Read Dead After Dark Online

Authors: Sherrilyn Kenyon,J. R. Ward,Susan Squires,Dianna Love

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Collections & Anthologies, #Fantasy

Dead After Dark (36 page)

BOOK: Dead After Dark
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“I’ll have to check around and get back to you.”

“I need an agent now.” Finding Brina might have spared Trey this call, but she’d ignored his first telepathic message—prickly leader that she was—and he was fighting the clock. If he had to battle this warrior, he wanted to do so before tomorrow at midnight. On November second, All Souls’ Day, Belador warriors suffered a loss of powers between midnight and dawn. The Hindu had to know this, which was why Trey needed backup to protect the women while he went hunting for Vyan.

“You can’t just call in for an agent without getting this approved as a VIPER mission,” Findley countered.

“Don’t play red tape games with me. If we don’t contain this and other warriors escape, authorization to send an agent into the field will be the least of your problems.”

“I don’t have anyone in your area,” Findley hedged.

“I just want some damn backup.”

“Fine. I’ll send you Lucien.”

“Lucien?” Trey started in a low voice full of menace. “I tell you we could be talking Armageddon if this gets out of control and you give me a new guy with an attitude?” He could all but see Findley bow up. Trey didn’t give a rat’s ass. He’d heard the scuttle on Lucien.

“You’re just a contractor.”

Trey stopped pacing. “One trying to save your ass along with the rest of this world so don’t take that tone with me,” he warned. Most agents around VIPER had the survival skills to back off when Trey was pissed, like now.

After a slight hesitation, Findley said, “He’s all I can get to you quick and he can only stay three days.”

Seventy-two hours? No problem. Trey intended to deal with this Hindu in the next twenty-four hours. “Send him. I’ll call if I need anything else.” He hung up and dropped the phone into his pocket then turned to Sasha and her sister.

“Can you keep Sasha safe?” Rowan asked without preamble.

“Yes,” Trey answered swiftly, though he hadn’t figured out how to protect her and keep his tribe out of a war. The thought of letting either down kinked his insides.

“I can protect myself.” Sasha jumped up from the sofa.

“In that case, I’ll stay here and out of the way unless you need me,” Rowan told Trey.

“That would make it easier for me to keep an eye on both of you,” Trey said. What triggered Rowan’s madness, and was she getting worse as Sasha suspected? That must be why the warrior wanted Sasha rather than Rowan, the stronger witch.

“Hey, I
in the room,” Sasha snapped at both of them.

Rowan stood, her cardinal-red silk gown and robe swirling around her body. “I know you’re here, sweetie. You’re getting better at handling your powers all the time and
be powerful one day, but you’re no match for this Hindu
warrior right now.” She hugged Sasha, wished them good night, and swept from the room with a soft, “Nice to see you back, Trey.”

“You still haven’t explained everything,” Sasha said to Trey and crossed the room to face him. “I’ve told you everything, including my deal with Ekkbar.

He’d dodged Findley, but Sasha was another story. He didn’t like lying to her, but was limited in what he could disclose. “I can’t tell you everything about me.”

She shook her head, the disappointment on her face too similar to the day he’d left her sitting on the porch. That cut deeper than he’d have thought.

When she started to walk away, Trey grabbed her arm gently, drawing her to him so that he could whisper in her ear. “I was born under a star, chosen at birth to . . . to receive powers upon adulthood if I accepted my destiny, which I did. But I’ve taken an oath that includes not sharing anything about this group, my tribe. It’s not that I don’t trust you with the information. Not even my dad knows as much as you do at this moment and I trust him with my life.”

Sasha leaned back to face him. Her eyes lost all anger and softened. His heartbeats punctuated the wait while she studied his face, then gave a little nod and lifted a hand to brush a lock of hair from his forehead. The sweet gesture soothed the sharp edge of his nerves. She whispered, “I understand.”

One look into her eyes and he could tell she
understand. She’d always accepted him as he was, not trying to change him. No other woman had ever reached so far inside Trey the way Sasha had. If only they could be together, but now there were more hurdles than the telepathy. Brina was difficult on a good day. Fat chance she’d approve a match with a witch.

“When will backup arrive?” Sasha asked.

“Probably not before dawn.”

“You didn’t finish what you started in the park.” Sasha
lifted toward him and Trey gave up the battle not to kiss her. He cupped her chin and lowered his head. Her arms entwined his neck, her lips meeting his. Before he knew it, she was in his arms, shifting her hips erotically against him. The heat that had flamed between them threatened to incinerate him from the inside out. Desire raged through every nerve in his body, fanning a hot ember of want so strong he shook with need.

He’d never stopped wanting this woman, but after hurting her once by walking away, he couldn’t allow this to get out of hand then disappear again.

She broke away from his mouth and whispered, “Don’t leave me tonight.” With two fingers to his lips, she silenced him when he started to speak. “I know you’re leaving Atlanta—and me—when this is over. I’ll let you go, but I need you now. I
you now.” Her amber eyes flared with determination.

He wavered on the threshold of a decision he might regret for many years . . . no matter which choice he made.

She licked her lips and mouthed the word “please.”

He closed his eyes and tried to convince himself to back away. He really did. Instead, when Trey opened his eyes, he captured her lips. Pleasure burst in his chest. She wanted him. Would understand when he had to leave again.

How could he back away after that?

When he scooped a hand under her bottom, Sasha’s legs came up around his waist. She reached down and stroked his raging erection. He hissed at the contact, sure his growl shook the rafters. Not a wise move with her sister upstairs. The one who went into anti-Christ mode with no warning. Blood keened in his ears.

“My room,” Sasha breathed between kisses.

“What about Rowan?”

“Sleeps with headphones on . . . music helps.”

“What about Tarq?”

“On a sabbatical somewhere. Trey, you’re not moving.”

His feet heard her and strode to the rear of the house. When he carried her into the dark bedroom, her lips never left his as she waved a hand. Flames danced on candles arranged on a silver tray resting upon her dresser and soft rock music began to play. Trey shut the door with his foot, then crossed the room to her four-poster bed where he lowered her to the deep blue satin coverlet. Of all the places he’d made love to her indoors and outdoors, he’d never touched her in this room.

Trey paused and smoothed a hand over her cheek. “I don’t deserve this—or you—and the last thing I want to do is hurt you . . . again.”

“I know. Stop worrying. I mean it when I say I’m okay with this and you leaving.” Sasha rose up, unsnapped his pants, then unzipped the fly. She reached inside to grasp him then took him into her mouth.

Trey sucked in a breath and croaked out a muttered curse at how close she came to sending him into oblivion. “Not yet, baby, or this won’t be the long drawn-out affair I have in mind.” He eased her back, shaking his head at her wicked grin, then shed his clothes with ruthless efficiency. Leaning a knee down beside her, he lifted the edge of her lacy top and worked it up the slender arms Sasha stretched above her head.

“I’m so ready,” she breathed out, but he was taking his sweet time.

No bra. Just pure woman. His woman.

When he had the filmy material at her shoulders he stopped, leaving her eyes covered and her arms bound, vulnerable. She purred in anticipation. Trey lowered his mouth to her breast, licking the tip then the soft underside with his tongue. Sweet.

Sasha shivered and sucked in sharply.

He slowly peeled off her snug pants, kissing the inside of
her legs, which tasted salty where the warm scent of leather lingered on her thighs. So fitting for his wild woman who could be like buttery leather—tough and soft at the same time. He went back for the sliver of black underwear, lightly scraping his finger across the tight silk material shielding her folds.

She quivered. Her fingers locked around the downy pillow beneath her head. Her chest curved up with the motion.

Oh yeah, baby

Trey stretched out alongside her and grazed his fingers beneath the underside of her other breast, barely caressing the skin, gliding along the curves . . . near the beading tip, but not touching it. Her back arched, feet digging in, toes curling, but she hadn’t cried uncle yet. He grinned, enjoying every sweet minute of taking her closer to the edge.

She shoved her breasts higher toward his hand each time he came close to her nipple.

Then he’d move just out of reach.

Sasha’s urgent moans grew into a warning growl. He smiled.

Trey raised his body over hers then lowered his lips, sneaking his tongue beneath the edge of lace to explore the smooth skin along her collarbone and kiss her neck.

She shifted her legs up and captured his penis between her thighs, rubbing gently. He clenched the sheets and mattress, clawing for control, then dipped down, licking circles around a nipple before taking the pearled tip into his mouth. She released him and bowed up tight, crying out, fingers strangling the pillow. He’d grin if holding back wasn’t killing him. Trey spread his fingers wide to coax her taut body back down to the bed then gently massaged farther south.

Firm feminine muscles quivered, anticipating what she could not see. He caressed her hips, her navel, the insides of her legs and dipped his finger under the wisp of panties . . . only to slide them off side to side.

“Trey, you’re killing me.” She wiggled her bottom, obviously trying to encourage him to move things along.

He did grin at her now. “You’ll die happy.”

“I’m tempted to use magic to get you where I want you,” she warned through the lace covering her face.

His hand stilled. “Don’t. You might drop the ceiling.”

She muttered something then snapped her fingers. A package appeared in her hand and she flicked it blindly at him. A wrapped condom hit him in the chest. “I stand corrected. Starting to have a whole new appreciation for this side of you.”

“You wait until I show you what I
do. I have a few tricks . . . can hold my own . . . arrogant men . . .”

He sheathed himself and chuckled over her rant then sent a finger down between her legs. That silenced her.

Sasha lost any coherent thought and focused on what he would do next. Tiny flickers of light seeped through the lace covering her eyes. He was the only man she’d ever trust to put her in a vulnerable position. His hands held real magic. He teased her close to an orgasm. She tensed, ready, but his finger slid away taking her breath and leaving her mindless. He dipped a finger inside her, driving a sharp rush of pleasure through her womb, increasing the pace until every muscle in her body had stretched tight, reaching for release.

He stopped just short again and she whimpered. His finger withdrew and moved over the sensitive skin in tantalizingly slow motion, touching her long enough to leave her shaking before fading away and returning, each time driving her closer to the brink of insanity.

All her focus arrowed to the spot he refused to linger on until she tensed for the mind-blowing orgasm only to have it skitter away before she could take ownership. He plunged a finger inside her. She clenched. He pushed two inside.

“You’re so wet and hot,” he murmured between kisses to her breast. He pulled out of her again, his wet finger touching
her other breast and tenderly destroying the last vestige of sanity she possessed.

“I want you inside me
, Trey.”

“Not yet. I’ve missed a spot.”

“You’ll . . . get to it . . . later,” she tried to assure him, but talking was beyond her when his fingertip brushed her wet folds, teasing with serious intent. She arched, reaching for that pleasure she was ready to beg for . . . reaching . . . then he massaged her G-spot . . . kinetically.

The powerful release broke her bounds with this world. She cried out and lost contact with the bed. Her body hummed, the sensuous delight rolling on and on. Pleasure rushed through her on a tidal wave. Time stilled. She floated, boneless and free of all worries until strong hands drew her down, gently pressing her back to the cool sheets.

Sasha panted, catching her breath, and opened her eyes to see Trey’s face above her. The lacy top had been eighty-sixed at some point. In fact, nothing touched her but his rock-hard body. She took a deep breath, enjoying his musky scent.

He leaned down, kissed her lips, and whispered, “Why didn’t you do that before when we made love?”



It took her a minute to realize he thought she’d held back when they were together before. “That’s never happened before.”

His gaze relaxed then shifted to a possessive look.

He cared. Sasha’s heart pulsed, happy to see the truth in his face. He had to know they were bound to each other like no two other people had ever been.

If not, she’d enlighten him . . . later.

Without another word, Trey leaned down, his penis prodding her slick opening. She opened to him and he eased inside, filling her. How could he move like a rocket at the park
one minute and be so incredibly patient the next? He stroked deep into her and unimportant issues faded away.

Sasha locked her legs around his back and Trey held her to him then sat upright. He kissed her, his tongue lazily dueling with hers until the kiss turned hot and serious. He scooped his arms under her knees, his hands supporting her back as he lifted her up slowly then slid her down his shaft with the same excruciatingly measured pace. She lost track of everything around her, swept up in a world that belonged only to them.

BOOK: Dead After Dark
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