Darkyn's Mate (#3, Rhyn Eternal)

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Authors: Lizzy Ford

Tags: #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #demons, #fantasy romance, #contemporary fantasy, #immortals, #paranormal series, #romance series, #rhyn

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Darkyn’s Mate

#3, Rhyn Eternal



By Lizzy Ford





Cover design by PhatPuppy




Smashwords EDITION



copyright ©2013 by Lizzy




Cover design copyright © 2013
by PhatPuppy Creations



Typography Copyright © by Regina,
Mae I Design




All rights reserved.


No part of this book may be
reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means
including information storage and retrieval systems, without
permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a
reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a



This novel is a work of fiction. Any references
to historical events; to real people, living or dead; or to real
locales are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality
and authenticity. Names, characters, places and incidents either
are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously
and their resemblance, if any, to real-life counterparts is
entirely coincidental.





From “Gabriel’s Hope”


Suddenly, Past-Death’s words about how
Deidre became Gabriel’s mate clicked. Would the reverse also work?
If Past-Death was dead again, was Deidre next in line to be
Gabriel’s mate?

Deidre faced the door, mind working

“Wait!” she called. “Your soul. If you can’t
do what I did in a week, I get your soul.”

“Fuck off, human.”

“Who’s the coward now?” Deidre demanded.
“You’re incapable of loving him the way he deserves, and you know

Past-Death froze at the door. Her face was
red, her eyes glittering. “You will wager your soul as well?”

“Yep,” Deidre said. “Deal?” She held out her
hand and drew near. “One week. Your soul and mine on the

Past-Death shook her hand. Cold energy shot
through Deidre, and she flinched. The door opened, and they both
looked towards it.

“Which one of you is mine?” Darkyn’s growl
made her blood run cold.

“As I promised. My payment for your
services.” Past-Death snatched Deidre’s arm and yanked her to the
side for him to see the tattoo.

The demon lord smiled. Past-Death pushed
Deidre towards him.

Deidre dug in her heels before she reached
him. The heat of her anger vanished, replaced by fear.

“Deal settled,” Darkyn said, stepping aside.
“With regards to our arrangement about reviving you…”

“We’ll talk later,” Past-Death said and
brushed by him.

Darkyn watched her go. Deidre saw the look
on his face, the same one Past-Death gave her when admiring the
product she created. His attention returned to Deidre. His fangs
were lengthening. She backed away, unable to fathom the idea of
being trapped with him in Hell for eternity.

“Rules,” he reminded her and entered the
chamber. He closed the door behind him.

“No running. No fighting.”

You must obey him, no matter how much you do
not wish to. Your life is not the only one dependent upon this.

She stopped in place as Fate’s words
returned her. Unable to quell the panic flying through her, she
wasn’t willing to test the waters to discover if demons were
restricted from harming their mates like Immortals. In a week, when
Past-Death lost her end of the bet, Deidre would be free.

She just had to survive.

Deidre closed her eyes as Darkyn’s arm
snaked out to grab her neck. He dragged her against him. Breathing
ragged, she tilted her head in submission.

One week.

“Welcome to your new home, love,” the Dark
One said a moment before his teeth sank into her neck.

For Gabriel.


Day One



Chapter One


In Hell, human-Deidre sat next to the hearth
hours after she made the deal with the goddess who stranded her.
She hadn’t seen her new mate, Darkyn – the Dark One – since he
drank his fill of her hours before and left. Her lightheadedness
was gone and she was grateful his bloodsucking was pain free. Not
by his choice, which was clear. If she hadn’t bartered for a
painless existence, she’d be trying to kill herself to get away
from him.

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