Daylight, a Timeless Series Novel (11 page)

BOOK: Daylight, a Timeless Series Novel
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“Colt was my light, and now all I have is darkness,” I breathed. “I—I don’t, I—I can’t…”

“Then let me be your lifeline.” His cheek touched mine. “I’m not trying to replace your light. But let me keep you above the water.” His lips brushed mine, and my lids lowered. “Let me keep the darkness at bay, so you don’t have to see it all the time.”

Another caress warmed the corner of my mouth, and I trembled. The beast didn’t resist. It was calm as Callon held me. It was as if it knew, needed Callon as much as I needed him.

“I know you didn’t mean what you said this morning, Cheyenne. I know it was the anger talking.”

“Don’t desert me, Callon. You’re my last hope,” I whispered.

His mouth covered mine
, and a tremor rocked me. This morning I’d been cruel and heartless, and he knew it wasn’t me. I needed him like the air I breathed. He truly was my lifeline. If he gave up on me, all would be lost.

I pushed closer
, needing every inch, every breath, every bit of life from him. I wanted to feel alive. I wanted to change the path that I was sure would cause more chaos and destruction than I could ever imagine.

Marcus wouldn’t win
. He wouldn’t blind me any longer. My eyes were wide open now.

I’d have to learn to tame the beast inside.







Chapter 7



My fingers traced the pillow beside me. It was still warm. I hadn’t been dreaming after all. Callon had stayed with me most of the night. His warm musky scent still hung in the air.

I needed him desperately
, and he hadn’t deserted me. Finally, I was beginning to feel some hope. Hope for our future, and the Timeless clans.

I stretched and threw
the covers back. My feet padded against the cold wood floor, and I opened the terrace doors. The orange glow of the morning sun was just beginning to break through the overcast skies. I pulled the chaise closer and sat, watching the meadow come to life.

A lone black rabbit hurried over the worn path and disappeared into the forest. I heard
the soft sound of grass moving before Callon came into view. He was walking towards the lake, inspecting it for the unknown creature, I was sure.

I’d heard his warning about staying away, but sooner or later I’d find a way to rid us of the creature.
I had to, if only to prove my worth. I owed Callon that much.

The chill in the morning air washed over me and I grabbed
the blanket lying beside me. Callon must have put it out here for me knowing I’d come onto the balcony this morning. I snuggled up in the soft fleece.

Callon disappeared into the trees
, and I turned my attention elsewhere. The sound of the horses whinnying in the distance caused me to smile. My thoughts wandered to Mandi. I missed her. I closed my eyes briefly as I pictured my Palomino prancing around the corral, demanding her release. The moment Colt would open the gate, she’d be off in a flash, galloping through the meadow, but always, after a bit, she would turn and search for me. It was as if she wanted her freedom, but knew her heart belonged to me as mine did to her.

Soft footsteps caught my attention
, and I turned to see Nakari stop and lean on the terrace rail. She was staring out into the meadow like I had.

A sigh escaped her
, and she pulled a necklace from her blouse. Her fingers ran over it while she stared lovingly at something hanging off the chain. It was a white gold ring with a large diamond; it looked like an engagement ring.

She closed her eyes as she grasped it in her palm and pushed it to her chest. Her expression saddened as she curled
her fingers tighter. A tear escaped and trailed down her cheek.

She was heartbroken, just like me, but over whom?
Had she lost her love? Was he brutally taken away from her like mine? I’d been selfish and self-absorbed since everyone’s arrival. I should have known others would have been through the same; others had suffered and sacrificed too. I couldn’t change what I’d done, but I could at least make an effort to see other’s hurts. I also owed her an apology. What I’d done was wrong.

Movement in the meadow caught my eye
. Callon was returning. His gaze rose towards the upper terrace, but he wasn’t looking at me. Nakari pushed the necklace back under her shirt, but her eyes never left Callon.

Did he see me and was still fearful
for Nakari? Or was it something else? Suddenly his gaze moved to me, and I turned to see Nakari had disappeared.

A morsel of jealousy rose
in my chest. Was there something between Callon and Nakari, or were my thoughts running wild and playing tricks on me? I shook my head. It had to be my mind playing tricks. I’d already been acting coldheartedly, doing things and hearing thoughts that weren’t my own…it had to be.

I headed inside to the
bathroom, changed and then headed for my bedroom door. The hall was empty, but soon I heard footsteps behind me. I glanced back to see Andre and cringed.

?” Andre called and my pace quickened.

After what happened yesterday,
my guilt over her accident and my behavior washed over me.

I headed down the stairs and stopped in the hall.

Voices echoed from the sitting room, and I found new clan members waiting. I paused. More had arrived?

“You can do this,” Daniel whispered near my ear
. I jumped. Where’d he come from?

My eyes narrowed. “You’re not helping the situation here, Daniel,” I

“Sorry,” he replied. “I really didn’t mean to scare you.”

I turned towards the crowd and found that I’d somehow moved closer.

“Stop it!” I snapped. “I’ll move when I want to move.”

“There you are,” Callon said and walked towards me, his eyes wary.

He leaned in and kissed my cheek. “I want to introduce you to a few clan members.”

Without allowing me to delay, he pulled me forward. My breathing hitched, but I didn’t feel like I was out of control. Maybe just having Callon touch me was all I’d needed to help tame the beast.

Lilly burst from the kitchen, Dex following behind

“Cheyenne,” Lilly said softly, but suddenly stiffened as Callon glanced her way.

The room grew quiet as Callon moved us towards the waiting group. Maes stepped closer, his jade-rimmed eyes focusing on me. The creature inside began to rumble, but Callon squeezed my arm.

“Cheyenne, this is Brogan, Layla,
and Quinn of the Laundess clan. They’ve come to help as well.”

All attention remained on me, waiting for the explosion they’d grown to expect. I swallowed and stuck out my hand.

“It’s nice to meet you, Quinn,” I said calmly.

His brown eyes leveled with mine
. He was the same height. A genuine smile breached his lips as his brown hand came out to grasp mine, and he bowed his dark head over it.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Cheyenne,” he replied, his
Middle Eastern accent thick.

Andre moved
closer and hugged Quinn as they spoke quietly.

A delicate woman stepped forward
, capturing my attention, and I couldn’t help but stare. I’d noticed Nakari’s beauty, but it had a cold standoffishness to it. However, that was probably due to me being unwelcoming. But this woman, she had a presence about her, a softness that I was sure was a reflection of her inner beauty.

There was no hesitation as her blue
-green eyes met mine and she gracefully moved closer, embracing me. Her coal black hair, braided to the side, pressed up against my cheek. I inhaled. She smelled of wildflowers, like my mom had.

“What a privilege to meet you, Cheyenne. I count it an honor to have the opportunity to become friends with you.” Layla squeezed tighter
, and I couldn’t help but feel her words were genuine.

She drew back, smiling. “You truly are a gift to the Timeless clans.”

“And I’m Brogan,” a deep voice grumbled. I had to take a step back to look up at the sheer size of the man before me. Colt had been large, but Brogan…monstrous was the first thought that popped in my head. His dark brown eyes met mine with a coldness I hadn’t expected, and he didn’t extend his hand. Instead he brushed his thick fingers through his wavy brown hair. I caught sight of his clan ring. He was the leader of the Laundess clan.

So you’re the hope of the clans.” He eyed me as if I was a speck of dirt on his shoe.

I blinked
, and the beast inside growled.

Callon instantly moved closer, drawing me away.

“Yes, she is something special,” he said quickly. “If you’ll excuse us, I was going to take Cheyenne riding this morning.”

Without another word
, the clan members parted, and Callon and I made our way out onto the terrace.

“You thought I was going to explode again, didn’t you?”
I fought to keep my tone even as we stepped off the stone terrace.

“You just told me last night that you feel angry all the time.” He reached for my hand and pulled me
near. “I wanted to remove you from a potentially dangerous situation before the anger had time to surface.”

“Brogan,” I said quietly.

“Yes. I felt you tense up the moment he stepped forward.”

“He doesn’t think much of me.”

“No,” Callon agreed, “you’ll have to earn it.”

“Yeah, I got that impression.”

We quietly walked along the well-worn path until we came upon the stables. The same two large black stallions that Lilly and I had observed a few days ago met us. Callon headed inside, while I waited outside. It wasn’t long before Callon appeared with two horses in tow.

He smiled and hand
ed me a set of reins.

“This is Minuit and Joree,” Callon said
, adjusting the stirrups. “The only way you can tell them apart is that Minuit has a tear in his ear.” He raised his hand and stroked Minuit’s ear. “He got it over a mare. Joree was jealous.”

I raised a brow.

“Jealousy can lead to strange things,” Callon observed casually.

I nodded, but didn’t reply. I knew firsthand what jealousy did.

He extended his hand. “I want you to ride Minuit.”

He helped me mount and was soon beside me on Joree
. We followed the path towards the forest. We meandered through the tall grasses, crisscrossing stone walls along the way. Minuit was a good horse, calm and placid.

The sun peeked out from behind the gr
ay clouds; warming me and causing me to long for the warmth of the sun back home in Montana and Idaho. I longed for those long summer days with Colt, days I’d never have again.

We remained silent, each in our own thoughts until mine began to drift to Nakari, and what I’d witnessed this morning on the upper terrace. There was no doubt in my mind that she’d lost someone she loved, but was that someone staring me in the face? Or was it just my
overactive imagination, the beast within trying to cause more chaos and confusion? There was a fine line between reality and untruth, a line that was always blurring.

about Nakari?” I blurted out and cringed. I hadn’t meant to be so blunt.

“What about her?” Callon replied.

“Is she a friend or…”

He turned and cocked a brow at me. “I’ve known her for a long time.”

“So she’s a friend?”


We rode for a few more moments in silence before I spoke again.

“She was holding a ring this morning,
and she seemed sad.” I stared ahead, my blond hair drifting across my face in the breeze.

No reply came.

“Did she lose someone?” I prodded.


“Did you know him?”

I shifted in my seat.

“It’s not my story to tell, Cheyenne.”

“Oh.” I looked down at my hands.
“It’s just that you know so much about me, and I honestly know so little about you. I thought maybe she meant something more to you.”

Nakari and I are close, but you don’t need to feel threatened by her. I’m betrothed to you, Cheyenne. I love you.”

I sighed. I should have known I was blurring the lines.

I decided it was best to remain silent as we rode on, trying instead to focus on what was before me. I kept my mind on the calming scenery, like the soft rolling hills lush with greenery. Being in nature somehow always spoke to me; it always produced a quietness in my heart. It brought me back to happier times with the ones I loved.

The ones I loved…Callon. He was trying so hard and I was finally
feeling hope. Hope that he’d help me tame the beast. He’d felt my anger rising, and he was the one who quickly removed me from a potentially dangerous situation, a situation where I’d cause more hurt and pain for others. But was I ready for a real future with him? Was I worthy of his love after all that I’d done to him?

There was also the issue of being involved. I’d begged not to be left in the dark and yet now I wasn’t so sure I wanted to know everything. With knowledge came responsibility
, and with this beast clawing to the surface every chance it got, I couldn’t be responsible—not for myself or other clan members. I’d failed too many times already.

Hours passed before we emerged
from the woods. The stables were now in sight. A tall gangly figure was leaning against the rail in the distance. Probably Skylar.

is making a meal for us tonight,” Callon said. “We should see if she needs help.”

I stared at his hands. He was rolling the
reins in his palms, his fingers clenching down and then releasing it. He glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

He was upset, but over what?
Because I’d questioned him?

“Beautiful day for a ride, Cheyenne,” Skylar cheerfully said
, grabbing Minuit’s reins. “Did you have a nice time?”

I nodded and
faintly smiled, watching Callon closely. Skylar took Joree’s reins as well and we dismounted. Callon didn’t glance back as he and Skylar disappeared into the stables.

BOOK: Daylight, a Timeless Series Novel
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