Dark Legend (34 page)

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Authors: Christine Feehan

Tags: #Paris (France), #Vampires, #Women Healers, #Romance, #Love Stories, #General, #Fantasy, #Fiction, #Occult fiction

BOOK: Dark Legend
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"I'd be wondering why I was barking," Francesca contradicted. "The barking would be a bit much."

"I don't know," Skyler mused. "If the housekeeper came in and found us all barking like dogs, she'd hightail it out of here and I'd be very happy."

"You will give them a chance, won't you, Skyler?" Francesca asked gently.

Skyler sighed softly. "I guess I don't have much choice. But I know I could stay by myself. I'm not a baby and I've spent most of my life alone."

"You have a point," Gabriel acknowledged. "Please do not misunderstand, Skyler. Francesca and I want you to have a housekeeper because we want to ensure your comfort and safety, not because we don't trust you. We are wealthy, little one, and you may become a target because of that. Francesca would spend an inordinate amount of time worrying if we did not adequately protect you."

Skyler's eyes were fixed on his face while she determined whether he was telling her the truth. Eventually she nodded. "I didn't think of that. I wouldn't want either of you to worry about me."

Francesca's touch was soothing, as always. "Try it for a while, honey. If they don't work out, we'll find someone you like."

Skyler made an attempt to ease the concern on Francesca's expressive face. "Aren't you worried about spoiling me just a little?"

At once Francesca smiled, her dark eyes brilliant with laughter. "I hope that we do. It will be such fun."

"You don't know the first thing about parenting, do you?" Skyler chastised. "I'm going to have to be the one to run things around here." .

The doorbell cut off any further byplay between them, wiping the smile from Skyler's face. Francesca immediately circled the young woman's too-thin shoulders with a comforting arm. "They're here, aren't they?" Skyler whispered it, as if she were afraid to speak any louder. Francesca could feel her small body trembling.

She glanced at Gabriel, clearly worried.
"Perhaps we are pushing her too hard, expecting her to accept too many people in her life too fast."

"She must be protected, my love. Our only other choice is to command her acceptance and we both agreed we would not do so unless necessary."
Gabriel reached over to take Skyler's hand. "I do not like strangers in my home either, little one. Perhaps you will be my strength while Francesca performs her magic. If neither of us feels anything wrong with these people, we will attempt to integrate them into our home. Is that a deal?"

"What if I don't like the man?" Skyler asked, voicing her worst fear.

"Understand this, Skyler," he said softly. "If you ever have misgivings about any man, myself included, whether you have concrete reason or not, go directly to Francesca. Do not think about it, or worry about it, or hesitate in any way. Tell her immediately. Promise me you will do that." His voice was magical, so gentle and perfect it was impossible to resist.

Skyler stood still for a moment before she nodded solemnly. She found herself gripping Gabriel's and Francesca's hands as they moved through the house to the front door. Somehow, physical contact with them made her calmer. There was something extremely soothing about the couple. When she was between them, their peace seemed to fill her up and keep her fears at bay. She couldn't remember a time in her life when she wasn't afraid. Not until Francesca had found her huddled inside her own mind and had swamped her with waves of warmth and reassurance. Even the fact that Gabriel was a very overwhelming male didn't bother her. She knew he was powerful, she could feel it when she was close to him, yet Skyler found Gabriel's power comforting. He had given her his word and she believed him. She believed in both of them. They were determined to make her whole again, make her understand love and kindness and what true safety was.

Above Skyler's bent head, Francesca's black gaze met Gabriel's dark one in mute understanding. Both of them easily read the teenager's thoughts. Gabriel smiled his reassurance, wishing he could take Francesca into his arms and hold her close within the shelter of his heart and his mind, in the shelter of his body. She always thought of others, always wanted to help those in need, and her compassion was slowly rubbing off on him.

I love you very much, Francesca."
The emotion was so intense, the words spilled over from his mind, into hers.

Francesca felt the color rising in her cheeks. Gabriel could make her feel like a teenager, her heart fluttering at the brush of his hand. Sometimes he allowed himself to be so vulnerable. It was a very unusual trait in a Carpathian male.

His soft laughter echoed in her mind as she opened the front door.
"You do not know the first thing about the Carpathian male."

Francesca gave him her haughtiest look when what she really wanted was to fling herself into his arms. Instead she smiled a welcome at the couple standing on her porch. "Please come in. Aidan sent word to expect you. It's very kind of you to help us out when we are in such great need."

The man stepped forward with an easy smile and held out his hand deliberately to Gabriel. "I'm Santino and this is my wife, Brasilia." He was clearly at ease despite the fact that he suspected what they were. He was completely unafraid to have Gabriel "read" him, and Gabriel liked him for that.

Santino was a good man with a sense of duty and a determination to do whatever it took to protect his family. He had been through sieges with vampires and their minions and knew the danger and what it took for the hunters to protect humans and Carpathians. He had willingly joined the ranks of the fighters by accepting the responsibility that came with knowing that vampires really existed. He had a quiet confidence about him, an air of capability that Gabriel liked immediately.

Gabriel could almost see Francesca's inward sigh of relief. Skyler was very quiet during the introductions, her face very pale, but both Santino and his wife were extraordinarily gentle with her. Drusilla was a small woman, with much the same build as Skyler, only rounder and soft-looking. She was more nervous than her husband, but neither Carpathian could detect anything other than sincere compassion for Skyler and determination to be of assistance to a child in distress. Francesca liked her immediately for that. Skyler obviously read only good in the couple because she began to slowly relax, loosening her death grip on their hands and even managing a faint smile once or twice in the course of the conversation.

Francesca showed the couple around the house, purposely excluding Skyler's bedroom. It was important the young woman felt she had her own privacy, a sanctuary no one would intrude on without permission or invitation. Drusilla was particularly happy with the kitchen and garden area. Santino was unhappy with the easy access from the street. To him protecting the household was a logistical nightmare. Both spoke French fluently with a distinctly American accent.

It was impossible not to feel at home and at peace in Francesca's home. There was something soothing and tranquil about the house. Drusilla smiled at her husband, suddenly happy with the decision they had made. It had not been an easy one. Their two children were in college and they were ready for a change, but coming to France had not been in their plans at all.

It had been the thought of the little girl so terribly abused and in need of someone to love and care for her that had tipped their decision in favor of the move. Still, it had been particular frightening for Drusilla. She loved Aidan and his wife Alexandria, but she had known them a long time. The things her husband had told her were so far-fetched, she was uncertain whether she believed them or not. It was true she had never seen either Aidan or his wife during the day, although her memories seemed to be vague. Before Santino had told her the truth about Aidan and Alexandria, she would have sworn she often had been with them during all hours of the day. Now she knew she hadn't.

She looked at Francesca closely, sneaking quick looks in an attempt to judge her personality. Would she be easy to work for? Drusilla wanted to make this house feel like her own home. She wanted to love poor little Skyler like a daughter. And she wanted to love Francesca and Gabriel as she did Aidan and Alexandria. Santino's parents had worked for Aidan all of their married lives. Santino had grown up in Aidan's home and loved him very much. She knew her husband's loyalty ran deep, a bond almost as strong as her marriage. Maybe stronger. She sighed and looked at her husband. Santino. She loved him so much. And she was very proud of him.

Drusilla caught Francesca smiling at her and hastily gave her a tentative smile in return. "I really love the house," she said, hoping to break the ice.

Francesca's smile reached her magnificent eyes. "Thank you, I've lived here a long time and it feels like home to me. I'm hoping it will feel the same to you. If the rooms aren't to your liking upstairs, or you need anything for the kitchen, please say so. It is, after all, entirely your domain."

"I can cook," Skyler said suddenly, surprising everyone. She had been very quiet, simply watching the others as they moved through the house. She stayed very close to Francesca and sometimes reached out and touched her arm as if to assure herself she wasn't alone.

"That's wonderful," Drusilla said immediately. "You'll have to show me all your favorite recipes. I know what Santino likes. Just about anything edible."

A ghost of a smile appeared on Skyler's face, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. This time she curled her fingers in Francesca's. Even as she did so, a strange look crossed her face. She leaned toward Francesca. "You asked me to tell you when the other was here. I can feel him right now."

Francesca went very still, her fingers forming a loose chain around Skyler's tiny wrist. "Do not look at anyone in the house, honey, just concentrate on something else to keep your mind occupied."
"Gabriel, he is with Skyler now. I am afraid he will use her to harm someone. Skyler couldn't bear that."

"Do not enter her mind while he dwells there. I will do so and see what it is Lucian is seeking. More than likely it is information and mischief. He does like his games."
Gabriel smiled his reassurance at Skyler even while he sent a silent signal to Francesca to keep the conversation going with Santino and Drusilla.

"Be careful, Gabriel,"
Francesca said worriedly. She was very afraid of Lucian. She knew his power; knew he was a force unlike any other.
"You believe he will use Skyler against me, but I fear he will use her against you."

Gabriel's only answer was a flood of warmth in her mind. "Come with me, sweetheart," he instructed very gently and took Skyler's hand in his, walking her to the den. As he passed the bookshelf, he handed her a book he had taken at random. "I am certain you will enjoy this very much."

Skyler took the book without question and opened it. She read in earnest, but even as she did so, a small smile was tugging at the corners of her soft mouth. "All this cloak-and-dagger stuff is interesting, isn't it, Gabe?"

Gabriel's black eyebrows shot up nearly to the ceiling. In all the long centuries of his existence, no one had ever thought to call him Gabe. "More respect, young lady, and less of this Gabe stuff." He merged his mind with hers quickly, not giving her time to think about it or tip off Lucian that he was joining them. Immediately he could feel the surge of power that signaled his twin's presence in the girl's young mind.

Lucian felt him at once. "
A little crowded for the two of us

"When were you reduced to using children to get your way? I thought perhaps you were strong enough to meet me face-to-face, but I see that your power has been slowly dwindling away."
Gabriel spoke in a soft, pure voice, his tone hypnotic.

"You persist in taunting me. It has never worked, Gabriel. I doubt if I will be driven to accept your challenge. While you grow soft in that house surrounded by women, I am building a kingdom to rule."

Gabriel sighed softly.
"You sound like a child, Lucian. You would be bored ruling a kingdom. Find a monastery and read some books."

"I have already done just that."
Before Gabriel had a chance to "see" through Lucian's eyes and give him an idea where his twin might be, he felt the withdrawal. Lucian was gone from Skyler's mind that fast.

Skyler looked up at him, "He knew you gave me the book. He quoted from it and told me to look on page eighty-two. I looked up the quote and he'd repeated it word for word." She sounded awed by the feat.

"Lucian is a genius, Skyler, and he has a photographic memory."

She turned her wide eyes on him, old eyes. "You have one, too, don't you?"

Gabriel nodded. "Yes, I do, honey. Lucian is my brother, my twin. He likes to play games, not always nice ones. I do not want you to be afraid, but he has power and sometimes misuses it."

Skyler shook her head and handed Gabriel the book. "I'm not afraid of him, not at all. Why did Francesca tell me not to look at anybody?" She asked the question to see if Gabriel would tell her the truth.

His white teeth flashed and for the first time Skyler felt a small shiver run down her spine. She could see the predator in him clearly for a moment. "Lucian can do more than talk to you mind to mind. He is telepathic, but he also has other powers. He can use you if he is merged with you."

She hadn't expected this answer. Skyler stopped walking and stared up at him. "You really will answer my questions, won't you? No matter how bad it is, you will tell me the truth."

"What were you expecting, Skyler?"

She shrugged. "Most people lie to kids if the truth is difficult." Skyler ducked her head so that her hair spilled around her face. "I shouldn't have tested you like that. I suspected it was something like that."

"Is it too far-fetched for you to believe?" Gabriel asked curiously.

"Isn't it far-fetched that you and Francesca can talk to me in my mind? Isn't it far-fetched that I can talk to animals?"

He raised one eyebrow. "Can you?"

She nodded without looking at him, half afraid he might not believe her.

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