Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera (35 page)

BOOK: Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera
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“You’re sure?” Drace asked. He stood and pulled her up with him.

“Yes, my love, I am. But…” she said, leading him by the hand. “I find that I am hungry as well. So, if you wish to find anything left, you must hurry.” Ki made a dash for the stairs, Drace hot on her heels.

Chapter Thirty-Three



d Ki a sumptuous suite for the night and Cerise and Ki had already brought in her overnight bag and her dresses.

“I still do not understand why I must wear a separate outfit for the performances,” Ki grumbled, fussing with a fastening on the front of her dress. “You did remember to bring Drace’s sword and dagger, did you not?”

Cerise smiled behind Ki’s back, knowing Ki herself put the weapons in the room and had picked out the outfit she wore now. Ki showed nerves by nitpicking details. Cerise was glad Drace had warned her about that, so was able to ignore the grumbling, and nod at the correct moments. “You are royalty to those in attendance, and important people always change for a party.”

“I am sorry. I am, admittedly a bit nervous. I have never played a part.”

“Just act like you are in Oralia and these are your own people. Now go check yourself in the mirror.”

Ki stood from the vanity chair and shook out her skirt. She went to the bedroom’s full-length mirror. She had picked an outfit and accessories that would compliment Drace’s colors as the Black Knight. Ki’s hair had been braided, doubled up, and secured with crimson cordage. Loose tendrils framed her face.

The dress itself fit over a crimson tank style top, coming under her breast and buttoning down over the top of black pants that were fitted. The dress was black as well with sleeves that were long, ending in a flare past her wrist, the inside of the open cuffs crimson. It fit like a jacket, but it was floor length, the open front gave her room to walk. She wore black boots that came almost to her knees.

She took a deep breath and envisioned herself in her hall facing her tenants and warriors. Ki turned back to Cerise.

“Oh my God! That’s the look.” Cerise exclaimed and fought an urge to curtsy or bow. Ki looked like the royalty she was.

Ki saw Cerise’s expression and smiled broadly, her canines flashing.

“Oh. Maybe you shouldn’t do that,” Cerise warned and tapped her own eyetooth.

Ki toned down the wattage on her smile. “How is that?”

“Perfect. Let me find my shoes and get the sword bag. It’s time to head down.”

There was a knock on the door as Cerise came back into the room. She wore a black slip dress and black open-toed shoes with a three-inch heel. Her auburn hair was loose. She opened the door and saw John Ashley, looking very debonair in a black, hand tailored, Italian suit with a burgundy tie.

“Miss MacKinnon,” he said took her hand, and pressed a kiss on her knuckles.

“So European, Mr. Ashley,” Cerise said drolly. “Please, come in.”

“Thank you,” he said, entering the suite. “Please, call me John, both of you.”

“Cerise. Let me go get Ki.” She disappeared into the bedroom then came back with Ki behind her. Ki carried the sword in its bag over her back like a quiver. She had tied a narrow crimson scarf around her throat, its ends trailing over her breasts.

John took Ki’s hand as he had Cerise’s’. “My Lady. You look magnif- icent tonight.”

“Thank you, Mr. Ashley,” she responded with an elegant tip of her head.

“If you ladies are ready, I’ll escort you to the arena now.”

The arena was packed and Ki felt the eye of the spectators on her and Cerise. She held her head proudly, not showing the nervousness she felt, as she was shown to a front row seat.

“Momma, look at Ki. She looks like a princess.” Ki heard Autumn from two seats down. Ki gave her a smile as they made it to their seats. Cerise took the seat next to Penny and Autumn, then Ki sat, with John taking the seat on her other side. Ki laid the sword bag carefully in front of her.

A few moments later the announcer started his routine spiel listing the nights’ performances. Then he gave a new announcement: “Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have an honored guest among us to witness the Black Knight’s final performance. Please give a warm welcome to Lady Ki Lionblade, a European Princess!”

Cerise put a warning hand over Ki’s when she stiffened at the word princess.
“Just go with it. It’ll be fun.”

John took Ki’s other hand and stood, bringing her to her feet. She raised her other hand in a wave then inclined her head in a gracious nod.

The crowd applauded wildly as she sat back down. She appeared cool and collected as she sat, but Cerise saw the muscle of her jaw jump as Ki clenched her teeth.

The lights dimmed and the man with the trick horse came out to center ring.

Ki relaxed and watched as the horse ran through its repertoire of tricks, enjoying the different view. At the end of their act, the man and horse bowed in Ki’s direction.

The woman with the Arabian horses was next and she also paid homage to Ki. The liberty performance had the crowd mesmerized and at the end they applauded loudly.

Drace’s ride on Magnifico was next. Instead of halting in the center of the arena, he rode all the way to the edge in front of Ki. He removed his hat and held it to the side, bowing his head. The gray Andalusian tossed his head, causing the bit chains to jingle.

Drace returned the hat to his head and gave Ki a purely carnal smile. Two rows behind her, Ki heard two women sigh longingly.

Ki smiled back at him and Drace spun Magnifico around and began his ride.

Somehow, the stallion seemed more animated and Drace had the best ride since he had been paired with the horse. Magnifico did the Spanish Walk and then Drace halted him center ring. He had the horse do a collected rear and held it longer than Ki could remember. The horse came down lightly on his front feet and then Drace walked him back in front of Ki and asked the horse to bow, its forehead practically touching the dirt.

The crowd applauded loudly when the horse came back up. Drace circled the arena at a canter then exited.

There were two more horse acts; one with a miniature horse that had the crowd laughing at its antics and the other with two young women doing gymnastic like tricks on the back of a draft horse going in a circle at a canter.

When the arena cleared, the stage crew came in and set up the rail for the joust. This time both knights rode up to the rail in front of Ki. She rose, slipping the crimson scarf from around her throat. She motioned Drace to the rail and tied the scarf around his upper left arm. “Fight well, my Lord,” she said, loud enough for the section of people around her to hear her clearly.

Right before Drace closed his visor he mouthed, “love you” at Ki, then galloped Pride to the far end of the rail.

Joe moved his horse in front of Penny. “Lovely lady, I will fight as your champion this night.

Surprised, Penny scrambled for something to give him as a favor.

“Here, Momma,” Autumn said and handed her the ribbon that had been around her ponytail.

Penny rose and tied the blue ribbon around his arm. “Good luck.”

Joe grinned at her, closed his visor, and rode to his end of the list.

The joust went as they normally performed it, but when they moved on the swords, Drace and Joe did the new choreography. The fight was longer and had more complex moves.

The crowd grew so quiet that the two men’s heavy breathing could be heard as they gave every indication they were trying to kill each other.

Ki gasped loudly when Drace stumbled and went down on one knee. She knew the routine well enough to know that was unplanned and she almost screamed as Joe’s blade came close to Drace’s head. He managed to pull his swing slightly but Drace had already rolled out of the way and jumped back to his feet.

The fight resumed and then Drace had Joe down and yielding. Everyone applauded as Drace remounted Pride and he rode back to Ki.

He untied the customary silver bell and its black and crimson ribbons from Pride’s trappings and gave it to Ki, kissing her hand. Ki then stood, the sword bag in her hand. She untied the string at the top and withdrew the weapon. The spotlight caught the stones in the hilt, causing them to shimmer.

“A valiant and brave knight must have a weapon befitting him,” she said loudly and clearly, then handed him the sword.

Drace swung down from Pride’s back, removed his helm, and drew the sword from its scabbard. He knelt to one knee and turned the sword so it was like a cross in front of him. He held it by the blade below the hilt. “I swear to you, my Lady, to serve and protect you, to forever be your knight.” He looked up at her and Ki caught an odd light in his eyes. “And to love no other until my dying days.”

Drace remounted Pride again after sheathing the sword. He moved Pride closer to the rail and held out his hand. “Come away with me, my Lady. Come away with me if you love me as well.”

Before anyone could stop her, Ki stepped over the rail, tossed the sword bag to Cerise, and then put one booted foot on Pride’s broad rump. Drace took her hand as she gracefully slid down to sit behind the saddle. Drace let her hand go as she settled the skirt of her outfit around her, spreading it over the horse and his draperies, and then put her arms around Drace’s waist.

Drace backed the big stallion clear of the rail then spun him around. He started his victory lap as the announcer said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, our victor and champion, the Black Knight.”

The crowd went crazy, standing to cheer as he galloped past.



“I thought John was going to have a heart attack when you stepped off that rail,” Cerise told Ki as she helped lace the back of Ki’s gown. “That wasn’t part of the plan.”

Ki laughed at that. “It would seem the crowd liked it,” she offered nonchalantly.

“Oh boy, did they. You two gave all those people something to talk about for a long time, which is what John had wanted anyway. Suck it in, will ya?”

With a last pull, Cerise had the dress laced up tight. The bodice vee-d to a narrow waist. From there the skirt flowed to the floor then draped into a short train. The material was shot with gold threads throughout. She turned Ki around. “You look gorgeous,” Cerise said breathlessly.

Ki looked at Cerise in her burgundy evening gown. “You are also quite lovely this evening.”

“This is going to be fun.” Cerise gave Ki’s now upswept hair a final pat and handed her evening bag to her. “Now, if that nephew of mine would hurry and get up here we can go to the party.”

They waited a few minutes more before Drace and John Ashley came into the suite. The two men bumped into each other as they both stopped to stare at the women.

Ki dropped into a deep curtsy, hiding a smile as she bowed her head. “My Lord,” she greeted, her accented voice low and husky.

She rose when Drace reached for her hand. “My Lady, you are ravishing tonight.”

Ki perused Drace’s outfit. He wore fitted black breeches and he had quickly shined his black boots. Cerise had made him a black long sleeved tunic with crimson trim, which hung halfway to his knees, Vs at the bottom seams. Either he had mastered a warrior’s side lock braids or someone had done them for him, but either way he was properly braided for the night. He wore his sword belted around his lean waist, and the dagger was on the other side in his belt.

John took Cerise by the hand and tucked it in the crook of his elbow. He wore brown fitted breeches with boots and a white shirt with a ruffled front and long flowing sleeves. He had borrowed Drace’s old sword from the show. He looked dashing with it but did not wear it with the natural grace that Drace did.

John gave Cerise a broad smile. “You look spectacular as well, dear lady. Drace, shall we cause a stir in the casino with these beauty’s?”

“It would be my pleasure,” Drace replied, giving Ki his arm.

They did cause a stir, a big one, as they took the long route through the casino. Play halted at a few tables along with several conversations.

When they entered the casino’s ballroom, they were greeted with loud cheers and applause. John stopped Drace in the doorway. “This is part of the final act but,” He took Drace’s free hand, “It’s also a farewell party for you. You have been more than a talented, valued employee. I also count you among my friends. Thank you.”

Drace shook John’s hand warmly. “It’s been a true pleasure, John.”

“Go on now. It’s your party. Have a great time,” John commanded, escorting Cerise further into the room. Drace and Ki followed to the sound of more applause.

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