Dark Steel: A MC Romance Novel (11 page)

BOOK: Dark Steel: A MC Romance Novel
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The strawberry margarita was ice cold and tasted like summer. The sun beat down on my tanned skin as the sounds of the ocean crashed in the background. The view was absolutely incredible. The ocean went on for miles and met up with the horizon. The beach was completely deserted except for us. I never pictured myself living the high life. I lifted my sunglasses and looked over at Ryker.
My man.


Ryker lay on the beach chair next to me, his nose deep into a newspaper. His chiseled chest glistened in the sunlight. My thighs were still quivering from when we made love this morning. His body on top of me, thrusting in and out until finishing. I couldn't get enough of him and his thick cock. Just thinking about it brought a smile to my face.


“How is everything back home?” I asked softly. We had been on the run for months now and even though we were living in paradise, Ryker longed to go back home. His sense of duty to his MC was overriding any sort of fun that he could be having. Knowing that his brothers were in jail made the guilt unbearable. I wanted to be there for him but there wasn't anything I could do.


Ryker sighed and folded the newspaper. “That FBI Agent Swift is still on the lookout for us.”


I remembered when Ryker showed me the newspaper with my missing photo on it—a prom photo from high school. There were a couple quotes from Jenny about me being the “most incredible woman ever.” My stomach wrenched at the thought that Jenny probably believed I was hurt or dead. She didn't deserve that. A phone call to her could change all that but there was no way. The FBI probably had her cellphone tapped.


It didn't take the FBI long to connect the dots and link me to Ryker. The American media was fascinated with the hunt for us. The tabloids labeled us as Bonnie and Clyde, going around robbing banks and killing people. We weren't even in the U.S. anymore. The east coast of Mexico was our home now.


“What are we going to do?” I asked Ryker.


Ryker gazed towards the ocean. “We stay put. Once the media fervor dies down, the FBI will eventually give up the search. Then we can go back and figure out a plan to get my brothers out of prison. I just don't know when that will be.”


I lay back in the lounge chair and stared up at the clear blue sky, my black sunglasses protecting my eyes. Everything was perfect here. How could I ever leave? I looked back over at Ryker and wanted to feel his warmth again. He needed to keep his mind off things.


My mouth curled into a sly grin. I got out of my beach chair and crawled over to Ryker on all fours. His eyes were distracted by the ocean but I knew how to get his attention. I reached under his boardshorts and felt his limp penis.


“You didn't get enough this morning, baby?”


I shook my head innocently and stroked his cock until it was throbbing hard in my palm. Ryker closed his eyes and leaned back as I felt up his shaft. My finger-tips could barely reach around his entire girth. I pulled his boardshorts down until they rested around his knees, bringing his cock out into the light of day. The beach was still empty but even an audience wouldn't get me to stop.


Ryker tried to get up to kiss me but I placed my hand on his chest and shoved him back down. “No...no...no. Just relax and focus on my tits wrapped around your cock.” I guided Ryker's hands underneath my black bikini top and he felt up my breast, pinching my nipple hard. His tongue licked his lips, craving to taste me.


I untied my top and tossed it to the side. Ryker could barely contain himself as I stroked his rod. I shoved his cock in between the canyon of my tits, enveloping him. I gathered saliva in my mouth and spit down into my cleavage, lubing his cock as I slid up and down. Ryker reached out and grabbed my boobs, pushing them hard around his shaft. He thrust in and out, moaning at the top of his lungs. He couldn't last much longer.


“Come all over me,” I whispered.


Ryker found his release and unloaded all over my chest, his white seed spurting out. I helped him along, running my tits up and down his cock. His cum covered every inch of my breasts, running down my cleavage and to my stomach. I released Ryker and he fell back on the lounge chair.


I used my rainbow-colored beach towel and cleaned myself up before it all dried on me. I lay next to Ryker on his beach chair and rested my head on his chest. His breathing was fast and his heart pounded in my ear. I felt so safe in his arms. There wasn't anywhere else I wanted to be.


















Copyright 2015 Olivia Jones


All Rights Reserved.


Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.


No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.




To Hell With Her...





I'm a doctor and my job is to save people. My life is way too busy for men.


When the hot-as-hell outlaw, Tanner, lands on my operating table, I'm bound by my oath to save him.


I can't stand his cocky attitude and arrogant charm. He believes he's God's gift to women. All I can do is roll my eyes and refuse his advances.


Trouble follows him wherever he rides and I can't get involved—but the blazing fire behind his eyes, his hard body against mine…






My only love is the road and women are just pit stops.


I wake up in the hospital after another bar fight and she's standing over me—tall, busty, and begging to be touched.


But she thinks her degree makes her better than me. To hell with her.


My MC is my life and my brothers always come first. So why the f**k am I letting Grace get so close?



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Read to the end for a special surprise!













Chapter One




My fingers danced around the rim of the shot glass. I lifted it up to eye level and swirled the alcohol around. The shot of Jameson burned as it ran down my throat, warming my insides. I slammed the glass down on the bar and waved the bartender over.


Randy and I had known each other since we were boys. I remembered us playing cops and robbers in the trailer park, the old people yelling at us to keep it down. Those were carefree days. Now Randy owned the Stinky Goat and I joined the Black Widow MC. It's weird how things turned out.


“Want another, Tanner?” Randy grunted, wiping the bar with a white towel.


I nodded and watched as he poured me another shot of whiskey. I nursed this one slowly, taking a few sips at a time. My head was already fuzzy and the room was spinning. Soon enough I'd be in the restroom puking my guts out into the nasty toilet.


“Anymore and you won't be able to drive home,” Randy said.


I grinned stupidly. “I think we passed that point a long time ago.” Randy left the bottle of whiskey next to me and I filled my glass again.


“Who looks good tonight?”


I looked over to find Caleb sitting next to me at the bar. I wasn't sure if he'd been sitting there the entire time or not. He wore the same leather cut as me with a big black widow spider on the back. He ran his hand through his shoulder-length blond hair and scratched the stubble hugging his chin. Caleb was the Vice President of the motorcycle club and he was the one that pushed me to become a prospect. Now I was a full-fledged member and there was no turning back.


I looked around the room at all the chicks. It was Friday night and the bar was almost half-full. The Stinky Goat had become a become a popular hangout over the years for outlaws and degenerates. Randy wasn't entirely pleased by the type of customers but he loved the cash it brought in. I scanned through the crowd and recognized most of the women—that meant I'd slept with each and every one at least once or twice. I glanced back at Caleb. “Looks a little boring tonight.”


“How about that one?” Caleb pointed over my shoulder. My eyes followed his finger and landed on a brunette with tattoo sleeves.


“Been there already—twice.” I took another sip of whiskey and let the alcohol relax me.


“And that one?”


“She likes to call me Daddy in bed.”


Caleb chuckled and seemed impressed. I could get any girl I wanted. It just came naturally to me. I had the uncanny ability to get panties to drop to the floor. I've been neck deep in women ever since.


Caleb put his hand on my shoulder. “Okay hot stuff, how about that looker over there?”


I gazed over and locked eyes with a curly red head I'd never seen before. Her large tits were falling out of her under-sized bra and her short shorts stopped right at the bottom of her ass cheeks. She held a pool cue in her hands and bent over to take a shot. The view was glorious. I'd definitely remember if I fucked her before.


“Now Caleb, that is one chick I've never had.”


Caleb slapped me on the back. “Go get em' champ.”


I lifted my butt off the bar stool and had to hold onto Caleb to steady myself. My stomach was turning over and over again and it took all the willpower in the world to keep myself from throwing up. I took a deep breath and waited for the nausea to pass. I swaggered over behind the girl and slipped my hands around her waist.


“How about you come home with me and I'll show you what heaven looks like.”


She turned around and flushed, her chest heaving up and down. My pants tightened as my erection stiffened. This chick was smoking hot. Tonight was going to be fun.


A voice came from behind me. “Get your hands off my girl, motherfucker.”


Me? A motherfucker?
Nobody talks to me that way.


My hands left the girl's waist and I clenched my right fist. I spun around, swinging my elbow in the air until it connected with the man's face—except he stopped me. The whiskey must have made me slow, because next thing I know I'm on the ground and his fists are pummeling my head. I tried to block as many of the blows as I could. Good thing about alcohol is that the more you drink, the less pain you feel.


I gathered myself and threw the attacker off me, slamming him into a table. Glasses of beer fell to the ground and shattered. A crowd had formed around us they were all cheering. Everyone loves a good bar fight. The MC had taken notice and they were taking bets. I better get a cut of the money after I smashed this little guy into the ground.


I stood up and wiped blood from my lips. This guy was going to pay. The girl we were fighting over looked right at me and gave me those doe eyes. A new fuel powered me. I swung right and left, hitting him over and over again in the jaw. My knuckles became bloodied and broken. I wouldn't be able to take much more.


Caleb threw me a beer bottle and I smashed it over his head, sending broken pieces of glass flying. The man doubled over and fell to his knees. I used the opportunity to spit blood onto his head before ramming my knee into his face, knocking him on his back. I raised my hands over my head like a boxer winning the title.


I didn't even notice him grab a piece of the broken bottle.


Sharp, scolding pain hit my side and I screamed. I looked behind to find the boyfriend stabbing me again in the back. Another spike of pain and blood leaked out of me everywhere. My rage was uncontrollable. I swung around and broke the man's nose. The crunch was clearly heard throughout the bar. My vision was getting blurry and I was able to get one more punch in—dislocating his jaw. I fell to the ground, my own blood staining my white wife-beater. My MC came flying in, kicking and spitting on the boyfriend.


Randy bent down over me and whispered into my ear but I couldn't hear a thing. Everything went black.

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