Dark Light (The Dark Light Series) (38 page)

BOOK: Dark Light (The Dark Light Series)
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I pick up my little cup of sake and down it. I’m going to need more if I am to get through this lunch with Aurora without bloodshed. “Yes, I know about that.” I’m not sure what else I should say to her. Dorian hasn’t exactly been as forthcoming when it comes to that or any other part of his past.

“So you know that we practically grew up together. Shared many firsts together.” The waitress has arrived with our large platter of sushi and Aurora helps herself to a piece of spicy tuna roll. “I just want you to know that what we had is all in the past. I am with Jared now and I really care for him. I know it hasn’t been long but I truly feel like he and I have something special.”

Is this bitch serious? 

I look over at Morgan who shrugs her shoulders as if she could hear my unspoken question and continues to enjoy her salmon sashimi. Then I gaze back at Aurora, who is still smiling like an idiot, oblivious of the storm already brewing behind my hazel eyes.

“Aurora, whatever is going on with you and Jared is your business. His happiness is all I care about. And if it’s you that makes him happy, so be it. As far as Dorian goes, I would hope you would show us the same courtesy.” I flash her a sweet smile of my own and take another drink of sake.

Aurora finishes chewing her sushi roll slowly. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that. I just thought I could warn you about him. He’s never going to commit. I didn’t want you to get hurt like I did,” she says meekly. 

“You really shouldn’t concern yourself with that. I’m a big girl. And besides, how do you think Dorian would react to what you are saying right now? Or what Jared would think about you trying to get back with Dorian right before dating him?” I casually pick up a Caterpillar roll with my chopsticks and pop it in my mouth with ease. Morgan signals for more sake, seeing exactly where this heated exchange is heading.

“I’ve underestimated you, Gabriella,” Aurora says darkly. The sweet and innocent act has dissipated. Miss Prim and Proper has an ugly side. “I apologize. No hard feelings?”

“None at all,” I reply, matching her ominous expression.

When we have arrived back at the house, I am in desperate need of some alone time. The guys are still out snowboarding and Aurora and Morgan have decided to watch a movie in the living room. I grab my iPod and one of the extra blankets and head outside. The sun’s warmth is infectious, and I instantly feel better. I sit on the wooden porch swing, wrap the blanket around me then let the music envelop me. 

The sunshine feels so good and comforting; I allow my eyes to close and my mind to wander. I think of the days when the most exciting events were ones spent with my closest friends, going out and causing havoc. I think about how close I was with my parents. There was nothing I withheld from them. And I think of Jared- how much he once meant to me. How I would do anything for him, be anything for him.
Oh, how times have changed.

Suddenly a gust of cold wind blows past me, causing me to shiver. It’s no longer bright; something has eclipsed the sunshine beaming down on me. Light has abandoned me. My eyes pop open with alarm only to be met by the bluest irises I have ever seen. 

. He’s here. 

I quickly sit up and spin around to meet him. He is just as gorgeous as I remember him- smooth olive skin, black hair, perfectly full lips, long, dark lashes. I am instantly elated and soothed by his presence.

“You’re here,” I smile, pulling out my earphones. I realize it’s the first genuine one I’ve had for days, weeks even.

“I am. I missed you.” Dorian leans forward and presses his lips against mine. He pulls away too soon for my satisfaction.

“I missed you too,” I breathe. “So much.” Having him here now makes me realize just how much I have craved Dorian. Feeling the tension and fear literally melt away, I realize how miserable I have been since the last time we were together. My need for him is evolving into an addiction.

“Mmmm. Well, you’ll have to show me just how much that was,” he says wickedly.
Oh hell yes; my Dorian is back.

“I can’t wait,” I say biting my bottom lip in anticipation. 

Dorian holds out his hand to help me up. I eagerly place mine in his and stand. Feeling his skin on mine sends the familiar shockwaves throughout my entire body. The sensation causes my heart to sputter and ignites a flame down in my belly. Every nerve ending feels as if it being kissed with electricity.

“I have something for you,” he murmurs as we enter the house.

We walk towards the living room and I brace myself for the staggered expression that is sure to be etched on Aurora’s face. Of course, she doesn’t disappoint.

“Dorian! Uh, I didn’t know you were here,” she stammers. Morgan simply beams at the both of us. 

“That’s because I just arrived. Now if you’ll excuse me, Gabriella and I have some catching up to do.” 

With that, Dorian escorts me to my room and closes the door. He knows exactly where it is without me having to tell him and his carry-on bag is already there. I know it’s odd, considering Morgan and Aurora didn’t see him come in, but I don’t question it. I’m just happy he’s here. Nothing else matters.

“I got this for you while I was away.” 

Dorian removes a gift bag and hands it to me. I receive it tentatively and peek inside, pulling out a cerulean blue lace negligee. It’s the same color blue he wore the Sunday before he left for Greece, and it’s gorgeous. I look up and smile brightly at him. Before I can show him just how thankful I am, he pulls out another gift. This time a little box.

“And this. It reminded me of you.”

I open the box and gaze upon the beautiful pendent attached to a white gold chain. A single cultured pearl cradled by dazzling white diamonds, and then those diamonds are surrounded by black diamonds. So simple and understated, yet complex. Like me. It’s incredible and I am struck speechless.

“Do you like it?” Dorian asks after a few moments of me staring at it in awe.

“Oh my God, Dorian. I love it. It’s gorgeous.” I look up at him with grateful eyes. He’s so in tuned to what I want before I even know I want it. “It’s perfect.”

Dorian reaches over and removes the necklace from its box. He stands behind me, taking my hair into his hands and gently sliding it over my shoulder. His soft lips graze my neck before he places the necklace around it. I turn and look up at him lovingly.

“I want you to keep this on, always. And think of me. I want to always be on your mind,” he says tenderly. “As you are always on mine.”

I take the opportunity to wrap my arms around Dorian’s neck, my fingers tangling in his hair furiously as I press my lips to his. He welcomes it, allowing our tongues to slowly dance to the rhythm of our panting breaths. Dorian grips my lower back, crushing my body against his. His hands move down to palm my ass, kneading the soft flesh to the tempo of our intense lip-lock. 

Swiftly, he lifts me up, turning and walking towards the bed effortlessly without breaking our kiss. He lies me down gently on my back, and I open my legs wider to welcome his body on top of mine. Fire erupts between us, our friction causing the flames to rage out of control. I clutch his back in desperation, pulling his shirt up over his head. I want to feel his skin on mine. As if reading my mind, Dorian moves his hands up my sweater, quickly relinquishing me of it. He eyes the black floral lace bra he purchased for me from Cashmere. The contrast of the dark fabric against my creamy beige skin causes him to take in a sharp breath. He gently caresses the tops of my cleavage appreciatively, his long fingers stroking each curve and mound. His touch is so erotic and deliberate; my nerve endings come to life with every stroke. God, I’ve missed him.

Dorian’s index finger moves under the front clasp of my bra. But before he can undo it, we hear the booming sounds of laughter from the living room. The guys are back, and their liveliness has intruded on our intimate moment. Dorian slowly closes his eyes to compose himself then sits up to my dismay. 

“We better save this for later,” he mutters, offering his hand to help me up. I sigh heavily and reluctantly take it.

We search for our shirts and slide them on, though I can’t mask my irritated expression. I’ve been waiting to be with Dorian for two weeks. Not only feel him inside of me but just to have him near me. His proximity makes me feel whole, complete. It soothes me and I feel secure and safe with him. I’ve concluded that whatever he is, his powers have healing and comforting properties, not unlike the gifts of the Light. Dorian is too good to be anything less. 

Dorian and I begrudgingly leave the sanctuary of the bedroom. He grabs my hand, our fingers intertwining like old lovers, and leads me out to my rowdy crowd of friends. And Aurora. Conversation ceases as we approach and I smile nervously to break the tension. Jared looks uncomfortable with Dorian’s presence, and I can’t help but feel glad that he’s affected. Having Aurora here hasn’t exactly been a cakewalk, especially with them being so openly affectionate. Though I would never flaunt my relationship with Dorian to prove a point, it feels good to know that Jared’s getting just a tiny taste of his own medicine.

“Hey guys,” Morgan says to break the ice. “We were just talking about our plans for this evening. Since the guys really don’t want to go to the event I had set up, any thoughts?” 

“I may have a suggestion,” Dorian says. “There’s a place that just opened up here. I think you all may like it. My treat, of course. And I just so happen to know the owner.” I look up to give Dorian a curious smirk, and he returns it with a wink. Something tells me that I know the owner too.

“Sounds great!” Morgan says. Everyone else nods approvingly, even Jared, to my surprise. 

After we’ve all been dismissed to get dressed, Dorian and I are back in the confines of the bedroom. There’s only one thing on my mind, and dinner is not it. I want to show him just how much I’ve missed him, just how much I need him. I want to show him how much I love him. 

“I’m so glad you’re here,” I breathe once I’ve clicked the door closed. My body is craving him like never before. 

“Come here.” 

Dorian pulls his shirt over his head, exposing his tan, chiseled chest, his tattoo peeking out from under his arm. His blue eyes are alight with desire, beckoning me to come to him. I saunter my way to him, offering my body. He strokes my cheek with the back of his hand adoringly and gives me a half-smile, as if I am a child. A little girl, as he likes to call me. Being in his presence, in all his glorious beauty and domineering power, I feel like one. Not because he makes me feel inferior but because I want to relinquish myself to him. I want to be his sacrificial little lamb.

Dorian grabs the hem of my sweater and slowly pulls it over my head. His eyes never leave mine, yet his hands caress my smooth skin with precision. It’s as if he is studying every curve, rise and line. A blind man who is committing my body to memory. 

I gasp at the feel of his strong yet gentle fingertips. They roam to the button of my jeans, unfastening them without pause. They slide off my hips slowly and I step out of them, gazing back up to Dorian to ensure that the gesture pleases him. The blue fire in his eyes tells me that it does. I tentatively reach to undo the button of his slacks, being sure not to break eye contact in the process. I fumble a bit but soon they fall from the severe cuts of his hips. I let my fingertips explore the hard defined muscle and resist the urge to run my tongue along them. Every bit of him is mouthwatering; how can I
want him?

We stand face to face, next to naked, unable to tear our eyes away from each other. Dorian lets his finger slide under the clasp of my bra, this time unfastening it quickly. My perky breasts are grateful for the release and throb under his appreciative gaze. He cups them gently, tenderly, grazing his thumbs along my nipples. My body trembles in response and a soft moan falls from my lips before Dorian swallows it, covering my mouth with his. Our kiss is deep, passionate, and urgent. Desperation drips from our lips, tongues tangled in a sensual tug of war. He lays me down on the bed, climbing on top of me and scooting me upwards, never breaking our kiss. His hand slides under the waistband of my panties and he easily slides them off. I reach to remove his boxers, and he aids me in my efforts, kicking them off eagerly. This is it- what I have been waiting for, yearning for. 

Dorian guides himself into my warmth, easing himself in inch by inch. He is so careful and gentle, leaving soft kisses on my neck and shoulders before finding my lips again. He stretches me, fills me, lives in me. With slow, measured strokes, Dorian loves me from the inside out. I am covered by him, totally consumed by him in every way. 

This time is different. Admitting to myself that I love him has made this act so much more meaningful. It’s as if Dorian has heard my secret admission and is feeding my love for him. Once again, he is giving me what I want, what I need, without my asking. He knows my heart just as well as he knows my body. The two have become one and the same.

Together we climb, seeking the warmth and solitude of our twin peaks. I flex my hips against him and wrap my legs around his waist. This new layer of depth excites him and he plunges even deeper. My fingers grab handfuls of his soft tresses, pulling gently as he sinks inside of me faster and faster. A low guttural groan erupts from his throat; he’s almost there. I, too, feel it surging from every limb, traveling swiftly to my burning heat. I can taste it; sweet release is so close. 

Then in an intense wave of passion, it drowns me. I can no longer see or hear or even breathe. Dorian has taken me under with him, and we are lost at sea. There’s no use in fighting against the current, because it has already won. Dorian has already won. I wholeheartedly surrender to him, mind, body and soul.

“We should get ready,” Dorian pants after several minutes. He is still on top of me, still inside me. I sluggishly nod, unable to speak. My devastating orgasm has relinquished me of all my faculties. 

Dorian pulls out of me to my disappointment, and grabs my hands to lift me up. My limbs are like Jell-O and my head rolls around on my neck like a newborn.

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