Dark Summoner (Relic Keeper Series Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Dark Summoner (Relic Keeper Series Book 1)
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t was all gone. The life I had planned for myself a thousand times over in my head. Finish school, fall in love, travel, and maybe even have children. All ripped from me in a single sentence like the blade of a guillotine by a man who was supposedly the other half of my soul. I wasn’t ready to let it all go and had to find a way out of this—or around it. But for the meantime, I’d have to find a way to deal with the Dark Summoner and stay alive.

Kieron’s men had escorted me from Daegus’s place without a word. Their master hadn’t joined us on our return to his estate, far too busy with other dealings to be bothered. I’d expected us to teleport or for them to cast a spell and we’d magically appear in Kieron’s estate, but instead we traveled the old-fashioned way—by car. Of course it wasn’t just any car, but a midnight black Range Rover. At least they’d had the decency to travel in style and luxury. I stared up through the enormous panoramic sunroof. The night sky above the First Realm glittered with hope and possibility, but not my life. Could I trust any of these people?

I missed Reagan. Whatever anger I’d had before had dissolved as my life became more and more unrecognizable. Since she was a
and they worked for the Dark Summoner, I hoped with all my heart I’d see her again soon.

The car bumped and vibrated as the road became uneven. When our long drive came to a stop, the passenger door opened and the chilly night air blasted my face. It was brutally refreshing and exactly what I needed. I leapt out of the car, my feet hitting the gravel as the boyishly handsome guard, the surfer one, took my bicep.

“Let’s go,” he said, as the three of them herded me toward the house.

We were up on a hillside somewhere deep into the First Realm. Large homes spread out on the other hills below this one, their lights as small as ants in the distance. Kieron’s estate was a dark, gothic fortress. Grave and ominous, it towered at least three stories. Deep gray stones covered the exterior, broken by long narrow windows. Beyond the rock path, there was grass, gardens, and enormous trees that followed down the endless hills and a wrought iron gate that surrounded the property in every direction.

A fourth man stood guard just outside the entrance. His bulky arms crossed over his chest as we approached. “The study.” It was all he needed to say for the others to know exactly what he meant.

The moment we crossed through the heavy oak doors, the soothing scent of fire and cooking herbs welcomed me, and my stomach growled in response. Heat rushed us like a soft blanket, and I couldn’t believe how warm and inviting this place was. I found myself—comfortable.

Two grand wooden staircases opened up at the base of the entryway and led to a second level. Overhead, wooden beams and gothic iron chandeliers adorned the cathedral ceiling. Elegant candles flickered from each iron post, creating a beautiful circle of flames. My shoes padded between smooth cedar floors and thick Persian rugs that decorated the corridor. Deep tans covered the walls separated by sconces and medieval paintings. When we weaved down a final hallway, the man with a goatee knocked briefly before opening the door and held it wide for me as I entered, the others in tow behind me.

The wild blaze of the fireplace offered the only light in the darkness that filled Kieron’s private office. When the flames flashed, I caught several glimpses of books lining the walls and four large, leather armchairs spread throughout. I didn’t understand why they’d brought me to this room. A surge of power engulfed the air, the force so potent I almost doubled over. I held onto the nearest object I could. Abruptly, the pressure toned down to a tolerable level, and I could stand on my own again.

He was here. The unmistakable hum of his presence vibrated through my bones, causing my awareness to heighten. His magnetic, electric power continued to stroke me, but now it was slow and sensual, pain and pleasure wrapped into a single touch, a touch that could destroy a woman, body and soul.

“Sit down, Ms. Davenport,” he said from somewhere in the shadows. I still couldn’t see him, but I could sense him everywhere.

A thrill of excitement shot through me at the sound of his voice. If he really could get rid of the magic that tied us together, the sooner the better. Yeah, right.

I took a seat on the edge of the nearest chair, too anxious and uncomfortable to relax.

“It seems that you’re in need of some clarification. Let me make one thing clear. You belong to me. Whether you like it not, your life is in my hands.”

A part of me I didn’t care to acknowledge loved the idea of belonging to him and was desperate for him to claim me, until the reality of his tone set in. He wasn’t being romantic or sexual. He was telling me that I belonged to him as in his property.

I didn’t know to respond so instead I stared down toward the flames as they flickered and danced. I didn’t have to look up to know that he watched me. He hadn’t stopped looking at me since he’d first spoken. His cloudy gray eyes inspected every part of me.

“This isn’t all bad for you,” he said after a few minutes of silence.

How the hell did he expect me to respond to that? Did he actually think I’d be grateful?

“Oh, yeah? And how’s that?” I crossed my arms tightly over my chest. “I’ve had my entire life turned upside down and ripped from my hands. There’s a bunch of crazy monsters trying to kill me—for some even crazier witch—who wants me dead ASAP, and you’re telling me that there’s something good to all of this?”

“Your presence will bring us both strength. Together we are quite powerful.”

I shook my head. “I don’t want power. I want this all to end and for me to go back to my life. You know? The thing I was doing before you guys ruined it.”

“We can’t avoid this unfortunate bond that ties us together, Ms. Davenport. But there are other benefits to this situation. Benefits that you’d find most pleasing.”

The way he said pleasing sent a wave of hot fervent desire to my core. Every instinct inside of me wanted to take full advantage of those benefits, but the rational side of my brain was angry and screaming curse words at the hormonal side of me.

“I’m not going to have sex with you.” I’d meant the words to come out strong and determined, but instead they were filled with heat and longing.

A twisted smile played on his full, sensual lips. “I wasn’t speaking of sex, Ms. Davenport.”

My skin flushed red as I realized that he’d meant something different.

“I just—”

“My bed is more than full.”

Thanks for letting me know. Irrational jealousy tore through me and I was furious. “What happens when you get the hourglass and I’ve got the Relic?”

“Then our arrangement is complete.”

“So then you’ll just throw me out?”

“I’m sure by that time other arrangements will have been made. For now, consider yourself my guest.”

“And this being
? What about that?”

“As I’ve said before, I will remedy that problem.”

I felt like an arrow had pierced through my heart and into my soul. He would remedy it. That was supposed to be a good thing, for both of us, and yet hearing him say it caused a deep ache inside of me. Every part of me screamed in horror at the idea of ending our connection, while my mind tried to understand how I could be so attached to someone who was a complete stranger.

“What were you doing in the club the night I was there?”

“My motivations are not pertinent.”

“I think I have the right to know.”

“You have no comprehension of your circumstances.”

“So then, why don’t you enlighten me?” I said.

His index finger tapped methodically against his glass as watched me. “Everything in good time.”

“Sounds like I’m more of a prisoner than a guest.”

“I don’t take prisoners, Ms. Davenport. They’re a waste of my time.”

I tried to think of anything I could to hang over his head. “I doubt the Council would appreciate the way you’re treating me.”

His face was suddenly very dark. “The Council is only concerned with their continued reign over the realm. They only need you alive and doing as they say. Your comfort, your happiness, is irrelevant to them.”

Doubt crept through my mind. Was that true? God, I hoped not.

“You know what? I’m done talking to you. I want to go. Now.” I stood up from my chair. “So send me to the dungeon or wherever the hell you plan on keeping me. But send me now.” At this point, I’d take anywhere except being near him. I had too many conflicting emotions, especially when he was around.

Laughter rumbled through his chest. “You are in no position to be making demands.”

“And you are an asshole.”

He looked mildly entertained by my outburst, the corners of his mouth lifted into a wicked smile, but something in his eyes held a new respect. His gaze shifted from my eyes to my lips, leisurely traveling up and down my body. He rested briefly on the rise and fall of my breasts as my breath quickened.

Out of nowhere, the image of his half-naked body standing in front of the fire flashed in my mind, and my mouth watered. Seeing him again like that did strange things to me. Things I was afraid to admit out loud. I shook my head. The man was dangerous, an evil monster who enjoyed toying with people. He desired nothing more than to use me.

He rose from his chair. “As entertaining as this all has been, I have other plans for the rest of the evening.” He nudged his head toward the door, dismissing me like a child. My blood boiled as an irrational bout of anger flowed through me. If I had thought about my self-preservation, I probably would have kept my mouth closed, but the crazy woman deep inside of me never knew when to shut up.

“Dorian was right. You are nothing but a selfish, heartless bastard.”

He raised his glass and took a sip, never taking his focus off of me. “You shouldn’t be so quick to give away your trust, Ms. Davenport. The devil is often the most charming man in the room.”

Seething with anger, I gave him my back, desperate to leave before the tears of frustration broke free. With impossible speed, he appeared directly in front of me, blocking my exit. I didn’t understand him at all. One minute he wanted me gone, the next he blocked my path. Maybe both of our emotions were conflicted.

I couldn’t bear to look up see the mockery on his face. I intended to get as far away as possible, but a vision halted me. My eyelids fluttered rapidly, and the white fog surfaced.

His fingers dig into my skin as he grips my bare hips, thrusting me onto the cool marble counter. Several glasses shatter onto the floor below us, but we don’t care, consumed by the undeniable craving we have for one another. I straddle him, my dress bunched up around my waist, leaving only a small piece of silk between him and my desire.

My mind and body rage a war with one another, but it’s useless, futile. I give in.

He grabs the back of my neck and holds my gaze, our eyes locked in a battle of fury and passion. He wants me to remember this moment. To know that he’s the only one who can bring me to lust like this. His tongue slowly eases out of his mouth, grazing the center of his bottom lip. Uncontrollable longing tears through me as I yearn for him to devour me, to have him glide down every inch of my body until I can’t take anymore.

I don’t speak. I don’t ask for what I want. Words would take me out of this moment, breaking the hunger that’s led me here.

Inside, I scream for his touch. His powerful hands pull me forward and his mouth roughly captures me in a deep kiss. His lips skillfully work against mine. Hot and hungry, his tongue demands entrance. Only when he touches me like this am I truly alive. He presses his body tightly against mine, and I moan in ecstasy at the feel of his firm muscles. I’m ravenous; I’ve wanted this for so long. Needed this. I want him to consume me, to mark me with his body until he is engraved deep into my bones.

He eases the delicate straps of my dress off my shoulders, his gentleness unexpected and alarming. Fear breaks into my passion, afraid that when this ends, I’ll have no way back.

He senses my apprehension and erases it with his fingers as they find their way to the soft space between my legs, rubbing and coaxing me to let go. He increases his pace, harder and faster as I arch my back in pleasure.

The vision faded as I returned shakily to the present, flustered by the intensity of what I’d experienced. I tried to still myself as I stood there, opposite the man from my visions. Neither of us spoke or moved. One slight shift of my body, and we’d be touching. I hated myself for how desperately I wanted to close those last few spaces and caress him. I’d always been judgmental of people who were so easily manipulated by desire, casting their convictions and beliefs in a whim for the chance to taste the flesh they so eagerly craved. I’d thought they were weak, shallow—pathetic. But the truth was I had no idea what that kind of desire—that kind of draw—could do to a person. Not until now.

My entire body hummed from his proximity as his flesh beckoned to me in ways I’d never experienced before. His muscular-defined body was the epitome of a hunter. He smelled of fire and the clear winter’s night, intoxicating and addictive, and it scared the hell out of me. Infernal heat radiated from his flesh, burning into me from every direction.

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