Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (12 page)

BOOK: Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“It’s this area right here,” Jess said, delighted to be given the opportunity to show her by lightly stroking his finger along the area between her vagina and anus while Maggie shivered in response. “It’s a very sensitive area,” he continued seriously, as if she weren’t already fully aware of that fact. “I’ll be happy to demonstrate for you.” He paused while Maggie sucked her breath in between her teeth. “But not today,” he finished with mock regret, and he moved his hand to her inner thigh instead.

Maggie growled in response to his teasing, and he chuckled throatily as he leaned down to lick the crease where her leg met her groin.

“Remember your first-date rule,” he reminded her when she groaned throatily.

“First date, hell,” she snapped back in the full grip of a sexual frenzy that caused him to raise his eyebrows and wonder if he had taken his teasing too far this time. He looked at Alex to see what he thought.

“We can stroke you off through your bikini,” Alex offered. “But we aren’t going to penetrate you in any way tonight. If you aren’t all right with that, tell us now, and we’ll bring the massage to an end, because we’ve gone just about as far as we can go without actual penetration.”

“Can you perform oral through my bikini?” Maggie practically pleaded her question.

“Oh, yeah,” Jess moaned at that thought. “We can definitely do that.”

“Then don’t stop,” Maggie demanded of them.

Since it was Alex’s suggestion, Jess magnanimously allowed Alex to cup her pussy and begin kneading it while Jess moved back up to her highly sensitive breasts, where he proceeded to gum and suckle and lick them while he watched Alex massage her pussy through her bikini.

Alex raised his hand to show Jess the moisture that had seeped through Maggie’s bottoms and now glistened on Alex’s palm and fingers before he gestured toward the breast that Jess was suckling. Pulling away, he allowed Alex to reach up and transfer that moisture to her breast while Alex placed his other hand between her legs to continue his groin massage. He watched Alex then lick the remaining moisture from his fingers, and when he saw Alex’s eyes close in bliss, Jess couldn’t wait any longer, and he lowered his head back to Maggie’s breast so that he could partake of her sweet nectar for himself.

Growling at the delicious taste of Maggie mixed with the vanilla massage oil, Jess hungrily licked her breast clean while his hands continued to roam over her body, alternating between massaging and stroking.

When Maggie was on the verge of another orgasm, Alex pulled back and said, “Your turn, Jess.”

Grateful to him, Jess moved to position himself between Maggie’s legs and lifted them over both his shoulders while Alex moved to her other breast and proceeded to spread her juices on that one. Jess nibbled on her inner thighs while he waited on Alex. As soon as Alex gathered her breast into his hand and lowered his head to it, Jess opened his mouth and lowered it to Maggie’s dripping-wet pussy for an openmouthed kiss.

Even through the material of her bikini bottoms, Jess found her taste to be delicious and instantly knew that he would be spending a lot of time in this position in the future. Groaning in pleasure, he suckled her hard and heard her cry out in response. Deciding to employ his teeth, he nipped her labia through the cloth and was rewarded for that decision when Maggie exploded in another orgasm.

Unrelenting, her lifted her legs even higher on his shoulders until her knees were bent over them and he was cradling her ass in his hands so he could lift her to his mouth. He then proceeded to demonstrate where her perineum was with his mouth and his tongue.

Maggie whimpered and thrashed under their combined ministrations before sobbing, “Stop, stop, I can’t take any more!”

Rather than stopping immediately, both men simply gentled their assault on her before they finally lifted their heads away from her while still gently stroking her with their hands. Finally, their gentle strokes came to an end, and they each brushed their lips gently against her cheeks in a chaste kiss before pulling completely away from her and gazing down upon her thoroughly sated body.

Expecting Maggie to make some remark to them, they waited in silence. When she still hadn’t said anything to them or opened her eyes after a few minutes had passed, Jess leaned down and stroked her cheek. “Sweetheart? Are you okay?” he asked her worriedly.

Her response was a light snore and a snuffle as Maggie turned her head toward his hand.

Shooting a bemused look at Alex, he asked him softly, “Now what?”

“Let’s put her to bed,” Alex suggested, standing up and grabbing the massage oil along with Maggie’s bikini top, leaving Jess to scoop her up in his arms and walk upstairs with her while Alex picked the towel up from the floor and scooted the coffee table back into place.

But when he got to the top of the curved staircase, with Alex one step behind him, and would have turned left toward her room, Alex stopped him by placing his hand on his shoulder. “Put her in our bed,” Alex said softly to him.

Laying her gently down on their bed after Alex had pulled back the covers, Jess covered her with the sheet. “I’m going to run back downstairs and put together a plate of food for her in case she wakes up, since we seem to have skipped dinner for some reason,” he said with a grin. “Then I’m going to meet you in the shower,” he added meaningfully.

Liking that plan immensely, Jess made sure that Maggie was situated comfortably in the middle of their bed before he pulled his T-shirt off and stepped out of his jeans as he went to wait for Alex in the shower.

Chapter 8

Maggie had awakened briefly to find herself alone in bed with a plate of sandwiches lying beside her and bottled water on the bedside table. Scarfing down a couple of sandwiches and drinking half the water, she lay back down and closed her eyes for a moment.

The next time she opened them, daylight had brightened the room, and she found herself facing Jess, who was fast asleep with one hand resting possessively on her hip while one of his legs was tucked high between her thighs.

She tried to gently roll away from him so as not to disturb his sleep, but her back immediately came into contact with a steely chest. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Alex lying there with his mouth pressed to her shoulder in an openmouthed kiss while one hand grasped her breast, and his cock pressed against her bottom. Raising his head and smiling at her, he pressed a chaste kiss on her lips before whispering, “Good morning.”

Maggie sighed as he gave her breast a squeeze before he thrust his hips forward and languidly ground himself against her. “I’ve dreamt of waking up with you like this,” he confessed as he nibbled on her earlobe.

“So have I,” she admitted in a whisper as she tried to capture his lips for a real good-morning kiss.

“Sorry, I’ve got morning breath,” Alex admitted , pulling his head back as he gave her breast another squeeze before he rolled away from her while Maggie bit back a whimper of disappointment. “You can use our shower if you want,” he offered.

“That’s okay. All my toiletries and toothbrush are in mine.”

“We’ll have to see about rectifying that. Now, don’t go before you wake up Jesse. He’ll be seriously cranky if he doesn’t get to kiss you good morning also or cop a feel like I did.” Alex grinned at her.

Grinning back at him, Maggie turned back toward Jess and kissed him softly on the lips before she licked their crease. “Good morning,” she breathed softly to him.

“I must be dreaming,” Jess mused huskily as he squeezed her hip in his hand.

“No dream, sweetie. But I need to be getting up so I can shower and brush my teeth before heading to class.”

“Any chance we can talk you into showering with us?” he asked hopefully.

“I really don’t think we’re at the showering-together stage in our relationship yet,” Alex interjected drily from where he was now standing at the base of the bed, wearing nothing but a pair of plaid pajama bottoms.

“Sometimes you have to say the hell with what’s right and just go with your gut,” Jess responded.

“And that’s usually when your gut causes you to royally fuck things up. So finish copping your feel so Maggie can get ready for class,” Alex snapped.

“You are such a buzz kill,” Jess griped as he gathered an amused Maggie into his arms and ground himself against her belly while giving her a closemouthed kiss. Pulling back, he couldn’t seem to help himself as he cupped her bare breast in his hand and started to lean down to suckle it.

Maggie groaned when Alex abruptly grabbed Jess’s shoulder and yanked him away from her and out of the bed before his mouth had made contact with her breast. Herding a protesting Jess into the bathroom, Alex shot her an apologetic look for Jess’s lack of control before he shut the door, concealing the two of them from view.

Maggie grinned as she stretched languidly on their bed while only briefly wondering how she had wound up there. Climbing out of it, she noticed that her bikini bottoms were still in place while the top was lying on the bedside table. Taking it with her, she exited their room and went to hers so she could get ready for the day ahead.

After a quick shower, Maggie opted to braid her wet hair rather than take the time to blow-dry and style it because she was starving and wanted to get down to the kitchen as soon as possible. Opening her bedroom door and stepping out into the upstairs hallway, the strong aroma of bacon and coffee caused her stomach to rumble in response. Skipping quickly down the stairs, Maggie headed directly for the kitchen at the back of the house.

She walked in to find Jess scrambling a batch of eggs at the stove and eating a piece of bacon from the plate beside it while Alex was straightening up from the fridge and nudging the door closed with his hip, since his arms were full of breakfast condiments. Taking them over to the table, which had already been set, Alex then turned to the toaster and placed the freshly popped pieces into the warmer beside it with the other pieces of toast that were already in there.

Turning around, he saw Maggie in the doorway. “Hey, Mags,” he greeted. “Coffee or juice this morning?”

“Both,” she replied as she stepped fully into the kitchen and snagged two pieces of bacon off the plate by the stove. Biting into one of them, she moved toward Alex, who had opened a cabinet and removed a coffee cup for her, and she traded him her extra piece of bacon for the mug.

Pouring herself a cup of coffee, she carried the mug to the refrigerator. Placing it on the counter, she opened the fridge and grabbed the carton of milk, which she splashed into her coffee. Returning the milk to the fridge, she pulled a spoon out of the drawer next to it and placed it in her coffee cup to give it a quick stir before turning her full attention to the juice selection inside the refrigerator.

One of Alex’s strangest quirks was that his milk had to be absolutely ice cold. He couldn’t even tolerate it sitting on the counter or table for even a minute and insisted that it lost its flavor every time is was allowed to warm up. So to appease this quirk of his, everyone took their glass, or cup, or bowl to the milk rather than taking the milk to it. The only exception that Alex was able to tolerate was when milk was used for cooking. Then it could be brought to the stove or counter, but the moment it was set aside, no longer needed, Alex was there to return it to its rightful place in the fridge.

Selecting a tropical blend of juice, she snagged the carton from the refrigerator and took it over to the table located in a morning nook surrounded by windows on three sides at the back of the kitchen that provided them with a beautiful view of the backyard. Alex had already placed a glass on the table next to her plate, and she raised her brows briefly when she spied someone’s selection of cranberry juice that was already on the table.

She returned to the counter where her coffee was cooling and ventured a quick sip before she removed the plate of toast from the warmer and carried it to the table with her coffee cup in the other hand. Putting the plate on the table and placing her mug at her usual middle setting, which placed her back to the kitchen, she then turned around to see if there was anything else for her to bring to the table before taking her seat.

Seeing the men approaching with the eggs and bacon, she went ahead and sat down while Alex took his place on her left and Jesse sat down at her right.

BOOK: Daye, Rainey - An Unconventional Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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