Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2) (23 page)

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Authors: C.A. Kunz

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction

BOOK: Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2)
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“I serve councilwoman Blanche Calder, and she has instructed me to deliver this letter to one Andrei Lazar. I assume that is you?” the man stated coldly.

“Give it here!” Andrei demanded, holding out his hand. Examining the envelope, he was confused when he saw the red wax seal bearing the mark of the Varulv Council, a V inscribed over an A.

“I shall wait outside for your reply,” the stranger stated.

“If I have one,” Andrei growled as he watched the man turn and make his way out of the room. Breaking the seal, Andrei began reading the flowery script. 

Andrei Lazar,

It would seem we have a common enemy. I wish to arrange a meeting with you to discuss a temporary truce with both sides working together toward a common goal. I know you will want the information I possess. I believe you are seeking a Childe, am I right?

Andrei looked up from the letter and grinned.
A Childe? This meeting could prove quite important
, he thought. Before he could call the stranger back in, the man re-entered the room and stood in front Andrei. The edges of his mouth were curled up in an evil smile.

“Well?” The man asked.

“You tell your councilwoman she has her audience,” Andrei replied, glaring at the smile on the man’s face.

“Very well, I shall inform her immediately.” 


The meeting between Blanche and Andrei was held in a secluded forest just on the outskirts of Budapest, Hungary. They had decided on neutral meeting grounds between Romania and Austria, with an equal representation of both parties present. Though Andrei seemed to have a calm demeanor as he approached the forest tree line, he was still on his guard. He was meeting with a very influential enemy. “Are you sure we can trust her?” Tal asked in a whisper, as Blanche, surrounded by three henchmen, came into view through the trees ahead.

“It is a little late for thoughts like that now, is it not, Tal? We shall hear her proposal from a safe distance. No rash moves until I say,” Andrei replied, trying to sound calm, as he smoothed back his thick dirty blond hair.

“As you wish, sire,” he stated.

As Blanche noticed Andrei and his men approaching, a menacing grin formed on her mouth. Extending her arms, “Andrei, so happy you could join us,” she stated in a sarcastic, sickeningly sweet tone. Andrei nodded, glancing at the three men around her, all staring with penetrating glares in his direction. “Do not fret, vampire, we wish to form a truce. Oh, and forgive this ragtag group of individuals beside me. They are only for show. You know, in case you had some not-so-bright ideas,” she said with an eyebrow raised.

Andrei laughed to himself slightly. “What is this plan of yours?” he asked impatiently.

“So you are a get-right-down-to-business type? I like that,” she quipped with a smirk.

“I do have one question before we begin, though. Why do you want to be rid of this Childe? I thought your kind wanted to protect them.”

“I have my reasons, Mr. Lazar, do not concern yourself with them,” she stated with slight anger in her voice. “So, shall we begin?” An hour later, the insight Andrei gained from the meeting delighted him, and a truce was formed.


Nestled behind the large ornate wooden desk in his study, Andrei was in deep thought about what he learned.
Catherine Colvin, I knew she was different. This shall be my little secret. The Parliament will not be told. When all is said and done, Cain shall grant me whatever I desire.
“Tal, ready the car. It is time I returned to Astoria!” he ordered his servant. Searching through one of his desk drawers, Andrei didn’t see the person who slipped into his study.

“Heading back to Astoria, eh?” Lisbeth asked snidely, sneering at Andrei when he popped up to look at her.

“Maybe. What does it matter to you?” he replied.

“Just curious is all. I have my eye on you, Andrei. You will slip up, I know it. And when you do, I will be there to revel in it.”

“Give it a rest, Lisbeth. I must be on my way. This delay is not worth my time, nor energy,” Andrei said, continuing to look through his desk drawer.

“We shall see, Andrei, we shall see,” she smirked. “Oh, and please do give my regards to my dear brother Lucien, will you?” she called out as she left the room. Andrei huffed, slamming the desk drawer shut.
I wonder if Valdir told her what I have been up to. No, he wouldn’t…would he?
He thought.

“Your car is ready, sire,” Tal called into the study.

“Very good, we shall leave at once!” he shouted.


A slight rain, just enough to make one miserable, was falling as Andrei arrived in Astoria. Making his way down the muddy tunnels, he heard the three girls talking before he saw them.  Stepping into the cavernous central chamber, he chuckled as they turned and looked at him with surprise in their eyes. “I see you girls have bonded like I hoped you would.”

“We’re practically sisters, aren’t we girls?” Amy replied, looking pointedly at Linda.

“Yes, and we’ve been totally bored with you gone,” Becca added, pushing her hair out of her eyes.

“Have you now?” Andrei lifted one eyebrow and smirked as he watched Becca and Amy’s eyes fill with excitement.

“Well, I’m sure you know we caused a bit of trouble.  Misdirected a few fireworks, but no one was killed. We just wanted to stir up a little chaos,” Amy finished with a flourish. “Linda, though, was a little reluctant. But she’s finally come around. Haven’t you?” Amy asked, smirking at her.

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