Daughter Trilogy Bundle (8 page)

BOOK: Daughter Trilogy Bundle
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Why do I keep telling him so much personal shit? 
Way to scare him off, dummy

"Do you mind if I ask why you broke up?"

Say it was a mutual thing.

"He did what they always do - he cheated on me.  Then he stuck me with the apartment."

Where's the fucking filter for my mouth?

He reaches over and takes my hand in his as his thumb strolls across the back of my knuckles.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles.

"You don't have to be.  It's not like you had anything to do with it."

You can save your apology for when you're the one cheating and leaving.

"Did he forget he cheated on you?  He seems a little distraught by your being with me."

I almost giggle at the jealous hue staining his swirling blue eyes.  He stifles a grin when he deduces the reason for my silent laughter that turns into a soft chuckle.

"I'm not jealous," he lies.

I laugh more, and his smile grows.

"I can't tell," I tease.

His head bobs with a laugh before he tries to sound more sincere.

"I just don't like knowing he cheated on you, and now he thinks he can just talk to you whenever or however he chooses.  He shouldn't feel as though he has such a right."

I smile bigger when I hear the protective tone in his voice, but he's still jealous.  I don't care what he says… I know jealousy.

"He has thought that since the week after we broke up.  He came crawling back - like they all do - but I don't believe in second chances.  If someone will do something once, they'll do it again.  That's my philosophy."

Just ask my mother

"I see.  I suppose I was an exception to that rule?"

His cocky smirk is so sexy, and I fight the cheesy grin trying to invade my face.

"Yeah, well.  You got a fresh start after a poorly executed introduction.  I'm telling myself it's different."

He laughs loudly just as we pull up in front of my apartment building.

The wind stirs a little rougher, bringing with it the scent of the diner down the street.  I've never smelled it from all the way down here before.

A scratching sound draws my attention across the road to a dog digging his claws into the fur behind his ear as he fervently tries to rid himself of the flea biting his flesh.  Why can I hear that from over here?

I shake my head as I did earlier to rid myself of all the unwanted, supercharged senses.  My eyes fall back on Devin, and my girly grin reemerges.

He's looking around as if he's inspecting the surroundings.  He's almost acting like a cop, which I have dated one of those before as well.

"Are you going to come in, or are you going to take in the scenery a while longer?"

He gives me that panty-dropping, full-flashing smile, and my heart stumbles until it crashes into the wall of my chest.  A simple look shouldn't drive me this crazy.

"I was just waiting on an invitation," he smolders.

His eyes flash that dangerous glow, and I'm sucked in instantly.  He stalks toward me with a predatory prowess I've never witnessed from anyone before, and I can feel the tingles of electricity sparking wildly, pumping my already exhausted heart too fast.  He smirks when he sees the enslaved helplessness drenching my eyes.

His hands grip me at my waist and he starts pushing me backwards as he bends, and his mouth closes over mine just before his devilish tongue pushes in and goes to work.  I can feel the currents growing, shocking to life more sensations that shouldn't even exist.

Oh, he's so different from anything I've ever known.

A barking dog brings a smile to our faces and interrupts the accidental steamy moment.

"Shall we?" he asks.

I just nod when my lips refuse to let a word squeak through.  He pulls my hand in his, and we finally manage to walk in.  The dust-collecting elevator stands before us, and I start laughing as he pushes the buttons that never light up.

"It's broken.  It has been since before I lived here.  You can imagine what a pain in the ass it was trying to move in."

He smiles, and I swear I can see something dark swirling in his smoky blue eyes.  They change colors so often.  It's captivating.

He pushes the button again, and I almost gasp as the doors open with a ding.

"Wow.  I guess the super finally got it fixed."

"I guess so," he says in a mysterious whisper that almost excites me.

I push the button and smile in surprise as the doors close.  I giggle when I press the button to my floor for the first time ever.

"You're happy about this," he observes.

"Of course I am.  I hate walking up eight flights of stairs daily."

His sweet smile is so infectious.  I mimic the goofy grin just before his lips find mine once again.  He slides his electrically charged hands under my shirt and grips my sides firmly while jerking me closer.

The door dings like a professional spoiler alert to interrupt us yet again.  I giggle a little as his eyebrows dance up and down with an odd spark of excitement.

"Now I get to see how you live," he utters mischievously.

I burst out laughing the second I see the reason for his intrigue, and his brow rises to silently question my bizarre outburst.

"Sorry," I chuckle.  "I just can't wait to gauge your reaction.  I've seen your place, and I don't think you're going to be very impressed with mine."

He tilts his head to the side, looking almost offended.

"I’m not a snob," he reports with his wounded tone.

"I wasn't saying that.  You'll see," I snicker out while digging around in my purse for my keys.

I open the door to reveal my small, eclectic, slightly cluttered home.  His eyes widen as he sees the bold paint splashed deliberately against the walls with uneven brushstrokes left by my amateur hands.

He looks at the odd assortment of unmatched picture frames that layer the tables, walls, and every other surface of the room.  The random frames host an assortment of colorful pictures taken at various times in my life.

He inches through the small space between my couch and coffee table to make his way to the bright green kitchen that has been overrun with sunflower designs.  He shakes his head in disbelief.

"I figured you'd be a little surprised, considering your whitewashed apartment and minimalist style preference," I poke.

"I'm… confused more than… surprised," he mumbles, distracted by the decor.

I cover my giggling mouth with my hand as he continues to stare around the apartment.

“Not what you had envisioned?" I chuckle out.

He looks at me with a stupefied face.

"That's the problem.  I was unable to envision anything.  You're quite the mystery, and I'm not exactly used to that.  I have to see things with my own eyes where you're concerned."

With his own eyes?

That's an odd but hot response.  Everything he does is hot though.

He slowly begins stalking toward me, and the dark swirls are reappearing.  His eyes
… they're so… intoxicating.

He bends to kiss me, and I can feel him lowering me to the small couch.  He doesn't hesitate to push his hips against mine, and I'm suddenly tumbling down a hill I can't climb back up.  I have to be with him.  It's starting to hurt when I think of how he'll have to leave.

His phone starts buzzing in his pocket, and he groans as he withdraws from the steamy moment to check it.

I'm so sick of all the interruptions.

"Shit.  I have to take this.  I'm sorry," he grumbles with a stiffened posture.

"Yeah.  Okay," I mumble with a slightly agitated growl.

He steps outside to answer, and I'm shocked by how well I can still hear him when he answers.  It's as if he's standing right beside me rather than in the hallway.

"What do you want?" he snaps.

At least he's feeling a little frustrated by the interference as well.  He calms down slightly, and his voice changes.

"I don't know when I'll be back
… I'm busy…. No… I'm sorry, but I'm not coming home tonight… Yeah… Okay… I'll talk to you later."

Oh hell no!

He walks back in to see my death glare stopping him from proceeding.

"What?" he asks innocently.

"I know those phone calls.  I've been the person on the other end of them before listening to the vague, irritable, noncommittal answers.  I'm not some girl you can treat like a side dish, and I'm not going to fuck a man who has a woman waiting at home.  Where was she when I was there?  Did you strategically plan my presence around her absence?"

He starts laughing ridiculously hard, and it pisses me off that much more.

"What's so damn funny?" I yell.

"You are.  And I thought I was the jealous type.  There's no woman at home.  That was a guy I'm friends with."

He continues chuckling, but I'm not an idiot.

"That wasn't a conversation with a friend.  Don't treat me like I'm stupid.  I have more experience with cheaters than anyone else I know."

His eyes soften and his laughter ceases.

"Hey, I'm not-"

I hold my hands up and interrupt him as he tries to cross the room to me.

"No.  Don't.  Just go.  Go back home to your girlfriend, fianc
ée, wife, or whatever she is.  I'm not doing this."

He purses his lips as he tries to plot out a new plan of attack.  I've seen that scheming stare before - many times from many guys.

"Listen, I swear I'm not involved with anyone but you.  I like seeing you so bent out of shape and worrying about such, considering you've been fighting me every step of the way, but this isn't even close to what you think it is."

I roll my eyes.  "Oh please.  At least be original," I snark.

I walk to the kitchen and pull a beer from the fridge.  I slam the edge of the cap against the overhang of the countertop to relieve my bottle from it.  I quickly start drinking it, even though it's barely nine in the morning.

"Hey, whoa.  Adisia, I'll prove it.  You can dial the last number on my phone and any number in front of it if you want to.  You won't find more than three women - you, Clara, and my mother."

I had better not be wrong about this.

I'll call his bluff.

"Fine.  Hand me your phone."

He smirks as he walks over and unlocks it for me.  Oh shit.  He's really giving me his phone.

I pull up his recent calls, and the last one says Ther.

That could be short for Theresa.

I hear the phone ringing on the other end, and Devin puts his phone on speaker.  I feel sick when a guy's voice answers.

"Yo.  Did you change your mind?  We could use your help," he says casually.

No.  This is so mortifying.  It's a guy.  Fuck.

"No.  I just had a suspicious mind to put at ease.  I'm still not coming back."

Devin is smirking deviously, relishing my humiliation, as my face gleams with a scarlet stain.

"Oh, did that Adiva chick think you were cheating on her?"

I bury my head in my hands, and Devin snickers a little.

"Actually, she thought I was cheating on someone else with her.  And her name is Adisia."

"What-evs. I have a mess to clean up since you're not coming back.  Tell Dissy to chill."

Devin laughs a little more, and then murmurs, "Let me know when it's cleaned up."

"Yeah," Ther says before ending the conversation.

Devin puts his phone back in his pocket, and I'm doing my best to keep my eyes planted on the countertop - even though I think even it's laughing at me as well.

"Satisfied?" he asks smugly.

"No.  Satisfaction is generally achieved when someone is right about something, or they get what they want.  I was completely wrong, and all I got was a heaping pile of embarrassment."

He stops laughing and moves in closer to me.  He forces my chin up, and my eyes bravely meet his.

So you wanted me to be a cheater?" he whispers in a low, seductive tone as he starts scooting me backwards, and my feet inch back in response to his inching forward.

"It would have given me a legitimate reason to be done with you," I utter back with trembling lips.

He smirks slightly as his lips barely brush mine.  Their soft caress is enough to leave my lips throbbing for more.  He leans back up and continues to hold my eyes with his steady, unwavering gaze.

"You think it would be that easy?" he mutters.

My heart begins pounding harder, and I can feel his breath seducing me more as it cascades its heat over me.

I'm so fucked.

"No." I visibly tremble.

"You're right.  I'm not letting you go that easy," he threatens in a tone that excites me when it should terrify me.

BOOK: Daughter Trilogy Bundle
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