Dark Love (The Two Sides of Me Book 3) (37 page)

BOOK: Dark Love (The Two Sides of Me Book 3)
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“Don’t look away, baby, you need to openly accept my compliments because I will never lie to you and every word I say to you is gospel truth.”

When he has captured my attention fully he continues with his observations laying his hand over my left breast he closes his eyes. “Your heart beats sixty two times a minute when you sleep, one hundred and ten when you come for me and seventy times an hour at rest.” His hand travels to my flat belly and his lip trembles, his eyes fill with emotion as he takes a shaky breath before continuing. “And here… here you grow, giving me two miracles I never thought would exist. You are simply exquisite, my Mia.”

A choked cry shudders from my lips, goose flesh covers every inch of my body even though the heat between us is blazing. I’m speechless what does a woman say to that? He must have coined the term ‘knowing someone inside and out’ because he knows my heart, my body and my soul like no other person ever has or could.

“Come here, baby.” Our pace has slowed to sweet and tender, our kisses careful and romantic as he presses his fingertips against my shoulders sliding them down my back to reconnect our bodies seductively, sensually, lovingly. My own hands caress his shoulders and back dipping and rising between his well-defined muscles. I am lowered to my back and Evan drags the throw slowly from my legs allowing it to pool on the floor next to the couch. He begins to kiss my tummy while gathering my leggings and panties on either side of my hips. I lift to help him slide them off and he follows his hands with kisses on my apex, thighs, knees and finally the arch of my foot evoking tiny gasps and whimpers along the way until I am bare and draped over his body humming with desire.

When he’s had a moment to devour me with his eyes again, he unfolds his leg and stands and it’s my turn to do the same to him. His solid cock springs from his jeans when the buttons are undone and I watch him with adoration as he steps out of them. He allows me a moment to admire his beautiful body that is bathed in the light of the fire behind him.

His gorgeous body will not change a bit while mine stretches and contorts to house two human beings. “I love you.” Three simple meaningful words are all I can give him, his gift for expressing his feelings for me is not one I have been blessed with and I pray he knows he means just as much to me as I do to him.

I reach for his hand and pull him closer to me but stop him before he can lay down with me. I sit up and find myself intentionally exactly at eye level with his impressive silky erection, this wasn’t in his plan but I’ve been yearning to reciprocate all the pleasure he’s been giving me for the last few days while getting nada in return.

“Oh God, Mia,” he moans as I look up at him through my eyelashes and taste him for the first time in what feels like forever.

“You’re so fucking sexy with your mouth wrapped around my cock.” His hands have found an anchor in my hair but he allows me to keep my own pace, never forcing himself any deeper than I allow, holding back so much protecting me from what could easily be a disaster with too much thrust. I sheath my teeth with my lips taking him as far into my mouth as I can before far away warning bells cause me to draw back but it’s more than enough. His moans thrill me, knowing it’s me that takes him to the edge of ecstasy is empowering and so so satisfying for both of us.

When I’ve got the perfect rhythm of suck, slide and tongue rolling over his head I slide my hands around to his rock hard ass and that tiny electric charge hits me like a bomb in my core when I feel his muscles clench with every forward thrust of his hips. As always in the throws of passion, I feel as if the world falls away, no one exists but the two of us in this moment right here right now. I’m under his spell and I’d do anything he asked of me, absofuckinglutely anything. His fingers begin to claw at my head and I feel him swell inside the warm walls of my mouth and I know he’s close.

“Look at me, Mia, let me look at you when I come!” I raise my eyes to meet his and what I see could quite possibly stop my heart. A storm of adoration, love, passion and devotion clouds his eyes at the exact moment I take more of him than I thought I could. He releases with a roar pulsing while I finish him off with one last long draw until there is no more to take and his hands relax in my hair.

“Fuuuckk…you are amazing.” I smile and roll my eyes.

“Are you ok? I didn’t hurt you did I?”

“Um no, quite the opposite really.”

“Hmmm.” He tilts his head to the side regarding me thoughtfully. “So what do we do now?” He teases and I smack his thigh at the same time he pushes me gently back against the couch and kneels between my legs spreading them wide open. I brace myself for heaven and grip the edge of the cushions. I’m so wound up I think I may come the second his tongue touches my sensitive ready folds. He has Olympic skills in this art. However, I’m kept on edge for what seems like eternity while he licks and strokes my clit, circling until I’m surely going to explode. Then reigning it in, he blows warm puffs of breath over my sex, teasing me with kisses everywhere but where I desperately need them to be.

“Ahh… Evan, please.
God don’t make me wait anymore!” I cry. He knows he’s given me all I can take and he ends it with one last long torturous lick from back to front before circling my hungry bundle of nerves and sucking it between his lips. My body arches off of the edge of the couch, his hands support me as I burst open and release with a
n unintelligible scream.

My pulse is the only sound I hear rushing in my ears, one hundred and ten beats per minute of pure unadulterated bliss until my sated body melts into the soft cushions I’ve probably just permanently wrinkled with my death grip. When I open my eyes and stare at the chandelier hanging above, he pops the bubble of rapture with his gruff sexy voice.

“Still Bored?”

“HA! No, that was definitely the complete opposite of bored, I retract my statement!”

“I knew you would.”

“Mmhm. S
o did I.”

Saturday evening I stand in front of the full length mirror in our walk-in closet turning to look at my profile, nope nothing yet. No bump, but my clothes are certainly starting to get a little snug and uncomfortable. Thankfully, this dress has some stretch to it. Smoothing my hands over the deep plum colored garment, I rest my hands on my hips turning a little bit to the left and then the right. Man, our wedding can’t come soon enough. I’d like to fit into my dress without looking pregnant, if at all possible.

“Mmmmm.” Evan is standing just inside the door moaning his appreciation for my dress, or me, or both.

“You like?”

“I love.” He moves behind me propping his chin on my shoulder pulling me flush to his exquisitely suited body. Casual every day Evan is difficult enough to resist but Evan in a black suit and deep purple tie is criminal, nobody should be allowed to look this fucking good.

“You look pretty good yourself, sir.”

“Only next to you, baby.”

“Yea whatever.” I snort, he doesn’t need me to look stunning.

“You just need one more thing, don’t move.” I stand where he’s left me tapping my hands against my thighs nervously wondering what he’s doing. Shit, he had better not be getting a pen, the last time we dressed up for dinner I ended up with his signature covering every inch of my body!

“Close your eyes.”

“Ohh no, no way, I’d like my skin to stay clean tonight, thanks.”

“I am not going to write on you, Mia. Close your eyes.” I sag in defeat and pout closing my eyes to wait for whatever it is he’s about to do.

“Lift your hair.” Oh… well ok then. I lift the heavy ringlets away from my skin and his hands skim my throat before I feel the cool metal of a choker tighten and hear the click of a clasp closing. I drop my hair and instinctively bring my hands to try and stop the constriction but he holds them back and I open my eyes.

“What’s this?” The panic of having something around my neck shows on my face and his grip loosens immediately. I slide my fingers across rows of diamonds that circle my neck, he turns me by the shoulders to face the mirror again and I gasp at the beauty of it. Ten rows of diamonds form a thick band all the way around my throat. It’s exquisite and over the top as is everything Evan does.

“Do you like it?”

“Wow.” I breathe and continue to brush my fingers over the extravagant piece of jewelry. “It’s so…sparkly.” I say but I want to say
, it fits so closely I won’t be able to move a muscle without thinking about it being there. He kisses my skin below the choker.

“You’ll get used to it, it’s supposed to be snug.

“Can it be loosened?” I try to slide a finger under it and find that I can’t.

“It fits perfectly. I promise you will forget about it in a couple of hours.”

“This seems important to you, what’s going on?”

“I bought my wife a neckless. There is no ulterior motive. If you don’t like it we can exchange it for something different.”

“No, it’s beautiful, just… tight. I don’t have to wear it all the time like the bracelet do I?” I ask holding out my arm that always sports the gorgeous, albeit ridiculously expensive quarter million dollar cuff, at his insistence. He cocks his head back surprised by my question. “Of course not, baby, you don’t have to wear anything if you really don’t want to.”

“You made it pretty clear I wasn’t to take this off.” I hang my limp wrist out to him.

“I just wanted you to know how much it means to me that you wear it. I was under the impression that you liked it.”

“I do like it, it’s just not…I dunno… appropriate sometimes. It’s so expensive I’m afraid someone will cut my arm off to take it, that’s all.”

“No one is going to hurt you, Mia, or steal your bracelet.”

“Are you sure?” Shit, I didn’t mean to say that, my suspicions about Mr. Saint are showing and the puzzled look on his face tells me he’s never even considered the fact that Saint might not be one of the good guys.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I’m suddenly witnessing a side of my husband I’m not familiar with, his controlled calm tone wavers.

“Nothing, forget I said anything. It’s fine. I wasn’t planning on taking the bracelet off anyway. I love it, I’ve always loved it.” I stretch up on my toes and kiss him chastely on the cheek.

“No, you mean something else. I know you do, tell me.” It’s do or die here, I’m going for it.

“Have you noticed that a lot of security breaches have occurred over the past few months?” This is probably a really bad idea. Evan has lost so many people in his life that were important to him and Mr. Saint has been with him forever but the nagging gut feeling I’ve been having isn’t going to go away unless I just ask and put it to rest. Deep frown lines form between his eyes and I’m concerned that I’ve stepped over an imaginary line.

“Mia, if you have something specific to tell me, say it now.” His words are steady and his tone familiar but there’s an underlining vibration of danger, of warning, of menace. Without thinking, I take a step away from him. I’ve always been comfortable talking about anything with Evan with the exception of his previous personality changing moments before his surgery. This is unfamiliar territory though and I’m not sure what to expect. He reaches for me but hesitates, dropping his hand to his side before he makes contact.

“Are you…are you afraid of me, Mia?” His voice is strangled with a mixture of disbelief and anger, my head spins trying to interpret his state of mind.

“No, well a little maybe. I just don’t want to overstep my boundaries.”

“Overstep. Now.” He barks and I inhale deeply before I begin to relay my theory.

“Well I was thinking the other day at Serena’s house that it was strange that Mr. Saint has been your head of security for, I don’t even know how long.”

“He has been with me since I was a child.” He interrupts and I rearrange my thoughts to go about this more carefully.

“Ok yes, of course, he’s been like a father figure to you. I understand and please don’t think I’m pointing fingers or laying blame. This is purely observation.” I raise my eyebrows tipping my chin down asking for confirmation to go on.

“Yes I see, continue.”

“Like I was saying, he has been with you a long time and sometimes when you get comfortable with someone it’s difficult to see the forest for the trees, for lack of a better description.” He looks like he’s going to stop me again but I hold out my hand to signal I’m not through yet and he closes his mouth crossing his arms over his chest in a show of disapproval.

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