Daylight, a Timeless Series Novel (45 page)

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“No!” I hissed and fought to bring my hand to my chest, my body thrashing in my seat. “No!”

A dark shadow came from above and pinned me to my seat. Conall’s smirk said it all as Marcus opened my hand and ripped my engagement ring from my finger.

I couldn’t control myself as the tears spilled down my cheeks.

“Please,” I begged. “Please, stop it!”

Marcus eyed the ring closely and then snapped his fingers. Darrien appeared and Marcus tossed the rings at him. Conall released me
, and I tried to recoil from Marcus, but he wouldn’t let me. He kept a firm hold on my hand while I stared out into the night sky, wishing I could fly away or leap from the jet and die…anything but be here with him.

Not enough time passed for me to wallow in my sorrows before we were landing once again. The sun’s morning rays were just beginning to rise when the jet came to a stop and we exited. The concrete was cold on my bare feet. Marcus and Conall
dragged me along, one on each side firmly grasping my arms. I was sure the arm Conall was holding onto would be bruised later.

I squinted into the light
. Wherever we were, large mountains loomed in the distance.

Maes’s voice came to life in my head. I struggled to turn around. They were here!

“Go!” Marcus said between his teeth
. Conall dropped my arm, but not before Colt took a firm grasp around my waist.

He hoisted me up off the ground
, and Marcus let go. A helicopter stood waiting five hundred feet ahead. I pinched, pushed, and squirmed against Colt, to no avail. Even if I could have broken free, Marcus was a mere arm’s length away. I couldn’t run far…but I only needed Daniel to touch me!

Marcus stopped.

He waved Colt on, but I could see why he’d paused. Maes, Koda, Brogan, Callon and Daniel emerged from behind a hangar. Conall stood with his legs apart, ready for battle just a few feet away. Would they battle it out in plain sight? Callon had come to rescue me, but he had no powers, just like me. Fear, deep, dark and almost overwhelming pushed at the seams of my mind. With the flick of his wrist, Marcus could kill Callon! Darrien and Jahlem flanked Colt and we continued to move toward the helicopter.

, no!” I cried as they pinned me to the seat and buckled me in. “This isn’t right! You need to let me go!” I struggled to unfasten the belt when Colt captured my hands in his. I stilled, not hiding my pain. His icy blue eyes that once held softness were nothing but sharp edges and harsh lines. I lowered my head in defeat. I heard a scuffle outside, and then a roar that sounded like a Tresez. Moments later, Marcus and Conall boarded and we left the ground. Conall was holding his thigh.

We’ll find you, Cheyenne,
Maes said.
We won’t lose you, mon espoir.

Colt didn’t release my wrists, but his hold somehow had changed. I stared at the black mat beneath my bare toes, my heart filling with the same vile colored liquid of hatred. I pulled my legs to my chest and lay my head down, burying it in the denim.

How had it all come to this?

The helicopter churned, but I ignored the sounds and pulled myself inward. It was my only safe haven, but for how long? How long would I last in Marcus’s hold? How long till I gave in like the rest
? I’d escaped once, but somehow this was different. It was as if I could feel the noose tightening around my neck and my feet slipping…everywhere I turned, bars rose, caging me in. Pushing me back towards the crimson-eyed beast.

At some point
, Colt released my hands, and I drew them around my legs, enclosing me in my own space. The only space that I might survive in—maybe.

“Cheyenne,” Marcus’s voice had softened.

I didn’t move.

“Cheyenne,” he said again but firmer and grasped my ankle. “Come with me.”

I refused to move. I didn’t want this—ever.

His cool fingers slid up my pant leg
, wrapping around my calf and he tugged gently. My heel slipped from the seat, and he moved quickly to unbuckle my belt. I kept my head down till he pulled my chin up and wiped away the remnants of tears from my cheeks.

“Betrayal hurts,” he said quietly, “especially when it’s from one you loved.”

I clenched my jaw. How dare he talk of betrayal! I opened my mouth to speak, but he pressed his finger to my lips.

“Don’t say something you’ll regret. You’re angry right now
. I stole you from your wedding and Colt’s betrayal stings.” He cupped my cheek, and I pushed myself back into the seat. “You ran from me. You caused yourself this misery, not me. However, I will do what I can to help ease it.” He pulled me forward and out of the copter. “In time, you’ll see that I was right.”

My foot struck a gravel path leading to what looked like a
medieval fortress with gloomy stone walls. A large wooden gate stood guard at the castle’s entrance, just like in fairytales. The compound lay between two vast mountain ranges, with what looked like a glacier lake nearby. I stared up at the sun for a few moments, determining our location. We weren’t in Idaho or Montana anymore. It had to be Canada; that had been where he’d tried to take me before.

I winced as my bare
foot caught a sharp rock. Marcus looked down, and in the next moment scooped me up and carried me inside the gate. I didn’t bother to fight. It was pointless at the moment. I had nowhere to run, and no powers to protect me.

This was more than a compound
; this was a fortress. Small outbuildings and stables dotted the lower level while the main house loomed up on the small hill.

He stopped at the lower terrace just below the manor and set me
on my feet. A shiver escaped me as the cold from the stones traveled up my legs. Trackers and Tresezes roamed about the lower level while Darrien, Jahlem and Colt waited nearby. Raina had yet to make an appearance. If she wasn’t here now, I was sure she’d be arriving soon.

Marcus led me up the remaining terrace levels till we paused just before the manor. I stared out over the stone
wall; the manor was nestled up alongside the lake. The sunlight reflected like glass on the smooth surface.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Marcus said.

I didn’t reply, but moved my gaze towards the large French doors. We entered what appeared to be a bright and sunny entry. To our left lay an arched doorway. He tugged me towards it. It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the dreary room.

“It’s my sitting room.” Marcus felt the need to describe it for me.

While the sheer size of it should’ve impressed any woman, all I saw were windowless walls, deep colors darkening the room and oil paintings of men and women who looked miserable. The room itself was neatly arranged, but the only light came from the French doors in the hall where we’d entered and a row of windows at the rear viewing the mountainous landscape. Even the enormous stone fireplace seemed sad and lonely. It was as if the life had been drained from the very walls.

He pointed me towards the entry again and took me up the winding marble staircase. We turned right and headed down a long
, dark hallway. My feet padded on the gray runners. Just as we rounded a corner, he stopped and opened a door. A symbol was painted on the door, a symbol that resembled the design of my Servak ring.

“This is your room. I chose it because I knew you’d appreciate the view. It’s quite stunning to watch the sunrise over the landscape.”

It was a room like any other bedroom. A canopy bed took center stage and a small sitting area was nestled near a window. There appeared to be another doorway leading to a bathroom. I chose to move towards what looked like terrace doors and stepped out onto a small balcony. Although my room was set back in what looked like an alcove of the manor, a garden lay below, and I had a perfect view of the valley, mountains and lake.

He stood behind me, his shoulder touching mine.

“I had the garden made for you,” he said thoughtfully. “I even had them plant wildflowers so you could care for them.” He lowered his head and breathed near my ear. “I want to make you happy here. This is your garden, your safe place to go, anytime you want to. I’ll have Darrien and Jahlem show you how to get there later.”

I didn’t answer, but attempted to scoot further away. His fingers caught my elbow
, preventing me from moving. The pulse in my neck throbbed. I hated it when he touched me.

“Your closet is filled with clothes for you. I suggest you rest and get cleaned up before you come down for the evening. Darrien will be back later to fetch you.”

Fetch me?
Like I was some possession?

He released me and turned to go, but then paused. I turned to meet his eyes.

“You can’t walk around alone here. Darrien and Jahlem are your guards. Where you go, they go. Understand?”

It didn’t surprise me. I didn’t expect to have any freedoms here.

“It’s for your own safety, Cheyenne,” he felt the need to add. “You no longer have your powers, and you won’t be able to defend yourself if you’re attacked.”

I blinked.
“Who’d attack me here?”

“There are plenty who are not fond of you because of your mother, and would take the opportunity, if presented, to cause you harm…even death.”

Why did so many people hate my mother? And why would they take it out on me?

“Do you understand?”
he questioned.

“I understand.”

“Then I shall see you later.” He headed towards the door, but not before he glanced back.

I stared out over the terrace rails again, my fingers running over the empty spot where my rings once lay.
I glanced at my wrist; even Nakari’s charm bracelet was missing. Their absence reminded me that they had been stolen from me. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hang on and not lose myself to the crimson-eyed beast that was just waiting for the opportunity to lurch to the forefront once again.

If I let it out again, allowed it to have control, I’d be unstoppable, but
without my powers, I would pay for it with my very life.








Chapter 25



Fetch me…

The words grated on me. It wasn’t like I was some prize
. I was
prize. Marcus had waited long and hard to capture me and now that I was here, I was supposed to do what he wanted. It was obvious he could switch moods faster than a light switch, but the question was, could I handle the mood swings and the repercussions from it?

I rubbed my temples. A dull ache had begun to form
, and regardless of the fact that I’d rested on the plane, exhaustion was hitting me hard. It was a familiar type of exhaustion, like when I had first gotten my powers. Apparently having your powers removed was taxing on a Timeless as well.

I crawled up on the dark blue silk
-covered bedding, grabbed the blanket at the base of the bed, and curled up under it. I didn’t want to rest. I didn’t want my mind to stop whirling about how I was going to deal with this, but my body had other ideas.

I stared at the open terrace doors and longed for my freedom again.
How had it all come to this? We’d worked so hard to prevent this outcome and yet…and Callon, what was he going through right now? He had to be frantic, or was he overwrought with failure? The last image of his panicked face tugged at my heart. After all we’d been through, everything we had to overcome…it had ended like this. I fought off the exhaustion, but before long my lids grew weary, and my body heavy. I drifted off as a dreary darkness fell over me.

“Cheyenne,” somebody called my name and fingers tenderly brushed my brow. “Cheyenne, can you hear me?”

I couldn’t open my lids. They were too heavy, and my mind was foggy, but the voice was familiar.

“Colt?” I whispered. Was it really him, or was I dreaming?

“Cheyenne, can you wake up for me?”

A heavy breath left me
, and my head rolled to the side. Why did I have to wake up?

“I’m tired.” I pushed him away. “Let me sleep.”

“You’ve already slept a long time. You need to wake up.”

“No,” I moaned.

“Come on, sweetheart. They’re waiting.”

Who was waiting? Daniel and Callon? Had I been sleeping too much again? I’d had a bad dream that felt so real. My heavy lashes fluttered. Colt was sitting on the edge of my bed
. A small grin appeared when I looked at him.

“Come on
, sleepyhead. You need to get up.”

I sat up and quickly and threw myself into his chest, hugging him tightly.

“I had the most horrible dream ever, Colt!” I pressed in closer, staring down at the comforter and inhaling his musky scent. “I dreamed you died and…” I blinked. He smelled different, like spices and wood. I drew back, taking in my surroundings.

Where was I? This wasn’t the cabin
. My gaze traveled to the man whose hand still held my arm. Marcus…

I scrabble back
, trying to break his hold, but instead he held me steady.

“You’re disoriented,
my angel,” his voice was low and even. “You’ve been through a lot in a short amount of time. I’m sorry. I should have realized this would happen.”

“What? Why?” I whispered
, still not sure what was transpiring.

“You almost bound your powers with another. It can be draining, make you feel tired and unsettled. Give yourself a few days
, and it’ll clear itself up.”

I glanced towards the terrace doors. The sun was just rising
, and the early morning rays were dancing across the marble floor. I lay down before the sun had set…

“How long have I been sleeping?”

“Three days.”

I’d been away from Callon for five days now. Was he feeling the same way?
Was he recovering or so fixated on a plan to rescue me that he’d pushed everything aside, risking his health in the process? Had they tried to pull me out while I slept, and I didn’t know? Had an opportunity presented itself, and I missed it?

Marcus slid off the bed
, taking me with him. I lost my balance, but quickly regained my footing.

“I want you to clean up and rest until this evening. Darrien and Jahlem will be here soon.”

He walked me to the bathroom door and then hesitated for a moment, staring out towards the terrace doors. Was Callon out there now? He lifted his hand to brush back my hair, but I took a step back. Irritation flashed in his gray eyes.

“We’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other before we wed,
my angel. You’re not going anywhere.”

He turned on his heels and stormed out of the room. The heavy wooden door banged against
the frame, and I jumped. I didn’t want to get to know him. I knew enough right now to know I didn’t want to be with him.

I closed the bathroom door and leaned against it
, staring down at my wrists. The gauze had been removed, and Raina’s burn was healed. A red ring resembling a chain still remained. I sighed. It would serve as a reminder that I was chained to this destiny with no hope of escape.

I stepped further into the bathroom. It had the same gr
ay marble flooring as the bedroom, but the bathroom itself was twice the size of my bedroom in Idaho, and I hadn’t even entered the closet yet.

A large jetted tub was in the corner with a frosted glass window blocking
the view, but allowing plenty of sunshine in. How odd to have such a modern tub in what looked like a castle from the outside. There were also double sinks with a vanity large enough to lie across. Just to the left was an enormous walk-in shower, one that made Lilly’s French-styled bathroom pale in comparison.

For as much as I didn’t want to enjoy it, the sprayer heads on the shower helped ease my aches and allow
ed my mind to wander. There was so much I didn’t understand, mainly how I’d failed so badly. I’d worked so hard to remain out of Marcus’s grasp, trained, studied, endured misery and agony and still ended up right here, right now, and I couldn’t change a thing.

I’d truly lost everything…my parents, my adoptive parents, Dex
and Lilly and the rest of my adoptive family, Daniel, Colt and Callon. Chances were I’d never see them again, regardless of the fact that Colt was here. The only reminder he’d bring would be the pain and misery of betrayal.

I dried off and headed for the closet. I shouldn’t have been surprised
; it was enormous, stacked with hanging clothes from shirts and pants to formal attire and shoes galore. I should have been impressed, but instead, it just caused more depression. I no longer had the freedom of choice. I had to wear what was here, what Marcus wanted to see me in.

I dug through some drawers and found panties and bras. How the man knew my size should have shocked me, but
he had been watching me for a long time. That, and Colt must’ve had a hand in this, too.

I yanked down a pair of cotton pants and a blue blouse.
Not a pair of jeans or T-shirt could be found. I dug through the shoes and found a pair of flats. I grabbed a sweater on my way out and quickly brushed through the tangled mess of hair. I didn’t bother to look in the mirror. It didn’t matter what I looked like anymore. I didn’t have anyone to impress.

found Darrien and Jahlem waiting. They stood near the bed and eyed me carefully, like they were unsure. Marcus had made it clear; they were my bodyguards. Where I went, they went. I headed towards the terrace door and stepped out. The terrace was small, but a bistro table with two small chairs had been placed where I could sit and enjoy the view….and search for signs of my family.

I sat and stared at the stone
walls caging me in. A prison potentially for the rest of my life, unless Callon could find a way to remove me, but the chances were slim. Marcus had brought me here for a reason; he knew he was untouchable here.

trembled as a cool morning breeze drifted past. I should have dried my hair, but I was actually hoping it would chill me, numb my feelings. The sunlight hit the lake and cast its reflection onto the stone walls and inched its way up. Flickering iridescent lights scattered out before me and caused me to squint. It seemed to be coming from the sunlight’s reflection off the water. I lifted my hand to shade my eyes. It was strangely familiar somehow. Like fireflies dancing…

n enchantment!

My heart sank.
Marcus had an enchantment just like Callon had at the estate. The others would never be able to get to me! But if Marcus had broken through the enchantment by using Colt, couldn’t Callon break through the enchantment by using Maes?

“It can’t be broken,” Jahlem said quietly.

He stood behind me. I’d heard them both follow, but ignored them till now.

“What can’t be broken?” I chose to play dumb.

“The enchantment,” Darrien replied. “Maes can’t break it.”

I turned on them, my eyes narrowing. How did they know what I was thinking?

“We can’t read your mind,” Jahlem said, “but we can sense what you’re thinking.”


“We’re Servak, like you. And you are your mother’s daughter.”

“You’re Servak?”

Darrien nodded.

“But you sided with Marcus?”

“It’s not that simple,” Jahlem answered. “When Sahara refused to marry Marcus and ran away, she didn’t inherit her father’s power. That left the Servak weak and vulnerable. Marcus exploited this, and has now taken control of our powers as we’ve been without a leader for so long. He uses this to make the Sarac stronger, but it comes at a cost to us,” Jahlem answered. “We have nothing to resist him with.”

So you’re powerless against him, too,” I observed.

They didn’t answer, but knew I hit the nail on the head. Even my bodyguards were as stuck as me.

“One day, it will not be so,” Darrien said. “One day the Servak will be free again. That was the last thing Sahara promised us.”

“You knew my mother

“Yes,” Jahlem replied.

I fiddled with my Servak ring, twisting it on my finger. I had so many questions.

“Why did everyone hate her?” I asked.
“Was she an awful person?”

“The hatred spills over because she fled
,” Darrien said. “She allowed her father to die, and many blame her for the loss of Jorell as well. They see her running away as what led to the undoing of the Servak.”

“Because without a strong leader the clan weakens,” I said and then hesitated. “Did you hate her?”

There was a long pause before Jahlem responded. “Your mother did what she thought was right, and I can’t fault her for that, but deserting her clan in the process wasn’t a well-thought-out plan.”

“So you blame her for
Jorell’s death,” I stated.

“No,” Darrien said. “
We blame her for your condition.”

Why did it all come back to
Sahara? The Servak, Consilador, Laundess, and Coltooro clans…they all blamed my mother’s actions for putting me in the position I was in now. Surely she would have known that her actions one day would affect me, or any child she had. If I’d been born male, I’d probably already be dead, but because I was female, it made me more valuable. I was marriageable material, able to bind clans together and create stronger alliances—strengthen their powers through their rings.

I stood abruptly, the metal chair scraping on the stones. I needed to leave this room. Marcus said I had a garden I could freely roam, I needed to breathe.

I headed straight for the bedroom door, Darrien and Jahlem directly behind me. If they could sense what I was thinking, then I didn’t need to tell them where to take me. They’d know.

I stepped out into the lifeless dark hallway
, and Jahlem moved ahead of me, leading the way. We turned to our left. I wouldn’t have thought the hall could get any bleaker, but it did. We stopped before a metal door, and I waited for Jahlem to unlock it. The stone staircase was dark, damp and smelled of musty rocks.

long, narrow winding staircase led us to another metal door. Jahlem once again unlocked it, and the bright light from the sun caused me to shield my eyes. I blinked a few times as gravel crunched under my shoes.

I glanced around. Stone planter boxes lined the pathway, which had many different rows. Some of the planters contained trees that were just now blooming soft delicate flowers. A bench rested against the gr
ay stone wall, and a patch of grass was spread out before it.

It wasn’t a large garden, but it was laid out nicely. One large solitary wood and metal
door sat in the far corner of the garden. It looked like a narrow pathway leading to the front of the manor. There was a keyhole for what appeared to fit an old skeleton key, but no knob to twist it open, only a lone circular handle.

“It’s locked,” Jahlem said. “Very few have access to the key.”

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