Authors: Susan Worley-Bean

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“Hey, they said casual and tropical, didn’t they?”

The chair between Lynda and Jillian was vacant. Lynda was wondering who was going to sit there.

RJ was looking around the room as if searching for something. “Gary, why don’t you see if you can get a waiter over here for another round of drinks?” Following his boss’s request, Gary stood up, looked around, and saw Jack Morgan. He went over to him and said a few words, then returned to the table. Jack Morgan, with a stern glance toward Table 77, motioned to a steward.

“Taken care of. Morgan said if you want another drink, come get it yourself.”

Almost beating Gary back to the table, a steward was taking the group’s drink order: rum coolers for the ladies and for the gentlemen double Jacks straight.

Jack Morgan arrived at Table 77 prior to the house lights dimming, “Nice to see you again, Lynda.”

Lynda nodded, pleased to have him sitting next to her.

Jillian looked around to see who she could see. Sitting at Jack and Donna’s table were Mark and Bev Morrison, along with the hockey player, Trent Jacobs, and his wife. It was obvious that Donna was not thrilled that they weren’t placed with some mega star. They caught her glance. Mark and Bev smiled to her, as they knew the cat was out of the bag. “Oh, no. Looks like Bev’s getting up to come over,” she thought.

The room turned dark. Thank goodness! Jillian thought. A bright spotlight searched around the room. When light focused on center stage, an announcer’s voice said, “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Tournament Hosts, Clint Black and his lovely wife, Lisa Hartman-Black.” The crowd was wild with applause.

Clint Black smiled, “Thank you. Thank you all for attending. We have great news. Tomorrow’s benefit performance’s been sold out. This exceptional entertainer has packed the house for yet another time. He needs no introduction. Lisa and I are pleased to welcome Robert John Montgomery.” The audience’s response was so overwhelming, the spotlight spun around the room as if searching for RJ. From behind a dark-dressed man crept up to Gary’s left side and handed him a cordless microphone. Gary handed it to RJ. When the light finally stopped at their table, everyone was illuminated.

Robert John Montgomery stood and waved, “Wow! Thank you. You sure do know how to welcome a country boy. I hope to see all of you tomorrow night. Hey you guys…tomorrow please take pity on me and let’s try not to bury me too bad on the course, like you did today.”

The audience laughed.

“Thank you, and please remember why we’re all here. Your deep pockets dip in and help this worthy cause. I did, so all bets for tomorrow are off.”

The audience again laughed.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a great evening.”

The applause started again. When he sat down, he leaned over and gave Jillie a quick kiss and the
. Embarrassed, Jillian looked over to Lynda and Emma, who both smiled and winked at her. She glanced over to Rick and Donna’s table, who were watching everyone at her table, and quickly looked away.

After dinner and dessert Table 77, Robert John Montgomery said, “Let’s move upstairs and we’ll all have an aperitif.” All at their table moved out of the showroom leaving almost undetected.

After the ooh’s and aah’s over the view from the Star Suite the group settled on the huge sectional sofa, and RJ played bartender. The ladies all had Kahlua and cream, Gary and Jack had Black Jack on the rocks. RJ poured himself a Jack Daniels in a tall glass, absent of ice and water. He sat beside Jillian, put his arm around her and every so often squeezed her shoulder. The conversation consisted mostly of the next day’s golf tournament.

“You know, I’m going to have to call it a night. Our group’s the first tee-off, so morning will come early,” Jack Morgan said as he stood and headed towards the door.

“Jack, please wait for me,” said Lynda. “RJ, thank you for such a lovely evening. I’ll see you tomorrow. Good luck. See you on the course.”

“HEY, guys it’s only 12:30. The night’s young. We’re used to staying up until three or four. I think you’re all party-poopers,” RJ said, pouring another tall drink.

“I think we’d all better be going, as we have a big day on tap for tomorrow,” Gary said. “RJ, please remember you’ve got a sound check at nine before you go over to the course. We’re teeing off first tomorrow.”

“Yes, Mother.”

“Well, I think I’m going to call it a night. I’ve drunk far too much. Thank goodness, I only have to go down the hall,” Emma said. She stood and swayed to the left.

“Hold on,” RJ said as he jumped up and grabbed her from stumbling.
“And who said alcohol dulls the reaction time?” he said chuckling. But he was the only one amused.
“Emma, I’ll walk out with you. Goodnight, Jillian, and RJ, I’ll see you first thing in the morning,” Gary said.

RJ and Jillian stood at the door, saying their goodnights as everyone left. When they closed the door, they stood looking at each other.

“Well, Maw, we got the kids gone. Shall we sit?” he said in a slow country drawl. She laughed.

He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close, leaned over and kissed her neck and cheek. Jillian turned to face him. His cologne was intoxicating, but also was the alcohol on his breath. Their lips touched, not like the kisses previously in the evening. Jillian took a deep breath, as did RJ.

“Girl, you take my breath away.” He reached over, turned off the foyer light and took her hand, “Come on.”



Chapter 14

“Jillie, come on, get up. It’s time for breakfast. I’ve ordered coffee, eggs and toast.” She rolled over, opened one eye to a squint. Daylight streamed through the sheer curtains. She threw her arms over her eyes.

“No, it’s too early!”

“You’re expected to play golf today, so you’d better get your butt up and hop into the shower. By then our breakfast will be here.”

“Know what, you’re a nag?”

Jillian climbed out of bed and stumbled into the bath. While brushing her teeth, she looked into the mirror, shocked to see that her eyes were swollen and bloodshot, her color ashen.

Wow, I’m a mess! She thought to herself. I’ll not drink as much as I drank last night, ever again. She opened the door of the shower and turned on the water. The spray awakened her; she stood letting the droplets perform the magic of washing cares away. Suddenly, she heard music playing and smelled coffee. “Good morning.” Whispering to herself, she smiled.

While drying her hair with her head turned upside down, she realized someone was standing in the doorway.
She said, “I drank wa-ay too much! Thank goodness I’m not on call!”
“Hey, we all did. But you have to admit, it was quite an evening. Finish up. Food’s getting cold.”
When she was finished, she came into the adjoining room.
“Well, it’s about time. I thought you were going take forever! You know some day we need to get over to the golf course!”

“Well, don’t get your golf knickers in a snit. I’m here and ready. Thanks for waiting on me. The coffee’s wonderful,” she said as she took a sip.

“Em and I are ready to hit the course and show these ladies how to play golf!” They both laughed.
When the girls sat down for their breakfast, Lynda and Em were both grinning at Jillian.
“I think I hurt his feelings, I think he thought… Well, what! I left right after you guys did.”
“We know that. We were just joshing you,” Lynda said. “I heard your door a few minutes or so after we got back to our rooms.”

The girls compared their golf togs. Jillian was dressed in a periwinkle polo shirt, a pair of navy-blue capris. Lynda was wearing a pink floral polo shirt and white capris. Emma was having a problem trying to decide on capris or slacks, both being navy in color. She finally decided on capris, topped off with a simple lime-green mock turtleneck. They planned to carry golf sweaters, in case the weather turned bad.

Lake Tahoe’s a magnificent alpine lake. People vacation from all over the world at this lake that offers year-round attractions. The vast lake encompasses the edge of two states, with distances of approximately twenty-seven miles lengthwise and thirteen miles across. Lake Tahoe’s a water wonderland. The views are exceptional, especially at sunrise and sunset, each ray of sun reflected in silver color against each ripple of the shade of sapphire color water. The warmth of the sun evaporated dew off the blades of the newly manicured golf course grass.

The nine o’clock tee time came quickly. After introductions and the coin flipped to decide who would tee off first, the girls got paired up with the drop-dead gorgeous super model Celeste Deprye, wife of football legend, Teddy Deprye. Emma teed off first, and next up was Celeste, then Jillian, and last Lynda.

When the girls were on the green of the 17
hole, they crossed paths with the foursome just finishing the 17
hole -- RJ, Gary Johns, Teddy Deprye and Jack Morgan.

Jack Morgan tipped his golf hat, “Good afternoon, ladies.”
“Hi, Mr. Morgan,” the ladies replied in unison. Jack Morgan handled the introductions.
Gary was standing close to Emma. “How’s your round going?”
“So, so,” answered Emma. “Yours?” Gary waved a so-so hand signal.

Celeste walked over to her husband; they hugged and kissed each other. Cameras were prohibited, most of the players were able to relax, not having to worry about paparazzi. Spectators saw the affection of the couple.

RJ nodded at Jillian from across the green. He was signing autographs and chatting with the onlookers. The entire time he was talking, he looked at the lady golfer dressed in periwinkle blue. the
. She felt self-conscious, as he stared at her. But she was staring at him. He took her breath away. No wonder he was voted one of country music’s heartthrobs.

The huge gallery of onlookers had their favorites following them throughout the course.

When RJ broke away, he moved over towards Jillian, “Hey, baby.”

“Hey, back.” Jillian reached over and briefly touched his hand. She was uncomfortable that their each and every move was being watched.

“I gotta let you know that I was pretty upset at you last night.”

“I couldn’t stay. I’m not ready. I know you could have any girl. All you have to do is wink or snap your fingers and they’re in your bed. I’m not that kind of woman.”

“I know. After I came back to my room, I thought about it and understand your feelings. Even though…”

As he walked away, he glanced over his shoulder to her, the
. Jillian chuckled.

On the 18
hole the ladies walked onto the green, putting to finished their round. The grandstands surrounding three-quarters around the green were filled to capacity with spectators. The audience clapped, as the ladies approached. Jillian putted two under par, an eagle. With the 18
’s score, she finished first in her group. Lynda finished second, Celeste third, and Emma fourth. The men’s group was waiting and watching as their ladies finished.

The ladies entered the scorer’s tent beside the 18
green. After signing their golf cards, the four ladies found Gary, RJ, Teddy, and Jack Morgan waiting for them. The gentlemen had decided that group would have dinner together before the concert. Everyone would meet at six at El Vaquero, the Mexican restaurant located downstairs in Harvey’s Casino. They planned to take two hours for dinner before the show.

When back at Tucker’s the group split up to get ready for dinner.
RJ took Jillie by the hand, as they rode the elevator up to their floor.
“I was watching you today.”
“And I you.”
“You know, lady, you have some powerful golf swing. And your putts aren’t bad, either.”
“Thank you. But I’ll never match you. RJ, you’re a terrific golfer.”
Jillian looked at her watch; it read 5:15, forty-five minutes until dinner. She was already famished.
When they reached her door, she said, “I’ll see you in a few.”
RJ blocked her against the door. “We have time. May I come in?
“I don’t think so.” Jillian saw the disappointment in his expression.

“Are you always going to keep rejecting my advances?” He reached over and kissed her on her right cheek. As he pressed his lips into her cheek, she felt the day’s growth of stubble brush against her.

“Robert, first of all, I think we talked about this earlier. I can’t do what you’re wanting…not yet, anyway. And second, we really don’t have time. We’re expected in about forty minutes, and I need that time to get ready and expect you need the same.”

“Lady, you take my breath away. I usually don’t have to take no for an answer. See you in a few. Call me when you’re ready.”

“I will.” Jillian opened the door, stepped into her room, and quickly closed the door. She leaned against the closed door, shivered and sighed.

“What’s that all about?” Lynda said as she entered into Jillie’s room.

“He’s pressing me again. Lynda, I can’t…not yet, anyway.”

“You know, he’s going to get tired of asking. I saw the girls on the course all swooning over him. He could have any of them, anytime. All he’d have to do is wink. You’d decide and fast or girl, you’re going to lose him!”

“I know. I’ve got to get ready for dinner.”
“Both Em and I are ready. We’re going on over, as soon as the guys get here. See you at the restaurant.”

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