Dating a Metro Man (11 page)

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Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Humor & Satire, #Humorous, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #General Humor, #General Fiction

BOOK: Dating a Metro Man
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“Gallagher, don’t be so insecure on your wedding day. I’ve spent months giving you my best tips. Now it’s time go practice them on your wife,” Ben told him with a laugh, loving the way Regina snickered at his side. Her support of him was unconditional, and he was already getting to that point where all he could think about was getting her home and alone with him.

“Don’t worry, Ben. Jim will not let your training go to waste. I intend to see to it that he gets to practice every day,” Lauren teased, laughing at her husband choking on his drink.

“Am I ever going to get used to that mouth of yours?” Jim exclaimed.

“Maybe—but we’ll be so old by then you’ll have lost your hearing anyway.” Lauren smiled and held her husband’s gaze as she happily finished the rest of her food. She sincerely hoped Jenna was having as much fun at her wedding as she was.

*** *** ***

“Don’t push them down. They snap open on the sides,” Jenna whispered, exploring Seth’s neck with her hungry mouth. Her breasts were straining inside the complicated bodice of her dress, but there would be no relief for them. She’d have to settle for relief elsewhere.

Seth had both hands under the multiple layers of her formal dress and made a strangled sound of pleasure when the tiny piece of cloth finally fell away from her into his hands. He was sitting in a chair in a storage room with his pants around his ankles and couldn’t care less. Pulling Jenna unceremoniously down and onto him, he used her hips to guide her until he had encased the full hard length of his erection completely inside her again. His relief to have her was as profound as the urge to make her scream was pressing.

“Finding you under all those layers was like uncovering a treasure,” Seth said once he was buried inside her.

Jenna giggled. “You can liberate me from my underwear anytime, but those text messages already have me hovering on the edge. Move it, Carter. You made me want you, now deliver the goods.”

“I’m damn glad we practiced this position already,” he whispered against her mouth, “I don’t want to keep you from your duties. I swear I’ll be fast. I just had to do this now. Three days is a long time to wait, but you sure as hell are always worth it—every time.”

Jenna rocked back and forth. “I’m not going to last long. I figured out what worked best last time. This time I—Seth. Seth!”

Seth fastened his mouth to Jenna’s and rocked up into her, swallowing her sounds of climax with his mouth. Another five seconds of her rocking on him and calling his name, and Seth felt himself falling over the edge into bliss with her. This was a hell of a position for them. Three days of wanting, ten minutes of texting, and then they lasted less than five minutes together. Problem was now that the first wave had crashed on the shore for both of them, Seth didn’t want to let go of the ocean. He scooped Jenna’s hips into his hands and held her on him to keep the connection.

“Once is never enough with you,” Seth told her sincerely, leaning his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry. It just isn’t. I hope you don’t think I’m just an awful guy who’s never satisfied.”

Jenna sat astride Seth and laughed at the serious concern in his face. “Do you think I’m dumb enough to think badly of a man who likes sex as much as I do? Your sex drive is not a problem for me—or at least it’s not a problem yet. It thrills me every time I climax to have you practically begging for a chance to give me another one. I’d stay now, but if I don’t go back to Lauren soon, everyone I know will think something is wrong and come looking for me.”

Seth let her hips go and helped her slide off him, having to catch Jenna when she wobbled as she stood. Knowing being with him had made her legs weak brought him a dark, dark pleasure. And Seth wanted nothing more than to make it worse for her. If he thought about it too long, he’d be hard and aching again.

“This was not just wedding sex in a closet for me, Jenna. You have no idea how badly I want to throw you over my shoulder and just leave with you. I want to go someplace I can do what I want to you as often as I want until neither of us can even walk. I want to exhaust you, feed you, sleep with you, and then wake up and do it all over again. I’ve never felt like this with anyone else. I mean it when I say that I need you. I’d do a lot to keep you in my bed,” Seth told her.

“Fortunately for me, and my duties to Lauren, you are not a cave man,” Jenna teased, smoothing her dress back into place.

“Cave man. Metro man. Hell—I don’t know what kind of man I am anymore,” Seth said honestly, making her laugh.

“Cave man about sex. Metro man about everything else. Not a bad combination,” Jenna said sincerely, tugging on her dress until it felt almost normal again.

“The only thing I’m sure about is that this longing is about you,” Seth told her, but inside he was thinking he knew it exactly what it was. He was finally getting to express some of his love for Jenna, even if it was just the physical part. Problem was—he wanted a hell of a lot more.

Jenna closed her eyes. “Can I come by your house later tonight?”

“Yes. I’ll be in to the reception in a few minutes to dance with you,” Seth told her. “That should keep everyone from asking too many questions.”

Jenna nodded and slipped quietly out the door.


Seth finished his own clothing adjustments and slipped out close behind Jenna, closing the door to the storage room with a soft click behind him. He looked around and sighed in relief when he didn’t see anyone. But hearing swearing from a few doors down the hall, Seth followed the sound until he walked into a room and found Stedman with his head in his hand.

“Damn it, Carter—a fucking storage room? I ought to beat the crap out of you,” Allen said.

Seth hung his head and put his hands in his pockets. “Let me guess. Casey’s testing a new camera system.”

At Allen’s abrupt nod, Seth took out one hand out and ran it through his hair.

“It wasn’t—it wasn’t our first time. I would never treat Jenna that way. What happened just now was mutual and consensual—and damn necessary for both of us. You’re just going to have to take my word on it,” Seth explained, feeling a need to defend himself and Jenna.

“Glad to hear that at least. I didn’t see either of you go in there, but I saw Jenna come out. At first I didn’t think anything about it, even when she adjusted her breasts inside her dress as she walked away. Then you come out less than two minutes later, and what you two did is all over your damn face,” Allen said, glaring at Seth.

“So are you pissed or—what?” Seth asked, wishing Allen could have found out in a less sleazy manner, but it was too late for wishful thinking.

“Pissed—yes, but I guess I’ll live. I’m still trying to decide if
get to or not,” Allen told him.

“If you kill me, Jenna’s going to be disappointed tonight when I’m not at home waiting on her to show up for round two,” Seth told him.

“Stop your damn bragging before I decide to kill you after all. So what’s the deal?” Allen demanded. “Are you two dating again?”

Seth pulled out the chair next to Allen and sat. “No. She says she doesn’t want to date me. Jenna is just using me for sex and I’m letting her.”

“Hell, Jenna could have used me for that,” Allen said, bragging himself this time, irritated and not sparing Seth the truth of it. He finally calmed and ended up wanting to laugh when he saw the stark disappointment on Seth’s face that the woman he wanted had potentially wanted someone else.

“Yes, I know she could have used you. Thanks for not—you know I’m in love with Jenna, right?” Seth asked, watching Allen’s laughing mouth settle into a smirk.

“Yes. Everyone knows—even Jenna, who may never admit it. Is she still mad at you over your work?” Allen asked back.

Seth nodded. “And afraid of what we can be to each other. I don’t blame her for that. I’m afraid myself, but I want her more than I’m afraid. It was bad before. Now being without her would be fucking impossible—and that’s not a joke.”

“Being in love with her, you know that sex-only shit is going to get old soon. You’re going to have to have it out with the woman,” Allen informed him. “I don’t envy you that fight. Even her mother isn’t as stubborn as Jenna. Alexa likes you, in case you didn’t know. She’s been rooting for you over me.”

Seth shrugged. “Yeah, I know. I probably don’t deserve Alexa’s affection, but it’s good to know she’s going to be okay with me when I marry her daughter.”

“Marry Jenna Ranger—the woman who doesn’t want to date you? And how are you going to manage that miracle?” Allen asked. “Jenna’s already getting what she wants from you for free. She’s not going to necessarily want to buy the cow—well, bull in this case.”

“I don’t know yet,” Seth said easily, laughing. “Every idea I come up with makes me sound more and more like Casey. He actually said he considers me a metro male. I’d hate to shoot his male-female paradigm in the ass. Casey might not recover if he finds out I’m like some yuppie version of him.”

Allen laughed and nodded. “I wouldn’t be too offended by Casey’s opinion. He probably thinks the same about me. I’m still designing clothes and working for Alexa. When I mention the designing, Casey cringes. I haven’t even told him Sydney is thinking about adding my designs to his line of clothes. Gunny’s not going to like it, but hey—it’s what I trained for as much as this.”

Seth snorted. “I used to blame the military for Casey’s thinking. Truthfully, the older I get the more I see his ideas of what’s manly probably came from our parents. Our fathers were brothers. Both were beat-your-chest and scratch-your-balls men. I never thought of myself as much like them, but I’ve recently discovered one area where I’m just as macho as Casey.”

Allen cocked his head and smirked. “I’m intrigued as hell, but I still don’t want to watch you scratch your balls.”

“I’ve staked my claim to a woman, and Jenna Ranger is mine,” Seth said, not laughing at Allen’s comment even though it was damn funny. Instead Seth held Allen’s gaze until the man looked away.

“You know I could snap your skinny ass like a damn toothpick,” Allen threatened.

“Yeah, you could. Wouldn’t change a thing, dude,” Seth told him, never blinking.

Allen laughed and shook his head. He could see Gunny’s influence in Seth’s stance. Not that Jenna felt any differently about him, she was just too stubborn to admit it yet.

“Hell, I knew you loved her from the beginning. That’s why all I did was kiss her. You got nothing to worry about from me,” Allen told him, finally able to both say it and mean it. “But if you’re going to take the most beautiful woman I’ve dated so far and keep her for yourself, then you owe me one in return—

Seth laughed. He wished he could get off so easy. “Sure. You know I make a living at finding the impossible, don’t you? I’m good at my job. I’ll let you know when I find one that’s suitable. Any special requests?”

“I have a completely open mind about looks and body types, so long as she’s romantic. Not long dresses and brooches, but candles and bubble baths—I like that kind of thing. I guess I like a lot of feminine in my females,” Allen said.

Seth snickered. “Finding the feminine in Jenna is like mining for gold. It’s rewarding at the end, but you got to dig like hell, walk through sawdust, and wear a hardhat to find it. Then when you do, you have to be half cave man to get your way.

“Stop your damn bragging. I don’t want to know how you got a woman who held me off for two months,” Allen said, laughing himself. “You owe me more than you’ll ever realize for not pressing her.”

“Oh, I realize what I owe you. You can trust me Stedman. I’ll find you a woman, but you’re on your own after that. It will not be my fault if you strike out again. I’ll keep you posted on my search,” Seth said jokingly as he stood. “I have to go dance with Jenna now and pretend we’re just friends. Do you have to tell Casey you caught us on camera?”

“Oh, hell no. This camera tape is going to be wiped and restarted due to an unfortunate malfunction. You’re telling Gunny about this, not me,” Allen said laughing. “I get enough drama working for Alexa and Sydney.”

“Thanks, man. See you in the gym this week,” Seth said, walking out the door.

“Yeah, okay. Invite me to the wedding,” Allen called after him.

“You can be my best man if I get that far. Thanks for the vote of confidence.” Seth laughed and headed back to the reception for a dance.

“Carter, I am always going to be the best man,” Allen called, laughing as Seth walked down the hall.

*** *** ***

“Okay Dr. Body-Language-Tells-The-Truth, what’s going on? Jenna and Seth are not fighting for once. They’re also smiling, but being very careful not to touch each other while they dance. Damn it, are they really becoming friends?” Alexa demanded.

Regina laughed. “Probably. This would disappoint you, Alexa?”

“Yes,” Alexa said stiffly. “Don’t ask me to explain myself. I can’t help rooting for Seth to get her into bed.”

“Well, I can’t tell you for sure one way or the other what’s happening,” Regina said regretfully. “You’re definitely going to have to wait for the movie to come out now.”

“Why?” Alexa asked, surprised Regina wasn’t willing to guess, and then it hit her. “Oh, damn it, Regina. Don’t even tell me which one of them is your client. I’m just going to take my worrying mother ass elsewhere and throw a quiet fit of frustration.”

Regina laughed and hugged Alexa as hard as she could. “Let go of the outcome, Mama. Enjoy the show.”

Alexa said something in Regina’s ear that only she could hear and stomped off to the echo of Regina’s laughter.

“What was Alexa so mad about?” Lauren asked, coming up to stand next to Regina.

“She’s worried about her baby getting hurt,” Regina said, snickering still.

“I’m a legally married woman now. She can relax,” Lauren said easily.

“Her other baby, honey—Jenna,” Regina said, thinking how nice it was that Lauren was so totally focused on herself today.

“Why is she worried about Jenna? I thought she’d be happy that Jenna and Seth were finally sleeping together,” Lauren said, shrugging.

Regina looked at Lauren with new eyes. “Well, aren’t you the oracle. What makes you so sure of that? Did Jenna say something?”

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