Daughter of Asteria (The Daughter Trilogy) (29 page)

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loved me. I should be leaping at this opportunity instead of cautiously tiptoeing in. Devin’s perfect in

so many ways, and I’m not.”

“Don’t put yourself down. You have every right to feel confident, and no one is perfect - not even

him,” he grumbles.

“You don’t even know the things he has done for me. He saved me from the downward spiral my

mortal life was taking. He has taken care of my family and friends. He has gone to extreme lengths to

ensure their safety and mine. He’s saved my life countless times… I’m so stupid,” I scold to myself.

“You’re not stupid. You just turned immortal… again. You’ve barely had a chance to engage in

our world, and what you have experienced is some of the worst parts. It’s hard to appreciate the world

we’re in when you’re constantly fighting for your life,” he says encouragingly.

My lips twitch in an unconvinced manner, and he stands to his feet while extending his hand for


“Come on,” he demands gently.

“Where?” I grumble.

A devious smirk spreads over his face as his eyes dance over to the balcony’s edge.

“You’re crazy,” I murmur dismissively.

“No I’m not. I’m immortal, and so are you,” he dares.

“We can still be killed,” I argue.

“Only by other immortals. It’s impossible to die any other way. Trust me, I know,” he says


“No. Everyone will worry about where I am,” I gripe.

“That’s the problem. You keep worrying about what everyone else is telling you to do. You can’t

think for yourself long enough to make a decision about anything. Come with me and clear your

head,” he tempts.

Standing up, I take a deep breath and stare down the side of the enormous drop. There’s no way,

and there are so many people.

“We could kill someone, and I don’t know if I trust your theory on our immortality deal,” I


“The people will move, trust me.”

“How do you know?” I laugh.

“Because they hate electrical bursts,” he says playfully, and the lights on the edge of the sidewalk

begin bursting in unison causing the mortals to run.

“What are you-”

“Come on. We’ve got a short window. I can’t blow them twice,” he chuckles as he grips my


I shriek as I feel myself dropping over the edge, and I panic as the ground nears us too fast. My

stomach flies into my throat, and my eyes almost pop out of my head at the rapid descent.

The wind slides against me, doing all it can to grab me and pull me back to safety, but I’m too

heavy. I brace for impact as a girly squeal emerges as the collision nears.

The concrete cracks under my feet, a crunching rock sound springing up to meet my ears, but I’m

completely unscathed.

“Wow,” I gasp with such an adrenaline high, my eyes alight and dancing with excitement.

“Immortality has its perks,” he snickers out.

“That was incredible,” I laugh out as I grab my chest being forced to expand vigorously.

“Life isn’t always running. Sometimes it’s just living,” he says softly.

He starts to lean in, and I feel his hand gripping my side to pull me to him. My eyes flicker green,

and the commanding tone exits.

“Stop,” I order.

“Why?” he asks with casual indifference.

What? He’s immune too?

“You’re not affected by me?” I gasp.

“Very much so,” he seduces, and his lips close over mine before I can give it any more thought.

I feel the electricity surging through me as Aphrodite punishes him for his disobedience. He flips

backwards through the air after my shocking wave strikes through him, and he lands on his back with

a cracking thud as the concrete splits open beneath him.

“Damn,” he grumbles as he rolls over to his knees while coughing out the lingering sparks.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to be… that rough,” I say with a grimace.

“I suppose I deserved that,” he heaves as he tries to fully catch his breath.

I rush to help him to his feet, and he trembles a little at my initial touch.

“I really am sorry,” I murmur.

“I’m sorry too. I knew stop didn’t mean go ahead, but I took a chance. Next time I’ll be holding

the hand of a conductor before attempting such a bold move,” he jokes.

“Let’s get you back upstairs. You look like hell,” I exasperate.

“You look pretty incredible in those skimpy little shorts,” he teases. “Perhaps that’s what bested


“Okay, Romeo. You’ve reached your limit tonight,” I joke.

He keeps his arm wrapped around my shoulder for support as he limps lightly back to the


When we walk in, all eyes turn to us, almost scolding us.

Devin’s back

His eyes narrow when he sees Jace’s arm around me, and his jaw looks as though it’s about to

break off when it clenches too tightly.

I release myself from being Jace’s crutch, and he walks away without the slightest limp.

That faking asshole.

I glare at him, but he only offers me a playful smirk to account for his charade.

“Let’s discuss this in private,” Devin says to the group.

“So I’m being left in the dark now?” I gripe.

“We can’t leave you in the dark,” Deidra says humbly.

“You know we can’t pretend as if her opinion doesn’t matter. She’s the Emperian now,” Hale


Devin’s jaw clenches more, and he speaks through gritted teeth.

“My apologies… ma’am,” he snarks.

Tears brim my eyes, and I just walk over to grab a phone from the counter. Devin’s eyes follow

me, but I ignore his scrutinizing gaze. Camara jogs up beside me, before I reach the door.

“What are you doing?” she asks worriedly.

“I’m going out,” I growl.

“You can’t. The daughters of Athena are still looking for you, and Safina is still a threat.

They’ve only retreated temporarily,” Devin asserts very dominantly.

“Apparently I can do whatever I want.
I’m the Emperian
,” I snidely remark before flashing out

the door.

Jace is right on my heels, and I turn to face him.

“Stop, please. I just want to be alone,” I plead.

“You spent almost a month alone. I just thought you might need someone to vent to,” he says


“You can’t be alone with me without kissing me,” I gripe.

“Again?” Devin snarls.

I look up to see him and the others staring at us in the hallway.

Great. I just made a situation that couldn’t possibly get any worse incredibly worse.

“Devin, it’s not what you think,” I promise.

“Apparently you really can do what you want. At least now I know the root for your excuses,” he

says with a pained and whimpering tone.

“Devin,” I whine, but he ignores me as he returns back into the room.

The judgmental stares become too painful to endure. I’m sick of all the back and forth, hot and

cold, and cat and mouse.

There’s never a long moment of happiness. There’s always something, and it’s enough to drive

anyone mad. How can I love someone the way I do, and at the same time be so scared to take the next


Chapter 10

The Jealously Game

The sweetness of the wind blows against me as it brings in the moist air to graze my lips. I drink

it in like a calming cocktail, and the taste of the fresh morning light is delicious as I watch the sunrise.

“It’s beautiful here at this time,” Theia murmurs as she sits down beside me.

I huff a little at my disturbed moment of peace.

“You’re not the one I was expecting,” I grumble.

“Devin is still a little upset,” she mumbles.

My eyes drop all life from them as a few tears escape. I take a deep breath to steady my wavering

inner storm before an outer one starts to brew.

“I wasn’t expecting him either,” I whimper.

“Adisia, I know I haven’t been the most affectionate or embracing person here, but I know my

son, and I’m here to tell you he isn’t going anywhere. He pouts the same as any man, but he’ll get

over his tantrum soon enough,” she encourages.

“So he told everyone?” I growl.

“No. He doesn’t confide in anyone other than Ther and Kry when it comes to such matters as

this. I’m assuming it has something to do with your engagement though,” she almost pries.

“No. The engagement hasn’t posed a problem yet. It’s the damn marriage that keeps striking a


My head flops into my hands as it swirls with fear and uncertainty.

“You don’t want to get married?” she asks curiously.

“I do want to get married, but I don’t want to do it right this second. I said something stupid, and

now I’ve pushed him away. It’s the first time he’s wanted to be done with me. I can feel it,” I cry.

“Please don’t fall apart. I’m terrible with such emotional breaks. Devin isn’t nor will he ever be

done with you,” she assures.

“He’s been with more women than any other man I’ve ever known. Very few rank as a

relationship. It’s not a far stretch to worry about such. He’d probably be better off.”

I curl up as I draw my knees to my chest. The once cheerful sunrise offers me nothing but a blank

stare now while it judges me as well.

“He’ll never be with anyone but you. I think you know this, but your insecurities push you into a

dark corner. What’s holding you back?” she inquires.

“Theia, I just found out that I’m some freak with extra spicy powers a couple of months ago. I

rewound time and watched so many things happen all over again. Neither of these things was even in

the realm of possibility before. I don’t trust the power inside me. It scares the goddess out of me to

know how easy it is for me to lose control. Now you’re all calling me the Emperian, and I still don’t

understand what that means. I think the oldest, wisest, most controlled and most compassionate

should hold that title.”

“You don’t give yourself enough credit,” she sighs. “Let me tell you a secret. When we were

first created, we were so sensational. Our power was unfathomable, and we did a good job of abusing

it - all of us. The earth we were created to save was starting to crumble beneath us and our misuse of

power. We weren’t fighting for a cause. We were just fighting.

“Athena, for example, was jealous of a blond bombshell. She started a war over a jealous feud

that has lasted for centuries. Rhea almost rid the world of the mortals we were supposed to protect.

The few she spared were nothing more than pets, and we were her slaves for centuries before the


“Huron, Safina’s biological father, disowned her and died while helping us entomb her. Many of

the other great ones died off as well. Our once incredible powers had been gravely lessened for our

insolent use of them. Within a few centuries, we were mere shadows of the greatness we had once

exhibited. More entities were made to share in the excess so that it didn’t pool too much in one

person. A few escaped the full affects, and Aphrodite was the only one to remain a sole embodiment.

“You have the power that shouldn’t exist. Once you learn to fully control it, there’s no limit to

what good you can do. You’ve been chosen somewhere along the line, and no one sees that better than

I. You’ll be a great Emperian even though you don’t think you’re ready yet. There was a select few

Rhea stayed away from - Asteria, Kaos, Prometheus, and Aphrodite. Now, you have three out of four

of those entities in you, and I know she steered clear because she was afraid of something. I wish I

knew what.”

I pull my knees all the tighter to my chest as a tear tries to escape. I’m not used to Theia being so

compassionate toward me.

“Me too. If Rhea was penetrable, then so is Safina,” I huff. “I still can’t believe they completely

fled, and they’ve made no attempt to return. It’s so different than last time. They stalked my every

move, and they never let up. It was a relentless game, and now it’s just quiet. I’ve sit out here all

night, and not a single glitch has occurred.”

She nods as if she agrees with me, and then she leans back to soak in the rays of the sun beaming

down on us.

“It is baffling. It’s so odd they teamed up together. Safina was never fond of Athena. Perhaps

they’re also scared of Persia. Aphrodite’s daughters have always been a mystery to the world because

of their scarcity. Sometimes we fear the unknown,” she murmurs, and I know that it’s a jab at my

unwillingness to fold on the marriage debacle.

A sick feeling strikes as a few puzzle pieces move together in the jumbled up mess - a small piece

of the picture finally visible.

“Safina spoke of something happening. She made it sound as if it had been something they either

feared or wanted, I’m not sure which,” I rattle out with my wild theories spinning.

“I couldn’t begin to try and understand the mind of someone like that,” Theia dismissively

replies, but she doesn’t know where I’m going.

Then it all crashes into place as I sift through the crazy piece by piece.

“Oh damn. It’s so obvious,” I growl as I slap my forehead with my palm.

“What?” she questions with a gawking confusion.

“We have to get back to the others. I’ll explain on the way.”

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