Daughter Trilogy Bundle (94 page)

BOOK: Daughter Trilogy Bundle
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The doors open again, and Clara
’s shrieks almost pierce my eardrums.  I look over to see everyone lowering their hands from their ears after heeding Devin’s warning, and I scowl at him for laughing at me for not having done so myself.

Oh.  My.  Damn.  You look so frigging hot,” she exclaims.

Melissa rolls her eyes as she steps off the elevator, and she seems stunned when she glances around the incredible penthouse.

The perfect view of Manhattan calls to anyone who steps in, and her eyes narrow as she stares at our overwhelming collage of photos.

You guys really like pictures, huh?” she snarks.

Jane comes running over to hug me as Devin responds to Melissa
’s rude comment.

I used to hate pictures actually.  After I met Adisia, a lot changed,” he says adoringly.

I smirk as I look around at the warm neutrals that cover the walls to offer more of a welcoming appeal than his once stark white preference.  Her eyes hide their roll, and I smile at the apologetic face of Clara.

I had almost forgotten how insanely envious Melissa is.

I’ll return her on your wedding day,” Clara chuckles out.

Devin grabs my hand and pulls me into his arms as if he isn
’t going to release me.  Clara giggles a little at his overzealous reaction, and his lips cover mine with desirable promise as the divinity of his touch overwhelms my senses.

My fingers tangle in his hair, and then Clara
’s impatient hands start trying to pull me free.

We need to go.  The club will be completely crazy tonight,” she reminds.

Can’t we just stay in?  It is my bachelorette party after all?” I ask hopefully.

No,” she exasperates.  “That’s a slumber party, not a bachelorette party.  You have to be wild and carefree for one last night.”

I laugh a little, and Kry walks over to hand me my packed bag.  Devin frowns as he looks at it while refusing to fully release me.

“Who will be driving?” he asks curiously.

I rented a limo,” Clara chimes in.

I could have gotten you a car had I known this was going to lead to a night away,” Devin pouts.

I smile a little, and I hear the impatient huffs of Melissa agitating me further.

“I’ll see you soon,” I promise, and my lips offer a soft, reluctant ado. 

I love you,” he murmurs through our kiss.

I love you.  Have fun at the bachelor party tonight.”

Oh, we all will,” Deacon growls out like an excited predator, and Camara slaps his arm for his crude tone.

He shrugs innocently, and then he pouts a little.

“You’re not going to Connecticut with them are you?” he worries, his truly
self being revealed, and she accidentally lets a smile escape.

No.  I’m coming back home.  When will you boys be wrapping it up?”

We’re going to party like rock stars, so… dawn I guess,” Ther snickers.

Devin rolls his eyes, and then he kisses me again.  He
’s griped about the bachelor party he wishes to skip, but if I have to go, then so does he.

Bye,” I grumble, and he still refuses to release me.

I smirk a little, and Camara laughs as Clara struggles to pull me free.

“Dude, she’s just going to be gone for a couple of nights.  You’ll be reunited in no time,” she gripes.

It’s just too long,” Devin pouts.

I smile a little more, and his lips claim mine again despite Clara
’s adamant protests.

Oh good grief.  You two are ridiculous,” she scolds.

You have no idea,” Kry exasperates.

Jane giggles a little as she takes a better look at Kry, and he frowns slightly at the mortal displaying her attraction.  It
’s humorously distracting enough to give me an opening to escape from Devin’s heated grip.

Be careful,” he murmurs. 

I’ll be with her,” Camara offers encouragingly.

I’ve seen your bachelorette parties, in case you’ve forgotten,” Devin grumbles.

She laughs incredibly hard, and my eyes arch up questioningly.  I
’m sure he crashed several of those parties during his promiscuous days. 

Well, you won’t be seeing ours,” Clara warns.

Devin holds his hands up innocently, and then we escape onto the elevator before he can reclaim me again.

His pitiful frown is almost enough to make be run back off, but it’s just two days - two long, torturous, days.  Why am I doing this again?  I’m not even out of the apartment building, and I’m already dreading spending five minutes away. 

You can do this.  There will be some really hot sex if you do this.

The limo is waiting outside, and Clara squeals again as she pulls me inside. 

Camara looks about as enthused as I do, but I
’m glad she agreed to come.  I feel out of place enough without anyone who understands the world I now exist in.

I can’t believe you’re getting married,” Clara giggles out.

And he’s so frigging hot,” Jane screeches.  “I mean, they all are really.  Devin is definitely the hottest though,” she murmurs and then turns to Camara.  “Sorry.  I forgot you’re with the Scottish guy.  He’s pretty damn tasty too though,” she adds with a crude sort of bluntness.

Camara smirks lightly as she licks her lips. 
“Yes he is,” she smolders, and I’m forced to laugh at the private joke they have no clue about.

’s wild has prompted her to bite him numerous times while under the influence of her animals, and Deacon is constantly nagging at her for such.  I’ve accused her of doing it intentionally, but she never confirms nor denies.

I think she enjoys torturing him on occasion, and I don
’t blame her for showing the warlord some sweet conflict.

Your ring is ridiculous,” Clara sighs as she holds my hand in hers.  “Let me try it on.”

I smile as I pull it off, and she gasps loudly when she sees my branded finger.

“Holy crap!  When did you get that?” she exclaims.

I smile as I stare down at the ocean embroidering his name around my finger before responding.

“I got it a while back.  Devin got one like it with my name on it,” I proudly announce.

That’s so cool,” Clara gushes as she continues her examination.

they stay together,” Melissa retorts.

A low growl threatens to Melissa as Camara glares at her, but they can
’t hear it, fortunately.  She’s gotten more protective of me lately… they all have actually. 

Why is she here again?” I whisper to Clara.

Camara smirks at the comment she
’s not supposed to hear, and she continues glaring at Melissa who is slinking down under the pale blue swirling eyes she can’t fully appreciate with her mortal eyes.  I stifle a laugh as Clara whispers back.

She’s Henry’s sister.  I’m sorry,” she sighs.

It’s fine.  Camara might scratch her eyes out before the end of the night though,” I playfully warn.

Yeah, I see that.  You two are pretty close now.  Should I feel cheated on?” she jokes.

’s deadly gaze ends as she’s caught off guard by the humorous question, and she covers her mouth to hide her smile.

Sorry.  I have been cheating on you, but you’ll always be my first love,” I tease.

She elbows me in the ribs and then grabs the aching limb in complete shock.

“Wow.  Since when do you have a rock hard core?” she gasps.

I laugh a little, and Camara can
’t hold back the laughter she’s been restraining any longer.

I work out these days,” I lie with a shrug.

That’s an understatement,” she growls as she continues rubbing her throbbing elbow.

We’re here,” I say with a chuckle to distract her from her new fascination as she continues cautiously poking my firm body with her finger.

We step out, and I tilt my head curiously.

“When did they rename it?”

Camara grins as though she has a secret, but Clara joins me in the discovery.

“Aphrodite’s Passion.  That’s a hot name,” she muses.

It’s an ironic coincidence,” I accidentally blurt out.

Huh?” Clara quizzically offers.

I mean, it’s just odd.  Let’s go in.  Devin should have us on the list,” I subtly add.

She shrugs and the bouncer pulls up his list as we approach.

“Name?” he barks without even looking up.

Aphrodisia Titan.  Devin Cole was supposed to have us put on the list,” I murmur with a little bit of uneasiness.

His eyes widen when he finally looks at me, and he rushes to remove the velvet rope that
’s blocking our path. 

Yes ma’am.  You ladies head on in, and have a wonderful night,” the brawny man says with fearful excitement.

Okay… Thanks,” I mutter with a touch of confusion.

Camara laughs a little more, and then she takes my hand to start dancing the moment we walk in.

Her body sways with the grace of a swan and finesses of a prowling cat.  I laugh a little as I attempt to mimic her motions, and suddenly eyes begin turning their attention to us.

Whoa,” I gasp.

Holy smoking hot female,” Clara scoffs.  “When did you learn to dance like that?”

Like what?” I ask in complete bewilderment.

Your hips were just moving like a sexy wave crashing against a smoldering hot beach.  I feel like I barely know this new Adisia,” she pouts.

Sorry.  I swear I haven’t been working on any new moves.  I was just trying to blend in,” I murmur apologetically.

I’m just jealous.  Don’t apologize.  It’s as if you’ve taken a dip in the coveted seduction pool and came out hotter, spicier, and sexier than hell.  I need to find that pool myself.”

Clara, don’t be ridiculous.  You’re one of the sexiest women I know.  Let’s have a good time.”

I could use a drink,” Camara says with a leading tone.

I smirk at the silent request, and a guy walks over to us with a too-big-for-his-face smile.

“We need drinks.  Vodka for us, and cosmos for the rest,” I instruct with my green-eyed force.

Got it,” he says with a happy-to-please tone.

He darts over to the bar, and Clara
’s mouth pops open in gaping disbelief.

Who the hell ordered you a strong dose of confidence, and where can I get double?” she rumbles.

I laugh a little harder, and the guy promptly returns with two other guys helping him deliver our drinks.

“Thanks, now go dance with someone,” I order, and they all do as I say.

Wow.  I need you to teach me,” Jane gasps in a graveling tone.

She’s just a pretty face,” Melissa murmurs to herself, but I still hear it.  “It’s not like she’s going to be hot forever,” she continues in a disgruntled whisper.

Camara sputters her drink to the floor, and I hold back my roaring laughter at yet another private joke.  Perhaps I should visit Melissa in a few decades to show her what I look like then.

“Let’s move this party to the VIP lounge,” Camara insists.  “It’s seriously loud down here.”

I follow her up the stairs, and the others ride our heels.  The man at the door speaks to Camara, and she points to me.

“That’s Aphrodisia Titan.  Devin Cole put her on the list,” she adds.

He doesn
’t even check the list before opening the door with haste.  I smirk as we walk in, and I almost lose my breath when I see the pictures of Devin and me hanging on the wall.  He must have had someone put them up for tonight.

Ms. Titan?” a timid girl asks.

Yes,” I answer.

Mr. Cole instructed us to make sure you had everything you needed for tonight, and the lounge is solely yours.  Please let me know if there’s anything I can do,” she eagerly responds.

BOOK: Daughter Trilogy Bundle
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