiful in this moment, even I forget about the other men.

Her slick heat is such a turn on, I’m rock hard against the zipper of my pants. At any moment I’ll tear right through to get to her. I keep her covered, working my finger in and out. I keep my eyes locked on hers.

I hate that there are other men watching her, drooling over her. But if I’m going to keep them away from her by showing them she’s mine, then I’ll do it. I can’t stand the thought of one of them getting his grubby paws on her.

Her lips part and a soft moan escapes. Every one stills, the sound of her moan hypnotizing them the same way it does me. She tilts her hips back and rubs her ass against my abs. The sexy move makes me grow even harder. I want her so badly.

I turn her body around and unhook her. She lets her arms fall around my neck. Not once does she take her eyes off mine. I take hold of her thighs and lift her to me, and taking a few steps back I lean against the wall. I work quickly to unzip myself. I position myself at her entrance. When I thrust in her lips part again and I can’t resist tasting her. I slam my mouth to hers with the same force I use to thrust into her.

She kisses me back, her tongue fighting with mine. It’s so fucking hot. It’s a battle of wills as I keep filling her. She’s the first to break the kiss and her eyes find mine. She pleads with me to give her more and I do. Tightening my hold on her ass, I use all my strength to slam her down onto me as I thrust up.

The only sound in the container is skin slapping on skin, and then that sexy moan. I can feel her muscles tightening around me. “Come for me, Kris.” With those four magic words she stiffens in my arms, and then her muscles convulse around me, milking the hardest orgasm I’ve ever had from me.

My legs threaten to buckle under me and I let her slide down my body. She leans heavily into me and this time I allow the closeness.

“Shows over,” Bill says, his voice gruff and I hate to think why. “Stop jerking off and get all your asses back to work.”

I wait until the last man has zipped up his pants and left before I let her go. I zip up my own pants, then untie her hands and clip the leash back onto her collar. Before I can give an order she drops to her knees and starts to crawl behind me. I take her outside and I’m grateful there is no one out back.

I turn the nozzle on a gentle spray and crouch down with my body covering hers. “Open for me.” She sits back and brings her knees up, doing as I say. Her eyes are downcast so I can’t see how she feels about this. I spray gently between her legs, and use my hand to rub her clean.

When I pull back she grabs hold of my hand. Unsure of what she’s doing I just watch. She pulls my arm around her and then snuggles up to my chest. I sit in total shock for a moment as she sits between my legs, on her knees.

“I’ll do anything,” she whispers into my shirt, “just don’t let any of them near me. Please.”

I place a kiss to the side of her head. “I won’t let any of them touch you.” I pull her up with me and grab her dress we left out here. As I lift the dress over her head she raises her arms and slips them through. Our eyes meet and I still don’t see any of the fight she normally has. Her eyes are a soft gray, like an overcast day.

Four days pass in much the same way as the first one. Kristine does everything I ask without fighting. She lets me feed her. She’s submitted to me.

She’s become my slave.



Chapter Twenty Two



With every touch, every kiss and every look he gives me – I’m losing more of myself.

I woke up today and my first thought was of him, where they were normally of escaping and Riza.

I wait for him, because he fills my otherwise empty days.

I hear the lock on the door and it creeks heavily open. Garrett comes in, dressed in fresh jeans and a white shirt. He closes the door behind him and then he turns and opens his arms for me, like he’s done the past four days. I walk into his embrace and fold my arms around his waist, pressing my face into his chest. His earthy scent fills my lungs, and I can breathe again.

“Good girl,” he whispers then lets me go. I miss the feel of his muscles against my softer flesh. I feel safe with him.

I drop to my knees, like he’s taught me and wait for his instruction.

His fingers are whisper soft under my chin and I know to raise my eyes to his. The warmth I’ve seen there the past few days is gone, and in its place is the sad look. I haven’t seen it for a while.

“I’m sorry, Kris, but I have to ask the impossible of you.” I can hear the regret in his voice.

I keep my eyes on his and wait to hear what it is. He said the same thing to me two days ago, just before he told me to give him a blowjob. It was the first one I’ve ever given and Garrett was patient with me, guiding me to do it the way he liked it. It was arousing to have him in my mouth, to feel his hips bucking under my hands.

“I’m going to tie your hands again and hang you to the hook, like I did the first day we got here.” That’s not bad at all, I was expecting worse. He shakes his head, reading the relief in my eyes. “Bill is going to inspect you for the auction tomorrow.”

My heart hasn’t thumped a nervous beat since he protected me from the men. It’s the first time I feel fear again. Disgust lodges so thick in my throat I can’t even get a word out to plead with him.

“I’m sorry, Kris.” He kneels down in front of me and cupping each of my cheeks in his hands, he places a soft kiss to my lips. “He won’t kiss you and I’ll be right there. Keep your eyes on me. Pretend it’s me touching you.”

When he lets my face go, I drop my eyes to the floor. I don’t have the strength to do this.

He takes hold of the leash that hasn’t left my neck since he first put it on, and he pulls me behind him. I follow him like the good little slave I’ve become.

He leads me to the middle of the warehouse. There are already some men gathering around. “Stand up,” he commands in the harsh voice he uses around the other men. I quickly get to my feet. “Take the dress off.” I struggle to keep my eyes down and slowly take hold of the fabric. I lift it over my body, feeling the humid air lick at my exposed skin. When I drag it over my head, Garrett takes it from me and drops it to the ground. He then unclasps the leash and ties my wrists.

He surprises me when he leans in and kisses me softly again, then his mouth skims over my jaw to my ear. My skin comes alive with the heat spreading over it from his kiss and breath on my face. “I’m going to lift you. Hook your hands and then keep still.” I turn my face into his and feel his hands on my hips. Before he can lift me I do the unthinkable – I press my mouth hard to his - I kiss him.

He kisses me back, giving me the strength I need to get through this. He kisses me deeply and as he starts to raise me, he trails kisses down my neck, then on my shoulder. I hook my hands on the large hook that looks like something out of a butcher’s shop, and keep still like he asked.

Garrett keeps hold of my hips, holding me close to his body. I feel the heat sizzling from him to me. More men start to surround us and then I see Justin leading Riza out. She’s crawling behind him, and I see what I must’ve looked like. Her hips sway sensuously from side to side, her red hair hanging over her shoulders.

Garrett’s fingers tighten on my hips. “Don’t look at her. Keep your eyes on me.” My eyes snap back to his on command.

I hear Justin murmuring to Riza, “Don’t make eye contact with Bill. Look at me the whole time. Feel this?” he asks and I glance at them in time to see his fingers brush her nipple. “Remember my touch. Think of me, of us together.” Riza nods her head, looking calmer than I feel.

I hear heavy footsteps behind me and my eyes dart to Garrett’s. When the thumping of boots stop behind me, my body tenses. Garrett’s thumbs start to brush lightly against my skin and it’s soothing, distracting me from what’s happening behind me. I stare deep into his eyes, getting lost in the dark pools. I’m so focused on him that Bill becomes nothing but background noise, until a slap to my butt yanks me back to reality.

“She’s got tight cheeks,” Bill says, slapping my butt again. “Have you had her ass yet?”

What the fuck? Panic flares hot through me and I beg Garrett silently to not let this happen.

“No, I thought it would make her more valuable. Many men will pay top dollar to be her first.” I almost close my eyes with relief, but they dart wide open when Bill grabs a cheek in each hand and opens me. His fat finger moves over the crack of my butt and I can’t keep the revulsion down, my whole body shivers in disgust. Bill chuckles at my reaction. “See, the slut can’t wait to have someone fuck her ass.”

Bill’s fingers slither up my back and he grabs a hand full of hair. “Get her to wash this shit,” he barks, “we need her looking her best tomorrow.” His hands disappear and I feel another wave of relief, but it’s short lived. “Turn her around.”

My lips part in silent prayer as Garrett starts to turn me until I’m facing the monster of all monsters. I quickly drop my eyes, but not before I see the evil smirk on Warren’s face where he’s standing beside his father.

“Nice tits,” Bill comments as if I’m a cow for sale. He grabs hold of my nipple and squeezes it like a rubber duck. Another wave of repulsion hits.

Garrett’s hands are still on my hips. I try my best to only focus on his touch, but it all goes to hell when Warren steps forward. “That’s not how you check it, Pop.” He grins wide as he pinches my nipple between his thumb and forefinger and then he squeezes hard.

My mouth drops open and I want to cry out as the pinching pain grows. “See, Pop, you gotta make the bitch really want it. They like it rough.”

I make an awful mistake and look right at Warren. His eyebrows dart high into his hairline. “Oh, you want more?” I don’t get to even shake my head in denial when he slaps me. My cheek is still burning something fierce when I feel his fingers fumbling between my legs. I try to squeeze my legs close, but it’s too late and he shoves a finger into me. I can’t keep from crying out. It hurts too much.

He wiggles his finger around, like a disgusting worm. I’m yanked back against Garrett’s chest, and thankfully Warren’s hand doesn’t follow.

“No touching the merchandise, dickhead,” Garrett snaps at Warren.

Bill chuckles at the display of protection from Garrett. “If you want the slut, you’re going to have to buy her at the auction.”

I don’t get to feel any relief when they move away from me, because they’re moving over to Riza.

Garrett swings me around but my eyes follow them and I watch Bill do the same to Riza that he did to me. He starts with her butt. My eyes jump to her face and I watch in utter awe as she stares deep into Justin’s eyes. He keeps his eyes on her, also rubbing his thumbs along her waist. She doesn’t flinch like I did.

Justin leans closer to her and then I watch him mouth, “I’m here. You’re not alone.” Riza drinks in his words.

I don’t get to see anymore because Garrett turns my face to him and only when he brushes a tear from my cheek, do I realize I’m crying. He lifts me high enough to unhook my hands and I let them fall around his neck.

For a moment he presses me tightly to his chest before he removes my arms from around his neck. He unties my hands and clips the leash in place, and then he leads me away. I don’t take my eyes of Garrett’s legs, forgetting my best friend that’s being abused.

Garrett has become all I see. I’ve lost myself in his eyes and I’m glad, because it’s the only way I can remain whole.



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