Dazzled by Silver (11 page)

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Authors: Lacey Silks

Tags: #desire, #lust, #love, #romantic suspense, #el james, #sylvia day, #adult, #love story, #erotic novel, #sex, #romance, #fiction, #erotic romance, #contemporary romance, #couples erotica, #Erotica, #new adult, #fifty shades, #sensual, #women's fiction

BOOK: Dazzled by Silver
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I pulled away to look into his dazzling eyes. My brows narrowed. “So long as it’s not a date.”

“It’s more of a rescue. If I left you there, Martinez would kill you.”

“It sounds like you two have some history.”

“No. Martinez is new to his boss’s game but just as lethal. Are you okay with all of this?”

“Yes.” I lied. How could I tell him I’d never been so confused and happy and scared at the same time? “My work. I didn’t get a reply to my leave of absence request.”

“I talked to your boss. It’s all taken care of, Sam.” He squeezed the side of my arm. “Think of it as a small vacation.”

“What company do you work for? You flash mysterious cards at police and people bow to you as soon as they see you. You talk to my boss, and I’m given a vacation?”

“I don’t work for anyone, Sam. I’m part owner of Cross Enterprises with my cousins Tristan and Julian Cross.”

The biggest private investigations and security firm in the state? That’s why the name had sounded familiar.

“You knew Kendra wouldn’t agree to leave the club, didn’t you?”


“Then why did you ask me to persuade her?”

“I needed you both in the same spot while I made the arrangements,” he said, then smiled playfully. “And, I wanted to hear how far you’d go.”

Familiar butterflies fluttered against the walls of my stomach. “And did you like what you heard?”

“Yes and no.” His hypnotizing silver eyes had me in a daze once again.

I shook my head. “I don’t understand.”

“I realized it’s not only another man’s hands that I don’t want on you, but also Kendra’s.”

Gabe’s hand slid over my bare knee. His palm pressed on me like a heated iron, its warmth spreading from that one spot through my whole body. The man’s touch was full of promises I had only dreamed of; sensual and caring, yet powerful and possessive.

Could he really want me all for himself? What did that mean? I thought we agreed to keep things between us very casual. My heart skipped a beat.

“And, I don’t want your hands on anyone other than me,” he added.

“That’s not a problem, Mr. Silver.” I rubbed up along his thigh.

His hand gently curved around the back of my neck. “Although, your flirting with Kendra was hot.” He skimmed my top lip with his.

“It felt hot,” I said against his mouth.

“I bet it did.” Gabe silenced me with a kiss. The longing of his mouth smothered my lips as if he hadn’t kissed me for weeks.

In that single moment I knew everything would be okay. My fingers tangled into his hair, and I forgot about the stranger who had threatened me in the park. When I was in Gabe’s arms, the world around me disappeared. My hand slid lower, toward the swelling under his jeans, feeling the excitement swell deep in my belly, spreading lower and lower.

His fingers, kneading and insistent, pushed against my back.

The pressing need to give myself to him grew. His erection dug into me, and I rocked my hips back and forth remembering his thickness inside me. Yesterday seemed so long ago. I leaned in toward his ear, nibbling on the lobe gently. A rough, whiskery patch on the side of Gabe’s cheek scraped against my skin.

“I think I need to help you shave.”

“Right now, I would do anything for you.”

“You don’t know what you’re offering, Gabe.”

“I mean it, Samantha.”

Gabe searched my eyes, but I wasn’t sure myself what it was that I wanted from him. I’d sworn not to date. I didn’t want a relationship. Yet, I felt as if we’d been together for years.

“What are you thinking?” he whispered.

“How safe I feel in your arms.” Although it wasn’t exactly true, I didn’t lie. Gabe’s embrace was the safest place I could imagine.

He tightened his arms around me.

I leaned against his chest again, and closed my eyes, smelling the remnants of his musk mixed with a little sweat.

He kissed the top of my head.

By the time we arrived at the airport, the sun was inches above the horizon. The limo pulled up next to an Air Force One sized private plane, suitable for the President himself.

“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I asked, mesmerized by the team of men dressed in black packing color-coordinated suitcases into the plane’s baggage hold.

He leaned in toward me. “New Zealand.”

The furthest I’d been away from Manhattan was Calgary, on a skiing vacation.


“I love the way your eyes sparkle when you’re excited.”

“Ditto.” I held my breath, feeling lucky to have met Gabe, even if the circumstances were dire.

Once we boarded, the entourage of help vanished.

Gabe carried Kendra into one of the bedrooms near the mid-section of the plane.

I couldn’t get enough of the tasteful interior design, soothing lights and computer equipment. Most of it reminded me of a fancy modern hotel or an executive office. If it hadn’t been for the round windows, which tinted at the touch of a finger, I wouldn’t have realized we were on an airplane.

“Who did you have to kill to afford this?” I asked, scanning the cream colored leather chairs and couches. My hand flew to my cracked lips as I searched for a bottle of water.

Gabe locked the room he’d left Kendra in. “A few bad guys.” He laughed.

Something told me he wasn’t joking as he led me to the front of the plane.

Gabe removed his shoes and socks and placed them beside one of the chairs. Vulnerability consumed him when he was without his shoes. He wiggled his toes, and I wondered what it’d be like to touch them with my feet. Gabe’s feet were worth staring at. If what they said about men with large feet was true, this was the proof. He sat near a window and patted the seat beside him.

I sat down just as he stretched his legs.

“Wouldn’t a smaller jet be sufficient?” I asked.

“It’s being used for domestic flights.”

“I was kidding, Gabe. How many planes do you own?”

“A few.”

“And you’re not flying?” I teased.

“Not tonight.”

“Would you like anything to drink, Mr. Silver?” A stewardess, dressed in a pencil skirt and a low-cut blouse interrupted.

“Water, Catherine. And a soda for Sam.”

I liked the way he called me Sam from time to time. It allowed me to breathe and relax. And Gabe seemed to recognize all my needs, including thirst. How did he do that?

“And, Catherine, please let me know when the toxicology report arrives.”

“Yes sir, of course.”

Gabe pulled a laptop out of his briefcase. “I hope you don’t mind staying with me while I work but, if you like, you can go to the bedroom in the back of the plane.”

“No, I’d like to stay with you. What toxicology report?”

“I took a blood sample from Kendra. We need to know what we’re dealing with.”

I narrowed my brow and took a sip of my water.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

“Kendra’s eyes. They were—”



“If Martinez is involved, Kendra’s into something more than ecstasy. Don’t worry, Sam. He doesn’t know where we’re going, so we’re safe.” Gabe kissed my cheek. “Relax. Get some rest before we stop over in California. You’ll need a lot of energy later.” Gabe pressed a button and my seat sank backward in tandem with his.

As my head lowered, a rush of sleepiness flowed through my veins. My eyelids grew heavy.

Gabe covered me with a blanket. I don’t even remember closing my eyes.




An ear pinching scream woke me. My eyes stung, and my head felt heavy. My watch said it was three in the morning. I must have missed a smooth landing and take-off while we refuelled. The window shades were down, and the cabin lights were dimmed.

A pillow rested at my side, but Gabe was gone.

A heated argument developed in the cabin where Kendra was supposed to be sleeping.

I tiptoed toward the sound.

Light shined through the thin slit of the open doorway. Kendra paced back and forth, still wearing her nightgown, her arms folded across her chest. “I can sue you for this!” she yelled.

“K, I didn’t have a choice. Tristan agreed.”

“Tristan doesn’t run my life!”

“He’s just looking out for you. He cares about you. When I invested in Kissed, I promised to look out for you.”

“You’re such a hypocrite. Did anyone bother you, after Jo died?”

“Don’t go there.” Gabe lowered his voice.

I wondered who Jo was.

“Did you let anyone help you then?” Kendra asked.

I didn’t feel right eavesdropping on the conversation, but its tone kept me frozen in my spot.

“K, I’m warning you. Leave Jo out of this.”

But Kendra wasn’t one to let an argument go. “Wasn’t your butting in once enough to teach you to mind your own business?”

Gabe grabbed Kendra’s wrist. “If you weren’t high, I’d flip you over my knee and—”

“And what, Gabe? Spank me?” Kendra laughed. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

“You’re unbelievable!” Gabe threw his hands up in the air. “I can’t wait until Carla gets her hands on you.”

“You’re going to make me see her?” Kendra’s eyes bulged.

“That’s right, K.”

It sounded like Gabe had won the argument. Whoever Carla was, Kendra didn’t like it.

“Isn’t abducting me enough?”

“It’s for your own good, K.”

“Ever since Jo, you’ve changed. You used to be fun, Gabe. Now you’re all FBI trying to protect everyone around you.”

The deafening silence seemed louder than the plane’s engines, and I decided it was a good time to walk into the room.

“Are you part of this?” Kendra pointed at me.

Gabe strolled toward me. He was barefoot again. How could someone’s feet be so damned sexy and distracting? Was there any part of his body that wasn’t? I doubted it.

“Kendra, a man threatened our lives this afternoon. You’re high on drugs and owe money to a mobster who came to your club with a gun!” I said.

“You’ve been spying on me?” Her chin trembled. Was she acting?

“You didn’t leave me much choice, K,” Gabe added.

“And you tried to trick me.” She widened her eyes at me.

“We thought it was the only way to get you out of the club.”

“By using sex?” She tried to look hurt, but her eyes twinkled with amusement.

“Look, there’s no point arguing in the middle of the night.” I shut my eyes for a moment. The past twelve hours of pumping adrenaline had started to take its toll.

“Where exactly are we going, Gabe?” Kendra asked.

“Kawau Island. It’s east of New Zealand.”

The corners of Kendra’s lips curved up. She jumped into Gabe’s arms and smacked her mouth on top of his. Her legs flew high onto his waist, and Gabe automatically held her behind to support her weight.

My mouth dropped open.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Kendra kissed him in between her thanks. She jumped off and skipped toward a door at the back of the room. “I need to freshen up.” She blew an invisible kiss before disappearing.

“Talk about a mood swing.” I crossed my arms over my chest. Seeing Kendra in Gabe’s arms kissing him rubbed me the wrong way.

Gabe stepped toward me and pushed my chin up.

He took me into his arms. “I’m sorry you have to see her this way. The attitude won’t go away. Clara, our housekeeper will help her with the withdrawal. She used to work at a rehab in Australia. It won’t be the first time she’s helped Kendra.”

“Do you know what she used?”

“Not yet. Tristan’s working on it. Kendra’s been selling the stuff at the club, thinking it was ecstasy. But at this point it wouldn’t surprise me if she knew it wasn’t.”

“Will she be all right?”

“I hope so. Kendra needs to let us help her. It’s not something she’s used to.”

I cuddled into his arms feeling cold shivers run through my body. Even if she didn’t want to accept our help, I couldn’t let Kendra down. She would have done the same for me.

Gabe must have showered. The smell of his fresh aftershave drifted around me.

I, on the other hand, still wore the sweat from my run. I wished I could have been the one to shave him. Would he trust me with a razor? The pleasant thought faded when another wave of exhaustion forced me to close my eyes. My body felt as limp and tired as a corpse.

“Are you okay? You’re trembling.” Gabe held me by my shoulders.

“Still tired. Is Kendra always this affectionate?” I didn’t want to sound like a jealous girlfriend, but I couldn’t help it.

Gabe laughed. “You have nothing to worry about, Sam. You’re the only one I’m interested in. I hope that wasn’t awkward.”

“You mean more than me offering Kendra a threesome?”

“You know that’s not the reason we’re going away, don’t you?” He smoothed my lower lip with his finger.

“Yes. Too bad.” I smirked.

“You’re the biggest tease I’ve ever met.” His hands slid down my back.

Gabe’s feet stepped between mine. The touch of his skin on my naked feet had me tingling inside. Gosh, I wanted him again so much. I looked up into his eyes. “You know, I don’t think last night was enough,” I said.

“No?” His lopsided grin matched the spark in his eyes. “I thought the orgasm would stick with you for longer than twenty-four hours. At least that’s what your screams implied.”

“I haven’t forgotten. I just want it again.”

The hum of flowing water sounded from the bathroom. I stepped from one leg to another, pulling my knees together.

“Use Kendra’s bathroom.” He pointed to the room Kendra had disappeared into. “The other ones are being renovated. I need to grab something from the front, and I’ll meet you in the bedroom?”

“It’s a d—” My hand flew to my mouth.

“Let’s call it an appointment.” He kissed me and left.

I liked his kind of appointments. Feeling the pressure build in my bladder, I hurried to the bathroom.

Kendra’s naked silhouette was outlined in the shower’s frosted glass.

“Kendra, I need to pee.” I crossed my legs.

“Go ahead, Sam. Just don’t flush.”

As I sat down on the seat trying to concentrate on my own business, I saw the swell of Kendra’s perfect breasts turning away from me.

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