Dark One Rising (5 page)

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Authors: Leandra Martin

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: Dark One Rising
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“These are people you have grown up with, Melenthia, people who have known you all your life.”

“They know you, father, and Kevaan. They refuse to know me, the real me. They don’t even like me.”

“That’s preposterous, Melenthia. Of course they like you. You’re their princess.”

“I know what people say about me. They may sing praises about me to you, but behind your back is a different matter.”

“Maybe if you would try to be more demure and princess-like, they would respect you more.”

“It’s not those people that I want or need to respect me, but those that live in this realm, those that look to us for protection and guidance.”

“We are dropping the subject, Melenthia. It’s your twenty-first birthday and you will not embarrass me by not attending your own party. I expect you to mingle and dance and talk.”

She had swallowed back another retort and suffered the week in silence. Only to Kevaan did she make her plight.

“This is the real reason you rode in from Charbonneau, to bully me into something he wants me to do. He knows I can’t say no to you.”

“I will not bully you. I will only ask nicely.”

“And if I still refuse?”

“I will try harder.”

She changed the subject. “He doesn’t understand me. He expects me to be someone I’m not, someone he wants me to be. I can’t pretend to be what I’m not. And I absolutely dread having to dance with some nobleman who will paw at me and expect me to giggle and bat my eyes at him. I don’t want to have any part of this!” She stamped her foot and scowled.

“Melenthia, I know you hate parties, but it’s something father wants to give you, to let you know how much he loves you. He wants to show you off as the beautiful and graceful lady we both see you as.”

“He cannot love me if he refuses to really know me, the real me.”

Kevaan kissed her on the forehead and smiled at her. “Just eat and dance a dance or two with a man of your choosing. Then when the festivities start going full steam, bail out and escape to your rooms. Everyone will be too drunk by then to notice.”

“Father will notice.”

“I’ll deal with father. Please, Melenthia, for me.” He hated himself for pushing her, knowing well that more bad news would follow this dreaded event, but he had promised his father he would make sure she attended. “Promise me an hour, two at the most. If anyone does anything you do not like, which I know is bound to happen, I will deal with them. I promise.”

She looked up at him, lips pursed, glaring at her sibling, the man she loved. She gave up. Her father was right, she could never say no to Kevaan.

“Oh, very well. I’ll do it only for you.”

“That’s my girl.” He kissed her forehead again. He stood from the bench he was sitting on beside her and glanced over his shoulder as he was walking away. “Wear the green velvet dress. It’s father’s favorite. You’ll have all the men eating out of your hand and all the women matching the color with envy.”

She grimaced and went into the keep behind him.

Now, here she was, dressed in the green velvet dress, with long gathered sleeves tied at the wrists, the skirt covered in pearl accents, just as Kevaan had suggested and watching men leer at her from afar. She had suffered through the receiving line, nodding and smiling congenially at all the pompous nobles who came to bring her good cheer on her special day. She knew they all thought the same thing. A twenty-one year old unmarried spinster. If her eyes could shoot arrows, everyone in the room would be dead.

She had promised her brother that she would give it an hour or two, and she had started counting down the minutes as soon as she entered the hall. Dinner was almost over and people would be taking to the dance floor soon. She frowned inside. She hated that the most. It was the perfect opportunity for the men to touch her inappropriately and whisper in her ear, without anyone the wiser. As soon as the remnants of the meal were cleared, she would try to slip out without anyone noticing.

She waited a half hour more, then as her father was having a conversation with an earl to his right, she slipped away. She was almost to the door when a hand grabbed her shoulder, not roughly, but firm. She turned to whoever was foiling her escape and looked up into the face of the Duke of Xenos. He was dressed in gray hosen, with a black leather sleeveless doublet and white ruffled shirt. He had black leather riding gloves tucked in his belt, and his black leather boots were polished. He smiled down at her in a charming way, but she knew better. She did not smile back and said nothing.

“Running off so soon, Your Highness. The festivities have only just begun.”

“I’m not feeling all that well, Your Grace. I feel I should lie down for a while.”

His smile turned to a sneer, his dark eyes piercing through her. “I’m sorry to hear that, Your Highness. Maybe all you require is a bit of soothing from a gentle hand.” He rubbed his fingers up her arm and then touched her cheek. A shiver went up her spine, but it was not from pleasure. She took a deep breath, calming herself. She knew all about him. He was callous and crass and quick to temper. He had plenty of mistresses, but none that kept him satisfied enough to marry. She knew he was looking, and she had heard his aim had been on her for some time. She refused to let him shake her.

“Tempting as that is, My Lord,” she answered pleasantly, “I believe sleep is all I require.”

“It’s impolite to leave your own party before well wishers have had time to celebrate you further with dances and toasts. Perhaps a drink or two would alleviate your ills, and you could find your strength once again to dance. I would be honored if you would permit me to lead you around the floor for a tune, or two.” He hooked her arm with his and tried to steer her back to the open floor of the hall. She pulled back. “I don’t wish to insult you, My Lord, but I don’t wish to dance with you, and I do not feel well enough even if I did.”

He leaned over so that he could get close enough to whisper in her ear. “There are some who think that you are just a tease. A woman who will lure men in with her charms and then push them away once they are ready to satisfy you. I think that you just haven’t had the touch of the right man yet. You will not be able to hide behind your skirts forever, Melenthia. Soon they will be pushed up and someone will have you, whether you want it or not. Teasing only causes men to get angry, and someone, one of these days, will take what they want. You have been unspoiled for too long. I imagine you are getting hot now, just by me talking about it.” He moved his hand between her legs, the layered skirts of her dress the only protection from his touch. He moved his other hand down her arm and slid it toward her waist. He swung it around her body and pulled her in to him and held tight so that she could not get away. “Can you feel it? I want you in the worst way. I’m already, just being next to you, starting to feel the heat rise in me. I could take you here and now if we were not in public. Maybe I should accompany you upstairs to your chamber and take away whatever ills you might be feeling. I think your fever is your desperate need to have a man satisfy you.”

She moved her free hand and slapped him. He backed away, but only a little, then grabbed her again by the arm, this time hurting her.

“Don’t tease me, Your Highness. I don’t like it.”

“You came on to me when I only wished to retire for the evening, by myself.”

He squeezed harder, pressing his leg up against her.

“Let go. You’re hurting me.”

“I will have you, Melenthia, one way or another. You can either give yourself willingly to me, or I will just take you. It’s your choice of course, but willingly will get you the least hurt.”

Kevaan glanced her way from across the room. He saw the look on her face and the one on Fallon’s. He excused himself from the conversation he was having and came over to her quickly, now trapped in the doorway by Fallon’s body. He placed a firm hand on Fallon’s shoulder and leaned in. “Is there something going on here I should know about?”

“No. This is a conversation between me and Melenthia. It doesn’t concern you, Kevaan.”

“It does if your conversation becomes threatening to my sister.”

“Do you feel threatened, Melenthia?” he asked her, giving her a warning glare and pressing his leg further against her.

“Just a bit uncomfortable, My Lord. I’m sure you mean no harm.”

Fallon released his pressure on her leg. “Of course not.” He looked at Kevaan. “See, Your Highness, she’s fine.”

Kevaan looked at his sister. She had an unreadable face, but he knew her too well. He asked her casually, if only to steer the conversation back to a less menacing tone. “Where are you off to, Melenthia?”

“I don’t feel very well this evening. I’m just a bit woozy. I’m sure it’s nothing. Probably from the excitement of the evening.”

“Well, why don’t you go upstairs and lie down. I’ll give father your apologies.”

“Thank you, Kevaan, I will do so. Good night.” She curtsied to Fallon. “Your Grace.”

Fallon let go of her completely and allowed her to pass, leering at her until she disappeared around the corner. He turned to Kevaan again, seething.

“Do not interfere in my business again, Kevaan.

“I will interfere again if you forget your manners a second time.”

“You cannot threaten me.”

“Not a threat, a warning. Where my sister is concerned, I will interfere all I like until you get the message that when she says no, she means no. You do anything to make her uncomfortable again, you will deal with me, and I’ll have more than just a warning next time.”

Fallon said nothing. He just glared at him and walked away. No one said no to him. He had his sights on Melenthia, and he would have her, by force if necessary. He didn’t think it would come to that, however. He had made steps toward achieving his goal. She would soon learn her place. Her curvaceous body and those full lips would soon be his, and he looked forward to it.


couple of hours later, Melenthia was sitting at her vanity, brushing her hair after taking a bath. A knock on the door made her stop, wondering if she should actually answer. She was afraid that maybe Fallon had come upstairs to seek her out, but then chided herself for being ridiculous. Kevaan would never let that happen.

“Who is it?”

“It’s Kevaan, Mel, let me in.”

She stood up, went to the door and unlatched it. He came in as she was sitting on the bed. He sat down next to her and tapped her playfully on the nose.

“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, Kevaan.”

“Did he hurt you?”

“My sensibilities maybe, but not physically, no.”

“Don’t lie to me, Melenthia.”

She sighed. “He did a bit, but I have experienced harder in the practice arena.”

“What did he say to you?”

“Things a sister should not repeat to her brother as it would embarrass him.”

“He should not have done or said anything that would insult your honor.”

“A nice gesture from a brother to his sister, nothing more. Men always think they have the right to take what they want whether it’s inappropriate or not. There’s no impropriety where men are concerned.”

“That’s not true of all men.”

“You are not all men, Kevaan. You have the last of the romantic, gentle hearts.”

“I should tell father.”

She snickered. “Tell him what, that his favored man came on to his daughter. He will not listen. I tried to tell him before, and he didn’t listen then either.”

“He needs to know that Fallon is a scoundrel, and he should not allow him near his only daughter.”

“Father sees only what he chooses to see. Fallon is a shrewd businessman who meticulously handles his estates. That’s the only thing that matters.”

“I’m sorry, Mel. I didn’t want you to have to deal with that on your birthday.”

“It’s just another day to remind me that I’m not married or betrothed or even have my sights set on some young nobleman. It’s just another day to remind me of my oddity.”

He looked at her with love. “I celebrate you. You are beautiful, smart and compassionate, and somewhere in that rough exterior is a woman with a heart of gold and a love for life. I see it in your eyes every time I look into them. You are special, Melenthia, that I know.”

She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

“I love you, Kevaan. You will always be the only man I ever love.”

“You will find another. In time.”

“Yes, but will it be too late by then? When will father decide that he will not wait anymore?”

He knew his father was already thinking about it, but he had promised to tell Kevaan first. He didn’t want Melenthia to worry, so he fibbed. “He would not make a decision of that importance without my council. Don’t worry.” He kissed her cheek again and stood to leave. “Sleep tight, sister. Maybe if you dream of the one you want, he’ll present himself.”

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