Dark Knight of the Skye (15 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Dark Knight of the Skye
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“Oh, Danny,” D`nae cried out as her body tighten around his.

“Ah luv ye,” he said, then joined in her ecstasy.

Danny’s hand rested on the wall in front of them while the other held her around the waist. She leaned her head back onto his chest, and smiled. “Things are certainly different, aren’t they?” Danny slid himself out of her warm embrace, then turned her around to face him. “Ye’ll be huvin nae idea, luv. But, Ah’ll be here fur ye.” He reached out and grabbed the towel that was hanging on the rack, then bent down and picked up the one that had fallen from his waist. She watched him move, getting excited all over again, having to turn her eyes to keep from causing herself to throw him down on the floor. Danny stepped out of the tub, then turned around to take her hand but she was still standing there with her eyes closed.

“Fit ye daing wi yer eyes closed?”
“Oh, sorry,” she jerked, opening them. “I was just a, well, we better hurry. We have to see what’s gonna to be going on.”
“Wi who, yer frin the dog?”
“Why would you say that?” she asked, wrapping the towel around her head.
“He’ll be wantin me hen. Ane dinnae need eyes tae see that.”

“You’re right, and I will never lie to you about anything, but he knows that I have only one thing filling up my heart and that’s you, baby,” she replied stepping up to him, nude, pressing her body up against his.

“Ah’ll nae be fur likin the mon. He wud hae me life if he cud.”
“He wouldn’t do that, Danny.”
“Nae, he wudn’t. He cud ne’re cum close tae matchin me.”
D`nae stepped back, then walked out into the bedroom.
“Oh, an Ah suppose it wud be the same if it wur meself an another hen?”
“No!” she snapped. “Why? Have you been with someone else?”
“Nae, Hen. Twus merely makin me point.”

“Fine, don’t like him. I don’t care, but you aren’t going to hurt him either. We need his help, whether you like it or not, Danny Gilmore,” she adamantly stated, pulling on her jeans.

“He’ll be nae more than a scunner.”
“A what? Now how the hell am I supposed to even know what that is?”
“Pain, ane who tis always footerin aboot!” he replied, getting angry.
“Okay, I get that, I guess. Aren’t we supposed to fight, then have sex, not the other way around?”
“Me thins we best be fur makin it right,” he said, taking the shirt out of her hand.
“Shhhh…luv,” he whispered unzipping her pants.

Thirty minutes later, they were again starting to get dressed when Danny froze where he was standing. “What is it?” D`nae asked. Danny held his hand up, finished pulling on his pants, then walked to the door and listened. He could hear someone tapping on the outer door, but heard nothing in the way of movement from Tabitha.

“We best gae oot. They’ll be tappin at the door.”
D`nae hurried to get dressed, and she and Danny walked out to find Tabitha, standing guard outside their room.
“Have you been waiting here this whole time?”
“I have.”
“But why, sweetie?”
“To make sure you were not disturbed.”
“Could you hear anything?” D`nae asked, showing a faint red blush to her now pale skin.
“I could have heard if I were in there with the others. I cannot help it.”
“A’ dogs hae guid ears.”
“Danny!” D`nae yelled, turning to glare at him. “That was a horrible thing to say.”
“It’s true, mas... D`nae. I have every sense that your pet animal would have.”
“Yeah well, there’s other ways to go about saying things, too!” she said, glaring at Danny.

D`nae smiled at Tabitha about the time the tapping started up on the door again. She walked over with Danny on her heels, causing her to bump him with her elbow, making him grunt and start laughing. She opened the door to one of Grady’s men. He handed her a note, then took off like he was on fire. “Guess he didn’t like my new look,” she laughed, opening the note. “Oh my goodness.”

“Fit tis it?”
“Seems that our friend, Alasdair, has made his first move,” she replied then sat down on the clean end of the couch.
“Fit luv, tell me?”
“There are three dead people in the little town west of here. They want us to go.”
“Fur fit, sae we can be their hounds, nae offence.”
“None taken,” Tabitha replied.

Danny and D`nae sat across the table in the landlady’s large dining room, watching Grady and several of his men go over a stack of photos that had been sent in from the scouts that found the bodies. Danny’s eyes never left Grady’s, who flashed back the same form of discontent that was coming his way. D`nae tapped her foot annoyingly, doing anything to break the uncomfortable silence. Tabitha came in the door with a tray of coffee, and all eyes that were searching the gruesome remains found their way to her. Grady’s mouth was slightly ajar, which made D`nae start laughing.

“Quite the shocker isn’t she?” she smiled. “Just sit it here, Tabitha, then come sit by me.”

Tabitha sat the tray down, then took the chair next to D`nae, curling in her shoulders as soon as she was in the chair. D`nae rested her hand on Tabitha’s knee, and she slowly pulled her shoulders back and looked forward. It was a little thing that she was told to do in the bedroom earlier that night. “Show them you have no fear by looking them in the eye. You rock baby, show it off!” D`nae had said, while showing her to herself in the mirror. Everyone, including Tabitha, noticed Grady taking a longer look than the rest. When the room become so silent you could hear a pin drop, even he noticed that he was pulled into her beauty without being aware of it.

“Ye aboot doon keekin there, mon?” Danny asked, with a stern expression, causing D`nae to kick him under the table. “Ah richt!”

“I didn’t mean to stare. You look very nice, Tabitha,” Grady remarked, then turned back to his work, ignoring Danny’s statement as if he had never spoke.

“Thank you,” she replied in a voice that was timidly soft, lowering her eyes uncontrollably.

D`nae was leaning forward just enough to see the look on her face, then leaned back to watch Grady, who was now glancing up every so often in a direction other than Danny’s. A smile crossed her face and for the first time she felt like there may be hope for the very compromising situation that she had found herself in. Tabitha being a beautiful woman and Grady being a very needy man, it was possible that the two would make a good couple, she thought to herself. The only problem was that Grady would have to overcome the fact that Tabitha was a being that he once considered a creature who by its very nature needed to die. The thought made her actually snicker aloud, because he was now faced with three such creatures, ones that he wasn’t fighting, but instead taking into battle as allies.

“You think this is funny?” Grady asked, looking up.
“As a matter of fact, I do,” D`nae responded. “Ironic, actually.”
“Spit it out, if you have something to say.”

“Look around ya, Grady. Isn’t all of this a bit ironic to you, too? Just a few days ago, you were killing anything that remotely resembled the three of us, yet here we all sit.”

“My men don’t like being here anymore than I do, but we have a job to complete. If that means that we all have to work together to get it done, then so be it.”

“Then get the fuck out of my house!” she yelled, standing so fast that her chair crashed to the floor. “You don’t want us, then we don’t want you.” Danny smiled, crossing his arms and leaning back.

“Look,” Grady replied, sliding the enlarged photos across the tabletop. “This is what they fear.”

“You honestly think that I’m capable of doing something like…” she paused picking up one of the photos, and held it to his face. “We’ll go after him alone. Send your men away.”

“This is our business, not yours, D`nae.”

“Didn’t really see you getting your ass laid on the line the last few days. Hmm, wonder if I would have these fangs in my mouth if you would have just left me the hell alone? I think you stepped into something that wasn’t any of your business from the very beginning. Alasdair is after Danny, not you Grady, and we are going to stop him. You want to join us, fine, but not your men.”

“Me hen’s richt. Tis be oor show noo. Ah’ll be the high heid yin, frae noo on,” Danny said sitting up, placing his forearms on the table.

Grady’s two men stood up, and put their hands on their weapons. Tabitha simply pushed her chair back, bent her head forward, then came up ripping from human form into beast with one guttural scream. The clothes that D`nae had given her now hung in bits and pieces on her massive arms and shoulders, even her ankle held the remnants of the once uncomfortable thong. Not only Grady and his men flew back several feet, but Danny all but flew into the foyer, even cursing out in his own Scottish tongue. D`nae was bent over, laughing so hard that she had to squat down to keep from falling over. Tabitha’s wolf eyes looked down at her, then her head tilted slightly to the side and she made a grunting sound as if snickering right along with her. D`nae was about to say something to her when she looked down and saw the pink thong hanging on her foot, causing her to laugh out again, falling back on her butt, laughing so hard that all she could do was point. Tabitha looked down and began to shake her foot, trying to get it off which caused her to fall over the chair behind her. Despite how hard he tried not to. Grady started laughing as well.

Danny came back down to the ground, shaking his head then joined in with a hidden cough of a laugh, while lifting D`nae to her feet. Tabitha reached down and pulled the piece of torn material taunt, snapping it free from her foot. Her beast form rolled to its knees and her body reshaped into the delicate nude human woman. Grady turned his head as she got to her feet, showing no shame in her nudity. D`nae took her by the arm and rushed her up the staircase.

“You can change anytime you want?”
“Yes, of course. But I cannot control my anger. It will bring the beast, no matter my will.”
“You sure went through that suit of clothes fast,” D`nae started laughing again. “That was great. Did you see their faces?”
“I never meant to ruin your beautiful things, master.”
“Would you stop calling me that? And they were yours to do with as you pleased… but why did you change?”
“I could smell their fear. They would have reacted without much provocation.”
“So that’s what that smell was. All metal like.”

“The blood changes when they sweat from fear. The faster their heart beats, the more appealing they become to those of us who crave what they have,” Tabitha explained, while D`nae turned on the shower.

“They taste different than you do?”

“My blood is stronger, and will last longer in your body, but I have heard it said that to a vampire, the human is the sweetest. I prefer any meat, human, cattle, dog… food is food.” Then she stepped into the running water.

“Sure glad you ended up liking me, sweetie,” D`nae hollered out, then smiled nervously. “You always get that goopy stuff all over ya like that?”

“Yes, but I cannot answer as to why. It is part of the means of transformation.”
“We have a lot to learn about each other, don’t we?”
“A task I am looking most forward to,” she replied, as someone knocked on the bathroom door.
“Who is it?” D`nae asked.
“Yer mither, she’ll be wantin tae talk tae ye.”
“Oh shit!” D`nae yelled and opened the door. “My mom’s here?”
“Nae, hen, she’ll be on ye tellie,” Danny replied, smilling so big that his fangs were showing.
“You scared the crap out of me. What phone?”
“Yer wifie’s.”
“My wife’s?”
“He means the old woman’s, mas… D`nae,” Tabitha yelled from the shower.
“Oh, okay. Thanks, babe.”

D`nae made her way down the stairs, thinking if there was anything that she had forgotten about that her mother was going to do. Did she have plans to come by? Were they supposed to meet up tomorrow? She couldn’t think, but was hoping it was just one of her calls to check in. She looked at the phone on the foyer table for a few minutes before picking it up, praying that her mother wouldn’t notice anything different about her. ‘What’s wrong? Did you die last night and not tell me?’ she imagined her mother saying, then just giggled and picked up the phone.

“I had a horrible dream. Are you okay?”
”I’m fine, don’t be silly.”

“D`nae, you know I don’t dream unless something’s wrong, now what the hell’s going on? And don’t lie to me,” her mother said, getting more upset by the second.

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