Davenport Harbor (Six Degrees Book 3) (34 page)

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Authors: Mayra Statham

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Davenport Harbor (Six Degrees Book 3)
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re funny.


re pickled.


re funny and beautiful and so damn sweet,

he told me, his voice ending with a sigh, and I laughed softly as I walked closer to him.

Standing in front of him, I placed my hand on his shoulder, and he pulled me in closer. Our hands met and the sensation made a flurry of butterflies awaken in my stomach.
How can his touch do that to me? Even after everything?


my heart was racing. The lines had been blurred between us, but after I put in my notice, I thought they had been written down in cement, yet something as simple as our hands touching made me slightly lightheaded.

Let me sleep with you?

He asked. His eyes were hooded so I couldn’t see their brown depths and I swallowed hard.


Sleep. All those nights

Kitten, I only sleep well with you in my arms. I keep thinking about it. How you feel,

he pulled me in fast, causing me to land on his lap, and I tried to fight the shivers that ran like live wires down my spine. I tried to fight the impossible fight of my body

s reaction to him, the throaty tone of his voice breaking me,

I need more.

Mr. Daven
I tried to fight to keep my senses about me.

John. It

s just John.

His forehead was now touching mine.

Please, Anne? Don

t leave me.

His eyes were red and his voice was tortured.

You and Zoey. Stay here with me.

John, you hired someone.

He had. Birdie had called me yesterday, shocked that I

d put in my two week notice without telling her.

I know.

We can

t stay.

Stay with me. Here with me.

He pulled my hand over his heart, the manic thumping showing me his nervousness.

Save me.

His gorgeous face in front of me was vulnerable and open. I had no idea how I could make myself walk away from him.

He leaned in and took my lower lip, nipping it slightly, then letting it go.


I moaned softly into the silence when he let go and leaned his head back against the leather chair. His fingertips started playing with the tips of my hair.

Your lower lip drives me crazy, Kitten.

Why do you call me that?

It wasn

t fair asking him that while he was drunk, but being that close to him, I couldn

t help it. I wanted to know.

The night I found you, you reminded me of a kitten with claws.

What? How?

You were hopelessly trying to change that tire

I was not hopeless

And you sounded all lost, and then I said something to you and you brought out the claws, calling me Captain Obvious about the rain.


Now you

re like this sex kitten


You purr
a sexy grin spread over his mouth,

When I kiss you or touch you in certain places...you don

t moan baby, you purr.

His voice was husky and his mouth cuddled at my neck, the stubble on his jaw driving me crazy. He nuzzled my neck, and I took a deep breath. My panties felt wet, and I could feel his hardness below me twitching as if trying to jump free.

Mmm, like that

you fucking purr, Anne. Fuck, I want you so bad

not having you close by these last couple of weeks has been driving me crazy


m not sure we should
I whispered.

He picked me up, and I was now straddling his lap. His eyes were open to slits, staring at me.

John, you

re drunk

I know. I messed up and hurt you

I just want to hold you
He wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me down until my head rested on his shoulder.

I want to make it better. I

ll be better, Kitten.

My eyes were on his stubble-covered jaw. I felt him shift in the chair as he tipped his head back. His hands stroked my back. Before I knew it, his hand stopped and just like that, he was out like a light, snoring softly.

I closed my eyes and tried to catch my own breath.
Would I have slept with him? Yes. I would have.
Stupidly in love with him, I would do anything.

Chapter Thirty-Seven




A delicious heavy weight was on top of my body. I opened my eyes slowly, and even the small little men pounding inside of my head could not take away the beauty that was Anne

s body curled into mine, sharing the chair in my office with me. My hands moved to touch her beautiful face.

She knew the truth. She knew and she

d stayed. I watched her open her eyes slowly and smiled at her.

Good morning.

My voice was raspy with sleep.


she answered me, her eyes guarded, and I hated that I had put that there.

I should go check on Zoey. I didn

t mean to fall asleep,

she mumbled as she got off of me. I immediately missed her body.

I wordlessly watched her stand, stretch her sexy body, then quickly leave my study. I heard the soft murmur of her voice talking to Zoey and tried to stand, only to fall back onto my chair.


I growled, leaning my body forward. My head was pounding, but my eyes saw the two painkillers on my desk sitting next to a glass of water. I swiveled my chair slightly to look towards the dawn of a new day that peeked through my window. Somehow, even hungover and feeling like shit, I felt lighter than I had in a very long time.



Moving around the kitchen, fixing breakfast for John and Zoey, I heard him enter the room and turned to face him.


I blurted out and shook my head,

Would you like coffee? Toast?

Yes, please,

he mumbled, slightly shy, and sat down at the far end of the kitchen table. I quietly but quickly worked to get him his coffee and toast. The moment I set his plate in front of him, his hand covered mine, and my body warmed at his touch.

Stay. Please.

I looked at him, surprised and wondering if he meant more than right this moment.

You have a new housekeeper, John.

Give me a chance.

I don

t think
He made a frustrated sound and pulled me down to sit on his lap, my hands instinctively going to his shoulders.


t think, feel. Please. Anne, I



ll stay for the two weeks. I need to find a new job, John. I need to find a new place.

No. Not if you stay here. With me,

He retorted, his tone as stubborn as ever.


Stay in a guest room if you don

t want to sleep next to me, but please, Anne, don

t leave.
” He leaned
his forehead against mine, his dark eyes were slightly red with lack of sleep and a hangover, but they were honest and sincere.

I know I

m an asshole. I

m not very good at making you believe in me and what I want from you, but please, stay. Let me prove to you

What do you want from me, John?

A chance, Kitten, just a chance. The last one. I won

t let you down.


I watched Nikki and Zoey play in the sandbox I

d ordered and set up by the garden so I could watch them from the window of my office. Mike was sitting next to me. I couldn’t help but glance at him.


I bit out, and his expression of concern didn’t change.

How do you feel this morning?

Mike asked, his stare not wavering, and I gave in. I owed him that much.


He chuckled, shaking his head, so I kept talking.


m an asshole. I

m sorry for being a dick, man.

He looked away and nodded, his jaw slightly twitching. After a moment of quiet he drank from his glass of water, then looked at me.

You remember last night?


I muttered, and he nodded and stood, then walked towards the window.


s a good woman.


Better than good. Anne was magnificent.

I have a feeling I don

t know all that

s been going on behind closed doors between the two of you, and this isn

t me asking for details, brother, but you have to know she

s in love with you.

I sat up straighter, her soft sleepy voice saying those three words ringing in my ears.


I admitted, hitting my head against the back of the chair.

Do you love her?

My heart and mind raced as they both yelled at me that I did.
I fucking love Anne Carter.

I care about her and Zoey a great deal.

I looked at Mike, his eyebrow raised. He knew I was lying. He knew I more than just cared about them.

Question is, what are you going to do now?

My heart was pounding as he slapped me on the back before leaving my office.

I watched Anne with the girls in the sandbox in the silence of my office. As I watched Nikki try to help Zoey walk, but her legs were still too wobbly, I heard a soft knock at the door. I turned and smiled at Sabrina.

Hey. You okay?

She asked, her voice gentle, and I took a deep breath.

I nodded for her to come in, and she stood next to me, leaning her head against my shoulder as we both stared out at the girls.

Zoey will be walking soon.


I remember how much I wanted Mark to walk. It felt like he took forever to start. Sean would tell me to relax and be patient.

I looked at her, wondering where she was going with talking about her dead husband, but her eyes stayed on the girls. Even though she was looking out the window, I knew by the look on her face that she was not actually seeing the girls but was instead looking at the past. With a smile and a slight shake of her head she said,

It used to drive me crazy every time he

d tell me to relax

Wound me up even more

Anyhow, the moment they start to walk, it all flashes in a blink of an eye. They grow up so fast.


I swallowed, my mind going to a time of my life I didn

t let myself think about. Alice had walked early.


Sabrina asked, and I didn

t realize I

d said it out loud.

But she was a good kid, she didn

t run. She always tried to grab hold of my hand, and even though she knew she could walk on her own…” I blinked the tears away, “She always held my hand.” My voice was rough, and Sabrina’s arm went around my back and held me tightly.

Sean always wanted to take pictures.

She smiled, her eyes bright with unshed tears.

After he passed away

. I was glad he did that. Makes me sad we didn

t take more, for the kids you know? Especially for Chris.

At her admission and speaking about monumental losses, where not one was bigger than the other, something left me, fell off me like a weight.


I sighed and looked towards Sabrina, who was smiling at me.

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