Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2) (33 page)

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Authors: C.A. Kunz

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction

BOOK: Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2)
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As the trio entered the school’s gym, their ears were filled with the sounds of The Damianic Bombshells rocking out on stage. Cat immediately spotted Matt and Hannah sitting at a table with Elle and Brandon.

“Should we go over there and attempt a hello?” Cat asked Julie loudly, trying to talk over the music.

“Sure, it couldn’t hurt.”

“I’ll be right back,” Ryan said, squeezing Cat’s hand. He then moved toward his group who were busy playing the parts of ominous wallflowers. Cat felt Isaac’s and Amelia’s cold stares, obviously not amused by her and Ryan arriving together.

“We should get over there before they try to get up and dance,” Julie said, tugging at Cat’s hand.

“Yeah, let’s go,” she replied, distractedly watching Ryan talk with Isaac.

“Are these seats taken?” Julie asked, approaching their friend’s table.

“Hey Cat, Julie,” Hannah called out as Matt just looked at Cat and then turned away, ignoring her. Brandon lifted his hand to wave, but Elle grabbed it, resting it on the table.

“Amanda might mind you two sitting there, but lucky for you, she’s hanging out with the band,” Elle said coldly.

“You can sit there if you like, I guess,” Matt added as Hannah looked at him confused.

“What’s going on here? Did I miss something?” Hannah asked.

“Why don’t you ask them?” Elle said, nodding her head toward Cat and Julie.

“This is ridonkulous, guys! We said we’re sorry, what else do you want from us?”
If only I could use my mind control powers on them and not feel bad about it afterward!
Cat complained to herself.

“Well, whatever happened, it couldn’t have been bad enough to ruin a lifetime of friendship, right?” Hannah asked, looking around at everyone at the table.

“Hannah, we should go dance,” Matt said, bringing her to her feet.

“Oh okay, but I still think you all should make up,” she replied.

“Later, but now let’s dance,” he said, pulling her toward the center of the gym. Hannah looked back at Cat and mouthed “sorry.”

“Well, are you guys happy?” Elle asked abruptly, pushing back her chair, and then made her way to the refreshments. Brandon sheepishly followed after her.

“So, that was an epic fail!” Cat murmured as she slouched in her seat. Julie nodded and sat down next to her.

“Just give them time. Hopefully they’ll come to their senses and forgive us,” Julie said while rubbing Cat’s shoulder.

“How’d it go?” Ryan asked, coming up behind the pair, and taking a seat next to Cat.

“Not good. Hey Julie, would you mind if Ryan and I went for a dance?” Cat asked.

“Not at all. Actually, I think I hear the refreshments calling. So if you need me, I’ll be over there,” she replied with a laugh.

The current song ended and Bridgette, the lead singer of The Damianic Bombshells, grabbed the microphone. “This next song is a new one, and was written by our honorary band member Amanda Stevens!” The crowd erupted into cheers.

Cat looked at the stage in awe, seeing Amanda standing next to Bridgette with Bridgette’s arm around her shoulder. “The song is titled, “Backstabber!” Bridgette yelled and the crowd went wild again. Cat couldn’t help but think the song was about her and Julie. “Are you ready?” Bridgette cried out as Amanda exited stage left. “All right! One! Two! One, two, three, four!” she yelled and then began singing. The energy on the dance floor became frantic, mirroring the energy on stage. Cat found it hard to dance to the fast beat of the song. Her gaze was fixated on Amanda, who had a smile plastered across her face, obviously pleased at how well the song was being received.

“Hey Ryan, I’m going to head to el baño. I’m not feeling very well. Be right back,” Cat said into his ear.

“Do you need me to get you anything?”

“No, I’m fine,” she replied with a faint smile.

“Alright, well, hurry back,” he said, giving her a serious look.

“Don’t worry, right back,” she said, kissing him on the cheek.

As Cat walked into the bathroom down the hall, the fluorescent lights above her head began to flicker.
Great, the lights are acting up again,
she groaned. Looking at herself in the mirror Cat proceeded to blot her face with a wet paper towel.
Well, you’ve really done it now Cat,
she told herself. When she heard the door to the bathroom open, Cat quickly headed toward the nearest stall, wanting to avoid whoever had walked in. Closing the door, she locked it and sat down on the toilet.
Come on, Cat, get hold of yourself. They’ll forgive you, and things will be back to normal soon
Well, as normal as they can be

Light scratching on the stall next to her caught Cat’s attention, causing her to jerk up. The sound of muffled giggling followed. The lights overhead flickered again, and then went out, plunging her section of the bathroom into darkness.

,” a menacing female voice slowly whispered, echoing in the vast empty room. Cat was torn between using her vamp abilities and hiding and keeping silent. As a loud bang sounded at her stall’s door, she covered her mouth, stifling a gasp. The strong smell of cinnamon filled her nose, causing her to gag. The lock on the stall door slowly began to unlatch and then stopped. Cat withdrew the tiny vial Gretchen had given her from her yellow clutch and gripped it tightly. The lock suddenly blew off and the stall door flew open. Cat couldn’t see anything in front of her except for a black smoky haze. She still heard the sound of giggling, only louder this time, sending chills down her spine. Cat screamed as a hand with long, sharp, black fingernails reached out from the thick black smoke.

Opening the vial, Cat watched as a pale purple liquid gracefully flowed from the vessel. It engulfed the black form in front of her and then dissipated it. The liquid quickly sucked back in to the vial which resealed itself. Cat heard the door to the bathroom slam open.

“Cat, Cat? Are you okay?” Ryan called out as he ran up to the stalls.

“Yeah, I’m fine. The stupid lights went out and startled me, that’s all,” she replied, trying to hide her true emotions. Cat didn’t want to worry Ryan any more than he already was. She knew that if she told him what really happened, he’d immediately go straight into uber-protector mode. “Hey, how did you hear me?”

“Umm, don’t be mad, but I kind of followed you. And I’m glad I did,” he replied as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet.

“Yeah, me too,” Cat said, hugging him.

Ryan knew Cat wasn’t telling the truth about what happened, but decided to let it go for the time being. He was just thankful she was okay.
I wonder if what happened to Cat has anything to do with this awful smell of cinnamon?
Ryan thought.

While making their way back to the table, Cat saw Amanda and The Damianic Bombshells sitting there with the rest of her friends. Julie was nowhere to be found. “Hey, did you like the song?” Amanda asked, glaring at Cat. Bridgette giggled under her breath. Cat returned Amanda’s glare and then grabbed Ryan’s hand, leading him out onto the dance floor.

“That wasn’t very nice, Amanda. I know Cat made you upset, but she didn’t deserve that,” Elle reprimanded.

“I know, I know. It kind of just slipped out,” Amanda replied, looking ashamed.


Ryan held Cat close, gently swaying to the music. “So I guess that song was about me,” Cat murmured.

“She’s just mad, Cat. She’ll get over it, don’t worry,” Ryan said, trying to reassure her as tears began welling up in her eyes. Sighing, Cat buried her head into Ryan’s shoulder.

As they continued dancing to the music, Cat thought to herself about what just happened in the bathroom.
What the hell was that? And what was with that stuff that came out of the vial Gretchen gave me? I need to go find Miss Amaya like pronto. Maybe she’ll know. This is all getting too crazy!
“Hey Ryan? Ryan?” Cat asked. Feeling something was wrong, Cat’s head jerked up and instead of Ryan standing in front of her, it was Isaac’s cold eyes that she met. At first she thought it was another strange vision, or hallucination, but something felt very real about this. She tried pushing herself away, but Isaac grabbed her wrist, not letting her go. Cat searched the crowd and saw Amelia and one of the Stone twins dragging Ryan away as he struggled to get free. Isaac turned Cat’s chin forcefully with his hand, making her face him. She glared at him and then again tried unsuccessfully to pull away.

“You’re a feisty little kitty, aren’t you?”

“Let me go, Isaac!”

“I think not,” he growled, his hand tightening around her wrist. He grinned at the look of pain on her face as he pulled her close, forcing her to dance with him.

“Ow, Isaac, you’re hurting me! Let go!”

“First, I want to know what you are. I thought you were a normie, but I was wrong.”

“What are you talking about? Let go of me!” Cat hissed, and then finally ripped free one of her hands.

He quickly grabbed it back, “Uh, uh, uh, you aren’t playing fair,” Isaac’s cold hand gripped tighter than before.

“I’m warning you, Isaac! You’re gonna want to let me go,” Cat said, her anger increasing.

“Or what? Come on Cat, let’s see that fire. Let’s see what you really are,” he replied, trying to bait her.

You have to stay calm, Cat, don’t get angry! Your teeth, remember your teeth,
she thought. Cat saw a hand reach out and grab Isaac’s shoulder.

“Can’t you see I’m busy here?!” Isaac growled.

“Let her go, Isaac!” The sound of his younger sister’s voice made him look over his shoulder.

“Hannah, go away! Your turn will come next!” he replied shoving her back while still holding tightly onto Cat.

“I know she’s your sister, Isaac, but I can’t just sit by and let you push her around!” Matt said fiercely, approaching him.

“And what are you going to do about it?” Isaac scoffed, rolling his eyes at Matt.

“I’ll show you what I’m gonna do!” Matt roared as he reeled back, readying to throw a punch. Isaac smirked and easily dodged Matt’s attack, pushing him to the ground. As Hannah went to Matt’s side, Ryan finally freed himself and rushed over to the commotion in the center of the dance floor.  

“What the hell do you think you’re doing Isaac?” Ryan asked, looking him square in the eyes, his way blocked by the other Stone twin.

“Stay out of this, Ryan! This doesn’t concern you!” Isaac snarled.

“Well, you’re messing with my girlfriend and her friend, so I’d say it does concern me,” he fired back.

“You know what? I’m sick and tired of you defending these people against your own!” Amelia yelled from behind Ryan.

“Yeah, back off, Ryan, if you know what’s good for you!” The Stone twins said in unison. Cat stopped struggling and pulled Isaac close to her.

“I’m not scared of you, Isaac! Let me go, now!” Cat demanded, noticing Miss Amaya shoving her way through the crowd toward them.

“Why is it that this lot is always the center of attention at every school function?” Miss Amaya asked loudly. Everyone turned to look at her. “I don’t know what this is all about, but it ends now! If you can’t coexist and enjoy the rest of the dance, you need to leave. And from what I can see Mr. Bancroft, Ms. Colvin doesn’t want to dance with you.” Isaac immediately released his grip on Cat and slowly backed away, his group joining him.

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