Read Dark War Chronicles Box Set One Online

Authors: A. L. Kessler

Tags: #vampires, #werewolves, #shifters, #Magic, #demons, #dark fantasy

Dark War Chronicles Box Set One (70 page)

BOOK: Dark War Chronicles Box Set One
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The line went dead and Kaden sighed. No one was willing to give him answers about Tegan and it was starting to piss him off. She was his mate, shouldn’t he be entitled to answers or something? He reached for his jacket when a demon portal popped opened next to him and his sister stepped out.

“Seriously Cael, I’ve seen you more in the last week than I have in five hundred years. I’m not returning home, your mate can kiss my ass, I like where my head is.”

“Oh brother, how naive you are. I’m coming to warn you.” She stretched her arms out. “Aristides believes that you are a threat to his treaty with the Circle and he’s out to bring you home dead or alive. You have a price on your head now.”

“What the fuck?” He snarled. “I’m not attached to his stupid crown! Hell, I gave it to him when I decapitated the king. I’m not claiming that demons ally with Lucius. It’s just me.”

“He doesn’t see it that way and he’s willing to do anything he can to bring you back.” She put a hand on his arm. “He knows about the woman, the white haired one.”

Tegan. Kaden tensed under her touch. “You tell him to do his worst.” Aristides had never seen how a true mate reacts when one is threatened. He wasn’t worried about Tegan, Lucius had her so guarded that nothing was going to touch her again.


“No, Cael, I made my peace long ago with being an outcast. I love you sis, but I’m not returning, especially if the demons are tying themselves to the Circle.” Not after what they did to his mate. No. All he wanted to do right now was to go to Tegan and wrap her in his arms to make sure she was safe. He needed her to be safe.

She pulled him into a hug. “I hope you know what you are doing.”

So did he. “I’ll be fine. Now go back before he realizes that you keep coming to visit me.” He smiled and watched as she disappeared through the portal.

He summoned his own portal and took himself to right outside of Tegan’s room and knocked on the partially opened door. 

She swung the door open and the first thing he noticed was that her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks splotchy. “You’ve been crying.”

With a nod she stepped to the side. “I didn’t think you’d come.”

“And you’re crying over that? It doesn’t seem much like you.” He cupped her cheek and wiped a stray tear away. “Tegan, what’s wrong?”

She took a deep, shaking breath. “Markus is coming tonight and the pain in my head has done nothing but increase. I don’t want him to take me away.”

He frowned. She shouldn’t fear any of this, Markus should have no right to take her away, yet... “Why do you think that?”

“I admitted to him what I am and that means he’s within his right to take me in order to raise the Father.”

“The super scary vampire from your dream?”

She nodded and he pulled her into a hug. Kissing her head and stroking her hair he tried to think of something, anything to say to comfort her. All he could think of was how warm she was in his arms. How he savored the smell of Tegan and how perfect it felt to have his arms wrapped around her. When he pulled away she leaned up and kissed him. It took him a moment to not fight against her, but in the end he used his tongue to part her lips and she shoved him towards the bed.

He pulled back, “Tegan?”

“Don’t question it.” She smiled.

Throwing caution to the wind he pulled her against his chest and captured her lips.

Lucius leaned back in the chair and watched Zaaren digest all the information. Lucius told him everything from Tegan’s first torture to how he’d gotten the territory to recent events. Ending with Tegan’s missing memories.

“All of them?” Zaaren spoke finally. “And the stone?” Zaaren asked.

“Lost when this all started. Someone entered her mind and forced her to send it away.” Of course Lucius hadn’t told Tegan about the stone again. They had received it after the first time Markus tortured her. She didn’t remember it and didn’t need the guilt about how it was lost. He refused to put her through that again.

Zaaren growled. “Three hundred years of memories, a vampire messed with her mind before this, and you are allowing Kaden to guard her. We agreed that mating was not what she needed.”

And at the time it wasn’t, though now Lucius wasn’t so sure. With everything going on, he questioned if he and Zaaren made the right choice all those centuries ago. “Kaden has more concern for her well being than most because of the mating.”

“Mates are nothing but weaknesses. She will begin to act rash with him near, even if she doesn’t understand why.”

Lucius nodded. “But with me near, I can keep her under control. Kaden doesn’t push things with her and honestly it’s helped with her panic.”

“I can undo the memory loss, but I’m not sure if I can keep her memories of when she first met Kaden hidden. That might cause problems with us.” Zaaren steepled his hands. “Though, once the memories of her recent torture come back we might have bigger problems to deal with.”

“We already know she admitted to Markus about being a Blood Human, but we don’t know what he did with the information.” Lucius closed his eyes and sighed. “I would spare her all of this if I could.”

“We both would.” Zaaren stood and paced. “I can’t sense if the Father is awake or not, with him being my maker I should be able to.”

“But you are strong enough to block Markus from feeling you, so what makes you think that the Father isn’t?” Lucius snorted. “Things are becoming too complicated, it won’t be long until the normal human population learns about us and the government won’t be able to keep it hidden.”

“Which is what we need, it forces us to follow human rules and I thought that you were setting that up.” Zaaren stopped. “Or have you forgotten our goal?”

Lucius shook his head. “I haven’t forgotten and I have a killer who helps with it all, but she’s out of commission for the moment and honestly, I’m just one territory. Our plan is going to take a whole lot more than that.”

“We’ll work on that as the others wake. Right now we need to focus on this and keeping Tegan safe from Markus. If he knows what she is there is no doubt he’ll try to take her to raise the Father.”

Panic settled in Lucius’ stomach. “We won’t let that happen. He is not within his right to take her. He tortured her for that information, it’s breaking rules.”

“The Circle has never cared if their members followed the rules or not.” Zaaren shook his head. “But I am supporting your territory, that will make him think twice.”

Lucius nodded. “We need to go get Tegan before Markus arrives. We need to make a show of power. If Kaden is still here I will have him stand with us.” He needed to check and see if Kassity and Jaxon were willing and Coran and Renee also. “But first, I need to call my other people.”


Lucius chuckled and pulled out his hated phone. “You’ll learn all about that technology I am sure.”

“Do what you must, I’m going to explore the territory.” The vampire disappeared and Lucius instantly relaxed. Zaaren, though never having proven it, was powerful and Lucius was never at ease around him. Especially with how protective Zaaren was over Tegan. His overprotectiveness pushed the woman to sneak out of the house the night Markus took her the first time. Once Tegan returned to herself, Zaaren was in for a surprise.

Warmth spread through Tegan as her tongue warred with Kaden’s. A rush of panic and passion jumped to the surface. She couldn’t remember if she’d been with him before, but her heart knew this was right. She ran her hands under his shirt, her fingers dancing over his taut muscles, before she broke the kiss and pulled his shirt over his head.


She put a finger to his lips. “I want this. I promise.” She’d worry about the consequences later, right now she needed him, in every possible way. He nodded and pulled her shirt over her head. He didn’t hesitate when he took her bra off and pushed her towards the bed. She fell onto her back, glad to feel that the wounds were healed enough for this.

His hot mouth found her breasts and her back arched. He carefully placed a fury of kisses and licks, no hint of teeth. Her nipples puckered for him and he sucked on one, drawing a moan from her lips. Moisture grew between her legs as he continued his assault. She found his belt and undid it followed by the button and zipper of his jeans. He wiggled as she pushed them down and they landed on the floor with a soft thud. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close. With a deep breath she realized that he smelled warm and of something sweet, but the scent was familiar to her. His arms wrapped around her, skin against skin, nothing being hidden made a familiar feeling crawl through her, something she couldn’t place.

He pulled away from her before she could dwell on the missing memory and pulled her pants off her, hooking his thumbs into the sides of her thong he grinned. His eyes held a light she hadn’t seen before almost as if he’d just unwrapped the best present. In an instant that look turned to hunger for her. “Tegan, you are beautiful.” He pulled her thong down and kissed up her stomach and between her breasts.

She arched to his kisses and snaked a hand between them, wrapping her fingers around his cock and stroking. He used his arms to lift himself over her, she paused for a moment and placed her hand over a scar on his chest; she had a matching one on her hip.

“It’s a mark from fate,” he whispered as if reading her mind. “It marks us as mates.”

Something in her knew this. She traced the lines and a far off memory tried to surface. Kaden kissed her. “Don’t dwell on it, not right now.” His hand went between her legs and he stroked his finger over the delicate bud there. She shivered. With a thrust his cock replaced his finger and he entered her and she cried out.

He found a rhythm moving in and out of her. Tegan lifted her hips to meet his motions. His lips traced over her neck and shoulder then back up again, leaving heat in their wake. Pleasure built within her, threatening to spill over with Kaden’s every move.

He picked up in speed and she threaded her hands through his hair. Bliss spilt over her as the pressure became too much, but her cry was swallowed by Kaden’s kiss. With a final thrust she felt his hot seed shoot into her as her muscles clenched around him trying to draw all his pleasure into her.

Panting, he collapsed next to her with a smile and she curled up and laid her head on his shoulder. Mate or not, this felt right.

They laid together merely listening to each other’s heartbeats. Tegan couldn’t imagine being anywhere else in the world. Wrapped in his arms, her head on his chest. Perfect. Her heart ached to think that Markus could take her way from this tonight. She knew she shouldn’t have felt this way about Kaden...and yet it was as if it was meant to be.

“We should take a shower before Lucius comes to get me.” She bit her lip. “He’s going to know what we did the moment he walks in.”

“You shouldn’t be ashamed of it, Tegan.” His voice was gentle and he cupped her cheek.

She nuzzled his hand. “I’m not ashamed, but I’m worried about what he will do to you.”

She kissed him quickly then they went to her bathroom. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. What had she been thinking? Though everything felt right she knew sleeping with him would put him in danger.

She turned on the hot water and stepped under. When Kaden had joined her in her room she knew exactly what she’d been thinking: if Markus was here to take her away then she wanted to spend her last happy moments in Kaden’s arms. She brushed the strange shaped scar on her hip and remembered the one on his chest. With a happy sigh she started to wash herself.

Chapter Seven

Lucius knocked cautiously on Kassity’s and Jaxon’s door. He’d called Coran, who was on his way with Renee, and now he needed to approach the panthers.

“Go away Lucius.” Jaxon’s voice snarled. “She’s sleeping.”

Lucius cleared his throat. “It’s been almost three weeks, she should be up to shifting now.”

The door cracked opened and Jaxon peered out. “She’s just now feeling her panther again. The queen injured her pretty bad, whatever you need can wait.”

Lucius tried to understand, but with Markus coming it would do well to have his killer at his side. “Markus is coming tonight, I need all the power I can get.”

“And showing him how weak Kass is right now is a smart idea how?” Jaxon snapped. “Get your head on straight Lucius, what you need is a meeting with you, Markus and Tegan. He wants to see how he’s affected you.”

Lucius wasn’t aware Jaxon knew Tegan had returned, but the cat had a point.

He continued without prompting. “Markus wants to see you surround yourself with power. Prove to him that you are powerful and able to stand on your own.”

He hadn’t thought about it that way. It was rare for the panther to show such good judgment when it came to vampire politics. He bowed his head. “Thank you, tell Kassity to rest up.”

“She’s trying Lucius, it’s only been a few weeks.” He shut the door.

Lucius pulled his phone out again and called Coran. With a few words, he’d convince the wolf to turn around. Now for Tegan, hopefully she’d be ready for this. He walked out of the Lycan hall and into the hall that held her room. He noticed the door was all the way shut.

Before he knocked on the door a scent hit his nose. Sex. Snarling he shoved opened the door to find Tegan in her oversized chair in a black dress, her legs tucked under her, reading a book. Kaden was leaned against the wall, his arms crossed.

“You slept with her.” Lucius rushed to Kaden, but Tegan stepped in his way.

“Don’t you touch him.” There was a demand to her voice that he’d never heard. “It wasn’t his idea, it was mine.”

Lucius took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. “I do not have time to deal with this right now, but I will be dealing with it. He knows the rules, you are off limits, you are not allowed to mate.” Zaaren was right, Tegan was acting rash and her sense of judgment had disappeared. “Now is not the time to think of sex, Tegan. Markus will be here soon and I do not need you distracted.”

“I’m not distracted, I know what’s at stake tonight. I wanted...” She growled and shook her head. “Never mind. Just blind me and let’s get this over with.”

BOOK: Dark War Chronicles Box Set One
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