Dark Gold (5 page)

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Authors: Christine Feehan

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Supernatural, #Vampires, #San Francisco (Calif.), #Paranormal Fiction, #Fiction, #Paranormal, #General

BOOK: Dark Gold
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"We can do this, can't we, Josh?" she said.

He leaned his weight against the wall and wrapped an arm through the thick chain to help steady them from the constant buffeting of the sea.

"Yes, we can, Alex. Don't worry. I'll save us." He was very determined about it, very firm.

"I knew you would." She closed her eyes again and tried to rest.

Alexandria slept on and off, a few snatched moments here and there. The salt spraying over her was pitiless, flaying the skin from her body. She was thirsty, and blisters were forming on her swollen lips.

At last the water began to recede, and the endless battering slackened. Joshua had to climb down by himself; Alex was no longer able to lift her arms. As she had suggested earlier, he made his way out of the cave to explore their prison. Alexandria usually had a million safety rules for him to follow, but this time she just watched him with glassy eyes.

He studied the cliff walls to find a place he could climb up, but they were too steep and slick. He was very thirsty, so he looked for a place where fresh water might run down the wall of rock, but he couldn't see anything. The sun felt good on his cold, wet skin, and he lay down on the sand to dry his clothes and warm up.

Alexandria slumped over and struck her head against the rock wall. All at once she jerked awake, staring wildly around her. Joshua! He was gone! She had fallen asleep, and the waves had carried him off! She struggled to her feet, fighting the manacles on her wrists, and screamed for her brother.

Her voice was hoarse, nearly nonexistent, and refused to carry beyond the mouth of the cave. The meager sunlight filtering in burned her eyes, burned her skin, but she pulled and tugged at the chains, calling out again and again for Joshua.

By the time Joshua ran into the cave, and to her side, she was huddled against the wall sobbing. "What is it, Alex? Did that man come back and hurt you again?"

Alexandria lifted her head slowly. Joshua touched her bleeding wrists. "He did come back, and I wasn't here to protect you."

She stared up at him through her tears, unable to believe it was really her brother and not some figment of her imagination. She caught at him, hugged him tightly, and ran her hands over him to assure herself he was unharmed. "No, the man didn't come back. I don't think he can, with the sun up."

"Should I go look? I can sneak." The sunlight was making him feel braver.

"No!" Alexandria tightened a hand around his arm. "Don't you dare go near that man." She wiped her swollen lips on her sleeve. Blisters burst and began to bleed. "Is there any way for you to get out? Can you climb up the cliff?"

"No, there's no foothold anywhere. There isn't even a good hiding place. I haven't looked farther back in the cave yet. Maybe there's a way through there."

"I don't want you to try it, Josh. I can't help you if he finds you in there." She wasn't certain if Paul Yohenstria really was an honest-to-God vampire, but whatever he was, Joshua could not possibly handle him. She had visions of the six-year-old finding the vampire asleep in a coffin. Did they really sleep in coffins?

"But you're really hurt, Alex. I can tell. And he's going to come back here. That's why he chained you up, so he can come back and hurt you some more." He sounded near tears.

"He's very sick, Josh." She thumbed a tear from his face, then kissed the top of his head. "We might have to pretend a lot around him. He thinks I am the woman he wants to marry. Isn't that silly, when we don't even know each other? But I think he's hurt in the head, you know, something wrong with his brain."

"I think he's a vampire, Alex, like on TV. You said there wasn't really such a thing, but I think you're wrong."

"Maybe. I don't honestly know anymore. But we're a hard team to beat, Josh." Actually, she was so weak, she could no longer stand and didn't even bother to try. If the vampire returned right then, he would have very easy pickings. "I think we're too smart for him. What do you think?"

"I think he's going to eat us," Josh said honestly.

"He said something about a hunter. Did you hear him say that? There's someone hunting him. We can hold out until the hunter finds him." She was so exhausted, her eyes were closing again.

"I'm scared, Alex. Do you think the hunter will get here before the vampire wakes up and kills us?" Joshua's lower lip was quivering along with his voice.

She made a supreme effort to rouse herself. "He'll come, Josh. You wait and see. He'll come at night, when the vampire least expects him. He'll have blond hair, just like you. He's big and strong and powerful, like a jungle cat." She could almost see him in her mind, the hero she was attempting to create for her brother.

"Is he more powerful than the vampire?" Joshua asked hopefully.

"Way more," she said firmly, weaving a fairy tale for the child, wanting to believe it herself. "He's a magical warrior with shining gold eyes. The vampire can't stand looking at him because he sees himself reflected in those burning eyes and is frightened by his own ugly appearance."

There was a small silence, and then Joshua touched her face with his fingertips. "Really, Alex? Will the hunter really come and save us?"

She saw no harm in giving him hope. "We just have to be brave and strong. He'll come for us, Joshua. He will. We'll stick together and outsmart that old vampire." Her words were slurring, and with her blood supply low, her body temperature was dropping, her strength ebbing quickly. Alexandria didn't see how she could possibly survive until nightfall. Her lashes drifted down again, so heavy she had no way to lift them.

Joshua didn't want to tell his sister, but she looked terrible. Horrible, even. Her mouth was swollen and black. White salt covered her skin, giving her a monsterish look. Her hair hung in grayish-white strands all around her face, and he couldn't even tell its natural color anymore. Her clothes were torn and streaked white, and strings of kelp hung off her skirt and her ragged, torn nylons. Her legs had hundreds of beads of blood on them where something had nibbled away her skin. Even her voice sounded funny, and her neck was swollen and raw looking. But Alexandria didn't seem to notice. Josh was very scared. He sat down next to her, took her hand, and waited while the sun slowly fell from the sky.

Alexandria was aware the moment the sun went down. She felt an uneasy stirring of the earth and knew immediately that the vampire had risen. She put an arm around Joshua's shoulders and pulled him close. "He's coming," she whispered softly into his ear. "I want you to go out of the cave and be very quiet and stay out of sight. He'll try to use you against me, try to hurt you in some way. Maybe he'll forget you if you stay out of sight."

"But, Alex," he protested.

"I need you to do this for me, honey. Stay very quiet, no matter what happens." She kissed him quickly. "Go now. I love you, Josh."

"I love you, Alex." He ran from the cave and pressed himself against the cliff wall.

Alexandria watched him go with troubled eyes. The tide was coming back in again, and he was only six years old. Then, though she heard no sound, she suddenly knew the vampire was watching her. She turned her head and met his stare.

"You look a bit worse for wear," he greeted her congenially.

She remained quiet, simply watching him. His grotesque smile stretched across his face. He crossed the distance that separated them and, lifting her wrists, examined them. He brought one to his mouth and, staring into her eyes, licked the blood from the painful wounds.

Alexandria winced visibly, trying to jerk her hand away. He tightened his hold until he threatened to crush bone. "You want me to release you, do you not?"

She forced herself to be still and endure his hideous touch. When the cuffs fell to the ground, she struggled to get to her feet.

"You wish to leave this place?" he asked softly.

"You know I do."

He caught her neck with one clawed hand and jerked her to him. "I am hungry, my dear, and it is time for you to choose whether the child lives another night or dies."

She didn't have the strength to fight him, so she didn't even try. She couldn't stop the cry of pain that escaped her as his fangs sank deeply into her neck. He made a growling noise as he fed, his fist in her tangled hair holding her still while he drank greedily. She knew her life was sliding away from her, down his throat. She was suffering from loss of blood and hypothermia. Nothing seemed to matter.

Yohenstria felt her slump against him and had to catch her in his arms to prevent her from falling. Her heart was laboring, her breathing shallow. He had taken too much again. His teeth tore open his wrist, and he clamped it hard over her mouth, forcing the dark liquid down her throat. Even with her life hanging in the balance, Alexandria fought him. He could not seize her mind and force her under his complete control. Although he was able to compel her to swallow some of his tainted blood, he knew it was only because she was so close to complete collapse. Still, each time he forced her to feed, he brought her closer to his dark world. She would not die; he would not allow it. He would have to force her to accept far more blood to keep her alive.

But even as he determined that, he felt the disturbance in the air. A slow hiss escaped his lips, and he turned his head slowly. "We have been found, my dear. Come, you will see what the hunter is like. There is nothing like him in this world. He is relentless." Paul Yohenstria half carried, half dragged Alexandria from the cave into the night air.

All around them the waves crashed to shore, spitting up white spray, and sea foam doused the cliff walls. The vampire shoved Alexandria to the ground and centered himself in the middle of the open beach, his eyes scanning the sky.

Alexandria crawled across an expanse of sand to reach Joshua. He was huddled in a shadow, rocking back and forth, trying to comfort himself. She dragged herself to his side and positioned herself between him and the vampire. Something terrible was about to happen. She could feel the air thickening around them. The wind swirled, and fog blanketed the cove.

There was a rush of movement somewhere in the dense fog, and the vampire screamed, the sound high and filled with fear and rage. Alexandria's heart nearly stopped. If the vampire was that afraid, whatever was out there was something for her to be terrified of too. She caught Joshua to her, covering his eyes with her hands. They clung together, shaking.

Out of the fog a huge golden bird seemed to materialize. It came in at the beach so fast, it was a blur, talons extended, golden eyes gleaming intensely. The heavy fog swirled, then parted to reveal a shape half human, half bird. Alexandria stifled a scream of her own.

Then the creature became a man, huge, tall, and heavily muscled, with bulging arms and a massive chest. His hair was long and blond, flowing in the wind. His body moved with supple fluidity, like a jungle cat stalking its prey. His face was shadowed, but she could see eyes like molten gold pinning the vampire in their intensity.

"So, Paul, we meet at last." The voice was beautiful, a ripple of notes so pure, the tone seemed to seep into her very soul. He stood tall and relaxed, a perfect reincarnation of a Viking warrior. "I have had much work cleaning up the messes you have made around my city. Your challenge was quite clear. I could do no other than oblige you."

The vampire moved backward, putting more space between them. "I never challenged you. I kept my distance." His voice was so fawning, Alexandria went cold. This hunter was so great a force to be reckoned with that he struck terror into the heart of the vampire.

The hunter tilted his head to one side. "You killed when it was forbidden. You know the law, unclean one."

The vampire launched itself then, a blur of wicked claws and fangs as it leapt to strike the intruder down. The hunter simply stepped aside and casually whipped a claw across the vampire's throat, laying him open. Blood erupted in a red volcano.

Alexandria was horrified to see the golden head contorting, the face lengthening to a muzzle, fangs exploding into a wolf's mouth. The hunter snapped the vampire's femur like a twig, the sound carrying across the beach and resonating through her body. She flinched and hugged Joshua tighter, holding his head down to prevent him from witnessing such a terrifying and gruesome scene.

The vampire wiped at the blood running down his chest and stared with hateful eyes at the golden hunter. "You think you are not like me, Aidan, but you are. You are a killer, and you rejoice in the battle. It is the only time you feel alive. No one can be one such as you and not feel the joy and power in the taking of life. Tell me, Aidan, is it not true that you can see no color in this world? That there is no emotion in you unless you are in battle? You are the ultimate killer. You, Gregori, and your brother Julian. You are the darkest shadows in our world. You are the real killers."

"You have broken our laws, Paul. You chose to trade your soul for the illusion of power instead of greeting the dawn. And you turned a human woman, created a deranged vampiress to feed on the blood of innocent children. You knew the penalty."

The voice was purity itself, a cool, clean stream of beauty. The tone seemed to flow into Alexandria's mind, made her want to do whatever he asked. "You know there is no way to defeat me," the voice continued, and Alexandria believed it. It was so soft and gentle, so true. There was no way anyone could successfully oppose the hunter. He was truly invincible.

"It will not be long before one must come to hunt you," Paul Yohenstria taunted, struggling to stand. His form seemed to shimmer, dissolve, but even as he mutated, the hunter struck again.

The sound was sickening. The fog cloaked the actual assault, and the hunter was such a blur of motion, Alexandria could not possibly follow his movements. But out of the fog rolled an obscene sight—the vampire's head, the hair a tangle of blood and gore, the eyes open and staring. The head rolled toward her, spilling a crimson trail behind it.

Alexandria struggled to her feet, clutching Joshua to her, her hands over his eyes as the grotesque ball stopped mere inches away. The fog swirled and thickened, and, to her horror, the hunter turned his head, and the molten gold of his eyes rested on her face.

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